Will you get the Covid vaccine?

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I don't understand why anyone would hesitate. It is a simple decision. People fear what problems the vaccine might cause. So lets just logically look at the situation. Covid19 vs. Covid Vaccine.. Pro and cons. Pro's for Covid19 none that I can think of. Cons. Covid has killed 2,000,000+ people world wide and 400,000 just in the USA. Pro's for Covid Vaccine it can prevent you from getting ill from Covid 19 and possibly dying. Cons. You might get a sore arm, but you also might live to talk about it. I know of no serious side effect of the vaccine. What is there to think about. If we had odds like that in Vegas, we would all be mortgaging our houses and heading for Nevada.

I’ll tell you why I hesitate. I fear what could come out 10 years down the line from this vaccine. There are several medications that have been “proven” safe and many years later doctors and scientists realize there are serious side effects. I know many many people who have had Covid, and all of them have recovered just fine. Most were barely sick, a few felt like crap for week, but all were back to normal health in less than 2 weeks. I don’t fear getting Covid in the least.

And just to be clear I’m up to date on all regular vaccines. But I see no reason to vaccinate myself with a brand new vaccine against an illness that only causes seriously illness or death in a very small fraction of people. Now if Covid had a much higher death or serious illness rate and I considered it a threat to my health then I would take the possible long term vaccine risk. But I’m not going to take that risk to prevent an illness that at most will make me feel like crap for a week.

I fully understand that many people see the virus as a higher risk than the vaccine. And that’s fine, that’s why we all have choices to make. People can choose for themselves which they fear more.
I don't understand why anyone would hesitate. It is a simple decision. People fear what problems the vaccine might cause. So lets just logically look at the situation. Covid19 vs. Covid Vaccine.. Pro and cons. Pro's for Covid19 none that I can think of. Cons. Covid has killed 2,000,000+ people world wide and 400,000 just in the USA. Pro's for Covid Vaccine it can prevent you from getting ill from Covid 19 and possibly dying. Cons. You might get a sore arm, but you also might live to talk about it. I know of no serious side effect of the vaccine. What is there to think about. If we had odds like that in Vegas, we would all be mortgaging our houses and heading for Nevada.
Sigh. First, there's no guarantee that you will catch Covid. Then, even if you do catch Covid, the (by far) majority of people recover within a couple of weeks.
Second, I, and apparently @luvsvacation, have concerns about long term side effects. Sure, you don't know of any side effects yet, it's only been out a couple of months.

But they've tested the vaccine and it's been determined to be safe? uh huh...

I'm guessing they tested Thalidomide also before releasing it.
I'm guessing they tested Thalidomide also before releasing it.
2 thoughts....

Thalidomide was licensed in July 1956 for over-the-counter sale (no doctor’s prescription was needed)

That was 65 years ago, there have been changes over those 65 years.

One country that did not approve thalidomide for marketing and distribution was the USA, where it was rejected by the Food and Drug Administration.

Pharmacologist Frances Oldham Kelsey turned down several requests from the distributing company who did not provided clinical evidence to refute reports of patients who developed nerve damage in their limbs after long-term thalidomide use. This prevented the drug thalidomide from ever being used in the United States.

The US has some pretty tough guidelines.
2 thoughts....

Thalidomide was licensed in July 1956 for over-the-counter sale (no doctor’s prescription was needed)

That was 65 years ago, there have been changes over those 65 years.

One country that did not approve thalidomide for marketing and distribution was the USA, where it was rejected by the Food and Drug Administration.

Pharmacologist Frances Oldham Kelsey turned down several requests from the distributing company who did not provided clinical evidence to refute reports of patients who developed nerve damage in their limbs after long-term thalidomide use. This prevented the drug thalidomide from ever being used in the United States.

The US has some pretty tough guidelines.
So it would be impossible for the US to approve a drug that, years later, is found to have negative consequences? I'm glad you have that much faith. I'm not there yet.
So it would be impossible for the US to approve a drug that, years later, is found to have negative consequences? I'm glad you have that much faith. I'm not there yet.

Many drugs have the possibility of negative consequences. Have you never seen an ad for a medication? Where they rattle off the list of side effects?
Many drugs have the possibility of negative consequences. Have you never seen an ad for a medication? Where they rattle off the list of side effects?
And your point is?

If people want to poo poo and insult those of us who are concerned about possible long term effects from the Covid vaccine, I can't stop you. But I'm not going to stop being concerned because some random folks on a Disney message board say "It will be fine, you have nothing to worry about, and you're silly/idiotic for worrying about it." No, no one has said exactly that, but that is how I read some of the posts.

I have yet to hear anyone criticize those who are eager to get (or have gotten) the vaccine. Going the other way? Yea, plenty of that.
And your point is?

If people want to poo poo and insult those of us who are concerned about possible long term effects from the Covid vaccine, I can't stop you. But I'm not going to stop being concerned because some random folks on a Disney message board say "It will be fine, you have nothing to worry about, and you're silly/idiotic for worrying about it." No, no one has said exactly that, but that is how I read some of the posts.

I have yet to hear anyone criticize those who are eager to get (or have gotten) the vaccine. Going the other way? Yea, plenty of that.

My point is that all medical science comes with risk...side effects...long term damage. Joint injections, chemotherapy, migraine treatment, birth control pills, heck even the motion sickness patch I use on my Disney trips. Is the benefit of the drug worth the possible side effects?

People don't want to wear masks...
They don't want the vaccine...
They don't want things closed down...


To be fair, I have been heavily criticized by a family member for wanting the vaccine. That family member wants things to just go back to how they were before Covid was a thing and whoever dies, dies. But he's an idiot and always has been.
And your point is?

If people want to poo poo and insult those of us who are concerned about possible long term effects from the Covid vaccine, I can't stop you. But I'm not going to stop being concerned because some random folks on a Disney message board say "It will be fine, you have nothing to worry about, and you're silly/idiotic for worrying about it." No, no one has said exactly that, but that is how I read some of the posts.

I have yet to hear anyone criticize those who are eager to get (or have gotten) the vaccine. Going the other way? Yea, plenty of that.

It's pretty clear to me if you get the vaccine and you do have some health event afterward (and I've been hearing a lot of reports of those, not just sore arms), it wasn't the vaccine. No one will support you if you feel like it was the vaccine, and there will be no liability for the drug maker. So take at your own risk, I'd say.
For those of you who are against the vaccine how you think we’ll get out of this mess. We can’t stay locked up and afraid for the rest of our lives. We need to get our lives back. Kids and teachers need to get back to the class rooms. The vaccine seems to be our only possibility out. I work in healthcare and already got my second vaccine last week. I know every one is different but i barely had a sore arm. Some I know had mild headache but no one had anything earth shattering.
would be impossible for the US to approve a drug that, years later, is found to have negative consequences
No, Sam, it would not be impossible. But, if you are one who wants to wait, and hopefully take the vaccine some day (and that is fine, I have no problem with you or anybody who wants to wait, my wife does also), how many years do you wait to confirm that there are either no serious or minimally acceptable deleterious levels of side effects.? At what point you you say, 'okay, let's do it?' If you are an anti-vaxxer, then it's easy, you will not take it ever.
For those of you who are against the vaccine how you think we’ll get out of this mess. We can’t stay locked up and afraid for the rest of our lives. We need to get our lives back. Kids and teachers need to get back to the class rooms. The vaccine seems to be our only possibility out. I work in healthcare and already got my second vaccine last week. I know every one is different but i barely had a sore arm. Some I know had mild headache but no one had anything earth shattering.

To answer your question the only thing I see us needing to get out of is the mindset that this virus is the scariest thing in the world and our lives should all stop for it. Luckily for me I live in an area where my life is pretty much normal. Schools are in person full time. The only real difference in my life from before Covid is I now have to wear a mask in the grocery store. I think we all need to get over this fear and go back to normal life. Clearly that’s not going to happen. There’s plenty of people, as evidenced by these boards, who are afraid of catching Covid and living very sheltered lives and avoiding family and friends. So if the vaccine makes you all feel better and you want to get it to get back to normal life that’s fine. I have no judgement. Everyone needs to do what they feel comfortable with. For me I feel comfortable skipping the vaccine and just living my normal life anyway. I’ve had at least 30 people I personally know test positive and it was no big deal for any of them and many of them were in “high risk” groups. So I’m not “against” the vaccine. If it will give the general population the peace of mind to go back to normal life then it’s all good I guess. I’ll be skipping the vaccine because I see no reason to take the risk that it could cause problems down the road since I’m living my normal life already anyway.
My point is that all medical science comes with risk...side effects...long term damage. Joint injections, chemotherapy, migraine treatment, birth control pills, heck even the motion sickness patch I use on my Disney trips. Is the benefit of the drug worth the possible side effects?
That's a question everyone needs to answer for themselves. But I will point out, most drugs have been out for years (if not decades), giving people the chance to see if there are long term side effects.

People don't want to wear masks...
They don't want the vaccine...
They don't want things closed down...

What exactly do I want? I want the virus to just "go away", sort of like H1N1 did a couple of years ago. Seeing as how that's not going to happen, I'm willing to wear masks and socially distance. Do I want to do that the rest of my life? Of course not. But, at least for a while, even those who get the vaccine will need to mask and socially distance.

For those of you who are against the vaccine how you think we’ll get out of this mess. We can’t stay locked up and afraid for the rest of our lives. We need to get our lives back. Kids and teachers need to get back to the class rooms. The vaccine seems to be our only possibility out. I work in healthcare and already got my second vaccine last week. I know every one is different but i barely had a sore arm. Some I know had mild headache but no one had anything earth shattering.
This is what I'm talking about. I'm not "against the vaccine". I hope it works out. But, because I express concerns over what might happen long term, I get comments like "why are you against it"? "What's there to think about?" "Just take it." and the implied "It doesn't matter what your concerns are." FWIW, I go to work 3/5 days, my kids do their extracurricular activities. If the school ever opens back up, they'll go back. So while I'll agree our lives are "different", there's not a lot to "get back".
No, Sam, it would not be impossible. But, if you are one who wants to wait, and hopefully take the vaccine some day (and that is fine, I have no problem with you or anybody who wants to wait, my wife does also), how many years do you wait to confirm that there are either no serious or minimally acceptable deleterious levels of side effects.? At what point you you say, 'okay, let's do it?' If you are an anti-vaxxer, then it's easy, you will not take it ever.
I've answered this before in some other thread, and I'll give the same answer here... I don't know how long I'll wait. I can't say "5 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days." It could be this year, next year, or 5-10 years from now. I'm not anti-vax.
That's a question everyone needs to answer for themselves. But I will point out, most drugs have been out for years (if not decades), giving people the chance to see if there are long term side effects.

What exactly do I want? I want the virus to just "go away", sort of like H1N1 did a couple of years ago. Seeing as how that's not going to happen, I'm willing to wear masks and socially distance. Do I want to do that the rest of my life? Of course not. But, at least for a while, even those who get the vaccine will need to mask and socially distance.

This is what I'm talking about. I'm not "against the vaccine". I hope it works out. But, because I express concerns over what might happen long term, I get comments like "why are you against it"? "What's there to think about?" "Just take it." and the implied "It doesn't matter what your concerns are." FWIW, I go to work 3/5 days, my kids do their extracurricular activities. If the school ever opens back up, they'll go back. So while I'll agree our lives are "different", there's not a lot to "get back".

I've answered this before in some other thread, and I'll give the same answer here... I don't know how long I'll wait. I can't say "5 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days." It could be this year, next year, or 5-10 years from now. I'm not anti-vax.
And how do you feel about businesses that suffer or close as long as we have to socially distance? How do you feel about the kids who aren't doing well with remote school? You're doing OK, so that's on them to figure out?
And how do you feel about businesses that suffer or close as long as we have to socially distance? How do you feel about the kids who aren't doing well with remote school? You're doing OK, so that's on them to figure out?
Are there any other words you'd like to put in my mouth?

I feel bad for EVERYONE affected by this. I wish it didn't happen.

I guess you are one of those who feel that my concerns over the vaccine don't matter.
Are there any other words you'd like to put in my mouth?

I feel bad for EVERYONE affected by this. I wish it didn't happen.

I guess you are one of those who feel that my concerns over the vaccine don't matter.
And now I guess it's your turn to put words in my mouth.

Wishing it didn't happen doesn't solve things for those businesses or students struggling. So how do you address those issues if a lot of people don't get vaccinated?
Apparently, this has gone far beyond the YES or NO response suggested by the topic title.

No need to start or participate in a new thread related to this.

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