What did you do today to save money?

Put a block on my kids lunch account so they can't buy alacarte items. Seems they were spending ~$1 a day on snacks, etc. I pack their lunch 4 days a week, they like the pizza on Fridays and it gives me a break from packing lunches every night. I pack snack items, too, but seems they wanted to buy the school's snacks, probably to go along with the other kids, a "follow the herd" mentality. Well, it just got out of hand, so I blocked them. BTW, our school just started offering this block feature this year, before that the kids could buy pretty much anything they wanted and the parents were billed--if there was a negative in their lunch account the school just ran a tab. Had me tearing my hair out trying to balance their lunch expenses. I wish they had a way to block buying lunch trays, too, because I find they sometimes toss the lunch I pack and buy a tray, anyways!:confused3 I really put a lot of effort into packing lunches they like, and suficient quantity, so there's no acceptable reason for them to toss their lunch. The school just started this year an online feature where you can check your child's expenditures on a daily basis. A few days of confronting them with their expenditures really helped! Before, the only time I knew they were blowing through their lunch account was when I got a notice sent home that their lunch account was depleted--oftentimes using up a month's worth of lunch money in a week! Now I can check their expenditures daily. If I catch them buying a tray when I packed a lunch they have a consequence that day--usually no tv/computer time. They quickly decided that they'd rather have their time than buying their lunch.

I don't understand what's so great about those lunches, anyways? The kids even say they prefer the lunches I pack, so why are they buying their lunch? Probably the herd mentality again. At last I have control over what they spend in the school cafeteria, for years the only option I had was to pay the bill! Now I can block them from buying snacks and moniter their spending for trays. Also, it was irritating to constantly get those overdrawn notices sent home. Not only were they blowing through their lunch money, it made us look like irresponsible parents. Quite the opposite--we were throwing money down a bottomless pit! Now we truly have control over the whole lunch situation!

This is so funny because I WISH DD10 would buy her lunch more often! Most of the lunch menu items she labels "barf" and I pack lunch for her at least 3 often 4 times a week. The Lunch Lady works very hard to provide a balanced meal but without a real kitchen, she is forced to do alot of reheating of food cooked elsewhere and the food suffers (so DD tells me).
DS12 is very lucky in that his Special Ed school has a kitchen and the most accommodating Lunch Lady in the entire state - she has to cook for a myriad of allergies and everyone including the teachers are very satisfied.
I haven't saved the $ *yet* but when I made an appointment for my car's routine service appt, I asked if I can use the coupons a competing dealership sent me-I can. :cool1: :cool1:
Here is how I saved money today.....

We neede new dishes. Ours a getting broken and I think getting dangerous. They are cracking and get REALLY when you put them in the microwave so I was afraid of what was seeping into our food. They are 19 years old too. I think new dishes were in line. Sooooo......I went to Carsons today. They had FiestaWare on sale for 30% off plus an additional 15% off if you used your Carsons card. While I was picking out the dishes I noticed the prices were not consistent with each dish or with the sale sign. Example..one dish was marked (before discount) as $14 while another may be marked $12. According to the sale it was 30% off of $14. Well, I didn't think it was fair so I fought (nicely) with them and actually got the 30% off of the $12. This happened on the plates, bowls, serving bowls etc. I got $596 worth of dishes for $311 including tax. While I was paying she asked me if I also wanted 0% interest for 12 months!!!:woohoo: :rotfl2: I know it is still alot of money but I've needed these for years and finally broke down and bought them so I'm glad I at least got a good deal.

Another thing we did.....Last year I got a gift certificate for a steak place about 1/2 hour away. We just haven't had time to go. I looked at it yesterday and saw that it only good for 1 year. I called them last night and asked if they would still honor it. They said they would if we used it soon. We are going to use it tonight. On top of that it will be 3 of us because my oldest is gone all weekend. 3 steak dinners with a gift certificate are cheaper than 4 steak dinners.:cool1: :cool1:
I just cancelled my 2nd phone line. That'll save me $15/month. I finally convinced DH that we didn't need it after 5 years.:rolleyes:

I called last night to Comcast to cancel my cable since I recently had DISH installed. Instead of cancelling my cable service they cancelled my internet service:headache: . I called and they informed me that my plan was no longer being offered and I had to choose between a plan for $100/mth or the $57/month plan:scared: . I was paying $50 before, so there goes most of the phone savings. I can't wait for DSL to come to my neighborhood...
will be using coupon today when paying for heat pump service, savings of 18.00

while picking up garbage bags to use as cat box liners at less than 1/2 the price, i saw Jet Dry was on my list.....so......bought a big gallon jusg of vinegar to use instead. Not only was it a 1/3 the cost, I will be able to use it much longer and for so many other homemade cleaners as well!

I checked out those folding dryer racks but at our Walmart they were almost 18.00....is that right? Seemed expensive for what it was.
Today I cancelled my trial membership with Amazon Prime, so that I won't be charged a $79 annual fee for unlimited "free" 2-day shipping. Hopefully this will also keep me from impulse shopping for books, a personal weakness.
I checked out those folding dryer racks but at our Walmart they were almost 18.00....is that right? Seemed expensive for what it was.

Yes, unfortunately that's about right if it's the folding type with six-eight bars and a net across the top for sweaters. I think I got mine at Target for about that price. Because almost all my tops are sry flat I also ahve a alrge net sweater dryer, but it doesn't fold. It was about $6, but only holds two-three sweaters at a time.

since this thread has started, I have sincerely tried to make an effort every day to do some small thing that saves a little extra. I've been doing great! Until today :sad2: I needed to pick up a check from my employer. It was available to me on Wednesday, but I waited until today to consolidate the trip with my grocery shopping at super walmart. So, I run into town, do my grocery shopping and stop by the office to grab my check. The outer door was locked! I called my employer, he apologized and said he would be there just after lunch to open it. I couldn't wait until he got there, I had to pick the twins up from pre-k. And then, drive all the way back into to town... put an extra 32 miles on my car and my gas tank :guilty:
Does using vinegar in the rinse cylce of the clothes washer mean you do not have to use a dryer sheet? does it eliminate static cling?
Well, I was pretty proud that I put 10% of DH's check into savings this morning..........only to remember I had to write a check for $384.00 later in the day for my DD to have her wisdom teeth removed!:sad2:
Had to cover what insurance will not!:mad:
Does using vinegar in the rinse cylce of the clothes washer mean you do not have to use a dryer sheet? does it eliminate static cling?

Yep, I use it instead of any fabric softener and I don't have a problem with static. Ooh, I also thought of a laundry tidbit that I read somewhere (probably here on the DIS) - that baby wipes work as Dye Magnets. Now, I've never purchased any of the real dye magnets (I think they're Shout brand???) so I can't make a true comparison, but the times that I have thrown a baby wipe in with the wash when I've had a new and bright item in with a mixed load I have not had any color bleeding. So I'm pretty sure they work!
Today I called the electric company and asked if we could be in the trial group for the flexible rate plans they've started. We'll pay less when we use electricity in the "off peak" hours. I also volunteered my kids to be practice models for a portrait company, and we get certificates for free portraits in return!
Actually this is what Dh did today because he's going overseas in April...

He wrote a letter to resign from his bowling league tonight because of training, etc. saving us about $12 a week.

He cancelled the automatic renewal of his Sports Illustrated which would've been $55.44 for the year.

I postponed a trip to the post office so I can combine it with some other places I need to go tomorrow, saved a little gas. Dh and I also worked it out so we can carpool to his bowling alley and the skating rink which are next door to each other.

Also the trip to the skating rink is for an end of season basketball party for DS and siblings are invited, $1 for skate rental+free pizza=:banana: Cheap entertainment AND no cooking!

Now we're just waiting to get an official copy of his orders so we can get the interest rate on one cc lowered (we already know they're going to) and we're going to check with Citifinancial to see if they'll also lower our rate while he's gone.
Went shopping at our local Pathmark 2 days ago and saved 65.50 from our shoppingbill. I only paid a total of 18.22. Between sales and coupons (they are tripling up to .99):goodvibes
We also just found out that our dental will cover alot more of the braces on my 2 boys. My oldest we will be getting back like 2,900.00. We pre-paid so now we get reimbersed. My second boy we thought we would have to pay 2,900.00 more. Now what to do?
I think put 1/2 the money away and use the rest for our next vacation. :cool1: Found money.:thumbsup2
We've also thought about the On-Demand Hot Water Heaters. They only heat the water as you need it instead of the conventional way of constantly heating all day. Does anyone have one or know any more about them?
That would make a great new thread? Wanna post it?
I finally got caught up this thread!! :cool1:

When I signed up for my Disney Visa card it was in the midst of wedding planning (read: life was NUTTY!) and I thought the deal was for 6 months of no payments. When no paper payments came I didn't worry about them, until suddenly I got "one of those notices" stating my bill was overdue! :headache: I instantly called and stated my case. I was able to make a payment over the phone and they explained the real offer to me- 0% APR for 6 months. I asked if my APR would now be affected by my mistake, they were not sure and asked me to call back.

Well, last month I noticed that sure enough, it's at 24.99% now! Eeep! So, I called today and once again stated my case. They were very understanding and said it would have to be escalated and reviewed, I could call back next week and find out. However, while on the call with them, the supervisor reviewed my account and saw they did not take off the fees I was charged, so he reversed those-$68! :banana:

I am REALLY praying they bring down my APR as well for my silly mistake. I understand if it doesn't go to 0%, but any decrease would be wonderful!

I am also going to ask for a credit line increase on my Capital One that is at 4.99% and 0% transfer fees. One of DH's old card is at over 30% APR! :scared: And we owe over $5,000 on it... I am also going to ask/beg them to DECREASE that APR. And DH has learned "no more CC's!!!!"

Together we make a very comfortable income, but our joined credit card debt is eating us alive... I would like to consolidate all debt onto one card or loan, but I'm unsure what the best method is to go about this-any suggestions?

We are also being diligent on bringing lunch to work and turning out lights. DH is going to check out the programmable thermostat this weekend and adjust it a bit to save some money, and we ARE (I'm determined!) going to hit the gym everyday this week to make our 8 times a month standard, then our health insurance takes $20 off the bill.

For Valentine's Day (the weekend after) we are staying 1 night in a hotel in downtown Minneapolis--a little splurge-but we even got a good deal on this, $89 for a very nice hotel that includes a full breakfast for two the next morning in their resturant. I'm going to look for some free things to do around the City while we are there too so we don't just end up at the Mall of America like we always do!
I waited to eat lunch at home even though I was out running errands and I was starving.

My dh has a company car and we have been planning my errands around his work schedule. I have not bought gas for my car since the beginning or December! :banana: (In case anyone wonders, we do pay tax for personal mileage but it it still much cheaper than driving our own car.)
Oh, and I love the ideas about the vinegar in the washing machine, and the excel spreadsheet/cash/food inventory ideas. Keeping an inventory of food for us is needed, I always end up with about 8 jars of salsa and 5 cans of beans, and PLENTY of taco seasoning-we are mexican food lovers, so I buy the stuff almost every trip, but then realize I already have a TON when I get home! :rolleyes:
Where does everyone get the majority of their coupons? We don't get the paper, so it seems like I never have any coupons. Do you think it is worth getting the paper for the coupons?

I just got the newspaper, Sunday only, for $15 for an entire year. At that price, it is definitely worth it to get the paper for coupons. Call your newspaper and see if they have any promotions. I was so happy the newspaper salesman came to my door and I never thought I would say that.


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