What did you do today to save money?

DW took Chunky soup to school ($1.49), I took lunch to work (stew - enough for two days -- Yum!)

Didn't have a pop, drank water and coffee.

Turned the hottub down to 101 degrees from 104 (this was a real sacrifice-- supposed to get down to -1 tonight.)

Made a cheap dinner -- leftover Chik-fil-A nuggets from our free platter, Progresso Chicken soup.

Resisted turning on the gas fireplace.

Ragged on the entire family for leaving every light on in the house.

Lastly -- DS5 at dinner, DS5 asked for milk and then urgently yelled, "No! Apple Juice, not milk, cause it's older!" From the mouth of babes...:cool2:
Bought a $50.00 gas card at Speedway for 49.00, put it on a 5% cash back CC, and used their website to find the lowest price in the area to fill up.

Used 2 of the $3.00/5 Mueller's Pasta coupons at Meijer and walked out 79 cents richer along with 10 boxes of pasta.

Turned the heat down a degree.

I brought my lunch from home to work. Yesterday I worked about a mile from my house so I was able to get home quickly.

I also drove my daughter to band practice and stayed there instead of going out to stores and spending money.

My DH got a quote for an electrician ($1500!) and then talked to more people and he thinks that the job can get done for $500.

Made dinner at home instead of going out.

Used my Blockbuster online envelope to get a FREE movie at the store! The clerk asked if I wanted a candy upgrade and I said no.


I am going to my college bookstore for books. I know what they are going for on Ebay, half, amazon and other places and these other outlets are either $2 more than the bookstores. I want to check other editions of texts while I am there to see if I can get the older edition for less money. I can't believe the traditoinally cheaper outlets for texts are higher than the bookstore.
I am going to my college bookstore for books. I know what they are going for on Ebay, half, amazon and other places and these other outlets are either $2 more than the bookstores. I want to check other editions of texts while I am there to see if I can get the older edition for less money. I can't believe the traditoinally cheaper outlets for texts are higher than the bookstore.

That IS really surprising!!

We just ordered the two textbooks dh needs for the classes he just registered for and I about fell over when I saw the list prices -- they came to almost $300 for the two!! Fortunately, I used a couple sources that were listed here a couple days ago for books (I'm thanking God for that timing!) and we saved over $100 on one book alone! We ended up getting them for half the list price. The DIS folks come through once again!! :thumbsup2
Originally Posted by Tink561
I didn't *have* to have any of it for my dd so I didn't use my Gymbucks

You folks with Gymbucks should consider selling them on Ebay - bring in some cash!
Are we going to keep going for today? OK, I do this every day but we can count it for today. I work at home so as soon as my kids leave for the day the heat gets turned down to 59. I use a very small ceramic heater in my office. Electric down $30.00 per month and savings on Propane (heat) enormous, (thanks to the weather gods in that area too)

Also put off going to the grocery store all week, they say the less you go the less you spend. So it will be something out of the freezer for dinner, I may not go till next week.

Called my Auto insurance company (who by the way I work for, so no one is immune to paying too much) and I found out that they were charging me $40.00 for the privilege of being on a payment plan. Raised my deductibles, dropped rental and paid it in full, savings of $130. in all YIPPEE!
I didn't know you could do that!

I believe technically it is illegal, but you can do it, many people do. While your overall discount is better if you use your Gymbucks correctly, if you aren't going to use them up for whatever reason, you should certainly GIVE THEM TO ME :love: or sell them on eBay. Go read some of the ones up now to get an idea how to list them correctly. Seriously, don't just sit on them ladies! Again, just as a friendly reminder, I have PayPal and I know how to use it!
I downloaded iTunes freebies and some free podcasts onto my iPod (there are some good Disney ones.)
I've been cooking about every night. We usually eat out a lot since my DH & I both work long & different hours.

I just redeemed MY Points (from my Chrsitmas shopping) for a Rainforest Cafe gift card to use on our WDW vacation.

Am currently looking into cutting back our cable/phone/internet pkg.
Just today?? LOL..

I returned from WDW on December 10th and aside from paying your typical monthly bills (which for me are electric; telephone; cable; health insurance; and life insurance) I've probably spent less than $300 - and $100 of that was for gas for my mini van and flowers for my DD while she was hospitalized recently..

I can go for very, very long periods of time without spending money because there just isn't anything I want or need.. I was raised in a very thrifty household, so it's just a way of life for me..:)
I've been cooking about every night. We usually eat out a lot since my DH & I both work long & different hours.

I just redeemed MY Points (from my Chrsitmas shopping) for a Rainforest Cafe gift card to use on our WDW vacation.

Am currently looking into cutting back our cable/phone/internet pkg.

Oh-yeah! One other BIGGIE for me. I'm taking my lunch to work everyday. And-I've lost 10 lbs. by doing so. No more snacking in the vending/soda machines either.:banana:
Borrowed "A Taste of Home" cookbook from the library after hearing it recommended on another thread here on the Budget Boards - I was the first person to borrow it! Also, for the past two weeks, I have been bringing either a Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine frozen meal to work for lunch. Both have been on sale and with coupons, came out to $1.80 each. DH bought me 20 - enough for a month of work days.
Brought a lunch to work and I always bring a thermal mug filled with coffee and drink water for free out of our watercooler. However, I just saw the thread about the Old Navy clearance so I may go check it out at lunch so any potential savings may go straight down the tubes! LOL
You folks with Gymbucks should consider selling them on Ebay - bring in some cash!
FYI ~ You cannot sell Gymbucks. Ebay will not shut down the auction, but Gymboree is watching for the sales. One ebayer sold one and had a picture of the Gymbuck in her auction. Gymboree must have blown up the picture because they de-activated the Gymbuck. She had to refund her buyer as she could not use them.

I gave mine to a friend, but there is a statement on the Gymbuck that says they are not to be sold. This is my PSA for the day! :flower3:

I saved money today by not shopping at Gymboree! ;)
I bought my textbooks all used.

I have a writing childrens books course and all texts for the course (8!) are all childrens books. My own children have three of the books--so that was a "free" expense. I will look at Goodwill today for the other 5--and if they don't have them, I will go to Barnes and Noble with my 20% off each item card --educator card!
I'm also eating my free Orville popcorn from Wegmans as well.
I closed the page for that great AE sale that someone posted! But boy did I want to buy somethings!:lmao:
Oh help me everyone! I'm off to make that Walmart, Sam's trip that I postponed yesterday. Don't know if I will save ANYTHING today! :scared:


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