We Hopped All The Way To Disneyland Just For Some Dis Meets. Ch. 10. Added-7/14/14

PRAC! For days nothing, then suddenly Pkondz jumps ahead and a starts a new P(athetic)TR, while Thumpie finally gets busy himself. Actually, aren't the rabbits usually pretty busy in the spring?

How will I ever keep up?!?! (yes, it IS all about me!)

Yes, we've been very busy at work. Trying to fix other people's mistakes. It won't be hard to keep up with our TR though. Just check back every month or so. :rolleyes2
Yes, we've been very busy at work. Trying to fix other people's mistakes. It won't be hard to keep up with our TR though. Just check back every month or so. :rolleyes2

You could use the trip report as a distraction from your work woes, or whoas, whichever works best for your situation. :idea:Just sayin'...
:cool1:glad to see a new chapter and glad I am not the only one who is lagging in posting chapters. You seriously made your own roasted chilis :cloud9:yummyyyyy. We had Uni passes one year and even though they were way cheaper than pretty much anywhere else the drive just stunk. picture the drive you folks did plus another 65 miles.
Looking forward to hearing about your park visit. now I need to go and get lance his dessert home made monkey bread and off to visit ponzie
Yay, an update! Thanks.

I have a confession. I have lived in Orlando for 43 years and never made it to Universal here yet, LOL. I think once I retire, and after Gringots opens...
LA traffic is insane! Too bad about the Hollywood sign. Mmmmmm breakfast burritos! Here in south Texas breakfast tacos are more popular and you can literally get them everywhere. Most gas stations sell them in the morning! The options are endless too, tradition egg type tacos, barbacoa, bean and cheese, papas rancheros - you get the idea. Breakfast tacos were a wonderful discovery to this northern girl when I moved to Texas.
Today we’ll take Nebo and Smidgy to Hollywood

And leave them for dead?
How cruel!

, and tour the Universe.


Nebo better be nice to me today or I just might leave him there.

That's what I said!
Now you're just copying me.

We’ll travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth

Heh. I tell my kids that I was around then.
They used to believe me.

and the world was completely covered by water.

Hmmm... curious.
I don't think the world was ever completely covered by water
(barring the biblical flood that is)
I could be wrong.
But I'm pretty sure I'm not.

Then we’ll fight along side robots and sing the blues, but not before having a little breakfast first.

No sense in fighting on an empty stomach.

New Mexico is famous for…

Smokey the bear?

Well yeah, there’s that.

Thought so.

NM is also famous for green chile peppers.

Yeah, but can green chili peppers prevent forest fires?

No offense to the people of Colorado who think they’re famous for that, but chile has been a staple food here for years.

I will not eat staples.
Although I could probably use more iron.

Anyways, the way most New Mexicans eat this stuff is to roast it, peel it and put it on just about anything and everything we eat.

I dunno, dude. I'd try it. But this northerner is more used to cold than heat.

When Lady H and I travel, we take some along with us.

I find that really interesting.
I can't think of a single time I had to bring ingredients from home with me.
At least nothing that I couldn't get just about anywhere.

This trip was no exception. Today we’ll wrap it up in a tortilla, with some scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and cheese. AKA a breakfast burrito. Breakfast on the go.

mmmm... sounds good.

Today is another day we won’t get to sleep in.

Well of course not.
You're on vacation.

Sleep in? That's what sick days at work are for. :rolleyes1:

Why pick them up so early you ask?

Nope. I read your last TR.

Just cuz we want to offer cruel and unusual punishment, and make them get up early.

Oh. I thought it had something to do with the traffic.

Because I’m driving and stone cold said so.


What is an aardvark, Alex?

What is onomatopoeia?

Well I guess you’ll have to finish on your own time then because the natives are getting restless.

Nope. Not me. I'm having fun playing Jeopardy.

I slaved all night over a hot stove. Literally.

Then I guess you couldn't sleep in anyway if you never went to sleep.

A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into my cooking.

A lot? So, most of the band members? Wow!
Is New Mexico also famous for cannibalism?
Blood Sweat and Tears

I hope no one notices while eating.

Tastes like chicken. :rolleyes:

Only sweat got in the food.

Which one was he?

I needed some salt.

I'm starting to feel a little queasy here.
Easy peasy, chicken queasy.

Took me about another 45 minutes to get breakfast ready.

Seriously, that was really nice of you T-man.

I made a few extra burritos without green chile. Green chile can be a little bit hot. Spicy hot. Or it can be really hot. Like your tongue is going to melt off, call the fire department, hot.

I'll pass. Thanks.

I don’t know how well Smidgy and Nebo will be able to handle spicy foods, so we’ll have a few back up burritos for them (no chile) just in case.

Back up burritos.
If you give me super spicy burritos, that's just what they'll become.

By the time I finished making breakfast and getting ready, 7:30 came awfully quick. We’re running late, AGAIN.

What's with you?
You got some kind of death wish or something?
They'll kill you!

I can already picture Nebo trying to look at his watch and realizing we’re late.

:lmao: I never even thought of that. But you're right!
Next time, just show up 15-30 minutes late... and tell him you're right on time.
How would he find out?

I learned that Costco tends to have a good deal on them. You can buy a 2 day ticket for $70 per ticket. Still cheaper than buying a one day ticket at the gate or online.

Which is how much?

What I was really hoping was to sell them and make a few extra bucks.

I knew it!!!

I made arrangements that we would buy the tickets for them if we did indeed find them cheaper than online; then they could reimburse us. This part of the plan worked out perfectly.

It did? So you made a few extra bucks?

We grab everything we’ll need. Food, park bottles, tickets, more park bottles, keys to the car and backpacks.

Large, easy to read clock set 10 minutes ahead.

We’ll stop and pick them up on the way. Stopping may not be an option though. We may slow down just enough so they can hop in and we can continue on our way.

Whoa. Deja vu.

If the Dauntless can do it, surely Smidgy and Nebo can to.

I looked at that... and looked at that...
Dauntless.... hmmmm... that's the name of a ship, isn't it?

And then the nickel dropped.

It's really sad.
'Cause I don't get out much anymore to see that many movies...
And that happens to be one that I saw.
Heck I think it was the last movie I saw!


Nebo is good at doing his own stunts whether he voluntarily wants to or not.

That's true.
Some day, some talent scout is going to see him doing an impromptu, involuntary stunt and sign him up.

We take the short 5 minute drive down the road. As we pull up to their hotel, we noticed a couple of hitchhikers standing near the side of the road, right near the driveway of HOJO.

The hitchhiking ghosts from HM?

Turns out they were headed our way and offered to pay for parking if we took them along. Even though we had already pre-paid for parking, we took them up on their offer and off we went.[/QUOTE]

Heh. I'll have to remember that.
Next time someone pre-pays for something, I'll offer to pay for it.

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]They hop in and off we go.[/QUOTE]

So they made it? How slow did you go?

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]We learned something today. Nebo doesn’t like chile.[/QUOTE]

It's always a successful experiment if you learn something.

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]I guess a visit to New Mexico is out of the question for their future.[/QUOTE]

Just tell them to bring a fire extinguisher with them.

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]They both picked without, so Lady H handed them the burritos that were marked no chile. Well so we thought.[/QUOTE]

Whoops! :rotfl:

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]Smidgy ate all of hers. She found the chile to be a little spicy, but not bad.[/QUOTE]

Atta girl!

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"] Nebo is not a veggie eater, so therefore he only ate half of his.[/QUOTE]

No comment.

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]Thankfully, they didn’t get Lady H’s or my burritos. They are loaded with chile. [/QUOTE]

Oh, if only.
Now [I]that[/I] would've been fun to see!

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]I think I saw 2 snails and 3 turtles pass by us as we crawled through the traffic.[/QUOTE]

Just the other day I was telling Kay how I used to catch turtles down by the river.
I told her that they're actually really fast.
And they are!

Tortoises on the other hand... not so much.

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]I just hope the person behind me don’t get to upset that I’m having breakfast and I’m not moving.[/QUOTE]

Or not sharing.

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]In my version, the hare beats the tortoise. Eat my dust tortoise.[/QUOTE]

I'll always put my money on the hare.
Stupid fable. :snooty:

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]It’s the interstate, how bad could it be.[/QUOTE]

Famous last words.

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"]Either way, since I was depending on the sexy voice talking to me to get me to our destination, it seemed like it was taking a long time.[/QUOTE]

But wasn't it nice of Lady H to help with the navigating?

[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"] Good thing I had on my bluetooth and Lady H couldn’t hear her talking in my ear.[/QUOTE]


[quote="Thumper_Man, post: 51324554"][url=https://flic.kr/p/hnRshR][img]https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7413/10749003633_dcf514f800_c.jpg[/url]

Actually. I might've taken the same pic.
That's a cool tree.
Never seen one like that.

I apologized to Nebo and Smidgy for missing it.

Just trying to keep track here.
Unwanted chilis in the burritos
No sight seeing.

Being the driver has a few disadvantages, sightseeing being one of them.

I find it to be an advantage.
Seeing as how I'm usually the only one looking outside of the car!

Maybe one of these years, we’ll stay in Hollywood. Take a drive up to see the observatory and theater. Visit USH again, after they build their version of Harry Potter. Go and visit the walk of fame. Take a drive up and view the Hollywood sign. Take a drive down Rodeo Drive and maybe do some shopping.

That sounds pretty good, actually.

I had to give some subtle hints about some of the pictures to take. “Oh. I think that would be a good picture.”

::yes:: Been there.
"Ruby! Grab the camera!"
"What? Oh! Okay!"
"How do I turn it on?"
"Push that button. Then aim and push the big button."
"This one?"
"No, the other one. That one takes the picture."
"Oh, okay. Got it!"
"Nevermind. It's a mile back there now."


"But here's something else! Take the picture!"
"I already put the camera away."

9:15am. We’re early. Here’s hoping the park itself opens early like it did last year.

I guess we'll find out with the next post....
But thanks for this one! :goodvibes
You could use the trip report as a distraction from your work woes, or whoas, whichever works best for your situation. :idea:Just sayin'...

Trust me, I would love to if I could find the time. Hopefully we got our problems solved and I can get my Dis time back.
:cool1:glad to see a new chapter and glad I am not the only one who is lagging in posting chapters.

Well that's nothing new for us. :lmao: You on the other hand, I was going to go to your TR soon and see if you were still around. Now that school is almost over, I would think you have more time now maybe? :rolleyes1

You seriously made your own roasted chilis :cloud9:yummyyyyy.

Made them. No. The chile plant is the one that usually makes them. We just buy them once they've been picked and sold at our local supermarket.

As far as roasting them, we used to do that. It would be an all day process for the amount we buy. We don't anymore. The supermarket we buy them at has roasting machines that make the process much faster now. We let them do it, plus it's a free service with our purchase. After they roast it, we take it home, bag it into quart size freezer bags and freeze it. Then we'll thaw out as much as we need when we want it.

We had Uni passes one year and even though they were way cheaper than pretty much anywhere else the drive just stunk. picture the drive you folks did plus another 65 miles.

The drive up is the only thing we hate about going. Especially since we go and come back the same day. Next time, I thought maybe we could stay a few nights.

Looking forward to hearing about your park visit. now I need to go and get lance his dessert home made monkey bread and off to visit ponzie

You're going to visit Ponzi? Lucky you. One of these years, we may take the drive up there. Or fly. I'd have to see if Winnipeg interests' us though. Maybe Ponzi could be our tour guide.
Yay, an update! Thanks.

I have a confession. I have lived in Orlando for 43 years and never made it to Universal here yet, LOL. I think once I retire, and after Gringots opens...

Each time we go to Orlando, we have to make a stop at Universal/Islands of Adventure. We love going to all the theme parks in Orlando. Especially since we don't go out there very often. We're equal opportunity theme park lovers.

You definitely need to take a trip to see Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Our favorite beer comes from there and it's the only place to get it. It's not sold any place else. If we have a job next year, we're hoping to go back next year to see the WWoHP expansion. They were just starting on it when we went. Should be open next month from what I've been reading.
LA traffic is insane! Too bad about the Hollywood sign.

Yeah. That was totally my fault. :sad1:

Mmmmmm breakfast burritos! Here in south Texas breakfast tacos are more popular and you can literally get them everywhere. Most gas stations sell them in the morning! The options are endless too, tradition egg type tacos, barbacoa, bean and cheese, papas rancheros - you get the idea. Breakfast tacos were a wonderful discovery to this northern girl when I moved to Texas.

The way you can get breakfast tacos over, is the way we can get breakfast burritos here. Plus some restaurants sell them hand held or smothered. Smothered is your hand held versions covered with red or green chili. The options are endless how you can get them here as well.
LA traffic is insane! Too bad about the Hollywood sign. Mmmmmm breakfast burritos! Here in south Texas breakfast tacos are more popular and you can literally get them everywhere. Most gas stations sell them in the morning! The options are endless too, tradition egg type tacos, barbacoa, bean and cheese, papas rancheros - you get the idea. Breakfast tacos were a wonderful discovery to this northern girl when I moved to Texas.

Hi Mom&RN! This Western girl is not into savory in the morning - so imagine my dismay when you can't find a place to have breakfast (you know, waffles, pancakes) on a Saturday morning (well almost can't) because everywhere you look are tacos! :lmao:
Hey T-Man! Nice try on the tour guiding:thumbsup2 I've seen the H sign a bunch, but I couldn't tell you what road we were on. If I'm not driving, I don't know where we are - okay even if I AM driving, I don't know where we are. :rotfl2: Nice of you to bring breakfast along - I'll take mine without the chili for breakfast, then I'll be back later for the chili. :goodvibes

Hope our all our Dis Mom's and non Dis Mom's have a wonderful day today.
hi there all! Nebo wanted me to tell you all that we have an apt. thurs. morning with the orhtopedic surgeon. to see if he needs another surgery on his wrist. the round bone is really sticking out there ( I knew I missed my calling in orthopedics).. you know, that one that connects the radius and the diameter.......whoops, I meant ulna. criss crossing my curriculum disciplines..) or did I mean tiblua? femur? phalanges???) anyway it's still very painful..

one week before our last trip, my tooth started acting up. heck, that tooth was in full blown improv. mode!

the xrays showed 2 cavities, one top one bottom but according to the dentist's scientific "hit the tooth with the hammer" test and the" spray the hurting area with both cold air and cold water tests"... I killed the dentist and we never went to disney world at all. I am writing to you from the Joliet prison.

oh. sorry, that is what I WANTED to do. he thought, from those tests, that it was probably that tooth we avoided the root canal on 2 years ago, and put a crown on. I told him since we know we have for fix the cavities anyways, let's hold off on the very painful, very expensive root canal and see what happens. so he gave me double prescriptions for anitbiotics, extra strength antibiotics, and vicodin for the trip... just in case. since I would not be near a pharmacist or a dentist. when we got back he fixed the cavities and so far, so good. only time for one person in the family to have medical issues! lol

so I hope they do surgery again and fix his wrist. and so does he.
Start with a little music video shall we. HOLLYWOOD!

Today we’ll take Nebo and Smidgy to Hollywood, and tour the Universe. Nebo better be nice to me today or I just might leave him there. promises, promises.. ps. hey if he doesn't like what I post,l he's more than welcome to come online himself:rotfl:
We’ll travel back in time to when dinosaurs roamed the earth and the world was completely covered by water. Then we’ll fight along side robots and sing the blues, but not before having a little breakfast first.

As Lady H mentioned, we picked up some groceries the day before so we could give them a little taste of New Mexican style food. New Mexico is famous for…

Well yeah, there’s that. We told you that at the beginning of this TR. The International Balloon Fiesta is always a big event. NM is also famous for green chile peppers. No offense to the people of Colorado who think they’re famous for that, but chile has been a staple food here for years.

Anyways, the way most New Mexicans eat this stuff is to roast it, peel it and put it on just about anything and everything we eat. When Lady H and I travel, we take some along with us. This trip was no exception. Today we’ll wrap it up in a tortilla, with some scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and cheese. AKA a breakfast burrito. Breakfast on the go.

Today is another day we won’t get to sleep in. We told them we would pick them up close to 7:30 am. Universal Studios opens at 10 am today. Why pick them up so early you ask? Just cuz we want to offer cruel and unusual punishment, and make them get up early. Because I’m driving and stone cold said so. But mostly because we have to drive through Los Angeles during rush hour traffic. I know we keep reverting to our first TR, but if you haven’t read it, then I suggest you go back and read it. Go ahead, we’ll wait. The link is in my signature if you need it.


Are you done yet? Not yet. Ok, we’ll wait some more.

Intermission Continued

How about now? Well I guess you’ll have to finish on your own time then because the natives are getting restless. To sum it up, it will take about an hour and a half to get to Universal Studios through all the traffic in Los Angeles.

Anyway, as I was stating earlier, today we would not get to sleep in. I slaved all night over a hot stove. Literally. A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into my cooking. I hope no one notices while eating.


Only sweat got in the food.


I needed some salt.

This morning, I will cheat and put everything I made into the microwave to warm them up and make the burritos. Once made I will wrap them up in foil so they stay nice and warm. Took me about another 45 minutes to get breakfast ready. I made a few extra burritos without green chile. Green chile can be a little bit hot. Spicy hot. Or it can be really hot. Like your tongue is going to melt off, call the fire department, hot. I don’t know how well Smidgy and Nebo will be able to handle spicy foods, so we’ll have a few back up burritos for them (no chile) just in case.

By the time I finished making breakfast and getting ready, 7:30 came awfully quick. We’re running late, AGAIN. We call Smidgy to let her know we’re running a little behind again. I can already picture Nebo trying to look at his watch and realizing we’re late. Last thing we need is another lecture about being on time. “You’re on time if you’re 5 minutes early. You’re late if you’re on time.” Good thing they’re only about 5 minutes up the road from us.
too funny! we actually have no probem gettin gup early on vacation, evne me!!! the night owl!

Prior to the trip, we told them we could probably save them a little money on USH tickets. I learned that Costco tends to have a good deal on them. You can buy a 2 day ticket for $70 per ticket. Still cheaper than buying a one day ticket at the gate or online. I had advised Smidgy about buying the So Cal City Pass like we did. She was worried that she wouldn’t be able to add the additional Disney days they needed and said they wouldn’t be going to Sea World. I let her know that it is still a cheaper option even if they didn’t use the Sea World portion. What I was really hoping was to sell them and make a few extra bucks. Still she remained a little leery and decided to buy the tickets separately. Being we had a Costco membership, we checked our local stores and sure enough, they still had the USH tickets. I made arrangements that we would buy the tickets for them if we did indeed find them cheaper than online; then they could reimburse us. This part of the plan worked out perfectly.

We grab everything we’ll need. Food, park bottles, tickets, more park bottles, keys to the car and backpacks. Hopefully we didn’t forget anything. If we did, oh well.

We hop in the car and off to granny’s house we go. We’ll stop and pick them up on the way. Stopping may not be an option though. We may slow down just enough so they can hop in and we can continue on our way. If the Dauntless can do it, surely Smidgy and Nebo can to. Nebo is good at doing his own stunts whether he voluntarily wants to or not. We take the short 5 minute drive down the road. As we pull up to their hotel, we noticed a couple of hitchhikers standing near the side of the road, right near the driveway of HOJO.

They look like they needed a ride. We pulled up and asked them if they needed a lift. They asked us which way we were headed. I told them Universal Studios in Hollywood. Turns out they were headed our way and offered to pay for parking if we took them along. Even though we had already pre-paid for parking, we took them up on their offer and off we went. These strangers had a striking resemblance to Nebo and Smidgy. They even had the same names. Close enough for us. They hop in and off we go.

Last year, Lady H and I encountered a lot of construction on the way to USH. This year, it promises to be a lot of the same. I have a new route I want to try out this year as well. See if we can avoid some of the downtown LA traffic. If I did my homework right, we can hopefully get a good view of the Hollywood sign. If not, this picture I got from the internet will have to do.

(Photo courtesy of latimes.com)

As we cruise up I-5, we give Nebo and Smidgy a breakfast on the go burrito. We learned something today. Nebo doesn’t like chile. I guess a visit to New Mexico is out of the question for their future. We asked if they wanted a burrito with or without chile. They both picked without, so Lady H handed them the burritos that were marked no chile. Well so we thought. I don’t remember if I was the one marking them or Lady H was, but instead of handing them what she thought were no chile burritos, turned out they had chile. Smidgy ate all of hers. She found the chile to be a little spicy, but not bad. Nebo is not a veggie eater, so therefore he only ate half of his. We told them there are still 2 more. We know for sure these one’s don’t have chile. Smidgy was content and Nebo I think was afraid we may give him a poisonous apple, so he declined. Thankfully, they didn’t get Lady H’s or my burritos. They are loaded with chile.

20 minutes or so on our ride, we hit the construction and come to a complete stop. We are moving really slow through this construction. I think I saw 2 snails and 3 turtles pass by us as we crawled through the traffic. At least this will give me some time to eat my burrito without having to worry too much about hitting the car in front of me. I just hope the person behind me don’t get to upset that I’m having breakfast and I’m not moving. Plus Nebo and Smidgy now understand the reason for us leaving so early. Eventually we make it through the construction and pass the tortoises. In my version, the hare beats the tortoise. Eat my dust tortoise.

As we continue up the road, we soon get to Highway 101 exit, and just drive on by it and continue on I-5.. This is how you would normally go to Universal Studios, via downtown Los Angeles, via rush hour traffic, via crazy drivers weaving in and out of traffic, and getting no where. Going on the 101 is slow going at this hour. Today it may have been faster though. Being I have never continued going up I-5, I didn’t know what to expect traffic wise. It’s the interstate, how bad could it be. At times traffic was moving slow and at times really fast. Either way, since I was depending on the sexy voice talking to me to get me to our destination, it seemed like it was taking a long time. Good thing I had on my bluetooth and Lady H couldn’t hear her talking in my ear. “In 200 feet, keep right on Interstate 5. Keep Right. In 10 miles take exit 141A for Los Feliz Blvd.” Well you get the idea.

Los Feliz Blvd is the new route I wanted to take and took. You would also use this road to access the roads that take you up to the Greek Theater and Griffith Observatory. I was hoping that this road was also provide us with a nice view of the famous Hollywood sign. All our views pretty much looked like this.

Nothing but hills, trees and houses. Somewhere up there is the Hollywood sign. I was hoping as soon as we got to the highway, we would be able to see it. No such luck. When we got back to Highway 101, the sign was at an angle towards us and you couldn’t see it. I apologized to Nebo and Smidgy for missing it. For what it’s worth, I’ve yet to see it myself. Lady H got to see it on our last trip. Being the driver has a few disadvantages, sightseeing being one of them. Maybe one of these years, we’ll stay in Hollywood. Take a drive up to see the observatory and theater. Visit USH again, after they build their version of Harry Potter. Go and visit the walk of fame. Take a drive up and view the Hollywood sign. Take a drive down Rodeo Drive and maybe do some shopping.

Now don’t get too excited there ladies. Window shopping that is. No way I could afford to do any shopping there. Unless of course we can win the lottery by then.

We did get to see the Capitol Records Building.

The designated photographer at the time almost didn’t get that picture. She was too busy admiring the houses in the neighborhood and dreaming of one day owning a house there. I had to give some subtle hints about some of the pictures to take. “Oh. I think that would be a good picture.”

Anyways, as I mentioning, we get back to the 101. USH is only a 5 minute drive from here. Timing it, it took us about 1 ½ hours to get there. Same as last time. It wasn’t any faster through this new route. Would’ve been better just going on 101 since the exit. At least that way, Nebo and Smidgy would’ve had a chance to see the Hollywood sign. Oh well. Live and learn.

Soon we arrive at our destination.

9:15am. We’re early. Here’s hoping the park itself opens early like it did last year.

I was actually surpirsed at how quickly we got there, I had heard many horror stories about LA traffic. this is one of the reason we jumped on the opportunity to tour with you folks. (the main one being your fun and pleasant company!!! of course!) I knew there was no was we could drive those LA free ways on our own.. you did us a GREAT favor driving us to Universal.

and a free home made breakfast to boot?! that was no nice of you.. it was very good! I actually thought I might have like one with a little mopre "punch" after I ate my first, but I was full after that.
The Hollywood sign? not a big deal to us. I appreciate you trying to find a way for us to see it, but no big deal that we didn't. don't sweat it.
really, you have NO idea what a big help that was to us, having you guys drive us and help us tour Universal . we could have never done that on our own. thank you SO much!!!!

we actually got there in plenty time!! we waited in line to get in. which is fine at theme parks, I always want to be the one waiting to get in. I hate being late. in my family we lived 2 blocks frm church, and services started at 10:30 and "the cheelys" were in "our pew"( right side 3rd row from the back) at 10:15.
it was fine we got on the 1st tram ride (ok, maybe the 2nd? not sure) everything worked out great!
hi there all! Nebo wanted me to tell you all that we have an apt. thurs. morning with the orhtopedic surgeon. to see if he needs another surgery on his wrist. the round bone is really sticking out there ( I knew I missed my calling in orthopedics).. you know, that one that connects the radius and the diameter.......whoops, I meant ulna. criss crossing my curriculum disciplines..) or did I mean tiblua? femur? phalanges???) anyway it's still very painful..

one week before our last trip, my tooth started acting up. heck, that tooth was in full blown improv. mode!

the xrays showed 2 cavities, one top one bottom but according to the dentist's scientific "hit the tooth with the hammer" test and the" spray the hurting area with both cold air and cold water tests"... I killed the dentist and we never went to disney world at all. I am writing to you from the Joliet prison.

oh. sorry, that is what I WANTED to do. he thought, from those tests, that it was probably that tooth we avoided the root canal on 2 years ago, and put a crown on. I told him since we know we have for fix the cavities anyways, let's hold off on the very painful, very expensive root canal and see what happens. so he gave me double prescriptions for anitbiotics, extra strength antibiotics, and vicodin for the trip... just in case. since I would not be near a pharmacist or a dentist. when we got back he fixed the cavities and so far, so good. only time for one person in the family to have medical issues! lol

so I hope they do surgery again and fix his wrist. and so does he.

Welcome back Smidgy and Nebo. Hope you had a great trip. At least the surgical aftermath is related to events that happened BEFORE the trip. That must mean you both came through this one unscathed! Right?

And tell Nebo we are all rooting for him to get patched up again so that he can come back to play too!
Just interrupting this TR to give everyone a first hand look at Mickey's Wheel of Death in action. They are doing the live cams today for both California and Florida parks, I think T-Man has a thread going here on the Dis for the links to all the different cams, but this one, at California Adventure Park in Anaheim, has the perfect view of The Wheel of Death from Paradise Pier. You can now understand my issues with it once you see it in action.

Mickey's Not So Fun Wheel of Death!

I now return you to your regular scheduled Dis time.


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