What's one thing your parents used to tell you not to do, that you actively do in adulthood?

My parents were Mennonite, so I do all kinds of things that they would absolutely hate. I struggle with the guilt of it all to be honest.
:flower3: Why? Is it because you really believe those things are inherently bad in some way or just because you still want their approval? Guilt is an unproductive emotion unless it convicts us of something we really ought to change. Doesn’t sound like it in your case though. Grace and peace.
:flower3: Why? Is it because you really believe those things are inherently bad in some way or just because you still want their approval? Guilt is an unproductive emotion unless it convicts us of something we really ought to change. Doesn’t sound like it in your case though. Grace and peace.
I know it's unnecessary guilt and I need to let it go but I struggle because they changed my life in such a significant way. My adoption pulled me out of a revolving door of homes with people who seemed to be only motivated by the money they received by my being there. My parents were the first people in my entire life that showed me love, care and stability. I did struggle with the community and how completely different it was from my norm but I did grow to get used to it. Their belief was everything to them and they lived their lives with such devotion to it that I really do struggle when I know I'm doing things they would have been shunned for. I'm learning to let it go and learning to accept that I can't be that any longer. I still feel guilty about how different I live compared to how they did. I guess I am a work in progress with this.
I stand in front of the fridge with the door open, nobody yells when the ice cube tray doesn't get refilled and I take half hour showers.
I live alone and I get yelled at all the time when the ice cube tray is empty. I empty them in the mornings filling my ice tea jug (morning coffee) and my water thermos, then refill them before heading to bed. Burns me up (actually literally as it's blistering hot at work) when I get up in the morning and find 2 ice cubes left and the 2nd tray sitting empty on the counter.
God bless my mom - I love her unconditionally. She’s soooooo conservative, so almost everything she told me not to do I do :rotfl: . We are very different people

ETA….I don’t do drugs or anything bad. I made it seem like I’m some kind of crazy rebel. I do swear sometimes, I used to smoke socially, I will drink some alcohol sometimes and stuff like that. I just wanted to clear that up - LOL!

Right there with you. Raised Fundamental Baptist so let's see- I drink, dance, listen to Rock and Roll, go to the movie theater, watch R rated movies, curse when needed. I guess *** is OK once I married but didn't wait that long. :tongue:

Plus, I rarely go to church at all as I've lost respect for organized religion.

I raised my kids completely differently. And actually my mom now does all of the above and has for years.
I live alone and I get yelled at all the time when the ice cube tray is empty. I empty them in the mornings filling my ice tea jug (morning coffee) and my water thermos, then refill them before heading to bed. Burns me up (actually literally as it's blistering hot at work) when I get up in the morning and find 2 ice cubes left and the 2nd tray sitting empty on the counter.

Are you yelling at yourself? :confused3

I get mad at DH & DD all the time when they take a few cubes out of a tray and leave it that way, rather than putting the remaining cubes into the ice baggie and refilling the tray. We have 4 trays in the freezer: if they take the time to dump and refill them when they find the ice baggie getting low, it keeps the supply just where it needs to be.
I can't think of anything. They gave advice based on how they lived their lives, and it served them well. And that has served me well too.
I had to really think about this one, and I still can't come up with anything. My parents didn't have too many rules that we didn't like. The only thing I can think of is that, while it stayed on in the living room so my Dad could listen to the 6 o'clock news, we kids were not allowed to comment on what was on the TV. If we slipped and did say something, we had to leave the table and go to our room. Even as a kid I thought it was stupid. But I don't remember anything else.
Run fans year round.My father said that when I was paying the electric bill then I could feel free to run them as much as I liked.And we do!


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