You know your a Disney Family when....



DD 4 knows all the words to "zip a dee doo dah" and the "Mickey Mouse Club March"...

and DD8 thinks the Disney version of "Mambo #5" is better than the original.....

any others?........
2 yo DS asks to dance to Zip-a-dee-do-dah every day! (He's learning the words fast, too)

There is something Mickey in each room of your home and you can't go through the day w/o the mention of WDW.

Your entire morning is spent watching the Disney Channel.

:earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy:
Your 2 boys and even your big, macho man start finding Hidden Mickey's even when they're not at WDW!:earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsboy:
All of the above plus -

Booking your next Disney vacation from the courtesy phone of your Disney resort!!!

Ordering a Vacation Planning video to add to the numerous ones you already have.

Running to the TV when you hear a Disney commercial even though you know you've seen it & get teary eyed just watching it!
Melsmice - I can't believe someone else actually keeps ordering the videos and gets teary eyed at those commercials! Wow - I don't feel so "Dopey" anymore.
When every day they say something disney related such as:

do you remember when ....

I want an ice cream just like the one from .....

Look doesnt she/he look just like that guy from ...

That song was playing when we ....

My favorite ride is ......

and so on.
when your kids and (you included) hear the phrase "zippdy-doo-dah....and you finish with ...."tip for today"
I have another one to add...

When DH & myself win the grand prize from a raffle drawing, which was a week long stay at a Bahamas resort & we trade it in for a family trip to WDW!!!
When you're getting things together for a garage sale, and you can't bring yourself to include anything Disney!:D
When you say to DH, "Guess where Emily's swim instructor is going to work in August" and he says "WDW" and DD says how did you guess?" and husband responds "Your mother wouldn't mention it if it was anywhere else."

***side note, swim instructor is going to do an internship at WDW in August the lucky dog****
When your DH asks for 2 days off in August not saying what for and his boss responds you will have to fly down this time! He responds I bought the tickets last night!!!
When all your kids expect a WDW birthday!!!
When the kids in your house don't play house they play pack for WDW trip.....
When your dh being interviewed by his work newsletter reporter asked if you could live anywhere.... and he says Cindy's castle!!!

When every bit of money saved via coupons or not eating out, etc. is associated with something Disney.

Example: "Saving those $5 in coupons today will be 2 more Mickey bars on the next trip!!"
When the only recorded music is the family van is Disney music! DH listens to the music from Illuminations every day on the way to work!

When you have more clothes from the Disney store than anywhere else.

When your DD gets a bunch of gifts from her friends at her birthday party. The one she gets most excited over is a Disney store gift card. The cash gets turned into Disney $$.

When your son counts how many weeks of lawn mowing he can get paid for so he can figure out how much money he will have for an upcoming trip.

"Oh WOW! Disney dot com!!!!! YAY!!!!"

Your black dog is named Mickey Mouse. Your yellow dog is named Pooh Bear. And your cat is named Tigger!

(No, DS is NOT Christopher Robin!!!!)

When you ask your 3 year old where she wants for her birthday party and she says....."At Disney World!!!!" Said with the most sincerest of faces!
Whenever our kids do a backyard stunt like jumping off the swing or a somersault the clap ttheir hands and yell "hey" like the Chinese acrobats at Epcot. They also know the words to every Disney song imaginable since that's all we listen to in the car. When DS's Kindergarten teacher plays music in class all the kids ask my son which ride or Disney movie it is from. They also often sing the Epcot parade song which we call A O O A O A O O A O A O O A O A! I'm sure it has an official name but we just call it AO. I could go on (and on). Needless to say, our relatives think we've brainwashed our kids. Probably - just keep repeating after me "A O O A O..."
-When my almost 1 year old daughter gets excited going into the Disney store because she knows (I swear) that she will get a stuffed animal. She always pulls one off the shelf and cuddles it in her stroller......and we always leave with it! We have to stop going so much!!
-Before DD even, FH and I got a new aquarium and two of those fish with the "mickey print" on the side of them. We named them, of course, Mickey and Minnie. When Minnie died, and then Mickey died 2 days later, we figured they couldn't live without each other (hopeless romantic and disney nut all in one!), not that our tank had a fungus like Petco said, LOL.
thank you ZPT1022~ i was beginning to think we were the only ones with mickey mouse fish!!!

- when every day since your trip a year ago, your 6 yr olds says remember, at our disney hotel.....?


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