You don't have to keep up with the Jones's

We are rarely able to take vacations. The last time I went to WDW was in 2010 and that doesn't seem all that long ago, honestly. We've never stayed in anything but a value resort.

Yes, sometimes I'm amazed that so many people can afford to stay at the Poly and AKL, but that's not my business. No, I certainly do not try to keep up with anyone. I'm just trying to get through this life and making it as happy as I can for my family.
The only time you should be looking in your neighbour's bowl is to make sure he has enough..

It's an age old saying, but I love it and try to live by it.

In this age of Instagram and Facebook, you need to remember you're comparing your life to someone else's highlights reel. That's never going to lead to a happy life.
I admit I do fantasize about having a bigger budget from time to time, but never to the point that it affects my vacation. I have found 'snacks' in the parks & resorts that act as small meals for me and it is satisfying knowing that if you do some research, you can find things like this despite WDW having a $$$ reputation.
I guess Ive never given much thought to where others are staying or the experiences they are paying for. Mostly I've always just been so busy thinking about where we are going when. I have visited other resorts and thought about how nice it would be to stay there.

The first time we upgraded to moderate I was not impressed although the pool slide was the deal breaker. (POFQ) We also paid for my son to do a pirate adventure at POR and he was not really impressed. He usually is easily amused too. That trip my husband did a Segway tour and really enjoyed it. So that trip overall was a splurge for us. The next trip we stayed at CBR and I honestly thought it was great. My favorite trip of all. Not sure I would have like it better if I had stayed deluxe.

I think at Disney it may be the fact that anyone is welcome to visit any resort. We have dined at the deluxe resorts and walked around soaking up the atmosphere. It's almost like Disney is one big resort that all are welcome to enjoy
I don't know why so many here assume the Joneses are in debt, have no savings, or no retirement etc. Maybe they just have a big salary. The people I know they have no debt they just have a lot of money their houses are paid (yeah houses including vacation), they just own very successful companies and investments that make them lots of money. They already have more than enough for retirement and their kids college won't make a dent in the money.
I know someone who owns a business is very successful. Have the best of the best. Paying out of pocket for college education, so and so on. Stayed at The Poly club level with dining. She knows I go to Disney often. I gave her my opinion. She told me she did not want to change anything. I replied,"If I had the money I would do it exactly the way you are doing it". She replied,"I do not, I plan to pay for it the rest of my life'.
The trip cost $45,000. with airfare.
I know someone who owns a business is very successful. Have the best of the best. Paying out of pocket for college education, so and so on. Stayed at The Poly club level with dining. She knows I go to Disney often. I gave her my opinion. She told me she did not want to change anything. I replied,"If I had the money I would do it exactly the way you are doing it". She replied,"I do not, I plan to pay for it the rest of my life'.
The trip cost $45,000. with airfare.
Don't think I could bring myself to pay that much for a vacation lol!
I know someone who owns a business is very successful. Have the best of the best. Paying out of pocket for college education, so and so on. Stayed at The Poly club level with dining. She knows I go to Disney often. I gave her my opinion. She told me she did not want to change anything. I replied,"If I had the money I would do it exactly the way you are doing it". She replied,"I do not, I plan to pay for it the rest of my life'.
The trip cost $45,000. with airfare.

There is people that live above their means in every walk of life it is not correct to assume based on one case.
I know someone who owns a business is very successful. Have the best of the best. Paying out of pocket for college education, so and so on. Stayed at The Poly club level with dining. She knows I go to Disney often. I gave her my opinion. She told me she did not want to change anything. I replied,"If I had the money I would do it exactly the way you are doing it". She replied,"I do not, I plan to pay for it the rest of my life'.
The trip cost $45,000. with airfare.
Hmmm....successful business, paying OOP for college educations (and so on) and takes a dream vacation. Sounds like me. If someone heard my plans and began offering suggestions on how to pare it down, I probably would have given the same response that you got even though it cost a reasonable amount and I paid cash ..."The trip cost an outrageous sum and I'll be in debt forever because of it (but it was soooo worth it!)"
I think we are the opposite from most of you. We could afford more in the earlier years of marriage. We have 9 kids, so with each new child our wallet shrinks a little. LOL
we made a conscious choice with each child, and we are fully aware that we have to make sacrifices that others don't have to make because of our family size, which we are very happy to make. We certainly don't keep up with the Jones in normal times... our cars are 10 year old, our house is much smaller than the average, etc... so there is no need during vacations!
I'm thrilled to be staying at the fort this time around, with our 10 day non park hoppers ;)
Hmmm....successful business, paying OOP for college educations (and so on) and takes a dream vacation. Sounds like me. If someone heard my plans and began offering suggestions on how to pare it down, I probably would have given the same response that you got even though it cost a reasonable amount and I paid cash ..."The trip cost an outrageous sum and I'll be in debt forever because of it (but it was soooo worth it!)"
You are assuming she did not ask my opinion I could really care less how much she spent. She had me price it out for her. So I know the truth. Maybe she did not want me to feel sad that she cold afford that type of vacation. Not that it mattered I would never spwnd that kind of money in Disney. Greece I would be envious Disney, not so much.
I go to Disney when ever I please so no biggy to me. LOL
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There is people that live above their means in every walk of life it is not correct to assume based on one case.
I am not judging I am just trying to say that their is no reason for me to feel that I need to live up to the Jones. I know their is no way I would feel comfortable paying the rest of my life on a vacation. Disney for me is not a once in a lifetime vacation. Now if it was Greece then I would be ok maybe I can pull it off.
I am not judging I am just trying to say that their is no reason for me to feel that I need to live up to the Jones. I know their is no way I would feel comfortable paying the rest of my life on a vacation. Disney for me is not a once in a lifetime vacation. Now if it was Greece then I would be ok maybe I can pull it off.

Ok it just didn't make sense you quoted my post and not explain what you said in the last post.
We stay value when we go. It works for us.
We were discussing Disney trips one day at work. I discovered everyone I work with stays deluxe when at Disney. (I saw one nose kind of wrinkle when I revealed we stay value.)
I guess it's where you put your money.
We only have a house note and then regular house expenses. No car notes or balances on credit cards.
It requires a bit of savings to live this way, and we couldn't save as much if we went deluxe to Disney.

Also, we did not have much growing up. DD was shocked when my dh told her he was 13 before he ever got to go to Disney, and I didn't go until I went with her. My mother was single, sometimes worked two jobs, and it wasn't even on my radar.

I'm grateful I can take my children. I'm thankful my children are receiving an education, have plenty of healthy food to eat, nice clothing, a safe home. So many don't have the basics. Even in a value or off-site, Disney is quite the luxury.
Ok it just didn't make sense you quoted my post and not explain what you said in the last post.
I am so sorry, I always mess up when I post. I was confirming your post, I forget that on TXT people can not view my facial expression.


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