Would you wear a mask at WDW for incentives?

To the OP, I took your question as fun and not a reality or entitlement question, just a fun would you rather type of game. When I read it to my family we all started dreaming of our favorite ride and would we wear a mask if we had unlimited FP for what ride, and we all agreed, Tower of Terror! Obviously we are not entitled to that or think Disney would do it, but we took this as more of a game. Sorry if it was intended to be a serious discussion. We all just love Tower of Terror and I was shocked that my family that usually never agrees, agreed to something!
No I wouldn't and honestly I think it would be unfair. Creating a blanket policy of mask=entry is more equitable if they were going the route of really wanting masks to be worn. Rewarding by removing someone's personal decision doesn't seem very fair at all.

By personal decision I mean they can decide to go and abide by Disney's policy or not go either way that is a decision in their hands. To say if you don't wear a mask for whatever reason you don't get extra this or extra that just doesn't sit right with me.

I can understand where the OP is coming from trying to make something more palatable for some but it's just IMO not the place to do so. Mask-wearing is something that is controversial at the moment and might send the wrong message by actually rewarding people versus just making it a policy. Even if/when it ends up being strongly recommended (if they require it in the first place) a reward IMO still should not be used.
Based off the Original Q... would I wear mask...
I live in sw fla, below the tropic line. I’m used to warm/hot weather. So, my Answer is NO, lol.
we ve been wearing them for weeks. They are hot, annoying, uncomfortable after a short time, if you wear glasses they are Even worse. as far as expectations of a July 1 date.. many areas of the country are not even in Phase 1.
I saw our recently opened local beaches, ...mostly get swarmed by non locals ( I get it) it was Over packed, persons who for whatever reasons, Completely Ignored social distancing Guidelines.. it lasted less than 24 hours and abruptly Closed beaches for All :(.
it’s now restricted hour access for exercise only in am and evening 2 hour for sunset (where one can sit).

Many people simply do not follow rules, they will be going to Disney from Completely Locked down areas of higher Covid concentration and I just don’t see Disney taking that Huge of a Risk. So.. my impression again is that if any of us are lucky ... it may be Fall , for a short period
before winter Flu/Covid rebounds again.
we ll get thru this .. stay healthy all!
I also would not be interested in traveling to WDW if/while face coverings are required.
I don't think mask-wearing is a feasible policy given the weather, precipitation, splashing, and removal during eating and drinking.
All of these things decrease the efficacy of the mask and are also largely, if not completely, not under anyone's control. So at that point we would just be playing Safety Theatre. We already play Security Theatre, so, no thanks. If a mask is a requirement to open the parks, then, imo, it is too soon to open the parks.
I'll wear a light mask and face shield combo for 1 week at WDW to drive Maleficent in Festival of Fantasy parade.

I'd do alot more than that too, lol. Probably cover myself in pollen and let bees have at me too for that privilege, just let me keep my mask on so they don't crawl up my nose.
No. I won’t even go to Disney world if masks are required. I’ll wait until I can go and enjoy myself fully. No masks and no limited experiences.

I wore a mask for 5 minutes outside on a 78 degree day while we waited in line at our local custard stand. It’s an outdoor spot. My face was covered in sweat that quickly. I can’t imagine doing that at WDW.
No. I won’t even go to Disney world if masks are required. I’ll wait until I can go and enjoy myself fully. No masks and no limited experiences.

I wore a mask for 5 minutes outside on a 78 degree day while we waited in line at our local custard stand. It’s an outdoor spot. My face was covered in sweat that quickly. I can’t imagine doing that at WDW.

Agree on both, but I think the limited experiences is the part that would be the deal breaker for us right now - can't do Disney-lite for the amount of money it will cost -
Ironically, as a confirmed mask wearer, that kind of policy would probably make me less likely to go to WDW.

Someone who doesn't want to wear a mask in a crowded place but would be willing to do it for an incentive is not someone who is going to carefully follow the proper directions for wearing a mask. It's someone who is going to wear it long enough to get the goodies and then walk around with it under their chin for a while until they "lose" it.

I figure I'm probably better off if they either require masks and the folks who don't want them stay home, or if they don't require masks and I stay home.
I don't see myself going while masks are required, simply because I don't want to put myself or my kids in a risky situation for something that's fun but not necessary. Hopefully we can get back to normal soon because I miss the parks!
Wow- I walked away from the computer for a little while and was so surprised to see all this. I was thinking if they ENCOURAGED your to wear masks, and rewarded those who did so. Not require. And a PP was correct- I was simply day dreaming and thinking of all the things that *could* happen. Not trying to start a war! lol!
To the OP, I took your question as fun and not a reality or entitlement question, just a fun would you rather type of game. When I read it to my family we all started dreaming of our favorite ride and would we wear a mask if we had unlimited FP for what ride, and we all agreed, Tower of Terror! Obviously we are not entitled to that or think Disney would do it, but we took this as more of a game. Sorry if it was intended to be a serious discussion. We all just love Tower of Terror and I was shocked that my family that usually never agrees, agreed to something!
No, you were actually spot on! I was doing it as a sort of day dream game type of thing. I had no clue it would get so heated. That was really NOT my intention. :(

Until this virus is essentially eliminated (vaccine?) I am not going to any mass gathering. I can wait.

I wore my cotton mask out for a walk to
try to acclimate myself (they are not required here). After a short time on a cool day I was ready to rip it off. My face was sweating and it was very uncomfortable.

I will wear one in stores when I start shopping again, but those will be quick trips.

I cannot imagine wearing one in Florida all day long.

Until this virus is essentially eliminated (vaccine?) I am not going to any mass gathering. I can wait.

I wore my cotton mask out for a walk to
try to acclimate myself (they are not required here). After a short time on a cool day I was ready to rip it off. My face was sweating and it was very uncomfortable.

I will wear one in stores when I start shopping again, but those will be quick trips.

I cannot imagine wearing one in Florida all day long.
I'm going to suggest trying different masks. I've tried three kinds (including a bandanna) and the fit and comfort was definitely different between them. None of them were comfortable enough to wear for hours (much less 10-12) in a park.
Just curious if that would make those in the "no way" camp to swing over to the "I would do it" camp. Like, would you do it for a couple of no wait lines to ROTR?
Getting in at 50% normal capacity is enough for me. But I have some demands of my own. Here's what they have to do to get me back this year...
Require the masks. Everyone. Even babies. If you can't manage a mask then you wait till the reopening process gets to a later stage.

I suspect what will happen is anyone who doesn't like to wear them will just claim they are not medically capable of wearing them.
Getting in at 50% normal capacity is enough for me. But I have some demands of my own. Here's what they have to do to get me back this year...
Require the masks. Everyone. Even babies. If you can't manage a mask then you wait till the reopening process gets to a later stage.

I suspect what will happen is anyone who doesn't like to wear them will just claim they are not medically capable of wearing them.

Babies can’t wear masks. Children under 2 can suffocate from wearing a mask.


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