Witnesses Sought In Moms' Disney Line Fight

I just love, love,love this site. I've read posts about being in need of witnesses. I leave in two weeks with my 4 yr old twins. As a mother, if my kids would have witnessed something like this and this 'wicked witch' ruined the day for us, I would've gone Buzz all over her ****. I'm so glad someone here has the talent to make us all chuckle a bit over something really sad. Your post is absolutely the BEST thing I've read. Let's hope it all works out the way it should and no other family has to endure such a sad incident from the outside world creeping in to the happiest place on earth. The loser, should do their time on the tea cups with no potty breaks or barf bag-just ride out their time. Just my two cents worth.

agreed:thumbsup2 no barf bag:rotfl2:

But we still need Goofy-Blade's testimony to close the case.
I just love, love,love this site. I've read posts about being in need of witnesses. I leave in two weeks with my 4 yr old twins. As a mother, if my kids would have witnessed something like this and this 'wicked witch' ruined the day for us, I would've gone Buzz all over her ****. I'm so glad someone here has the talent to make us all chuckle a bit over something really sad. Your post is absolutely the BEST thing I've read. Let's hope it all works out the way it should and no other family has to endure such a sad incident from the outside world creeping in to the happiest place on earth. The loser, should do their time on the tea cups with no potty breaks or barf bag-just ride out their time. Just my two cents worth.

Hey wait a minute! only a chuckle:mad:
Here's my question-where the heck are the cast members who should be witnesses? Didn't they see this go down?! And if not, that's a whole other issue. princess:
Here's my question-where the heck are the cast members who should be witnesses? Didn't they see this go down?! And if not, that's a whole other issue. princess:

At the risk of starting a flaming thread I have uncovered evidence that said cast members were distracted by a woman who needed assistance with her rented ECV. Another factor was that at that time a small group of tweens were seen wearing heelys:scared1: and a third cast member actually left The Mad Tea Party to confront them.
I still have not heard from Goofy-Blade and now believe witness tampering may explain the disappearance.
more info as I get it.
yea, I saw it all..........you see first this Beauty comes by with these 7 short miners following her...singin' some Hi-Ho song....then that first lady looks over those dwarfs and when she did, that second lady, she cuts right in front of her....well, next, they went to swingin' at each other...then a couple of clueless dudes named Tweedle Dee and Dum go runnin' for cover and some big tall Goofy dog tries to jump betwixt the two women and stop them. Next this Buzz dude flies in to save the Goofy character and starts hollerin' that he is gonna kick their ***** to infinity and beyond. Before I know it some Pirates were there and they broke into a bigger fight. The next thing you know there was an innocent little bear all Poohed out on the ground with honey split all over the place. I figured I'd try to leave because I didn't want to be no witness to it...the commotion sounded like a freight train rumbling by and then I realized it was just some Mickey mouse with some mouse chick with him........unbelievably the Mouse grabbed the instigator of it all and tossed her all the way to Main Street. It was just then that a bunch of hillbilly bears had just finished their jamboree and started to tearing at the ole gal. By now she had enough and was runnin' for the front gates. The last thing I saw was a bunch of big ole parade brooms sweepin' her right out. I turned back around and low and behold some Prince Charming fellow had scooped up the injured lady and took her to the castle and there she stayed all night.

Of course I heard she got tossed out cause some family had been selected to take her place for the evening!

Other than that, I didn't see a thing, officer.

The local Orlando Fax news channel did a follow up to story.

Woman Charged With 'Line Rage' Beating at Disney World

Last Edited: Friday, 21 Mar 2008, 6:04 PM EDT
Created: Friday, 21 Mar 2008, 6:04 PM EDT

Victoria Walker could face up to 15 years in jail. From MyFoxOrlando Reports

ORLANDO, Fla. -- It's supposed to be the happiest place on earth. But one woman says her experience at Disney World was anything but (video: MyFoxOrlando).

Aimee Krause claims Victoria Walker cut in line last year then beat her up when Krause called her out.

Now it seems the alleged "line rage" could send Walker to jail for 15 years.

The incident happened in May of 2007, but because the victim is now suffering serious after affects prosecutors are going forward with the case. New charges have also been added because Krause claims her children were also attacked.

Court documents say Walker beat Krause because Krause supposedly skipped Walker in the Mad Tea Cup ride line.

“She came from behind just screaming,” Krause said this week. “Next thing I knew she kicked me in my left leg, threw me to the ground and at that point I was pinned between the teacup and the saucer and she continued to beat up on my body.”

The incident report states Walker also tried to choke Krause with a lanyard she wore to hold water bottles around her neck.

Krause's medical records indicate the attack was so brutal, the 35 year old sustained severe physical damage.

When the alleged incident happened last May Walker was arrested. She bailed out of jail and returned to her home in Alabama.

During a deposition this past Monday though, Walker declined to accept a plea deal that would have given her a one year jail sentence.

Now Walker could possibly face 15 years behind bars if convicted on a battery with a deadly weapon charge.

Attempts to reach Walker were unsuccessful, because her phone is disconnected. Her attorney, David Frederick Allen did not return our phone calls.

Jury selection for the ‘Tea Cup Madness’ trial will begin in April.
The local Orlando Fax news channel did a follow up to story.

Woman Charged With 'Line Rage' Beating at Disney World

Last Edited: Friday, 21 Mar 2008, 6:04 PM EDT
Created: Friday, 21 Mar 2008, 6:04 PM EDT

Victoria Walker could face up to 15 years in jail. From MyFoxOrlando Reports

ORLANDO, Fla. -- It's supposed to be the happiest place on earth. But one woman says her experience at Disney World was anything but (video: MyFoxOrlando).

Aimee Krause claims Victoria Walker cut in line last year then beat her up when Krause called her out.

Now it seems the alleged "line rage" could send Walker to jail for 15 years.

The incident happened in May of 2007, but because the victim is now suffering serious after affects prosecutors are going forward with the case. New charges have also been added because Krause claims her children were also attacked.

Court documents say Walker beat Krause because Krause supposedly skipped Walker in the Mad Tea Cup ride line.

“She came from behind just screaming,” Krause said this week. “Next thing I knew she kicked me in my left leg, threw me to the ground and at that point I was pinned between the teacup and the saucer and she continued to beat up on my body.”

The incident report states Walker also tried to choke Krause with a lanyard she wore to hold water bottles around her neck.

Krause's medical records indicate the attack was so brutal, the 35 year old sustained severe physical damage.

When the alleged incident happened last May Walker was arrested. She bailed out of jail and returned to her home in Alabama.

During a deposition this past Monday though, Walker declined to accept a plea deal that would have given her a one year jail sentence.

Now Walker could possibly face 15 years behind bars if convicted on a battery with a deadly weapon charge.

Attempts to reach Walker were unsuccessful, because her phone is disconnected. Her attorney, David Frederick Allen did not return our phone calls.

Jury selection for the ‘Tea Cup Madness’ trial will begin in April.

Holy COW! :scared1:

I remember hearing about this after it happened and thinking that it was terrible, but I had no idea that the victim's injuries were so bad! :eek:

Knowing that this happened at the tea cups, I bet it was because the victim moved to the end of the holding pin (like the CM's TELL you to do) while the other woman hung back. Then, when the victim was able to leave the holding pin, the other woman felt like she'd been "cut." :rolleyes: Was there any confirmation on what happened on another thread?

I hope Ms. Krause, the victim, will continue to recover. It must've been really terrible if she's suffering from side effects nearly a year later. :sad2:
I did some more research and found out that another witness did come forward and he too was discredited. It sees a one Donald Fauntleroy Duck was there and did see what happened. However during the investigation it was discovered that Mr. Duck was not wearing any pants at the time and therefore became a liability to the prosecution's case and as a result, was released. I will continue my fact finding mission and report back here what I discover.
Good bye for now, I am off to Google!

:rotfl2: :rotfl:
We saw a fight at the Pirates and Princesses party last week. We were sitting enjoying a Dole Whip Float when 2 women got into a fight over a stroller hitting someone. All I can say is WOW. There were several people around us also enjoying ice cream and most were amazed that someone that was with the women didn't do something to stop them. While they never became physical, the language was really flying fast and furious. Both women were with large groups and nobody stepped in to stop them.

The lady sitting next to me commented that they missed the memo that this is suppose to be the happiest place on earth!
Now THAT would be a Disney-style throwdown. :lmao: :lmao:

We like to think of Disney as a place where we are insulated from the real world. The problem is, the real world just keeps buying tickets and coming anyway. Sigh.

Sadly true! This whole story is a sad commentary?:sad2:

I remember seeing two guys nearly come to blows on the Kali River Rapids because one guy didn't like the way the other fellow placed his stuff in the middle storage compartment on the raft!

People like this must lead a very sad existence versus living life?:confused3
So silly....

While waiting in line for Pirates...where they tell you keep moving forward and fill in the spaces in the line, people in front of us were mad as heck and trying to "block" people behind us (which consisted of 2 parents, 2 young kids, and a grandmother) and started talking smack to them telliing them they were not going to let them cut. So foolish..... I told the family to stick with us that anyone that comes into Disney with an attitude and anger has some real issues.....

We ended up eating lunch with them at Peco's Bills and enjoyed their company.....it ought to be mandatory that you should have conversations with the people in front and behind you in lines...you meet some really cool people.
This is the saddest and funniest thread I have ever read! Don't you wish these angry people had to undergo some sort of testing to be able to even get into WDW? The only upset people I have ever witnessed are the way to tired kids being drug around by the Dad yelling that he paid to much for this vacation and they are staying till close and WILL HAVE FUN!
While waiting in line for Pirates...where they tell you keep moving forward and fill in the spaces in the line, people in front of us were mad as heck and trying to "block" people behind...

I've seen people get mad about this as well...but on the flip side, I've also seen other groups move forward dozens of spots by taking advantage of the CM's instruction. It's one of the hidden tips for not waiting so long in the pirates line. :lmao:

I've got kids so I stay in line - literally and figuratively. :thumbsup2
Hate to say this, but I am one of those "caller-outers". It REALLY yanks my chain when I have been standing in line, with my children who have been waiting so patiently (and I KNOW they would never dare jump around and figet-because I would put a knot on their butts so fast for hurting someone else in front or behind), and someone tries to step over them.

It happened back in Sept when I went with my kids and we were waiting for the Tiki room, and this woman pushed my daughter. I calmly but forcefully told her if she put her hands on my kid again, she would be in the hospital in two slings, one for each hand. Her reply?

"I'm trying to get in line and if you don't want to move forward, then I will." My reply, which got a round of applause, "Lady, in case you haven't noticed, we are ALL in line. So unless your butt is on fire, I recommend you move back where you came from."

I am a mother who will not put up with my children pushing and poking and disturbing other people around us in line-that is just polite parenting. I do understand that some parents are not that considerate to other people, as well as I understand that little kids are a different set of rules...

but let's face it, there are so many people that KNOW they can be rude and shove and about 90% of the people aren't going to say anything, and they keep getting away with it unless you have a great cast member who will stop everything for it.

Please, son't all run and hide when I am there. I am very patient with people usually-until you put your hands on my kids for something that ridiculous. We're all going to the same ride, for Pete's sake!!!:rolleyes1
I calmly but forcefully told her if she put her hands on my kid again, she would be in the hospital in two slings, one for each hand. Her reply?

"I'm trying to get in line and if you don't want to move forward, then I will."

You actually SAID that to another human being at WDW? My mind boggles.

And what she said to you sounds like she was following a CM's instructions to move forward. I don't know the setup at WDW's Tiki Room, but if it's like what people are describing where CMs tell you to take up the available space, and you weren't listening but she was, then...:confused3
I understand both sides of the line-cutting and the anger that occurs from people doing it. Sometimes, it's innocent and you're told by CM's to move up, etc. When you're in those situations, it's unavoidable and everyone will get their turn on the ride. But then there are the times that you get those people (alot of times they're foreigners, but not always and I don't mean to offend anyone) who play the "stupid" or so-called "innocent" act and cut the line, but they know exactly what they are doing. They see you distracted for a second with you spouse, kids, etc and jump on the chance to scoot past you. What ever happened to politely letting the people in front of you know that the line has begun to move so that they have a chance to proceed. Would you jump in their grave that fast, too?? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick and tired of the lack of respect from other people today. Personally, we teach our kids the proper way to act and how to respect others! What has happened to this world that we live in that now even "the happiest place on earth" is becoming depressing?????
Wow, I hope everyone didn't read into that too much!

I am the first person to move up-I want on the ride as soon as I can get there. But, no matter how you slice it, unless you are defending yourself from harm, you should never out your hands on another person, period, especially not someone's child.

The crowd was just standing watching the beginning show, and no one wanted to push past anyone so we could all enjoy the waterfall show. No one, and I mean no one, was moving to the door yet.

My daughter is a VERY respectful child, and wasn't ignoring the woman-she was watching the show. The woman put her hands on my child, she didn't speak to her and ask her politely or rudely. My daughter would have moved and so would I, if it is that important to you to be the first at the door. But by no means should you ever put your hands on anyone to move them out of your way unless it is an absolute emergency.

That is my point-you should have enough control over your children to not let them be a harm but you should speak to the parent and NEVER touch the child. I am just VERY protective of my kids from physical people.


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