Where has Charles been ?

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HR issues are particularly sensitive when somebody leaves a company if on their owns terms or otherwise. However, I agree with the others that a simple acknowledgement on the podcast that a member of the team has left, wish them best of luck etc, would be appreciated by the fans/community.
HR issues are particularly sensitive when somebody leaves a company if on their owns terms or otherwise. However, I agree with the others that a simple acknowledgement on the podcast that a member of the team has left, wish them best of luck etc, would be appreciated by the fans/community.

Absolutely agree. Those issues can be super sensitive.


We wish you the best Charles, you will be missed.
That's a bummer! Charles was starting to grow on me. I could really relate to his deadpan sense of humor. And he had a sense of style (on the podcasts anyway). He was definitely a great addition to the team - maybe we'll see him pop up in some other work like we've seen with other former Dizzers.

Good luck Charles!!
Sad to hear of him leaving The Dis, but I wish him good luck in all he does. I'm going to miss his input on the show!
He was so funny on Steve’s top five restaurant podcast when Steve nominated Hoop Dee doo, and the strong chance of either being called up on stage or at least having a cast member talk to you in the audience. He was like “I like those odds! Im gonna be a star!!” Pete was cracking up, they had such great chemistry when they were both firing.

I’d love a Charles “best bits” reel
Thats a bummer to hear, as I enjoyed the knowledge he brought to the table about contracts/construction/etc. I also loved having the opinion of someone with social anxiety...its always a nice heads up before we go somewhere. I wish him well!
I'm a deep introvert, and I resonated with a lot of what Charles said--for example, I love the Biergarten in Epcot, but absolutely hate the family style dining. It's been hard when my s/o likes to chat with the others while eating and thinks that's completely normal. It was good to have Charles speak out on his own experiences--made me feel like I wasn't alone :) BTW--I still go to the BG because I love the show and the theming; I just need to take some moments after to de-human lol.
He was so funny on Steve’s top five restaurant podcast when Steve nominated Hoop Dee doo, and the strong chance of either being called up on stage or at least having a cast member talk to you in the audience. He was like “I like those odds! Im gonna be a star!!” Pete was cracking up, they had such great chemistry when they were both firing.

I’d love a Charles “best bits” reel
I'd be down with that :)
I'm a deep introvert, and I resonated with a lot of what Charles said--for example, I love the Biergarten in Epcot, but absolutely hate the family style dining. It's been hard when my s/o likes to chat with the others while eating and thinks that's completely normal. It was good to have Charles speak out on his own experiences--made me feel like I wasn't alone :) BTW--I still go to the BG because I love the show and the theming; I just need to take some moments after to de-human lol.
I'm a deep introvert, and I resonated with a lot of what Charles said--for example, I love the Biergarten in Epcot, but absolutely hate the family style dining. It's been hard when my s/o likes to chat with the others while eating and thinks that's completely normal. It was good to have Charles speak out on his own experiences--made me feel like I wasn't alone :) BTW--I still go to the BG because I love the show and the theming; I just need to take some moments after to de-human lol.

I relate to so much of this (I too am a strong introvert and my partner is the opposite) ... I definitely have found I need to put myself in a "time out" to decompress and recharge after being in settings where I have to engage with other people (I can do it, and have to at times for work, but totally drains me). I agree it was nice to have Charles bring that perspective to discussions
I will also miss Charles, but if he finds something good for his career elsewhere, then that's good.

I'm an introvert, and can deal with certain situations he mentioned, but can definitely relate about those things can be very nerve wracking. He also brought great perspective about the company from the financial side, etc.
Count me among the disappointed Charles fans!

I stand to be corrected, but I believe Charles' first DIS appearance was a review of Homecoming at Disney Springs more than 2 years ago. I was impressed right away that he provided intelligent commentary not only on the food, but also a native Floridian's perspective on the local materials used in the design and construction of the space. There was an earnestness and thoughtfulness to his perspective that really rounded out the DIS team.

Unless there's some compelling personal or professional reason otherwise (and there may very well be), a brief but formal acknowledgement of Charles' departure and his contributions over the years was/is warranted.
Maybe they will read this thread and decide to reference Charles’ departure next week. Unless Maybe they can’t talk about it for some reason? (Here I am speculating away, when Corey said there was no need...)

Give people a vacuum and they will fill it
Maybe they will read this thread and decide to reference Charles’ departure next week. Unless Maybe they can’t talk about it for some reason? (Here I am speculating away, when Corey said there was no need...)

Give people a vacuum and they will fill it
In the chat during the show they also said they can’t talk about personale and please keep the chat relevant so that also got me wondering if maybe there’s a reason they can’t address it. Enough of us asked during the show (some through the whole show) and we know they saw the questions so if they wanted to address it they would have last week. I don’t expect anything other than the mini announcement Corey gave us here.
Another Charles fan! I’m devastated. He brought so much to the team. He was brilliant in dining reviews- I always seemed to share his perspective- if Charles hated it- I knew I would. While I love the rest of the team- they all have a “thing” - I really like Fiasco- but don’t like cheese? I can’t relate to that...

And I always loved when the team would let Charles speak for a bit. He has so many intelligent things to say- so much knowledge!!! I was dying to hear about what he thought about Galaxy’s Edge- I know he was looking forward to it.

Wishing him all the best. If it’s amicable I’m crossing all limbs for a guest appearance one day. Loved your work Charles!
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