You know you're a mom for sure...


DIS Veteran
Dec 28, 2004
So, today I was in the kitchen making a banana pudding (low cal, trying to get these last few pounds off) for dinner tonight. My toddler was in the living room watching Handy Manny. A few minutes passed and I realized that I had been sincerely pondering if Manny and Kelly were going to get together. Manny was fixing her brother's popcorn machine and she had to meet him at the hardware. She's in bunny slippers on a Friday night.

Was that a hint to Manny that she isn't dating?

She was VERY appreciative to him for helping her brother out.

I swear, it's more intense than all the questions surrounding Bob the Builder and Wendy.

She's awfully blonde, will there be conflicts with their cultures at the wedding? Will she have to give up the hardware store when they have babies? Or will she be the modern woman who can do it all? Or maybe the grandparents can watch the babies. Will things be falling apart at their house because he is too busy fixing everyone else's stuff? Will the tools be super jealous about their relationship and try to sabotage it?

Seriously, people, I do have a life. A rich and full life.

Yet still.....
And what about that time they danced the tango...

I'm not alone!

This made my day! Thanks!

We're not big Manny fans here. but I know what it's like to have kids' tv take over your thoughts!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Handy Manny wasn't around when my kids were very young, but I hear what you're saying loud and clear.

I remember once when I was grocery shopping when dd was about 2 years old, and I caught myself mindlessly humming the theme from "Teletubbies." :confused3

Whe ds was young, "Barney" was a relatively new show. I seemed to always fixate on his mouth, wondering why they didn't use a different costume that would allow his mouth to move when he spoke, and thinking whoever thought that long white strip of material sufficed for teeth was just wrong. :laughing:

Yep...we're moms!!:rotfl2:
So, today I was in the kitchen making a banana pudding (low cal, trying to get these last few pounds off) for dinner tonight. My toddler was in the living room watching Handy Manny. A few minutes passed and I realized that I had been sincerely pondering if Manny and Kelly were going to get together. Manny was fixing her brother's popcorn machine and she had to meet him at the hardware. She's in bunny slippers on a Friday night.

Was that a hint to Manny that she isn't dating?

She was VERY appreciative to him for helping her brother out.

I swear, it's more intense than all the questions surrounding Bob the Builder and Wendy.

She's awfully blonde, will there be conflicts with their cultures at the wedding? Will she have to give up the hardware store when they have babies? Or will she be the modern woman who can do it all? Or maybe the grandparents can watch the babies. Will things be falling apart at their house because he is too busy fixing everyone else's stuff? Will the tools be super jealous about their relationship and try to sabotage it?

Seriously, people, I do have a life. A rich and full life.

Yet still.....

yay! i thought i was the only one who thought about this... i am slightly less embarassed now... thank you!
There are many times I have wondered if Manny and Kelly would hook up....but never gone as far and in depth to their future lives as you did.....thanks for giving me something more to ponder about as I watch the show!

.....i did think it was a little much to call Kelly at home after hours for that part.....
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Handy Manny wasn't around when my kids were very young, but I hear what you're saying loud and clear.

I remember once when I was grocery shopping when dd was about 2 years old, and I caught myself mindlessly humming the theme from "Teletubbies." :confused3

Whe ds was young, "Barney" was a relatively new show. I seemed to always fixate on his mouth, wondering why they didn't use a different costume that would allow his mouth to move when he spoke, and thinking whoever thought that long white strip of material sufficed for teeth was just wrong. :laughing:

Yep...we're moms!!:rotfl2:

Oh my goodness. Yes! When my other kids were toddlers (now 7 & 8) we went to see Barney at the Universal show. I had the hardest time watching Barney live. On TV I could just imagine him being a stuffed animal coming to life in their imaginations. But in real life all I could think about was whoever was in the costume could only move his legs from the knees down and his arms were like penguin arms. VERY distracting.

The kids, of course, adored it.
I've often wondered about the chemistry between the Manny & Kelly. Come on Manny... ask her out!
it was "Blues Clues". My DD (ok I was too..) was totally into that show when she was little. I remember when Salt and Pepper were "expecting". We waited weeks to find out about the baby. When we finally saw the episode we had to call Daddy and tell him. "Daddy, Daddy, they named the baby Cinnamon!" Well, of course we had friends that were expecting.. and it never crossed his mind that we would need to call him at work about Blues Clues.. took him quite a while to understand what we were talking about, and he was quite relieved!

Don't even get me started on the drama that occurred when Steve left and Joe came to the show..
I love it! My mind hadn't gone that far, but I'm there now! He is self-employed, good with kids. She is also a business owner and super nice - very promising!
Hilarious!!!!:lmao: I would sooo watch an episode of Manny & Kelly's wedding!

My kid's TV show question lately has been about Max and Ruby. Why is poor Ruby always caring for Max? Where's their mother?

The other one we ponder is Little Bear and the clothes they wear. Father Bear is a fisherman and yet he wears a suit and tie. Mother Bear wears a dress. But why is Little Bear naked?
are you kidding me? you are so NOT alone!

DH and I have this whole theory that Dora's Abuletia is an undercover Contra selling arms to the Iranians (which she smuggled in a magical singing backpack) and having a torrrrrid affiar with Ollie North. I'm pretty sure her chocolate song is code for something!

Then there's the whole theme song for Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures. Its the claymation Bert and Ernie segment on the recent episodes of Sesame Street. The theme song says something about how, "every time the bed starts tappin (Ernie jumps into bert's bed), something great is going to happen" and I just loose it, cracking up laughing over a whole different, inappropriate double entandre.
are you kidding me? you are so NOT alone!

DH and I have this whole theory that Dora's Abuletia is an undercover Contra selling arms to the Iranians (which she smuggled in a magical singing backpack) and having a torrrrrid affiar with Ollie North. I'm pretty sure her chocolate song is code for something!

Then there's the whole theme song for Bert and Ernie's Great Adventures. Its the claymation Bert and Ernie segment on the recent episodes of Sesame Street. The theme song says something about how, "every time the bed starts tappin (Ernie jumps into bert's bed), something great is going to happen" and I just loose it, cracking up laughing over a whole different, inappropriate double entandre.

Were we sharing a brain this morning? I was thinking the exact same thing! I wonder if that's how they keep the moms from losing their minds while watching. Remember the episode where she had the new hardware catalog? I mean, come on, total chemistry and hidden inuendo!
"The other one we ponder is Little Bear and the clothes they wear. Father Bear is a fisherman and yet he wears a suit and tie. Mother Bear wears a dress. But why is Little Bear naked?"

I totally wonder that too. I still want to know why!!! LOL
Thank god I'm not alone!! :rotfl: I always thought there was something going on with Manny and Kelly. :rotfl2: My poor child is only 11 mos old, hopefully he'll never know what a warped mind Mom has :lmao:
Bob the builder and Wendy - no way!

But Manny and Kelly - how cool. I can just see Mr Lopart doing some amazing sweet combination for the top of the cake which collapses under the weight of it covering fluffy in mountains of vanilla sponge!!!


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