What is your not so normal item to pack, which is helpful while at WDW ?

This year we're going to pack some of those new Downy paper towels that have the dish soap embedded in them-useful for washing out the refillable mugs. We were going to soak sponge bits in dish soap and let them dry to take with us, but this is a better alternative.
That is great!! I was planning on doing the sponge thing as well but this will be so much more handy. Thank you for reminding me of these!
We always bring a travel sized hairspray type bottle and fill it with water. You can get them super cheap at a beauty supply place. They are WAY cheaper than the spray bottles with fans they sell at the parks, and are small enough to fit in your pocket. People appreciate you spraying them in line too. Easily refilled at drinking fountains.
I have a toddler and the first time we went I realized there was no rubber mat for the bathtubs so now I always bring one for his safety.
When my kids were young and slipped around in the tub I just put one of the hand towels in the bottom of the tub. It floats a little but works in pinch.
Chewing gum - It's not sold in the parks. I refuse to allow my husband smoke in front of my child, or yours. Suck it up DH, just because you don't love your lungs doesn't mean you can ruin everyone elses... oops, rant.

I love you for this - not in a creepy stranger way - but just because the smoking thing is personal
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that's a great solution. we always rent a stroller - but we may skip it this year. my son is 9 so he's certainly big enough to walk around, but he's a cancer survivor (5 years off treatment in october and we're celebrating in DISNEY) and he tires more quickly than then average 9 year old. we just can't decide if we want the stroller or not. we have to get the double, too!

You could always rent it to carry your stuff around and oh, btw, if your son needs it, well it *just* happens to be there. Wishing him everlasting victory and happiness.
I use a small Vera Bradley backpack, since it's quilted it works like a cooler. I freeze our Bobble water bottles (they have the built in filter!) keep them in the backpack. I buy individual wet-ones use those to clean up and "freshen" up! I carry a trial size deodorant (I try to be one of the less offensive people!) hand sanitizer! I love all the tips especially the night light I'm always up early or in the middle of the night. I'll be using some of the ideas in my next trip! 30 days!!!
I like to bring low carb snacks. We don't eat anything made of grain so no bread or crackers or chips etc. I don't mind some celery or carrot sticks but they don't really fill you up like protein and fat do. What I bring now is grass fed, no additive or msg beef sticks made by Nick's Sticks. (Amazon) They aren't cheap but they're healthy and great on a plane or in the parks. Also, wax covered cheeses travel well, like small rounds of Gouda and Edam (Aldi's). The cheese may get warm but it's encased in wax so it's not going anywhere, and it won't hurt anything to go without refrigeration for a few hours.
I am finally done reading all the tips! And now I have to re-do my packing list.

One thing I wanted to mention that I didn't see (unless I missed it) was if you are bringing necklaces and don't want them to get tangled is to put one end of the chain through a plastic drinking straw and then close it. No tangled chains!

This is an AWESOME idea! Thank you!
I like to bring low carb snacks. We don't eat anything made of grain so no bread or crackers or chips etc. I don't mind some celery or carrot sticks but they don't really fill you up like protein and fat do. What I bring now is grass fed, no additive or msg beef sticks made by Nick's Sticks. (Amazon) They aren't cheap but they're healthy and great on a plane or in the parks. Also, wax covered cheeses travel well, like small rounds of Gouda and Edam (Aldi's). The cheese may get warm but it's encased in wax so it's not going anywhere, and it won't hurt anything to go without refrigeration for a few hours.

I love these ideas.. I am always looking for more no carb snacks!!!! I'm on atkins plus it's better for you!
I love these ideas.. I am always looking for more no carb snacks!!!! I'm on atkins plus it's better for you!

I also make up a trail mix with Bob's Red Mill coconut flakes, a few Craisins, almonds, pecans, walnuts, and some pumpkin seeds. This is high calorie, so go easy on how much you eat, and too many nuts or coconuts works like a laxative! I never use peanuts or peanut butter because peanuts are very prone to molds, and can have a lot of micotoxins. A good substitute for peanut butter is Sunbutter, made from sunflower seeds. It's excellent with celery sticks since we don't eat crackers or bread.

If you have access to an egg, any kind of oil and a microwave, you can bring premade low carb baking mix and make Mug Muffins in your condo or even the resort food court. I make ours in a ceramic mug or a bowl. My baking mixture, which I bring premixed in a ziplock bag, is a Tablespoon each of golden flax and coconut flours, a half teaspoon of baking powder, and a teaspoon each (optional) of sugar and some kind of spice. Mix one egg and one teaspoon of oil (butter, coconut oil, etc) into the flour mixture. Stir it all together inside your mug or bowl and microwave for one minute. Instant muffin in 60 seconds!

Last trip we spent a week at Boardwalk Villas and had a full kitchen. I discovered that cream and eggs were relatively cheap at onsite Disney stores, so we had real cream in our coffee and bought eggs for breakfasts and mug muffins to take to the parks for snacks.

I still had leftover eggs and baking mix when we switched resorts and stayed at Port Orleans, so we made mug muffins at the food court. BTW, this same receipe works in our Belgium waffle maker. Just add a half a small packet of unflavored gelatin to the mix, otherwise the waffle is a bit crumbly. With the gelatin it's just like a normal waffle. Light and delicious and gluten free.


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