Without telling your age, what is something from your childhood that kids today wouldn't know about?

I don’t care how careful you are, sooner or later you’ll get beaned by a click clack, and man, that hurts!

Diver Dan
Sat morning shows ... has anybody here seen an aardvark?
Using aluminum foil on the tv antenna
Air raid sirens each month
The smell of paper fresh off the mimeograph machine
Looking for your name when Sheriff John sang Happy Birthday
Waiting all year for the annual showing of movies like Wizard of Oz, Peanuts Specials, Christmas specials, and others, like Gullivers Travels
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Side note - 15yo dd has Metallica and Def Leppard t shirts and cannot name one song by either. Quite frankly it’s embarrassing.

My 13yo is all about classic rock. Perl Jam, Green Day, Metallica. I think she knows more song titles than I do. Where I have her beat is that she inherited a bunch of Grateful Dead t-shirts from her grandfather (at least one was mine), I know the song titles she does not.
  • Cassette tapes and having to flip them over to listen to the other side.
  • 45s and listening to the ding as you turn the page. Cassette, same thing.
  • Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake (not today's version)- Strawberry Shortcake dolls that you squeeze, and they produced a sweet scent.
  • Payphones and having to put change into it to make a phone call
  • Roundtable and Straw Hat Pizza following soccer and little league games.]
  • Saturday morning cartoons from 5:30am-12pm, and the USA Cartoon Express on Sunday mornings
  • colorforms - I LOVED those...fun
  • Fizzies - they were little colored candy circles - looked just like alka seltzers you'd drop into water and get instant fizzy flavored seltzer (w/all the requisite red dye # 5 and other poisons we happily imbibed at the time.)
  • click clacks (everyone I knew had them, but parental units refused - too dangerous) Come to think of it..."parental units" or anything from the classic SNL days.
  • hippity hops
  • slip 'n' slides
  • chrissy doll: gorgeous red hair you could make short or long.
  • Mod Ken doll (reeeeally not one of Ken's best looks :rotfl:),
  • Skipper Chuck (only long-time Floridians would know this one)
  • Liquid paper (went through gallons of this unfortunately lol)


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