W's go West, Day 11, LA


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
Day 11. Los Angeles

Home Time for Jane :(

Awww it was a sad day, it was time for Jane to come home :( boooo.

It was another fairly chilly morning but at least there was a bit of sun and no rain! We were all awake early, though thankfully Jane did manage to sleep through Sys snoring! Jane packed up the last of her things and we watched a bit of TV in the room before loading Jane's bags in the car and making our way to Los Angeles! We hit some of that famous LA traffic on the way in, grrr. We had skipped breakfast with the intention of grabbing something on the way but we hadn't really seen anywhere to stop so we were blooming STARVING by the time we hit LA. I found a road name I recognised (Melrose ave!) and told Sy to turn off the main road as it was so busy. Wow. It was not a nice area. This was not the Melrose I had seen in the movies!! We saw a guy being arrested as our first taste of LA. Hmmm. Something was telling me I wasn't going to like LA all that much...

We drove past some unusual places and then eventually arrived at the nicer end of Melrose (phew!). We even drove past somewhere to get a Dole whip ;) I had to take a picture of course lol

We drove up and down a few side roads looking for somewhere nice to grab some food. We settled on a place called French quarter. It looked pretty from the outside and it was fairly busy so that's always a good sign. We parked up and headed inside.

We were seated right away and given menus.

Jane and I had noticed the people we had seen walking around this end of Melrose, lots of buff, body conscious people with muscles and very little fat lol. We had seen a lot of 'health' shops and adverts for protein powders, so I guess it was no surprise to see this on the menu...

Made me giggle! Strange breakfast ;)

Our server was really sweet and chatted to us for ages about English TV. I asked if I could have some biscuits with my breakfast as I hadn't had any yet and the he brought me 2 and didn't charge me for them <3 <3 what a sweetie! I really liked the place, it was cute and quirky inside. The food was excellent too. It was more like brunch by the time we came to eat it but we still went for breakfast items. Yummy.


We paid our awesome server and headed back to the car. I did a quick bit of map reading and we were then on our way to the Streets of Hollywood. We managed to park up a side street, we had some difficulty finding somewhere at first and drove into a carpark but it was crazy expensive so we drove right out again LOL. We managed to find somewhere we could stop for an hour so we hopped out and went star spotting (the ones on the floor I mean!). I was not a fan. You couldn't look at anything without someone trying to ram a CD in your hand and asking for money. And if it wasn't them, it was people trying to flog us tours of the stars homes, erm, I said no to the last 10 people I just walked past, what makes you think I'm gonna say yes to you?!?! They were all for the same company too! I felt really unsafe. I made Sy hold onto his bag at all times.

I came away saying that I prefer Disney's version of the Chinese Theatre in HS hahahaha.

Some of the many, many pictures we took.





Tese were from the other side of the street.


I popped into the Hard Rock Cafe while we were there as my aunt collects the teddy bears, she has them from all over the world. It was full of British people in there!

We crossed over the road and walked back along that side to look at more of the stars and visit the Gihardelli Disney store :D I found a really cute keyring that cost a small fortune but I bought it anyway :O oops! It was Jessica Rabbit with some ice cream charms on it too, totally cute and unique. While we were there we decided that we really should get some ice cream as well ;) so we went for a scoop each. They gave us Sy's ice cream and then we waited, and waited, and waited. After about 10 minutes of being stood at the counter waiting for the rest of the order I asked someone what the problem was, they had run out of cones so needed to make more. Why did they give us one but not the other 2?? Why not wait? We were up against the time as the car meter was about to run out so Sy decided to hot tail it out and back to the car ahead of us and we followed shortly after when we had finally been given our ice creams. We discovered the way to get left alone from the tour guys and CD guys, just walk with intent. Then it looks like you're not a tourist! We weren't bothered once!

Back to the car in the nick of time we sat there eating the last of our ice creams. We then made our way to the next tourist spot of the day, Venice Beach. We made our way there via Rodeo Drive. It was so busy though we didn't get out :(


It was another place you have to see but I felt like once I'd seen it, I'm good for going back. It was definitely an interesting place to go though and I'd glad we went, just not sure I feel the need to see it again. We parked up in a crazy expensive car park and went for a wander. We some very unusual sights, one minute we were watching an old guy rollerskating with his boom box (and I mean OLD!), the next we were listening to a guy preaching to us about god, then we were watching a street crew dancing (aka, showing off and not doing much dancing). We walked around for a bit looking in the tacky shops, some awesome/hideous t-shirts 'I flexed and the sleeves fell off' was a personal favourite haha

No I didn't pay, I took a pic on the sly. Naughty me!

We decided to find a bar and get some drinks. We found a nice looking bar and found some seats at the counter. We got a few drinks and chilled out for a bit, chatting about the holiday and how sad we were that Jane was leaving!


When it came time to leave the bar woman said the soft drinks were on here so we left her a nice big tip to say thank you and made our way back to the car. We stopped on the way for some pictures. We all put our feet in the sand to say we had been on the actual beach there before getting back in the car and headed up toward Santa Monica, the next tourist spot of the day.




Sadly there was some sort of event on in Santa Monica and so it was mobbed :( no where to park at all! I was gutted cause I much preferred this area, it felt way more middle class haha. Ah well. Plan scuppered we headed towards the airport with the thought that we would find somewhere to grab a nice dinner. We did not find anywhere LOL. In fact we found hideous looking places that you'd fear for your life if you stopped at. We decided to try the airport instead, and hope there would be somewhere landside to grab food, sadly not though :( Plus the terminal Jane was flying from was having a massive refurb so there was nothing airside for Jane late either :( So we checked Jane in and then went back to the car to drive round a bit more to *try* to find somewhere to get food, eventually we gave up and headed into a Taco Bell right beside the airport. It was surprisingly good. We ate masses of food :O Jane had a long flight and no where to get anything for the flight so we wanted to make sure she was properly fed ;)

After eating our weight in Mexican we made our way back to the car and back into LAX, I think we all had a sad sinking feeling in our tummies. Jane was going home :(

We dropped Jane off at the Virgin Atlantic drop off point and waited while she went up the escalator to security before driving away.

It was a sad drive back to Disney. We were both pretty quiet. Luckily we didn't hit too much traffic and my phone and ipad died so luckily I remembered the way (it was fairly easy to be honest lol) and we were soon parking up outside the Grand California.

We watched a bit of TV in bed and then fell asleep at about midnight ready for more Disney tomorrow!
A good day of lots of things to experience! Yes, venice beach is interesting! I remember thinking I mustn't breathe in too hard or I'd be on my back just from the fumes ;) We found the walk of fame crowded too, and I was weirded out when a Michael Jackson lookalike thanked me for taking a picture of his star! Loved Santa Monica though!

Claire :)


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