Will I even be taken seriously?


Earning My Ears
Dec 23, 2013
Okay, so! I have been casually thinking about purchasing DVC for awhile now, and during an upcoming solo trip, I am thinking about finally doing the DVC tour and making my first step into serious consideration (and possibly purchasing).
My "problem" will very like seem rather silly, but it has been bothering me... as a baby-faced, single, 26 year old without kids, should I expect any sort of dismissive attitude? I know others even younger and in similar circumstances have surely bought, but I still worry if I go for a tour there will be a CM that may just write me off as only being there for some benefit. Which, yes, if it happens, thats nice. But, I really do truly want to go on the tour so I can better inform myself before making a purchase.

I am assuming the answer (because it's Disney), will be "No, there's nothing to worry about!", but if not... please let me know?
Actually you should do the tour only for the benefits :)
That and to see the model rooms in person, if that is something would interest you.
You may get yourself informed much more deeply and efficently on the DISboards. I'm ready to bet a lot of people on this board know DVC better than many "guides".
While we aren't the same deomgraphic [older, but also no kids], we were upfront that we were not purchasing at that time but were considering for the future, that we wanted the information and a tour of the rooms [we did ours at CCV]. And the gift card they offered for us to do it. It went fine, though they were a little flustered when we insisted we really did want the tour of the rooms [um .. yeah we want to actually see them !!].

I never bothered doing a tour. I stayed in DVC rooms on cash reservations so I knew what they were like, and I knew which resort I wanted. I read the DVC forums here. I searched the resale listings for over a year and didn't see what I wanted so I decided to buy direct. Someone here posted the name of a guide that they liked. I called, requested that guide, and told him what I wanted. He said he didn't think it was possible. I had learned enough here to know that it was possible, so I told him to check and get back to me. He called me back and sold me what I wanted.

My vacation time is limited. I did not want to spend any of it doing a tour.
We did a tour because they offered us the gift cards and free direct transportation to the Wilderness Lodge, which I really wanted to see at Christmas (it was last Dec). I was also curious about the rooms. We said we weren't purchasing today and that my wife's family were already members (we were staying on their points). I don't think we were taken very seriously because we looked like we were in our 20s. When I said that if we bought we'd pay the down payment all at once, and that I'd like to do a net present value analysis first because I'm an investment analyst, the guy started taking us a lot more seriously. Could have just been our specific guy though.
Well, here's what you do. Do the tour. If you're not taken seriously, demand another guide, then sign the contract in front of the one that dismissed you. Then come here, share the guides name :)

Seriously, I don't think you have anything to worry about, but if you do the tour and feel you were being dismissed, these boards are a great place to share that experience. DVC reads these boards and it will get noticed. Do the tour!

If you are truly interested - even for the future, than yes, take the tour. Our son grew up staying at most of the DVC's and was seriously considering buying (in his 20's) until he met "the one" and they were married last year and are buying a home this month - so different priorities. Having been in high end sales before retirement, those that "judge" finances based on age, gender, looks, etc are nearly always incorrect...you can't dream unless you have actually experienced it. You would not buy a car without driving it. Do you research here so you are well educated so go and enjoy!
The only reason I can think of to do the tour is to see some accommodations that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to check out. Otherwise, there aren't enough Fastpasses in the world to make me sit through another timeshare pitch on my vacation... have too much respect for my own time (not to mention my money -- buy resale).

Other posters are correct when they say you will learn much more about DVC by reading these boards than from a DVC guide who is motivated to sell to you.
The tour is a great way to get out of the heat for a while. Plus, juice, cupcakes, and ice cream. And a gift card. Head to a preview center in the AM and see what they offer you for the tour. I think it was $50 when we were there. We did the Wyndham one, which I urge everyone to avoid at all costs, but it did pay for ears, a travel mug, and a t shirt.
The only reason I can think of to do the tour is to see some accommodations that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to check out. Otherwise, there aren't enough Fastpasses in the world to make me sit through another timeshare pitch on my vacation... have too much respect for my own time (not to mention my money -- buy resale).

Other posters are correct when they say you will learn much more about DVC by reading these boards than from a DVC guide who is motivated to sell to you.

I didn't find the tour to be a waste of time myself, even though I knew I was going the resale route.
I got free, air conditioned transportation from the park to a resort, a $50 giftcard for about 45 minutes time, some questions answered, and, most importantly, a first name relationship with a guide that I later used to add on 25 direct points.

I know some people can even get a $100 gift card. There's not much to do in the summer between 2-4 pm anyway, so why not give it a go?
I didn't find the tour to be a waste of time myself, even though I knew I was going the resale route.
I got free, air conditioned transportation from the park to a resort, a $50 giftcard for about 45 minutes time, some questions answered, and, most importantly, a first name relationship with a guide that I later used to add on 25 direct points.

I know some people can even get a $100 gift card. There's not much to do in the summer between 2-4 pm anyway, so why not give it a go?

$100 isn't nearly enough to convince me of that honestly. I don't understand the sentiment that there's nothing to do on my WDW vacation from the hours of 2-4PM.. when literally everything is open for business and even if it weren't, I'd value a 2 hour afternoon nap on my vacation over a $100 gift card no question.

I realize that some vacationers are all about jumping through hoops to save a buck anywhere that they can, but for me that stops dead in its tracks once my vacation begins.

Go on the tour if you'd like to see the Villas, otherwise just enjoy your vacation and educate yourself here on DisBoards DVC University. That's my .02
We've bought both direct and resale. Our first tour was in 1996 and we bought 230 points later adding on at Wilderness also direct. We toured BCV, GFR, BLT, POLY and stayed at AKL, SSR, BWV, VBR and HHI. We learned we did not like BLT (we went through 70's once) and GFR was just over the top for us. We then bought seven resales (we've since sold four for a great profit). We weren't looking for freebies, nor did we get them but we did get to walk through and see the villas so when we buy, we are solid in our decisions. Riviera is not for us but Reflections may be...we'll see...when the model opens!
I joined DVC when I was 25 and was single at the time. I went to the DVC booth at the 2009 D23 expo and set up a tour while there. I walked to the Disneyland preview center, did the tour, and bought that same weekend. At no time did anyone with Disney or DVC make me feel less important because I was younger and single. Buying young was a great decision, now I am in my 30s with a child and have 200+ points that are long paid off. We vacation a lot more than other families I know, partially because we prioritize it, but also because having accommodation paid for makes a HUGE difference in travel. Good luck!
Do the tour. With regards to loosing time, if they are offering FP's, it actually covers your lost time. If a FP saves you 45 minutes, just 3 FP's will give you back the time you spent on the tour. I admit I learned more on these boards, but it was nice seeing the models, hearing the pitch, and getting FP's, a GC, and some snacks while my family chilled at the pool and cleaned up.

On my first "visit", I decided I definitely wanted to buy, but resale first. On our next trip, we were staying on rented points in SSR, while my first resale contract had passed ROFR but had not closed. The DVC desk in SSR asked me if I wanted to do a tour. I told them I was in the throws of buying resale, but they still offered me another GC and FP's. This time I took my wife and semi-adult daughters, so our guide could help describe banking, borrowing, and UY to them. I later added 25 direct points through my guide, before they upped to minimum to 75.
Okay, so! I have been casually thinking about purchasing DVC for awhile now, and during an upcoming solo trip, I am thinking about finally doing the DVC tour and making my first step into serious consideration (and possibly purchasing).
My "problem" will very like seem rather silly, but it has been bothering me... as a baby-faced, single, 26 year old without kids, should I expect any sort of dismissive attitude? I know others even younger and in similar circumstances have surely bought, but I still worry if I go for a tour there will be a CM that may just write me off as only being there for some benefit. Which, yes, if it happens, thats nice. But, I really do truly want to go on the tour so I can better inform myself before making a purchase.

I am assuming the answer (because it's Disney), will be "No, there's nothing to worry about!", but if not... please let me know?

You also can learn a LOT about DVC on these boards. Maybe more. I've provided information about DVC to more than one "guide". Once I went to a presentation on VGC when it was first going on sale and I got a guide that had been employeed for maybe a week or two? That was pretty much me answering his questions.

As far as being dismissed I'm not certain what you are referring to? If you're looking at this as a time to learn more about the product then make it that and don't even consider purchasing right then. They are happy enough to take a credit card anytime you call in and I'd suggest you do the tour to see what you want but continue to do a bit more investigation. DVC guides have been off in their information or they leave out things. No matter what DVC calls them they are timeshare sales people and there to do what they have to sell and almost certainly are trained to go the direction with you that they feel will most lead to a sale. It will not necessarily be the direction you need to really learn about the product. And if you get some line about "this offer is only good today" or something similar just ignore it. DVC does not offer pricing that way. The price is what the price is and people do not negotiate deals beyond perhaps a FP or 2 which you'd probably be able to negoatiate prior to taking the tour as incentive to do the tour. Or they may be straight out offered to you to do the tour.
Funny you mention this. I am a similar age and look even younger when wearing comfy shorts and a Disney t-shirt on property. I just recently stayed at PVB on cash and wanted to do the DVC tour just for the gift card and FP+. When I went to the little desk at PVB to sign-up, the rep could almost care less that I was standing there interested and ready to book a time. He was more concerned getting the woman in her mid 40s and her daughter on a tour when they were clearly not interested. They just kept nodding and took the number if they wanted to set up a time and seemed more interested in refilling their mugs at Captain Cooks.

Little does he know that I am on a waitlist for a sold out resort and ready to pay in full without financing when the points come in. Don't judge a book by it's cover 😉

Funny you mention this. I am a similar age and look even younger when wearing comfy shorts and a Disney t-shirt on property. I just recently stayed at PVB on cash and wanted to do the DVC tour just for the gift card and FP+. When I went to the little desk at PVB to sign-up, the rep could almost care less that I was standing there interested and ready to book a time. He was more concerned getting the woman in her mid 40s and her daughter on a tour when they were clearly not interested. They just kept nodding and took the number if they wanted to set up a time and seemed more interested in refilling their mugs at Captain Cooks.

Little does he know that I am on a waitlist for a sold out resort and ready to pay in full without financing when the points come in. Don't judge a book by it's cover 😉

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I agree with you! My son is in his early 20’s and has more of an opportunity than I do to purchase (lol...cash). I’m sure they would look past him too and try to sell to me!
Funny you mention this. I am a similar age and look even younger when wearing comfy shorts and a Disney t-shirt on property. I just recently stayed at PVB on cash and wanted to do the DVC tour just for the gift card and FP+. When I went to the little desk at PVB to sign-up, the rep could almost care less that I was standing there interested and ready to book a time. He was more concerned getting the woman in her mid 40s and her daughter on a tour when they were clearly not interested. They just kept nodding and took the number if they wanted to set up a time and seemed more interested in refilling their mugs at Captain Cooks.

Little does he know that I am on a waitlist for a sold out resort and ready to pay in full without financing when the points come in. Don't judge a book by it's cover 😉

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LOVE this response!
We never did the tour, and were married, but DH and I were both a couple years younger than you when we purchased our first contract. I am sure they see young serious buyers all the time.

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