Week of Oct 16 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in the 2006 and/or 2007 Disney Half or Full marathons. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator

Anyone wanting to join the Trails End dinner, please post to the thread with how many people you'd like to bring. Looks like we have extra seats available!

Thanks for the congrats, but I sure don't feel like a big dog yet :dog2: Maybe when I can actually run the whole thing. ;) I've definitely come a LONG way since the 22 min pace at the beginning of the year.
Great LR for me yesterday, but I'm afraid I've found my bad ankle. I've had problems with it since high school and was pleasantly surprised that it's left me alone through all the training. Didn't bother me during the LR yesterday, but woke up stiff and sore this am...kinda like how it feels after a day walking around MK or EPCOT ;)

Kathy...way to stick with it!

Lisa...good luck with all your medical appts. :wizard: Hope they find whatever it is that's causing all your concerns. Must be really frustrating, but at least your pace is good!

Cam...excellent pace dude! You're WAY ahead of what my pace was on the 3 mile weeks. Talk about a Big dog! :dog: :dog2: Is that just walking or are you doing some running too?

Tammy...great to see you again! Which MFM training program are you using?

Heather...if I can do 7 miles, anyone can :teeth: . I do an out and back route so I can tell myself it's only an extra half mile over last week ;) You'll do great! Are you doing MFM too?

Krista...great pace! I've been doing the LR without the MP3 player too, but I'm more worried about getting runover by golf carts coming up on the sidewalk behind me. :scared1: I'm jealous you're heading to WDW so soon...our next trip is still 3 weeks away.

eeyoresmom... :wizard: :wizard: for your job interview and your injury!

Lily...did you decide to do the Goofy?

MelR...any adventure reports for this week?

Carrie...how was your LR this weekend?

Lynne...wow...tough call! Which specialty do you love? Which one would make you want to get up and go to work every day? In 10 years, when you sign onto the DIS and say hey I'm going to be running the 2016 full and I'm a ________...how do you see yourself filling in that blank? Personally, I wasn't looking forward to my EM rotation, but ended up loving it! You get more variety in EM...you never know what's going to come through those doors. And you can tailor your challenge level based on how much excitement you want...my EM rotation here in Sarasota was pretty sleepy, but my classmates in the level 1 trauma centers had some wild stories. And it's shiftwork...no call, just work your 8s or 12s and go home. But with ortho, you'd have the chance to really specialize right down to specific body parts if you wanted. It's a really tough choice for you! One good thing about being a PA...I can change specialties like I change running shoes ;)

Sorry for missing so many of you! There's getting to be too many of us to keep up with in one post :love:

Race question...where do family members meet us afterward? Is there a place where the whole team can meet up when we're done?

Good training everyone! Only 12 more weeks!
Please add me to your list! This will be my second WDW full marathon and I'll be attempting the Goofy!! I just got back from 11 glorious days at WDW and I am off to DL at the end of the week (I'm a DL virgin). DH has been recruited for the half in 2006 and we're leaving the three kids at home for marathon weekend. Since they have been to WDW three times this year, I feel no guilt in that :-)
I just ran the Race for The Taste 10K at WDW last weekend and it was hot, hot, hot. Being from upstate NY, the humidity just about did me it. That and the pounds I packed on with the Disney Dining Plan:-)
Looking forward to inspiring each other with training stories, tips, triumphs, etc.

Sara Roberts
Queensbury, NY
Mel-I am doing the 1/2 training from MFM. I am glad to be back around the boards after a couple of really hectic weeks.

Have a great evening everyone. I'll be up bright and early on the TM in the morning.
Goofy seems to be well named.

Well this weekend was my first training attempt to get physically and mentally prepared for the Goofy. The most appropriate comment is "it wasn't competely horrible."

It was pouring rain here yesterday, so my options were getting drenched, getting bored to tears on the treadmill, or running a bunch of laps on the indoor track. I chose the third of these options, running, no joke, 93 laps on the College's indoor track, 11.54 miles. An easy pace and tempo, it actually felt very nice until well past 10 miles. A success, but even then, my IPod's battery went out at lap 35 so I did most of it entertainment-less. Lots or ice and stretching after, and by last night I was feeling pretty good.

Today the rain was gone, replaced by 40-50 mile per hour winds. I started the run 24 hours after yesterday's start. I felt loose while stretching, but it only took 50 meters of running before my legs began to complain. After a mile or so they felt a bit better, and I was running at probably the same easy pace as yesterday. I had planned for 5 miles, but at 4.5 my left calf began to seize up in the center of the muscle. I stopped immediately fearing serious damage, stretched, and then iced the calf for a good bit after.

Lessons? I suppose the main one is run easy and relaxed the entire way for the WDW half, and then go even more slowly during the full. I would have liked it to have felt better today, and gone a bit further, but given I have never run 16 miles over a 2 day period, as long as I didn't damage the calf I'll declare victory, and promise to take it very easy in the coming week.

I plan to do a few more of these back to backs before January, but I have to question my sanity. It's good to know there are at least 2000 others facing the same quest.

Good training all.

Sorry about your two runs Calcio--it will get better. Remember, the first time is always a stonker!

Our first "long" run for our team--a mere 6-8 miles...felt like forever and felt tough. And yet 10 miles is easy....I don't get that!

For the back to backs--is your longer run first or second in your series (during training)?
I've been questioning my sanity for the last month. What was I thinking?! :earseek: Oh yeah, I know. I was thinking: I WANT THAT GOOFY MEDAL!

Went out and did 4.1 miles today. While it wasn't a great run, it was educational. Here's what I learned.

1. If it's chilly. I run in layers, but the bottom layer wono't be my underarmour LS shirt. 1/2 way into my run I was sweating and could feel the sweat rolling down my arms.

2. Not only don't I like running hills, I don't like running into the wind. We had 30 mile gusts today and it was not fun.

3. Doing the elliptical machine and exercise bike in place of running is not as good. All week I either did the ellip or cycle to try to let my quad heal. Figured non-weight bearing exercise would be better while it healed. Went for a run today and felt so out of shape (even more than usual :p )

4. They way I felt out there today, I was sure my time would have gotten me swept. Instead I was slightly under 15 min. mile pace. (I wouldn't look at my Garmin until I got back home).

My quad is yelling at me right now :guilty: , so I'm gonna ice it down and rest. I have my reg. check-up at the Dr. tomorrow, so I may have him check it out. He's also a runner so hopefully he can provide some helpful tips.

chimera said:
Cam...excellent pace dude! You're WAY ahead of what my pace was on the 3 mile weeks. Talk about a Big dog! Is that just walking or are you doing some running too?

Hi, Mel! Thanks so much! That pace included time I spent walking not so fast for a warm up, then a jog for a little over a minute, and then, finally, something I cannot believe I did -- I jogged for almost a quarter mile! Just barely and then I slowed to a crawl, but I finished on that jog to be sure to be below 45 minutes! I know I'll have to jog occasionally at the 1/2 to keep my pace on track, but today is one of those days when I feel confident I can do it. After all -- we have 12 more weeks to train, right?! :teeth:

By the way, I was at "Blue Tulip" today and found a silver "pebble" that says "BELIEVE" in script. I plan to keep it in my pocket whenever I train. I was inspired by Friday night's episode of "Three Wishes" and then this afternoon, I saw "Dreamer" -- I truly think anything is possible if you believe and then are willing to work hard in connection with that belief.

Well, I have to have an "ugly spot" removed tomorrow morning and am hoping it won't interfere with my training schedule. Not worried about the pathology. Just getting it taken care of. I doubt it will impact on training-- guess it depends on whether I need stitches. Keep your fingers crossed.
Sunny - guilty as charged with the Scooter, my running buddy just got an ipod and came round to borrow some CD's and she found the same thing, they are bonkers but they make you move! As for other recommendations, not quite in the same musical vein but I highly recommend Busted - especially Air Hostess, Thunderbirds and Crashed the Wedding (I always speed up to all of them).

My 15 miles went well - well I did it. It took me 3 hours which suits me pacewise, I'm only intending on finishing this thing I don't care how long it takes. I'm not sure I could have run much further afterwards, but I could have walked for miles so that works for me. Pretty sore knees halfway, the problem with running so slowly to make sure I can cover the distance is that I don't bend my knees enough and everything seizes up. I was also cursing the fact that there is not one metre of flat on my running route, it's constant uphill/downhill for 15 miles - and by about mile 12, I can't tell you which is more painful up or down - but I think it's down!

I'm also gaining weight at a rate of knots (200gm every 2 days) what's that all about? Am going to have to come off the bread and pasta and go onto the beans and oats I think. I've got a relatively easy training until my half on the 30th so hopefully can stabilise - I can't do up my 'fat' trousers at the moment, let alone anything else!!!

Anyway, I'm in mid feature so I'd better go. Have a good week all. Helen
littlegreydonkey said:
not quite in the same musical vein but I highly recommend Busted - especially Air Hostess, Thunderbirds and Crashed the Wedding (I always speed up to all of them).

Not Bad! Reminds me a bit of Blink-182 or All American Rejects. Thanks!

Glad you made your 15 miler. Downhill is definitely a killer. Sorry to hear you don't have any flat ground!

MelR-- Are you among the living? ;) :flower:

I took DD for her wog today. She did the best yet: 4.2 miles at an avg pace of 12:17. I've been trying to get ahold of someone regarding our Battlegreen Run 5K. I can't find the course online and I want to make sure its not too hard for her. Its rated "moderately challenging". I really wish I could have found a pancake course for her first run. Oh well.

The sun came out :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Sunny and Helen -- I just downloaded Scooter's Nessaja and it reminds me so much of what they play at clubs or at Pleasure Island late at night to really get the crowd dancing! I love it! It is now right at the top of my workout playlist! Thanks! Am going to go browse for more Scooter. How fun! :banana:
xterratri said:
So any career counseling anyone???
Not sure if this will help in the long term. This is not medical related but lifestyle. Ortho choice you would most likely be on call for those emergencies and need to work through as required. ER is constant battery of cases and more than likely non-stop during your assigned time. One is feast/famine the other is steady busy for more or less of a fixed time. You might look at burn out rates in long term. Do you have thoughts of future relationships/family and how this may be handled? DH is on call (differeent profession) and when he has a rough time it is endless for that time. Both he and I have worked in non-stop jobs where it keeps pressing on a daily basis and have had shift work added to the mix. Either way has been challenging with its own struggles. We have an ortho doc who says he was always working odd hours b/c of call outs and then normal hours b/c of the surgeries/follow-up related to the call outs. It has preyed on his family life-style and his family split over it. DH and I have managed to make it through our stress times, but we are considered not the norm for that. If you have already made thought on that, there is no crystal ball sad to say so then it becomes making the jump and not looking back. No shoulda woulda coulda as that won't change anything. :hug: to you. Deciding what you want to be when you grow up is tough. Last thing I thought about this is if the question would ever evolve to dollars. Would that ever make a difference in the consideration of your choosing?

Mel, you are well on your way and that pace is great for photo ops too! (Way better than me and my pace)

aladdinsgirl said:
Lily--you'll have more company with my Mom, she's walk/running the half. I love it when she asks how I'm doing and then says, "well, I do have 30 years on you." I tell her 57 isn't old!! :earboy2:
Krista princess:
Yippee! for the oldsters in the group! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Preggo wannabes, I went to Runners World web site and looked up pregnancy and running. You do need to “slow down,” but it appears you do not have to completely forever stop. There is a ton of info available about the subject on the web.

Heather, soon that 7-miler will not seem long at all. One foot in front of the other and before you know it… :)

Tammy, great to hear you are on and better than last year.

Lisa got to take a spin with DH. Yay! How lucky! Hope your physical issues heal and the docs get you where you need to be. Sounds like you have a sound plan in place. Could you throw me a lifeline while you are talking with DH as the hitting the wall occurs and PULL me along? I would say that we could talk our way over, but you will be way ahead of me for sure with your pace.

Kathy, if you are having those shin issues, remember to work on them with the “alphabet exercise.” Draw the alphabet with your toes to help strengthen you shin muscles.

Craig, seems like your progress is going well. I don’t think I could be that dedicated to make it that many times around the little circle. I like to hear of the lessons you are picking up.

Terri, good job on your pace. Good luck at the doc. Great for you that you have a doc that is a runner.

Cam, good luck at the doc tomorrow. You should be fine. My Mom had one removed and was up and at ‘em afterward. It is so great to hear of your purchase that is inspirational. You are so on target! Yes we have 12 weeks to train and you are on!

Helen, wow! 15 miles and still able to move. Like your music talk. Sounds like some fun stuff you are all tuned into. Downhill is tough on me too.

Sunny glad that you are able to enjoy with your DD. Hope that course won’t be too tough.

Sara, welcome to our group. You will love it here. I look forward to getting to know you better.

I did manage 6 very slow miles with DS yesterday in 1:45. It was pleasant and we had mother-son bonding time. Absolutely precious! Today I thought I would try to see what a back-to-back felt like. Nope, haven’t decided on Goofy. If I had to decide today, it would be positively no. I did my 10 miles and managed an overall average pace of 15:28. DH took the bike along and kept tagging with me and also stayed along with me for quite some time. He got too cold and had to leave me as I was at the last 3 miles to go. I really enjoyed that he tried to be with me. I had a pretty good thing going midway but all started slowing toward the end. (DH said it might be b/c of the 30mph wind) I had to crawl back that last mile. Whew! So I built up a good pace that took me through the end, but I have done 10 miles before much easier in weather that was much warmer. I like the weather we had today, cool and comfy running. I am not currently sore, but I could not go another step. I'm having issues with that heel of mine. Such a bum thing. I guess I will be joining the ranks of checking with the doc.

I tried to respond to as many as I could. Sorry if I missed ya.
Well today was my 5 miler, did 14:23 pace. I pleased with that. Does anyone get light headed mid way thru? At about 2.5 miles I started getting light headed, it didnt last the whole time but this isnt the first time it has happened. It wasn't the heat because it was very cool this morning. I ate a Balance bar before going out. Any ideas?

Sara-welcome. I know you'll enjoy our little(well not so little anymore) training group

Sunny-is your DD doing the 5k at WDW? How old is she? My DS8 is in the process of training for it. He's been training with DH & I took him out last night (and it was after my xt) & pushed him to do 1.5 miles & 15:21 pace. He said I was alot harder that daddy. Daddy wouldnt go fast if his butt was on fire ;) I love him but speed in doing anything is not his strong suit.

Craig-OMG 93 laps! I think that would have made me dizzy. But good for you for not quitting. I sorry you guys in the NE have had so much rain. I have been very lucky with the weather lately. Maybe some of ours will head your way soon.

Cam-good luck at the DR

Everyone's doing great. Remember we have 12 more weeks of training. ALOT can be accomplished in that time. I could never have done 5 miles at 14:23 even 4 weeks ago. Just keep on building it up!
littlegreydonkey said:
I was also cursing the fact that there is not one metre of flat on my running route, it's constant uphill/downhill for 15 miles - and by about mile 12, I can't tell you which is more painful up or down - but I think it's down!

I'm also gaining weight at a rate of knots (200gm every 2 days) what's that all about? Am going to have to come off the bread and pasta and go onto the beans and oats I think. I've got a relatively easy training until my half on the 30th so hopefully can stabilise - I can't do up my 'fat' trousers at the moment, let alone anything else!!!
Helen - Understand the hilly runs. And to encourage you, I am eating a mint choc. chip shake as I type this. :teeth:

Craig - WTG on your double LRs. They are not easy! Hope the calf feels better. Here are some :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:.

Preggo wannabes, I went to Runners World web site and looked up pregnancy and running. You do need to “slow down,” but it appears you do not have to completely forever stop. There is a ton of info available about the subject on the web.
I so agree! I exercised until the day b/4 I delivered my DDs. I think it helps labor. I delivered my DD7 in less than 2 hours and my DD5 in less than an hour. (My production company was getting ready to start a show and I went into labor. Almost did not make it to the hospital. :earseek: )
By the way, I was at "Blue Tulip" today and found a silver "pebble" that says "BELIEVE" in script. I plan to keep it in my pocket whenever I train. I was inspired by Friday night's episode of "Three Wishes" and then this afternoon, I saw "Dreamer" -- I truly think anything is possible if you believe and then are willing to work hard in connection with that belief.
YES, YES, YES! :cool1: "If you can dream it, then you can do it...yes you can, yes you can!" From the old ride Horzons.

My run tonight flat out rocked!! I am so excited. I did 35 minutes r/w (this is really Monday's run, but I'm trying to get 3 runs in this week and my lr on Friday. We leave for Disney World Saturday morning, and I do NOT want to do a lr my first day of vacation!!) and I ran 3.19 miles--that's a PR for me. :goodvibes My first mile was awesome, 10:29!! Second mile awesome too at 10:53. My third mile wasn't so lovely, my stomach started cramping and I thought I was going to get sick in the bushes (must have been that Chipotle burrito I had for lunch! :teeth: ), I finished in 11:something, I think maybe 11:10 or 11:15. Still a good time, but not as great as my first 2 miles. The lesson for today is: save the Chipotle burrito for AFTER the run! :rotfl:

Cam--Awesome pace! I can really see your weekly progress, you are definitely a big :dog: . Good luck tomorrow with your "bad spot", hope it isn't too serious!! :wizard:

Mel--7 miles!! Way to go!! I guess you must be pretty happy with your boys today. They sure did spank the Dolphins!! All I have to say about football is I hate Tommy Maddox!! :rolleyes:

Sunny--Thanks for music tip. I love good old classic punk rock--Green Day ( especially in their "Dookie" days, although I do love "American Idiot") and blink-182. I'll have to check out those bands.

Sara--Welcome!! :wave2:

Lisa--Hope you figure out what in the world is going with your legs!! Glad you got a good run in though.

Lily--That's great that you and son can train together. Did you say he was running the half?

Okay, back to house work, I'm trying to get the house clean (I can't go on vacation and leave a messy house :) ), laundry, and start on the packing before Friday. Why is it the week before vacation is always the most hectic and stressful? Happy training everyone!!

Krista princess:
DH and I did 10 miles on Saturday - yea!!! It was so sweet of him to come with me - and for him to push the stroller the whole way!!! :earseek: It started out wonderfully - just barely 70 degrees, and the first four miles felt great. Once the sun came out, I had a bit of trouble, but I'm hoping the weather will continue to cool off a bit. I did manage just under 14 min pace. Woo-Hoo!!! Thanks to everyone for all your inspiration and encouragement!

I do have a question - whenever I do a long run, I have major tummy troubles. I don't know if it's from the heat, not being hydrated enough, eating the wrong things the day before??? Does anyone else deal with this? Anyone know how to avoid it? I can handle with the leg soreness, but being sick to my stomack the rest of the day is getting a little annoying! :blush: Please help!!!

For some happy happy news - DH signed up for the DL half last week - we're going to Disneyland!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I'm a florida girl, and never imagined getting to go see where it all began! DH is running the half, and I'm doing the 5K. I'm also planning on doing the Minnie and the Danskin in May - yea!!!! So much to look forward to! Hopefully with some goals and training plans I won't get the post-marathon blues like last year... We're going to stay focused and motivated this time! ;)

Everyone is doing so great!!! I can't wait to meet you all and put faces with names! :flower: Happy training!!! :cheer2:

Remember everything is relative. I suspect 6 months ago you would have thought of 4 miles a a long one, but once you're out in the 6-8 range that 4 seems very easy and short.

For my doubles I'm doing the longer first and the shorter second, at least for this time and the next. I'll reverse the order at least once, but with 12 weeks to go, probably only once. Rationalizing (1) I'll be fresh on January 7, which I wasn't yesterday since I trained really hard all week and (2) my time goal for the full on January 8 is quickly changing into "finish with a smile on my face." I plan to take it easy and early during the full, so I can get around the entire course.


Be sure to ice your sore ankle(s) after a workout. This really makes a difference, keeping the swelling down, so the next day is 100% more comfortable. I'm bring plenty of bags to Orlando, and I'll empty the ice machine after both races.

Good to hear of everyone's progress with 83 days until the half.

Well, I did not get in my 7 miles this weekend. I did 3.3 miles walking with DD in the stroller this morning. Better than nothing. I will follow my training schedule this week and try for 7 next Saturday. Gotta get to bed so that I can get up at 5 for my training run. :paw:
keenercam--excellent on that quarter-mile jog! Isn't it the greatest feeling to accomplish a new milestone? Good luck with your spot removal and keep us posted.

littlegreydonkey--have you been partaking in the pie eating contest, too???? Well done on those 15 miles. Sounds very excellent and makes me feel good about my times--I'm behind you..but not as far as I thought....so maybe I'm a medium dawg ;). Though my pants would be inclined to place me in the "big" category.

Sunny---is your daughter training for Disney as well? Good luck on your 5K. Awesome pace for her...are you guys wogging together?

Lily--I didn't know you were registered for Goofy! Was your 6 and 10 back to back...if so, you did great! Good luck with your heel. I will give you a call during the run---maybe send up smoke signals in animal kingdom! Hubby was a great motivator on the 10 miles Saturday...but when we got to the end, he's ready to quit, so I switched gears and took over. I guess I'm a great finisher--it's all that fluff and stuff in between that I need help with.

TiffJ--great job. I don't get lightheaded--but it could be not enough water or not enough calories. You may be ready for gu during your jaunts as you are out for over an hour. Try to do a gel (or other nutritional supplement) about 20 minutes into your walk/wog/jog....and you may avoid the lightheadedness next time.

Krista--WOW...you ran with a burrito in your stomach? Great times..but I agree...burrito's make a great post-run option :).

crzy4pooh--not sure about the stomach trouble. You might record what you eat the day before---it could be as simple as grapes...I eat lots of them--but especially white grapes..I can have some minor tummy issues...i.e. too much figer. Are you eating before your long runs--and at 10 miles...have you begun eating during the run??? These would be my suggestions. If you are still just drinking water...it is probably time to introduce an -ade drink (power or gator-ade). Good luck. I'm registered for DL as well--but we will see if I actually make it out there.

Calcio--I think finish with a smile is an excellent goal--not to mention a good slogan for the Goofy!

DD is excited to "exercise" with me in the pool today. We did some school lessons (we homeschool) right when we got up this morning...to accomodate pool time and a walk with the jogging stroller. I see the doctor tomorrow. The same spot on the side of my knee--I dare say it might be in the leg bone actually....bugs the tar out of me. Just like the knuckles--it feels like an air bubble and when it releases--everything feels normal.

Happy training everyone---it feels like it is almost here!!!!!!
Oh no- only 83 more days :earseek: I hadnt thought of it that way. It seems so much closer than saying 12 weeks. Well I guess I better make sure I dont slack of on the training. No time for slacking now.

Lisa-I think I am going to start brining something. All this activity is new for my body & I think its trying to rebel.(wait til it finds out I'm considering the Danskin tri)

Today is an off day for me & yea the kids go back to school after being off a week. Training is easier if we are in our regular schedule. Of course with the holidays I'm going to have to be really organized to make sure training doesn't suffer.

Happy Monday!
crzy4pooh said:
I do have a question - whenever I do a long run, I have major tummy troubles. I don't know if it's from the heat, not being hydrated enough, eating the wrong things the day before??? Does anyone else deal with this? Anyone know how to avoid it? I can handle with the leg soreness, but being sick to my stomack the rest of the day is getting a little annoying! :blush: Please help!!!

Yes! I sometimes have major tummy issues. I try to avoid eating too much the night before and in the morning I just drink a SlimFast so there's nothing solid in my tummy. Even so, I sometimes have to find a bathroom ASAP during my run :confused3 At the end of my LR I stretch and then drink another SlimFast. (I drink powerade and sometimes take a GU during the run) I don't eat solid food for at least 2 hours afterwards. HTH

Cam-- If you are looking to increase your Scooter intake :rotfl: Here are my favorites:

No Pain No Gain
Move Your @ss
Faster Harder Scooter
Ramp! (The Logical Song)
Back in the UK
Unity Without Words

Another song that I recognized from Pleasure Island and love in my mix is Kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation

Another song in that same genre is Dragostea Din Tei (Ma Ya Hi) by O ZONE, there are many, many version. I haven't found one I don't like yet.

"Its nice to be important, but its more important to be nice"-- Scooter :)

DD is not training for Disney. She actually doesn't like Disney :confused3 She'll be 16 next week. She just started wogging about 2 months ago.

Sounds like there's been alot of progress this week! Great job Krista on the "Run that Rocked"!!!!!

I'm looking forward to a nice run today. Weather is brisk but not bitter. Perfect!



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