What Time is the 4 o'clock Rain? -- Updates 11/2-4 -- Tim's surprise and Marco&Recap

It was Sunday, September 1, and we had to get home. We had a puppy waiting for us (well, she is gone now, but she was there when we got back from our trip).

I think I was up at 5:00 to shower and pack up the rest of our stuff. After Mark's shower, we loaded up the car, I checked around the condo one last time and had to get two more pictures before we left:

It gets harder and harder to leave each time. Not only because we love Nicki and Todd, but it is just so peaceful and serene on Marco.

We stopped here

and then stopped for breakfast on the highway. We made what seemed like a very long ride back to the airport (we did not stop at Epcot as Mark had offered...I figured we'd be back in December and we could do SE then).

Someone was not happy

Our plane was there waiting for us

And before we knew it, we were leaving "home" to go home.

We wanted to keep the magic alive, so we played with our food:

We landed on time and Andy met us at the airport to drive us home. We came home to see our late Princess, Cookie:

Up next, a recap of our thoughts.
Look at you sporting that suntan in the cute little sundress! Marco Island looks amazing. I could get used to that view every day.

There doesn't have to be any photographic evidence of the tears being shed. I totally believe you 'cause it happens every time, doesn't it? :sad1:

**Oops, you were posting while I was posting. I'll be back after I read the last post.

I'm back: Poor Mark! Look at that sad pout on his face. He didn't want to go home and I don't blame him!
what a wonderful way to end your trip! friends, food and beautiful scenery! I have a feeling you will be moving to Marco when you and Mark are ready to leave the cold Chicago winters!
I am caught up but can't see any pictures on my phone so will need to go back and comment in full. I am sorry Miami was a hit of a bust but other than the bit of rain, Marco and Nikki and Todd (and Minnie) seems as wonderful and musical as ever! I was relaxed just reading about it!
Lots of updates to catch up on!
It looks like you had a wonderful time on Marco Island and it's lovely that you got to spend so much time with your friends :)
Yay for the casino win!
Oh and the new sundress is lovely :)
Wow that was a quick week in Marco. ;) I am sorry Miami was a bust. I have not been there in years and well now no real desire to . :lmao:

Love the sundress and all your time with Nicki and Todd.
Our best moments and our least favorite moments. Luckily, there were more "best" moments than their were "least" favorite moments.

Least favorite moments:

1) the rain
2) the rain
3) our meals at Sci Fi and Ohanas
4) the rain
5) Spaceship Earth being closed

Our best moments:

1) Our numerous and wonderful DIS meets -- Brenda and Em, Marilyn, Brenda and Em, Suzi, D, Brenda and Em, Brenda and Em :lmao::lmao::lmao:
2) The passing of the balloon in my dad's memory
3) Our interaction with the PP photographer at the MK
4) Our interaction with the PP photographer with Pooh and Tigger
5) Mark and Rapunzel

Our favorite meal by far was Yachtsman Steakhouse; Rose and Crown also moved way up on our list..

I would prefer NOT to go mid-August again if we can avoid it. It was HOT. It rained a lot. It was more crowded than we are used to. Oh, and did I mention it rained a lot? This will all depend on Mark's job. If he's at the same job, it will be about the same time we go unless we go late in September which I'm not crazy about either. If Mark loses his job, then we will go the Friday before Labor Day weekend for 8 days and then go to Marco from there.

Our favorite photopass pictures (in no particular order):

I thank you all for reading. I hope I didn't bore you.

I thank you for all the kind words when we lost our princess Cookie.

I hope you'll come back for the next TR after our December trip (the PTR is currently underway).

Love you all.
Great report Kathy. You have a way of making me feel like I am right there. Marco Island looks great and so relaxing.
I think that's the biggest potato pancake I've ever seen. But I have to say, bland potato pancakes are super disappointing.

Interesting. There used to be a Daruma in Evanston. Don't know if it was the same, but it was one of my favorites when we lived there.

Marco Island definitely does look beautiful.

I'm guessing you weren't a fan of the rain? ;)

Great report as always. You know I'll always be around for the next one. :goodvibes
Mark is a sun god! I can not believe you won that much money at the casino. Congrats! What a fun couple of days on Marco Island with friends. The food porn does like delicious!
Wow you were an updating machine !! Marco Island and Nikki were great 1!Loved all the Food Porn !!! But let me think you have another trip coming up next month!!!! Me too !!!!!
Judy would LOVE the Dolphins !!!! Mark did a fine job recovering from all that Stingray watching !!!:rotfl2:Wahooey for your winningspixiedust:pixiedust:

I love dolphins...I could spend hours watching them. Thanks, Rosie. Those winnings helped pay for the December trip.

Great update Kathy! It always looks so peaceful and beautiful in Marco.

It really is (could be because 90% of them are senior citizens).

I hope the stingray survived too - how sad, but I am sure it happens all the time?

Someone told us this happens a lot when it is low tide.

And the food at The Pub looks wonderful!

It really is; it is one of our must-do's every trip now.

Your new grandpuppy is adorable too! :)

I can't wait to see Rolo this weekend.

Looking forward to more updates!


Trip report done. :)

Interesting to see they get in the water with the whales, which of course is more exciting.

They used to at Sea World too (not sure if they still do since the accident a couple of years ago).

I'm Caught up!!!! :cheer2: Yay me!!!

:banana::banana::banana: hate to tell you that you aren't anymore.

AWWWWWWWWWWW the meet up with Nikki is so adorable! YAY your all together!

As much as Nicki and I love each other, her and Mark have a very special relationship too.

Is it me or is that enclosure for the whales really small??

I thought so too when we first sat down.

I love dolphins. they are just such sweet looking creatures! Miami? Looks like Detroit.... :confused3 Another HUGE CONGRATS on the BIG WIN!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cool1: :cheer2: :cool1:

Me too...they are so graceful. I've never been to Detroit, but I'll trust you on that one. Thank you. :)

Minni is one cute puppy!!!! bet you just wanted to SQUISH HER!!! then POOF out comes Rolo! what a doggie(animal) packed update!!! :thumbsup2

She really is; and I just love Rolo. Can't wait to see him this weekend. :)

nice beach day! That stingray looks huge? Is the picture deceiving or was it really a big one?

No, picture was not deceiving...he was really big.

You & Mark look so relaxed. I envy you. Not that I want to wish away the youngest childhood.

Thanks, Dee. We really were. It's amazing how different we feel and act when we are in Florida as compared to home.

Your granpuppy is adorable.

Thank you. He had a rough weekend. He went to a babysitter this weekend who had three other dogs. Poor Rolo slept from 6 p.m. last night until 7 this morning...they wore him out.

Your meals look yummy too. Love the looks of that salad with the fresh peppers on it. Now, it's only 9:17am and I am craving a salad.

With Nicki's diet, she eats a lot of salads and that one even looked good to me.

I knew you'd appreciate that.


I got a tiny piece...they were really good.

Wow! 9 nights? I didn't realize you spent so long there!

Yes,, it was our longest trip ever.

No. Not at all. :rolleyes1

I love how they just are so comfortable with each other; and this is after Mark thought it was odd I wanted to meet a completely strange woman.

Goes without saying.

Of course.

Don't be modest. That was very nice of you. :thumbsup2

Thanks. :blush:

Wow... That was awesome that Kathy snagged that ADR for you. A lot of drama to get there, but I'm sure it was all worth the effort.

I feel so bad about his camera.

By the way, can't you stick something down in the hole where the button used to be to make it work? :confused3 :rotfl2::lmao:

Now that is funny.


No really, how you do truly feel about Miami?

I hate any city that LeBron James is part of (I was so happy he did NOT choose Chicago...championship or not!

Well played! :thumbsup2 :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

He's always been a little brat. :rotfl:

How do you always manage to do that????? :confused3 :rotfl2::lmao:

It was pure luck...seriously. I had $50 left, sat at a quarter machine and played 45 credits which I knew wouldn't last long, and I hit the jackpot on my second spin.
It looks like you had a nice, relaxing time on Marco Island!

We really did; we love it there.

Oh and Minnie is adorable! Is she a Bichon?

Yes she is; no, she is not a Bichon (that was our Cookie). Minnie is a Maltese.

Wow, lots to catch up with here!

Wait until you see the next update.

That rain seems to be the theme on this trip. It just follows you around! Glad you were able to meet up with Todd and Nicki; it always seems like a great visit for you.

Yes, we had a lot of rain. We always love our time with them and 7 days was heaven.

I'm getting hungry staring at all the food pictures. That hurts on a Monday morning.:rotfl2:

Sorry; but it was so good, I had to share.

So it was very subtle, but it sounds like you're not a fan of Miami. You guys really covered a lot of ground in Florida, though.

No, I was not a fan of Miami and no desire to go back at all.

Nice job by your kid setting you up for the splash zone. :thumbsup2:rotfl:

It's bad enough the kid is a Packers fan, but also a brat! I have no idea where we went wrong with him. :lmao:

And this settles it. Next time I go to Disney World, I'm letting you handle my ADR's. I can't believe how often you get into BoG! I've never once seen an available time there! What's your secret?

It was truly luck this time around.

Anyway, what a great gift to Tim and family. I'm sure they loved it.:thumbsup2

I was so happy I could do it for them...I love that family.

other than all that rain your time at Marco looks fun and relaxing! puppy Minnie is so cute!

Luckily, most of the rain waited until just before dinner or during dinner, so we weren't really out in it like we were at Disney.

love that you were able to get the BOG adr for Tim, bummer about his camera :headache:

I was happy I got it for them too; I hope he got some good pictures on his phone.

I've always heard that Miami was a dirty city/town/whatever it is. The first thing that I noticed in the pictures was the fact that the trainers were in the water with the whales.

I'd heard that about Miami too. You were at Sea World this year; were the trainers in the water with Shamu? Or do they still not do that since the accident?

The beach day looks glorious! Not too crowded either.:thumbsup2

No, it is off-season on Marco until late October early November and we never have to worry about crowds there. We normally have the pool all to ourselves too (maybe one or two strays who don't stay long).

Did he win?

Probably (he cheats ;))

Too bad most of the pictures were lost but, WOW! This is awesome!

Thank you; I'm glad one was there.

Trying to catch up. I have made it through Part 3 of Aug 22:

What great photos of an empty New Fantasy land and of the Little Mermaid queue. I love all of the little details you shared.

Thanks, Dee.

You really hit some classics that morning: Pooh, Dumbo, HM (love the closeup of the organ and the picture of Madam Leota), Big Thunder, Pirates and of course, the ever popular Tiki Birds. I hope the line wasn't too long there.

You know how that Tiki line can be. :rotfl::rotfl:


It is funny; but I have to give in to hubby on a few things.

Great looking lunch at The Plaza. We have never dined there.

You must try it on a future trip.

Loved all of your traditional photos!

Thanks. :)

The tribute to your dad brought tears to my eyes. What a positive, upbeat and generous act that will forever be remembered by that family, and you.

Thank you for that Dee. You warmed my heart.


Right back to you. :hug:

Coats on your big win. Miami has no appeal to me. Love the puppy pictures. Nice relaxing time after Disney.

Thank you; it was nice having that money to pay off the December trip. Yep, did Miami once, and done! They are both cute puppies; and we love relaxing after all the hustle at Disney.

Marco looks so fun. Girls would have liked that dolphin show.
What is up with your Dec ticker??? A month and 12 days??? I think not!

Maybe we should take a Sea World day in May/June since I'm renting a car?

I fixed my ticker...I have no idea what was up with that.
. Miami is filthy, traffic is horrendous (especially when you get hit with more rain) and where LeBron James plays...reason enough to hate it!

I could not agree more with this statement. But of course being a Cav's fine my reasons are obvious. :rotfl:
Kathy what a fabulous wrap up! :worship: Mark's Rapunzel photo will be an EPIC picture for a long time to come. But I love the joy of your Pooh and Tigger photos. They were like medicine to your soul. :goodvibes

You looked so happy and tan in your Marco Island photos. What a great place to relax - completely a different pace than being in parks sun up to sun down. And may I join in and say you sundress is lovely as well.

So many yummy food porn photos.... especially the German restaurant and the Japanese. Oh, and Nicki's carrot cake at Cheesecake Factory looks pretty darn amazing.

I'm going to try R&C the first time this trip so I'm glad to see it was among your favorites. YSH will always be a favorite of ours.

I'm so glad that our dates align once again because we are so looking forward to seeing you again. :hug: And thanks for including us in the highlights column. :laughing:
You ROCK Ms. Kat!!! :cheer2:

I tried to snag this ADR for Tim and Mel too, but you were the one to get it done. :thumbsup2 I'm impressed!! :goodvibes

Thanks, Camille. I was in shock when it popped up.

Not a huge fan of Miami myself :lmao: it ALWAYS pours down with rain when we drive through.

And the traffic! And the construction! Brutal.

Yeah for a great win at the Casino!

Thank you.

Love all the pics of Nicki, Todd and you guys. :goodvibes

Thanks, Karin.

Oh, and that Schnitzel looked good. Hm, I think I might want one for dinner tomorrow - I better let Tom know, he's on sickleave and has time to cook for me. :rotfl2:

I'll be on the next flight; it's one of my favorite meals.

Look at you sporting that suntan in the cute little sundress! Marco Island looks amazing. I could get used to that view every day.

Despite ALL the rain, we were able to get good tans this trip. It is amazing, and I am hoping for that view permanently in a few years.

There doesn't have to be any photographic evidence of the tears being shed. I totally believe you 'cause it happens every time, doesn't it? :sad1:

Yes, it does. Amazing we met here on the DIS just five years ago.

**Oops, you were posting while I was posting. I'll be back after I read the last post.

I'm back: Poor Mark! Look at that sad pout on his face. He didn't want to go home and I don't blame him!

No, he didn't; nor did I (I had a picture of me too, but I've misplaced some pictures.

what a wonderful way to end your trip! friends, food and beautiful scenery! I have a feeling you will be moving to Marco when you and Mark are ready to leave the cold Chicago winters!

Thank you, Lisa. I don't think we'll be on Marco when we move...I'm thinking more Naples or Ft. Myers...but there are beaches and beautiful views there too.

I am caught up but can't see any pictures on my phone so will need to go back and comment in full. I am sorry Miami was a hit of a bust but other than the bit of rain, Marco and Nikki and Todd (and Minnie) seems as wonderful and musical as ever! I was relaxed just reading about it!

Thank you, Cynthia, and I'm glad it relaxed you too. Marco tends to do that for you.

Lots of updates to catch up on!
It looks like you had a wonderful time on Marco Island and it's lovely that you got to spend so much time with your friends :)

I thank God every day for the DIS for without it I would never have met Nicki.

Yay for the casino win!

I was so excited.

Oh and the new sundress is lovely :)

Thank you...it's a fun dress.
Today was going to be a beach and pool day.

What a look of contentment there. :thumbsup2

I have enjoyed your TR and it's with mixed feelings I have that this is coming to a close.

I'm sad because your trip reports are almost like a daily fix for me to feed my addiction for WDW. :lmao:

And I'm happy because you are so dog gone popular here on the DIs that it is easy to get behind in reading your reports. :rotfl:
Wow that was a quick week in Marco. ;) I am sorry Miami was a bust. I have not been there in years and well now no real desire to . :lmao:

Sorry, Pat. We were there 9 days, but we leave in 27 days and I had to get this TR done so I could get going on the rest of the PTR.

Love the sundress and all your time with Nicki and Todd.

Thank you. :)

Great report Kathy. You have a way of making me feel like I am right there. Marco Island looks great and so relaxing.

Thanks, Judy...I appreciate that. It is a beautiful area and perfect for relaxation. I hope to meet you next month.

Mark is a sun god! I can not believe you won that much money at the casino. Congrats! What a fun couple of days on Marco Island with friends. The food porn does like delicious!

Mark loves his sun. However, he has learned to use suntan lotion unlike on our honeymoon in Hawaii. I am often lucky at the casino...but not that lucky. We had a blast with Todd and Nicki and did not have a bad meal. I hope I'm going to see you at the CP breakfast next month.

Wow you were an updating machine !! Marco Island and Nikki were great 1!Loved all the Food Porn !!! But let me think you have another trip coming up next month!!!! Me too !!!!!

I need to work on my PTR, Rosie, so had to finish this puppy up (I'm not like some people who will remain unnamed in dragging out a TR ;)). Hoping we get to meet next month.

I could not agree more with this statement. But of course being a Cav's fine my reasons are obvious. :rotfl:

Yes, you should have a very good reason for NOT liking Mr. James.
Kathy what a fabulous wrap up! :worship: Mark's Rapunzel photo will be an EPIC picture for a long time to come. But I love the joy of your Pooh and Tigger photos. They were like medicine to your soul. :goodvibes

Thank you, Brenda. Rapunzel and Mark was truly epic. And Tigger and Pooh were just the right medicine.

You looked so happy and tan in your Marco Island photos. What a great place to relax - completely a different pace than being in parks sun up to sun down. And may I join in and say you sundress is lovely as well.

We are so at peace there; we can't wait to get back. I'm glad you liked my dress...it was fun.

So many yummy food porn photos.... especially the German restaurant and the Japanese. Oh, and Nicki's carrot cake at Cheesecake Factory looks pretty darn amazing.

We truly did not have a bad meal the whole time on Marco. We have in the past, but this time everything was perfect.

I'm going to try R&C the first time this trip so I'm glad to see it was among your favorites. YSH will always be a favorite of ours.

Try the scotch egg per my hubby. We loved our meal at Rose & Crown. Yachtsman is just special.

I'm so glad that our dates align once again because we are so looking forward to seeing you again. :hug: And thanks for including us in the highlights column. :laughing:

Mark and I are looking forward to seeing you and Em again. You were a big part of the trip and no way I could leave you out.


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