We took the kids to WDW! - All done, Now Bonus features! Festival of Holidays 2/23

I thought I replied after the first update but I see that actual work got in the way...again!

Glad you guys made it to Orlando without any major drama. Universal did such a great job with HP. I can't wait to see the new area this fall.

That donut is the size of your head!

Jill in CO
They call it a Robocoaster. All their ride technology is based on this type of "mechanical arm". Perhaps they put it on some type of a moving platform and it goes to various different video screens where the drama of the ride plays out. It swings you back and forth in conjunction with the storyline on the video screen. Then when that scene plays out, you move to the next "screen".

Imagine Soarin with fewer riders and the movement is on steroids. It can go backwards and forwards, lay you on your back, flip you forward. The Harry Potter Ride Forbidden Journey uses this technology with a four-rider vehicle. I nearly got sick when "riding brooms" through the forest and into the Womping Willow.

Well that's interesting but..... I still have not seen anything at Universal that interests me and that includes this robot arm!
Oh my no solid food for Fran. What procudure is she having done or is it personal?

Great update. I found US completely scooter unfriendly. Trying to get around Diagon Alley oh my. I haven't been on Hogwarts Express yet I would like to but I don't rush to go back to the parks. The staff were nice enough though. Just the park lacked atmosphere for me. I can't explain.

Did you try the butterbeer?

Harry Potter Studios in London is nothing on this scale but interesting and where they actually filmed. It is worth a visit.

I love The Simpsons ride! Sorry you felt so sick.
I have never been to US, but it seems to not be very ADA compliant.

sorry you got sick, that is not fun, but at least you know what it is and can work with it.

The resort looks nice and open.

I have been a Simpson fan for awhile, but sometimes it is just stupid, so I am surprised it is still around.

That doughnut looks like it is overload, so how did it taste? Was it good or just a novelty?
I'll pass on the quiz, too. Not my thing, but that's my deal, not anyone else's.

Bummer. It seems my audience is not at all competitive. :sad2:

Bummer that Gringott's was uncomfortable. That was the ride our whole family could ride together. I think we did it twice. DH could not make the 3 clicks on the Forbidden Journey test seat, and it made me a little nauseous, so the kids and I only did it once.

That was my problem. I was nauseous for almost two hours after riding FJ, so I wasn't really keen on doing it again. I had planned on taking Jim and Fran through the queue, but when Jim couldn't be there and Fran was starting to get tired and cranky, we passed.

We did get sucked into the interactive wands, but only DS bought one. They had TM's at all of the spots to help, but getting the movement just right was really hard. He only did 1 or 2 before he lost interest.

And I'm sure that's how they plan it. Get your money and they've done their job!

I thought I replied after the first update but I see that actual work got in the way...again!

I hate when that happens! I had such high hopes for you on the contest! Perhaps you'll come back and give it a try!

Glad you guys made it to Orlando without any major drama. Universal did such a great job with HP. I can't wait to see the new area this fall.

It was definitely cool. I just wish it was less crowded.

That donut is the size of your head!

I know! Crazy huh?

Well that's interesting but..... I still have not seen anything at Universal that interests me and that includes this robot arm!

That's why we only go every couple years and when there is something new. We are definitely Potter fans, but it gets old quick. We never seem to get tired of Disney!
Lots of great pictures from Universal, even though you were so briefly!

I was intrigued of the No Melt Ice Cream from Honeydukes - I guess it was a cup of frosting. Sounds crazy, but delicious!!

And that donut is shockingly huge! I got my BIL once a prink donut pillow (he is a big Simpsons fan) and the real donut is nearly as large as that pillow!!

I'm here, I'm here!! So excited for your TR. :) I love to live vicariously through you and Fran.

As a result, Fran had picked out most all her clothes by two days before we had to leave, and handed me the last of things by 1PM on our penultimate day. As a result, I had three of our suitcases in the car by 3PM before we left for band (the night before leaving) and the last suitcase was in the car before I went to bed (shortly after midnight)

That is awesome!!! Progress is made!!


So cool!! So I take it from your previous response, it's kind of a crapshoot as to which characters are there?

We ended up ordering Dim Sum style, all appetizers. We got Beef Satay, Potstickers, Vegetable Spring Rolls, and Crab Rangoon. Even though each order was only three pieces each, we ate the cucumber and daikon garnish for our veggies and were pleasantly full by the end of our meal.

Drooling.....that looks so good.

Good job Universal! You found a way to sell every bleepin' kid a wand to wave around and annoy everyone in a 3 ft radius!

Hahaha!! I agree. I've seen all kind of people getting whacked by kids practicing their spells.

I had forgotten that @afwdwfan has reported from back in January that Moaning Myrtle was in there!

I don't know if she's still just as loud but when we were there in 2013, I could hear her from OUTSIDE the bathrooms lol

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

I know it's been answered several times by now, but I loves me some Big Bang Theory.

And this is exactly why it took both DH and I to polish about 3/4 of that thing!

I thought about getting a second one, but when I saw that it was $15, I said "forget it!"

Holy cow!! I used to be all about souvenir glasses but now not so much. I've realized that I never use them and I'm running out of places to put them.

Trip is off to a great start!!
Nice first day at Universal Orlando with starting at Diagon Alley. All of your photos from Diagon Alley & WWoHP are very nice. At least you were able to go inside the bank and go on the ride where I didn't.

The pink donut looks good to get.
So I promise this is the only “rapid fire” update that you will get from me on this TR.

Sorry, not buying it. It's what you do!:rotfl2:

I was in line in the outside queue for less than 10 minutes before I got a very bad feeling in my stomach. I got out of line and ran straight for the first trash can I could find.

Yuck. Sorry you weren't feeling so hot. Hope this doesn't continue to be an issue.

It was a neat ride, but it was really uncomfortable. They tried to push the bar down hard on my legs and it hurt while I was riding. The fact that most of the ride relied on projections on a video screen also took away from the Wow factor. I mean I’m sure it’s easier to produce than an actual animatronic dragon.

According to Andy, these projections seem to be the way it is at Universal.

I didn’t get any pictures actually insides Knockturn Alley as I didn’t get the big camera out. It was interesting. It was really dark. I’m sure that it was all indoors, but it had that “outdoor” feeling to it and was definitely a neat effect.

That sounds pretty cool!

Good job Universal! You found a way to sell every bleepin' kid a wand to wave around and annoy everyone in a 3 ft radius!


I did have to use the facilities and was glad I did, I had forgotten that @afwdwfan has reported from back in January that Moaning Myrtle was in there!

Bonus! I think.

We then took the train back over to the Studios. I would highly recommend taking it both ways if you're a fan. It was different on the two trips.

Good to know! Thanks for the tip.

I wasn’t going to ride this one either. It made me pretty sick way back when, 2008 I think.

That seems to be a theme around this place! :scared1:

If I was offering a contest I would ask you to guess how many of the giant pink donuts we actually bought….


I thought about getting a second one, but when I saw that it was $15, I said "forget it!"

$15! That should prevent motion sickness for the duration of your visit!

Looking back to the interior of the hotel lobby.

Looks like a cool place. I like this theme better than the other Universal resorts.

I could have had sushi for dinner if I wanted!


OK, what the heck! I will do a contest (yes, call me crazy).

You're crazy!

I won’t post rapid fire updates.

You say that now...

1. In the last update I showed you one large donut and four small donuts. How many total Large donuts did we actually buy? (10 points)

I'm going to say 1, given that smaller donuts were also involved.

2. What drink did I order in the last update? (10 points)

A mai tai.

3. You should gather from the fact that the valets hailed us a cab, we are not eating on Universal property. I don’t remember if I spilled the beans on this one somewhere beforehand, but Veteran TR readers may have an advantage on this one. Where did we have dinner? Hint: It’s a chain restaurant. Fran told me to add that it’s not Chili’s. (10 points)

Oh, man. I feel like I should know it. I guess I should have been paying more attention. P.F. Changs?

4. We almost always order the exact same things when dining at this establishment. What did we add to our repertoire this trip and plan to get it again as long as it on the menu? (25 points)

I don't even know what's on their menu, and I'm too lazy to look it up. Something with shrimp.

5. Did I sleep through the night? If not, what time did I awaken at night? Either way what time did I decide I was done sleeping? (5 points, 10-20 depending on your answer)

No--you woke up at 4:00. Then you gave up at 5:30.

6. We went to Disney on this day. How long did we wait for our first bus to Epcot? (10 points)

8 minutes.
I know the time because our fancy new clock that we used for the first time on the Mississippi cruise was projecting it strongly on the wall. Here is a picture I took later in the day. When the room is dark, the projection is brighter.
That looks like a great idea!

What is with me and sleeping on vacation????
Apparently strange beds and you don't mix well.

We found the Gringott's ride and found out there is no option to go through the queue and then bail on the ride. It's also not scooter friendly (that's an understatement), so I said "so long" to Fran and got in line.
Sorry Fran, guess you're out of luck, cya, bye!

I was in line in the outside queue for less than 10 minutes before I got a very bad feeling in my stomach. I got out of line and ran straight for the first trash can I could find.
Uh oh... That's supposed to happen after you ride it!

It was a neat ride, but it was really uncomfortable. They tried to push the bar down hard on my legs and it hurt while I was riding. The fact that most of the ride relied on projections on a video screen also took away from the Wow factor. I mean I’m sure it’s easier to produce than an actual animatronic dragon.
Hmmm... this all seems eerily familiar... :rolleyes1

I didn’t get any pictures actually insides Knockturn Alley as I didn’t get the big camera out. It was interesting. It was really dark. I’m sure that it was all indoors, but it had that “outdoor” feeling to it and was definitely a neat effect.
It's really cool what they did there. I don't even see how you could take very good pictures in there because it is so dark!

Good job Universal! You found a way to sell every bleepin' kid a wand to wave around and annoy everyone in a 3 ft radius!

I'm really starting to get the vibe that we both kind of have that same love/hate feeling about Universal.

The train was interesting. We got to see the "wall" where you transform but scooters couldn't go that way, so I watched a few people go through and then we went through a regular door to the boarding area.
Well, that's somewhat anti-climactic.

I did have to use the facilities and was glad I did, I had forgotten that @afwdwfan has reported from back in January that Moaning Myrtle was in there!
Cool touch, isn't it?

Lard lad was my goal. When I was reading Andy’s TR from this Winter he had a contest asking where he had breakfast the day he went to US/IOA. That got me to look up what there was there at Universal. I guessed Lard Lad on the contest because it was funny. Then in the next round he asked what he had at the donut store. So that made me research the offerings. They had a giant pink donut! I showed it to Fran and we both decided that we had to have one. If I was offering a contest I would ask you to guess how many of the giant pink donuts we actually bought….
Holy crap that thing's huge. I honestly never saw any of them when I was there. I'd have been tempted, but I think I'd have still chosen the apple fritter. It just felt more substantial to have something with fruit in it as opposed to just sugar.

However after three bites, I knew I better get some protein or I'd get sick again.

I did see some cool Dr. Who shirts, and they even had my Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock T-shirt! Bonus points if you can name what that is from!
Big Bang Theory. Duh!!!! :rolleyes1

I probably got a good two hours of sleep when I was awakened again with the lameness of band.
Really? You're on vacation. Can't they just handle it while you're gone?

No shivering while I'm lathering up my hair, the warm water just kept flowing!
It's funny, but it isn't.

In the last update I showed you one large donut and four small donuts. How many total Large donuts did we actually buy? (10 points)
I'll say one. You needed protein so no need for 2 of them.

What drink did I order in the last update? (10 points)
I don't know all my drink names well, but it looks like something with pineapple and rum?

You should gather from the fact that the valets hailed us a cab, we are not eating on Universal property. I don’t remember if I spilled the beans on this one somewhere beforehand, but Veteran TR readers may have an advantage on this one. Where did we have dinner? Hint: It’s a chain restaurant. Fran told me to add that it’s not Chili’s. (10 points)
Olive Garden

We almost always order the exact same things when dining at this establishment. What did we add to our repertoire this trip and plan to get it again as long as it on the menu? (25 points)
Five Italian Cheese Fonduta

Did I sleep through the night? If not, what time did I awaken at night? Either way what time did I decide I was done sleeping? (5 points, 10-20 depending on your answer)
No. You never sleep through the night. You woke up at 3... watched a movie, drifted back off and woke up for good at about 5:30. Close?

We went to Disney on this day. How long did we wait for our first bus to Epcot? (10 points)
If it was me I'd say 20 minutes. But hopefully your luck is better. So 5 minutes.

According to Andy, these projections seem to be the way it is at Universal.
They might have one or two of them... :rolleyes1
Oh my no solid food for Fran. What procudure is she having done or is it personal?

She starts her "moderate diet" today and clear liquids only tomorrow. Procedure is Thursday. Yes it is personal. :laughing: as personal as you can get! But I've already said it here. It's a colonoscopy, I get the fun of having one in two weeks. :sad2:

Great update. I found US completely scooter unfriendly. Trying to get around Diagon Alley oh my. I haven't been on Hogwarts Express yet I would like to but I don't rush to go back to the parks. The staff were nice enough though. Just the park lacked atmosphere for me. I can't explain.

Hogwarts Express was the only one that was at all scooter friendly, and still you had to transfer and walk some distance, albeit short.

Did you try the butterbeer?

We did last time it was good, but not stellar. We have some in our fridge at home.

Harry Potter Studios in London is nothing on this scale but interesting and where they actually filmed. It is worth a visit.

I would love to see it if we visit the UK!

I love The Simpsons ride! Sorry you felt so sick.

Wow! You must have a strong constitution!

I have never been to US, but it seems to not be very ADA compliant.

Yeah, Disney has it down so even though a lot of Universal is OK, you really notice the difference when you're there. Although I suppose it is probably better than France or Italy!

sorry you got sick, that is not fun, but at least you know what it is and can work with it.

I've always had to watch my sugar intake. Back in 1991 when I started my first (real) job (and actually last job where I worked for someone else), they threw pizza parties at lunch. I drank a whole can of soda (not a normal thing for me.) Talk about a sugar rush! I was always careful since then. It really hit me in New Orleans with the Beignets, but I never got sick. Then a couple weeks later at home with a Cinnamon Roll (I DID get sick that time), and then this morning with the coffee and Frosted Mini Wheats. Yesterday we grabbed breakfast at the grocery store as we were at the pharmacy there to pick up some prescriptions. I had a piece of fried chicken, fruit and coffee. Fran had fruit and a danish. But I felt fine, no sickness!

The resort looks nice and open.

It's a nice place, which is why we keep going back to that one when we stay at US/IOA. It's also the cheapest (besides the family value units that they just opened.)

I have been a Simpson fan for awhile, but sometimes it is just stupid, so I am surprised it is still around.

I think I stopped watching it because it was just the same thing over and over and it was kind of stupid.

That doughnut looks like it is overload, so how did it taste? Was it good or just a novelty?

It was really good! At least I thought so! It was a big fluffy donut, the only part I found a little overwhelming was the frosting, it was really sweet.

Hi, I have read several of your TR and loved every single one. Can't wait to follow along with this one!!

:welcome: I'm glad you came out of lurkdom!
Oh my sorry to hear Fran is getting the camera! And you in two weeks! I know this only too well. Part of the territory with inflammatory bowel disease. I can honestly say the prep is worse than the actual procedure!

The U.K. Would welcome you but it's not that accessible. It's work able if you plan but London is very small and old and many buildings are just not possible in a wheelchair or scooter. But there are many places you can enjoy! Harry Porter is actually in Watford. So much better. Jo works near there.

Looking forward to next update!
Lots of great pictures from Universal, even though you were so briefly!


I was intrigued of the No Melt Ice Cream from Honeydukes - I guess it was a cup of frosting. Sounds crazy, but delicious!!

That's why I took the picture, it seemed really strange!

And that donut is shockingly huge! I got my BIL once a prink donut pillow (he is a big Simpsons fan) and the real donut is nearly as large as that pillow!!

Isn't it? I had seen pictures, but none really gave it the perspective that I was curious about.

I'm here, I'm here!! So excited for your TR. :) I love to live vicariously through you and Fran.


That is awesome!!! Progress is made!!

Let's just hope we can keep it up! I'm already setting aside things for Alaska.

So cool!! So I take it from your previous response, it's kind of a crapshoot as to which characters are there?

Well they don't even advertise it as a character meal. You usually get two characters that come by. They always seem to be random.

Drooling.....that looks so good.

It was pretty good! Worked perfect for a meal where we were tired and feeling somewhat woozy from the plane and wonky sleep patterns.

Hahaha!! I agree. I've seen all kind of people getting whacked by kids practicing their spells.

I don't doubt it!

I don't know if she's still just as loud but when we were there in 2013, I could hear her from OUTSIDE the bathrooms lol

Fran was outside and she couldn't hear her so maybe she has toned it down a bit.

I know it's been answered several times by now, but I loves me some Big Bang Theory.

There is no limit on Bonus points!

And this is exactly why it took both DH and I to polish about 3/4 of that thing!

I'll let you all know how we did with ours in the next update.

Holy cow!! I used to be all about souvenir glasses but now not so much. I've realized that I never use them and I'm running out of places to put them.

Trip is off to a great start!!

I don't have room for them, unless they fit a Disney theme that we are collecting!

Nice first day at Universal Orlando with starting at Diagon Alley. All of your photos from Diagon Alley & WWoHP are very nice. At least you were able to go inside the bank and go on the ride where I didn't.

I'm sorry you didn't get to ride it. I really should have got the big camera out, but I just wasn't feeling very good.

The pink donut looks good to get.

And I just googled and found out that they sell them at US Hollywood!

Sorry, not buying it. It's what you do!:rotfl2:

Ah....but with the contest, I want to give everyone a fair chance.

Yuck. Sorry you weren't feeling so hot. Hope this doesn't continue to be an issue.

No it was rather acute. I didn't have sugar and coffee for breakfast anymore and I never had any problem.

According to Andy, these projections seem to be the way it is at Universal.

Yeah. :sad2: It makes me not want to ride too many rides because they put you upside down way more than I was comfortable.

That sounds pretty cool!

It was! Very spooky!

Bonus! I think.

:rotfl2: It was a cute touch!

Good to know! Thanks for the tip.

Yeah, if you know all the books and villians, heroes and stuff it's cool. Sarah would love it!

That seems to be a theme around this place! :scared1:

::yes:: And it doesn't get any better the older I get.

Recorded below.

$15! That should prevent motion sickness for the duration of your visit!

Even the drinks at Disney were cheaper!

Looks like a cool place. I like this theme better than the other Universal resorts.

Me too. And with the Cabana Bay aside, it is the least expensive of the "deluxe" resorts.



You're crazy!

Cool! Tell it like it is!

You say that now...

Well there are still a few folks that I want to give the opportunity to get in their guesses.

I'm going to say 1, given that smaller donuts were also involved.

A mai tai.

Oh, man. I feel like I should know it. I guess I should have been paying more attention. P.F. Changs?

I don't even know what's on their menu, and I'm too lazy to look it up. Something with shrimp.

No--you woke up at 4:00. Then you gave up at 5:30.

8 minutes.

Of course I'm here for the pretty pictures but I'll play the contest for fun...

The quote sounds like its from Big Bang Theory.

1 large donut

Wouldn't know on the drink--can't see the picture at work and don't drink so knowledge of said beverages is zip

No clue on the restaurant or food..sigh

Woke up at 3:38 am, called it done at 6:25 am

Let's say 15 min for Epcot bus

P.S. When I'm using my HP wand this September, I will be very conscientious of my 3 foot radius.
That looks like a great idea!

It has been great on the two trips we had it for. No problem reading a tiny clock on the nightstand without your glasses!

Apparently strange beds and you don't mix well.

Either that or hard beds don't work well for me.

Sorry Fran, guess you're out of luck, cya, bye!


Uh oh... That's supposed to happen after you ride it!

Well I'm just glad it didn't happen WHEN I was on it, or once I got to the inside queue!

Hmmm... this all seems eerily familiar... :rolleyes1

Part of me is thinking I shouldn't have read your TR. :laughing:

It's really cool what they did there. I don't even see how you could take very good pictures in there because it is so dark!

But then I wouldn't have known to look for this! If I used the low lighting lens on the big camera I could have probably got some of the shots in there. They still would have been dark.


I'm really starting to get the vibe that we both kind of have that same love/hate feeling about Universal.

Yeah, I was afraid of that when I was reading your TR. I knew though that I wouldn't be going on any of the coasters that gave you problems with the metal detectors.

Well, that's somewhat anti-climactic.

Yeah. Chalk another one up for Universal and their ADA friendliness!

Cool touch, isn't it?

It was! I'm not sure that I went in there on the last trip. I was sitting in there and all of a sudden I heard this loud giggling. If you hadn't mentioned it on your TR, I might have been a little freaked out! :laughing:

Holy crap that thing's huge. I honestly never saw any of them when I was there. I'd have been tempted, but I think I'd have still chosen the apple fritter. It just felt more substantial to have something with fruit in it as opposed to just sugar.

I was really surprised when I first saw it! I do admit that FB friends saw it first, and it was one of my most commented and liked pictures ever! As I said, we didn't eat it right there. Maybe a little, but we did have some tacos first.

Big Bang Theory. Duh!!!! :rolleyes1


Really? You're on vacation. Can't they just handle it while you're gone?

Unfortunately it was something only Fran could really do. We were providing the music for a sub group that rehearsed the two Tuesdays after we got back. There was a whole stupid thing where EVERYone "said" they wanted to play, so they had to hold auditions. In the end we barely got enough people to have the exact number that we needed, so actually nothing really needed to be done, but we didn't know it at the time.

It's funny, but it isn't.

Well.....maybe.....they might ease up on some of the water restrictions after the rain this winter. But some are never going away.

I'll say one. You needed protein so no need for 2 of them.

I don't know all my drink names well, but it looks like something with pineapple and rum?

Olive Garden

Five Italian Cheese Fonduta

No. You never sleep through the night. You woke up at 3... watched a movie, drifted back off and woke up for good at about 5:30. Close?

If it was me I'd say 20 minutes. But hopefully your luck is better. So 5 minutes.


They might have one or two of them... :rolleyes1

Yeah, the only ride that doesn't use them that comes to mind it carousel in Seussland and Cat in the hat. :rolleyes1 Although I would hope the Jurassic Park ride didn't.

Oh my sorry to hear Fran is getting the camera! And you in two weeks! I know this only too well. Part of the territory with inflammatory bowel disease. I can honestly say the prep is worse than the actual procedure!

The U.K. Would welcome you but it's not that accessible. It's work able if you plan but London is very small and old and many buildings are just not possible in a wheelchair or scooter. But there are many places you can enjoy! Harry Porter is actually in Watford. So much better. Jo works near there.

Yeah, not the funnest days of our lives! Today is her "clear liquids" day and she hasn't even got out of bed. I don't blame her.

Looking forward to next update!

I'm just giving some time so a few more folks can take a shot at the contest before posting the next update.
Caught up here too!
Great start to your trip. We love the RPR. Have been there a few times and loved every single time. UO looks so different. We have not been since the addition of Harry Potter and it is so interesting to read all about it.
Oh, and what relaxing time by the pool. That is just awesome!
Of course I'm here for the pretty pictures but I'll play the contest for fun...

:banana: Yay! Another person in the contest!

The quote sounds like its from Big Bang Theory.


1 large donut

Wouldn't know on the drink--can't see the picture at work and don't drink so knowledge of said beverages is zip

No clue on the restaurant or food..sigh

Woke up at 3:38 am, called it done at 6:25 am

Let's say 15 min for Epcot bus


P.S. When I'm using my HP wand this September, I will be very conscientious of my 3 foot radius.

I didn't mean any offense, I just saw so many kids wildly waving their wands as if no one was anywhere near them. One of them was bound to hit someone eventually!
So here goes!

1. In the last update I showed you one large donut and four small donuts. How many total Large donuts did we actually buy? (10 points)

2. What drink did I order in the last update? (10 points)

3. You should gather from the fact that the valets hailed us a cab, we are not eating on Universal property. I don’t remember if I spilled the beans on this one somewhere beforehand, but Veteran TR readers may have an advantage on this one. Where did we have dinner? Hint: It’s a chain restaurant. Fran told me to add that it’s not Chili’s. (10 points)

4. We almost always order the exact same things when dining at this establishment. What did we add to our repertoire this trip and plan to get it again as long as it on the menu? (25 points)

5. Did I sleep through the night? If not, what time did I awaken at night? Either way what time did I decide I was done sleeping? (5 points, 10-20 depending on your answer)

6. We went to Disney on this day. How long did we wait for our first bus to Epcot? (10 points)

1) 1
2) Bahama Mama
3) I have a feeling I should know this, but I don't.
4) Something yummy, I am sure.
5) You slept until 3am and got up at 5
6) 10 minutes

..... and I guess I have it all wrong. :rotfl2:I am SO not good at guessing.
Caught up here too!
Great start to your trip. We love the RPR. Have been there a few times and loved every single time. UO looks so different. We have not been since the addition of Harry Potter and it is so interesting to read all about it.
Oh, and what relaxing time by the pool. That is just awesome!

I'm glad you are all caught up! I hope you two enjoyed your trip to Italy, it looked like you did a lot of relaxing.

1) 1
2) Bahama Mama
3) I have a feeling I should know this, but I don't.
4) Something yummy, I am sure.
5) You slept until 3am and got up at 5
6) 10 minutes


..... and I guess I have it all wrong. :rotfl2:I am SO not good at guessing.

Yay! Another contest taker!


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