What do I even say to them?

Unfortunately there are some people who just don't get it. That is why we are here on the boards - to share the love:love: of Disney with each other!
Some people just won't like it, despite if they plan or not. While one may enjoy Disney, others may prefer to be in the mountains or something. Disney is expensive, and the sticker shock can turn some away. They may even hate the fact that they didn't enjoy Disney. :confused3 So many different factors that can cause someone to not enjoy Disney. That's their decision.

Would i say anything about it? Maybe an apology to the affect of "sorry it wasn't what you would have liked", and go on from there. If they continue to bash Disney, I'd then take out our Disney Photo books and show them the great times we had (I've got quite a few)... and perhaps let the photo's do all the talking. It may spark something that they enjoyed while there. Perhaps the Disney location wasn't their liking. Their focal point of the trip they took should then be directed to enjoying the company of those they were with on the trip.

To each their own, but it won't deter us from going.
we had friends there during our same week last year and their experience couldn't have been more different from ours.

It was her family's FIRST ever family vacation, anywhere (I don't understand that, her kids are all like 10, 11, 12 ) but anyway, her one comment prior was that she wanted it to be "spontaneous" because that's how she imagined a family vacation should be. So I truly think this family would have had a miserable time anywhere they went, because they weren't going to plan. But then going to WDW - that pretty much sent them over the edge. What's worse was that she asked me for tips prior, so I thought she really wanted to know, but she used none of them, like making ADRs, checking best parks, learning how to use FP, getting there early, none of which are commando or over the top. They're simple planning.

So, yes, mid week I finally had to stop responding to her incessant texts all where she was complaining about everything. And 100% she will NEVER go back to WDW with her family. Even her kids hated it. And that's fine, but you know who is the first person to say to me "You're going there AGAIN???? I HATE that place!"

So sometimes you do have to speak up and just say "I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Disney requires planning. " and then I just leave it at that.
A lot of people I talk to say that they don't like Disney because it is always so busy. And I say well perhaps if you did a little research you could figure out that it is going to be busy at certain points in the year. Oh well, they can hate but that means more room for all of us here on the boards!
I did not read entire post but like others said, better off just not saying N E thing. It will just get them started on how bad it is. U are not going to change their opinion. It's not for everyone. Which is good. If absolutely everybody loved it and went, It would get bad. too crowded, I would not want to go.
I would say, "I'm sorry you didn't like it. We love WDW and have a great time every time we go, but it's not for everyone. Hopefully you'll find some other destination you like just as much as we like Disney!" and leave it at that.

Don't try to tell them what they did wrong, or how they could have done it better. They can't go back and fix it ... their trip is what it is. Smile, nod, and keep planning your own trip!


More on planning...

And not everyone who plans has a great trip. I plan, and some trips have been less than stellar. Some trips where planning was at a minimum were fantastic. It's a lot more than planning. Of course, at Easter, planning would be very, very, very wise. However, anyone who doesn't want to do any planning probably wouldn't enjoy a Disney vacation regardless.

Disney isn't for everyone. Some people do it just because they feel they have to. All the power to them. I keep the beaches in Hawaii free; I can't think of anything more painful than spending a week at a beach.
I have two friends who just returned from family trips to WDW. Both hated it! One only spent one day in the parks and decided not to return. Opting for other area attractions instead. :confused3 The other spent several days, but swears it was the worst experience of their life. The second is a total drama queen, though. So, it's probably more for show than anything.

I'm tempted to say something snotty, like maybe a little planning would have helped. One quick Internet search would have warned them that Easter break probably isn't the best time to arrive with 5 little ones in tow.

It's just so frustrating listening to them go on and on about what an awful place it is...

say nothing, it was their trip and their opinion. ;) You don't have to listen to it either. Just tell them that you have had different experiences and have to go... and walk away....:goodvibes
Unfortunately there are some people who just don't get it. That is why we are here on the boards - to share the love:love: of Disney with each other!

::yes:: very well stated.. It is not for everyone. No sense trying to put our love of something onto someone else.. it doesn't work. :hippie:
We have been going to Disney for eighteen years and we are not planners. It is not a vacation to me if you have to obssessively plan every detail. I resent the Disney Dining plan because now I cannot dine at a restuarant on a whim and the food quality has fallen way, way down, but I use the food plan.
I try to go when the crowds are low and when it gets too busy all the time then we stop going to Disney. I do a minimum of planning like hotels, restaurants, and I have an idea what rides and attractions that we want to see, but other than that there is no planning.

One year we went during Fall break and that was an extreme mistake. The crowds were horrendous and Disney did not have the parks fully staffed. I remember after several days of an incredibly bad trip something had happened and my patience had snapped. We went into Guest Relations to complain. The poor cast member was beat---they all were and I think the poor young man told us the truth. He said, "I am sorry, but it has been really, really bad all week. Management did not know that there were going to be this many people here. I said, but, all the resort hotels are full. Maybe someone in management needs to be fired. If that had been my first visit, I never would have returned. No amount of planning would have saved that trip.
Disney is not for everybody. If it is not their thing, don't try to push it on them. It is not a matter of "getting Disney" or not. There is nothing to "get" about Disney. You either like it or you don't. I don't like Six Flags, but many people love it. I despise Sea World and everything they do, but my cousin loves it and has season passes - she does not like WDW. Different strokes for different folks. If somebody doesn't like WDW, then that is less people in the parks complaining about things. :)
Don't take it personally that someone had a bad vacation.

I've heard many people come back and complain. It was too hot. The lines were too long. Everything was too expensive. Couldn't get a table in the restaurant. They won't be going again.

A lot of people return feeling that way.

I see no need to tell them that I plan better than they did or that I had a better time. What would the point be?
I have two friends who just returned from family trips to WDW. Both hated it! One only spent one day in the parks and decided not to return. Opting for other area attractions instead. :confused3 The other spent several days, but swears it was the worst experience of their life. The second is a total drama queen, though. So, it's probably more for show than anything.

I'm tempted to say something snotty, like maybe a little planning would have helped. One quick Internet search would have warned them that Easter break probably isn't the best time to arrive with 5 little ones in tow.

It's just so frustrating listening to them go on and on about what an awful place it is...

Just smile and change the subject.

Does any Disser ever think that the reason someone else doesn't like WDW is for any other reason than poor planning?

I know people that have gone to WDW at the lowest of attendance seasons, didn't wait in long lines, but still didn't like it.

Ya know, many folks don't like WDW, and there are a million reasons they don't like it.

On the DIS boards, though, the ONLY reason people aren't infatuated with WDW is poor planning.

And, you don't have to take it as a personal frustration or blame that someone else didn't like their vacation choice.
I know several families who have visited WDW and found it (in their words) cheap, tacky and plastic. However in contrast all loved Seaworld and Universal. I don't personally think either compare to Disney but I do hate hearing people talk negatively of WDW when I love it so much.

I feel sorry for people when they visit Orlando without planning or research. IMHO you will not get half the experience then, in comparison to the holiday you would get if you did a little planning and research.
Actually, I think that even Universal and Seaworld require some planning depending on the situation. I like them all.

We did have a friend that disliked the overall commercial atmosphere at WDW. He liked to visit "real" places and that's OK. I like real places too but those require even MORE planning!
Let it go. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and Disney is not for everyone. Just like Universal, Six Flags, or Hershey isn't to everyone's liking. Luckily, there are many many different places in the world to vacation.
I remember being there several years ago and this lady telling me that it should be called "McStressful". I think for those that don't plan, Disney can be a very stressful place. I also know that we have friends that are taking their kids for one day this summer and that will be it for them. It is hard to imagine trying to base your opinion on Disney on just one day. We have great memories from each trip. Unfortunately, these kids will only have one day.
Actually, I think that even Universal and Seaworld require some planning depending on the situation. I like them all.

We did have a friend that disliked the overall commercial atmosphere at WDW. He liked to visit "real" places and that's OK. I like real places too but those require even MORE planning!

Well said. I can respect those that simply do not prefer disney as a vacation choice.

The Magic Kingdom alone hosts 15 Million visitors per year..... not everyone will have a good trip.
when this happens to me I say: I don't understand, we always have a good time, in fact the kids want to go again this year!
Love seeing the looks on their faces :rotfl2:
I would say, "I'm sorry you didn't like it. We love WDW and have a great time every time we go, but it's not for everyone. Hopefully you'll find some other destination you like just as much as we like Disney!" and leave it at that.

Don't try to tell them what they did wrong, or how they could have done it better. They can't go back and fix it ... their trip is what it is. Smile, nod, and keep planning your own trip!



And, quite frankly, I don't understand why some feel the need to be condesending in a response to people in these circumstances. While planning works for some, it's not absolutely necessary to ensure a good Disney vacation.
Our first trip to Disney was a big, fat disappointment. I realize now that Disney trips require an extreme amount of planning. I don't think anyone expects to have to put so much work into a such a pricey vacation. You pay compete with other guests for limited resources within the park. I expected a lot more rides at MK. It was boring to us as there was less for little kids to ride than at a local fair and with far longer lines.

We now have a different set of expectations for Disney and are eagerly awaiting our trip! :cheer2:


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