WDW Obsessed and I've Never Even Been....Yet!

It's been a few days since I updated my PTR! I've just been insanely busy! I've been getting tons of pet sitting gigs lately! Last night I had to do walks for four different dogs! I walked one dog, got in my car and drove to the next house, walked that dog, got in my car and drove to the next house, and so on. At the end I'd done so much walking that I was thinking to myself, "Why do I want to go to WDW again?" I just wanted to sit down for very long periods of time!

But on the plus side, with all these extra pet sitting gigs I've been getting lately means that I can increase my Booze Budget for WDW! Lapu Lapu here I come! :drinking1

Also, I had a Yard Sale yesterday!!!



I earned a nice bit of cash, so more WDW spending money for me!

Oh, how cool! I need to have a yard sale! Get rid of all the junk in my house and make some money! But I have never had one before and am more than a little nervous! :eek:

I have never ridden on Splash Mountain. Going to Disneyland as a child, I was always way too scared. When I went back to Disneyland in 2007, I had one goal- to ride Splash Mountain.


When I got there and saw the ride, I chickened out!

So my goal for this trip is to get up the nerve to ride Splash Mountain! The Boyfriend is 100% convinced that I will chicken out again. I want to prove to him and everyone else that I can do it!

I'm pretty disappointed that they don't serve alcohol at MK. I know I'd be able to get on this ride if I was good and liquored up! But alas, I'll be facing my fear completely sober! :scared:

(Maybe if the monorail line isn't too long I can hop on over to one of the resorts and grab a drink!)

You CAN do it!! :cheer2: The first time I went to WDW I decided that since I was there I was going to go on rides! Keep in mind that I do not DO rides at all!! I went on Space Mountain and vowed, "Never again!" (Yes, I am a big weenie!!) I went on Splash Mountain and was nervous for that big drop but when it happened I had my eyes open the whole time! I have gone on it many times since...still get a few butterflies...but I close my eyes during the drop every time! You'd think I'd have them closed the first time but I think I was just too shocked! :scared1: You'll be able to do it! It is great fun! Maybe you can stop at Epcot first for a few drinks and then hop on the monorail to MK!! :rotfl::
Oh, how cool! I need to have a yard sale! Get rid of all the junk in my house and make some money! But I have never had one before and am more than a little nervous! :eek:

It helps if you do a joint yard sale with other people! Ours was a whole neighborhood-wide sale so there were lots of us out there with our junk! Also, because there were so many different houses participating, we were able to split up a bunch of the preparation work like advertising and posting up signs and stuff.

If you're still nervous about doing one (especially by yourself) a lot of non-profit charities often hold yard sales to raise money for their cause. So to get rid of your junk, you could donate it to them. You wouldn't get any money, but you could write off your donation on your taxes! And you'd be helping out an important cause!

You CAN do it!! :cheer2: The first time I went to WDW I decided that since I was there I was going to go on rides! Keep in mind that I do not DO rides at all!! I went on Space Mountain and vowed, "Never again!" (Yes, I am a big weenie!!) I went on Splash Mountain and was nervous for that big drop but when it happened I had my eyes open the whole time! I have gone on it many times since...still get a few butterflies...but I close my eyes during the drop every time! You'd think I'd have them closed the first time but I think I was just too shocked! :scared1: You'll be able to do it! It is great fun! Maybe you can stop at Epcot first for a few drinks and then hop on the monorail to MK!! :rotfl::

I've never been on Space Mountain either. I got in line for it last time I was at Disneyland, but then the ride broke down for a bit, and I didn't feel like waiting around much longer so I went and did something else. But yeah, I'm a little bit nervous about Space Mountain, but no where near as nervous as I am about Splash Mountain! I also plan on riding Tower of Terror, Rock n Roller Coaster, and Expedition Everest... which I'm all nervous about... but still, I'm most nervous and scared about Splash Mountain! I'm gonna do it though!
So, while starting to pack and thinking about what to pack I had a very important decision I needed to make. What camera (or cameras!) should I bring. For most people, this isn't that tough of a decision to make, but here are all of the cameras I currently own:


(If anyone is wondering how I took this picture, I borrowed my mom's camera!)

The first step is to decide film, digital or both. As fun as it would be to bring one of my Dianas or my Holga to WDW, I realized I didn't really want to deal with film. I still have dozens of exposed rolls of film that I haven't yet gotten around to developing, so I figured I didn't need to add any more at this time. So digital it was!

That narrows it down to:


Now, the camera I use the most is my Nikon D300. It's the biggest, heaviest and most expensive camera I own. I would LOVE to have that at WDW as I could get the best photos from using it. It would be especially great for shooting fireworks and at AK (since I have a nice telephoto lens for it).

On the downside, it would be pretty miserable carrying it around WDW for 5 days. Plus I'd worry a lot about it getting broken or stolen or having something happen to it. Additionally, my camera bag would have to be my carry-on which would mean I'd need to check my luggage and pay that extra $25.

So all in all, it felt best to leave that one at home.

I really didn't want to carry much at WDW. My plan for the trip is to do no backpacks and not carry anything, and just keep what I need in my pockets. So I decided to go with a camera that would fit in my pocket.


So I'm bringing along my Sony Cybershot T70. And in case it gets lost, broken, stolen, I run out of memory, or the battery dies (it takes a special rechargeable battery... you can't use AAs with it) I'm bringing along my Nikon Coolpix L6 as a back up!

Yes, I won't get nearly as nice of photos as I would with my D300, but I'm not there to take pictures! I'm there to go on rides and and have fun!

Hahaha, I just got a text message from my mom telling me that there's one of those Travel Channel programs about WDW on tv right now! I just set it to record on my DVR! I love to watch those! And I have not watched one since I started planning my WDW trip, so this will be extra exciting for me since I will be there 1 month from tomorrow!!!!!!! :eek:

I went to the Dollar Store today to get a few things for the trip! I remember them having a very cool Disney section with lots of Mickey Mouse, Disney Princess and Pirates of the Caribbean merchandise. When I went to check it out today, it was entirely Hannah Montana and High School Musical! I was pretty disappointed.
LOL I can not believe you started packing already!!! We are taking a dinner time flight and I will probably pack that morning!!!! :lmao:
Oh my goodness! I leave for WDW one month from today! In exactly 1 month from this very moment I will be sitting on an airplane heading towards Orlando!

Here's a list of the Top Ten Things I'm Looking Forward To Most (in no particular order):

1. Mickey Waffles
2. Soarin'
3. Shopping at DTD
4. Glow cubes!!!
5. Dole Whip Float
6. Riding the Monorail
7. Eating at Sci-Fi
8. World Showcase Booze!
9. Lapu Lapu
10. Taking pictures of everything I do to share on DISboards when I get home!
LOL I can not believe you started packing already!!! We are taking a dinner time flight and I will probably pack that morning!!!! :lmao:

I wanted to start packing the minute we booked our hotel! I had to force myself to wait until August before I started packing! Now I've packed whatever I can... which isn't much! Everything else I either haven't bought yet, or need to use regularly before the trip! I'm really worried about forgetting stuff when I pack, so I've made a lot of lists!
Hmm... I just submitted this reply and for some reason it's not showing up in the thread! I'm going to try to submit it again...

Edit: Never mind, it's showing up now!

LOL I can not believe you started packing already!!! We are taking a dinner time flight and I will probably pack that morning!!!! :lmao:

I wanted to start packing the minute we booked our hotel! I had to force myself to wait until August before I started packing! Now I've packed whatever I can... which isn't much! Everything else I either haven't bought yet, or need to use regularly before the trip! I'm really worried about forgetting stuff when I pack, so I've made a lot of lists!
Less than 1 month till my trip!!! :eek:

Here's what I've been reading lately in excitement for my WDW vacation:


My AAA WDW book! It doesn't have a lot of information that I didn't already know, but I still love to look at the pictures!


I picked up this book in the Free Section of EdMcKay's Used Book Store a few years ago (which is why it has that big black mark on the cover.) It was published in the 60's and as the cover states, it contains 55 short stories adapted from Disney films.


I've been reading a couple stories from it every night before I go to bed! It definitely brings back memories from my childhood!


It's not Disney, but it is about vacations! This was one of my favorite books as a child! And now as an adult, I like to read it before going on vacation!


My favorite part of the book is at the end when the pandas are going home with all of their souvenirs!

Reading this book before my trip to WDW is especially exciting! Because like the pandas I'm going to:


Ride a Monorail! And...


Go on an animal safari!
So yesterday while browsing DISboards, I read a post about Pick A Pearl locations at Disney. I was immediately intrigued and spent several hours researching and reading about Pick A Pearl.

I have to do this!!! How did I not learn about this sooner?????

I did a little bit of shopping for my trip over the weekend! I got some 3 oz containers for sunscreen, a Benadryl Itch Stick, a 3 oz bottle of lotion, and a pair of sunglasses.
In exactly one month from today, my Disney trip will be over and I'll be on an airplane back home!

Yeah, I'll be sad when my trip is over. But I'm really excited about sharing the photos I take and telling everyone about my trip! And I plan on making a scrapbook, so I'm really looking forward to that!

In building up excitement for my trip, I have raided The Boyfriend's DVD collection and grabbed all his Disney movies.


Once I get through watching all of these, I'll be getting out the DVDs from my own Disney collection!

I started out my little Disney Movie Marathon by watching:

In exactly one month from today, my Disney trip will be over and I'll be on an airplane back home!

Yeah, I'll be sad when my trip is over. But I'm really excited about sharing the photos I take and telling everyone about my trip! And I plan on making a scrapbook, so I'm really looking forward to that!

In building up excitement for my trip, I have raided The Boyfriend's DVD collection and grabbed all his Disney movies.


Once I get through watching all of these, I'll be getting out the DVDs from my own Disney collection!

I started out my little Disney Movie Marathon by watching:


LOL i love that you have been watching disney movies to get you in the mood for your trip i have been doing that too:) I end got dumbo on VHS this weekend for 50 cents at a flea market LOL-- i have also been watching the shows i have on my DVR which are samantha browns disney faves and the behind the scenes of disney its really getting me all pumped!!
With every PTR that I read, I swear I just end up getting more and more excited! YAY for less then four weeks!! :thumbsup2

I could NOT agree with you more. As soon as Harry Potter opens in Universal, I'm hopping right back on a plane. I don't care if I have to go myself! Though...thinking about it - I will have to be by myself...no one's brave enough to come with me, since I'm the ULTIMATE Harry Potter geek.

The ADR's look great!! I'm SO glad that you got the ressie you wanted at the Sci-Fi; we're having trouble getting something there, or at the 50's Prime Time, but you proved that searching every day pays off!

We've started our 'countdown to the trip' excitement this past weekend. My son's been busy decorating the envelopes for Mousekeeping - and we've been watching movies and reading books. That one you posted looks great! I've never seen it before, but we do have a few of the newer ones with the condensed newest Disney stories.

I'm totally subbing this PTR!! I can't wait to hear all about your planning...plans. Especially since you're another HP/packing way too early/Pick A Pearl/First timer in September!
With every PTR that I read, I swear I just end up getting more and more excited! YAY for less then four weeks!! :thumbsup2

I could NOT agree with you more. As soon as Harry Potter opens in Universal, I'm hopping right back on a plane. I don't care if I have to go myself! Though...thinking about it - I will have to be by myself...no one's brave enough to come with me, since I'm the ULTIMATE Harry Potter geek.

The ADR's look great!! I'm SO glad that you got the ressie you wanted at the Sci-Fi; we're having trouble getting something there, or at the 50's Prime Time, but you proved that searching every day pays off!

We've started our 'countdown to the trip' excitement this past weekend. My son's been busy decorating the envelopes for Mousekeeping - and we've been watching movies and reading books. That one you posted looks great! I've never seen it before, but we do have a few of the newer ones with the condensed newest Disney stories.

I'm totally subbing this PTR!! I can't wait to hear all about your planning...plans. Especially since you're another HP/packing way too early/Pick A Pearl/First timer in September!

Allright!!! Another HP/packing way too early/Pick A Pearl/First timer in September!!! :cheer2:

Ooh! I hope you're able to get something at Sci Fi and/or 50's Prime Time! I won't be going to 50's Prime Time, but I do plan on stopping by the Tune-In Lounge! I know you can order off the 50's Prime Time menu at the Tune-In Lounge, but I don't know if you can use dining plan credits there.

Have fun with your trip planning!!!!
LOL i love that you have been watching disney movies to get you in the mood for your trip i have been doing that too:) I end got dumbo on VHS this weekend for 50 cents at a flea market LOL-- i have also been watching the shows i have on my DVR which are samantha browns disney faves and the behind the scenes of disney its really getting me all pumped!!

I recorded those on my DVR too! I've been watching them over and over again! It still hasn't sunk in yet that I'll actually be there!
More Mickey Mail arrived yesterday!!! I got my Vacation Planning DVD!


The Boyfriend and I watched it together! He gave me a hard time for watching it, saying that I wouldn't learn anything new from it. Which is true, but it's still very exciting to see all these attractions I've been reading so much about! And it was also helpful to watch it together so we could say thins like, "Ooh! I wanna go on that!" or "Nah, I have no desire to see that." for each attraction. We realized that we're pretty much on the same page about everything.

So far in my planning I really haven't put a lot of thought into the rides and attractions at the parks. I've spent most of my time figuring out what we need to pack, where we're eating, what days we're going to what parks, etc. So today I finally checked out the closings and rehabs for when we're there. And I made notes of what won't be open.

I love my boyfriend!!! I've been so excited about getting drinks with glow cubes at WDW. So yesterday when he came home from work, he had a present for me!


He got me a glow cube!!!! It's a lot of fun! I can't wait to get more at WDW!
More Mickey Mail arrived yesterday!!! I got my Vacation Planning DVD!


The Boyfriend and I watched it together! He gave me a hard time for watching it, saying that I wouldn't learn anything new from it. Which is true, but it's still very exciting to see all these attractions I've been reading so much about! And it was also helpful to watch it together so we could say thins like, "Ooh! I wanna go on that!" or "Nah, I have no desire to see that." for each attraction. We realized that we're pretty much on the same page about everything.

So far in my planning I really haven't put a lot of thought into the rides and attractions at the parks. I've spent most of my time figuring out what we need to pack, where we're eating, what days we're going to what parks, etc. So today I finally checked out the closings and rehabs for when we're there. And I made notes of what won't be open.

I love my boyfriend!!! I've been so excited about getting drinks with glow cubes at WDW. So yesterday when he came home from work, he had a present for me!


He got me a glow cube!!!! It's a lot of fun! I can't wait to get more at WDW!

Don't you love the vacation planning DVD? DS and I watch ours over and over. :laughing:
Because I'm just sooo excited about my upcoming WDW trip, today I attempted to make Mickey Mouse pancakes (with M&Ms!) for breakfast:


I am also very happy to report that I am DONE with all of my pre-trip shopping! Yesterday I bought the last few items I needed!

The Boyfriend has been giving me a hard time about all this pre-trip shopping and planning I've been doing. He plans on just throwing a couple changes of clothes into a bag before heading off the airport that morning. Then buying whatever he needs there... or just doing without. (He said that blisters and sunburn are just "part of the vacation experience" :sad2: He also loves to complain, so I think he actually wants to get sunburned just so he'll have something to complain about!)

Here's a list of the stuff I bought for the trip:

1 Quart Plastic Bags for liquids
3 oz plastic containers for sunscreen
3 oz container of lotion
3 oz container of bug spray
3 oz container of Ben Gay
Benadryl Anti-Itch Stick
Body Glide
Facial Wipes

I think that's all I bought. Everything else I need I already have!

Last night I went ahead and packed the clothes I'll be wearing for the trip. I know it's 3 weeks away, but I've already picked out the outfits I want to wear and I don't want anything to happen to them between now and then! One of the shirts I'd originally planned on wearing on my trip I wore the other day and I spilled on it! I immediately washed it and have washed it a few more times since then, but unfortunately there's still a stain on it! So I had to pick out a different shirt to wear! And so now I packed all my clothes to avoid ruining any more of them before the trip!


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