What's one thing your parents used to tell you not to do, that you actively do in adulthood?

God bless my mom - I love her unconditionally. She’s soooooo conservative, so almost everything she told me not to do I do :rotfl: . We are very different people

ETA….I don’t do drugs or anything bad. I made it seem like I’m some kind of crazy rebel. I do swear sometimes, I used to smoke socially, I will drink some alcohol sometimes and stuff like that. I just wanted to clear that up - LOL!
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Very little. I am actually a lot like my parents.

The only thing I can think of is that I don't wear makeup or jewelry as an adult and they WANT me to. (So sort of the opposite of what the OP asked) While they wouldn't have encouraged it until we were through puberty my mom and dad spent years trying to try to talk me and my sister into making a little bit of an effort. "Why don't you put on a little lipstick?" 😆
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My parents were Mennonite, so I do all kinds of things that they would absolutely hate. I struggle with the guilt of it all to be honest.
Oh, there's no way I could pick just one. The tattoos, the piercings, the pot, the concerts, the traveling alone. Which makes me sound like a total delinquent when I type it like that, but I swear, I'm just a normal middle aged mom! But my mother is a very straight-laced Catholic woman so I do a lot of things that are outside her comfort zone.
Oh, there's no way I could pick just one. The tattoos, the piercings, the pot, the concerts, the traveling alone. Which makes me sound like a total delinquent when I type it like that, but I swear, I'm just a normal middle aged mom! But my mother is a very straight-laced Catholic woman so I do a lot of things that are outside her comfort zone.
I get you!!! I was the quiet child who did all the things no one wanted me to do( and shouldn't have been). But at about 24 yrs of age I figured it all out and have led a very nice life ( with a bit of sassiness because it never really goes away)


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