Very sad news. Prayers needed. Updated by Kevin

Condolences from my family to your family on the loss of your father. Keep your chin up best you can and be sure to remember the good times.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you, John, your mom and your brother.
In a moment I lost my brother to a car accident so I know your pain. I am so sorry for your loss. On my brothers stone I had this written..

Life is short, time is fast, loves are lost, but memories will last

May your memories give you strength to get through this time of sorrow. My condolences to your family.
:guilty:Words cannot express how truly sorry I am, what a terrible tragedy this is. I will be thinking of you and your family in the days ahead, and I will be sure to give my own loved ones a shout out to tell them how important they are to me.
Kevin, So sorry to hear the sad news our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
oh my god - i just read your update Kevin - how horrible...

i am so very very sorry....and you're so right....we never know what tomorrow will bring.....

you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers..

I wish I knew what to type here but I just wanted to say how incredibly sorry I am and my thoughts go out to you and your family. And I can imagine how hugging strangers probably thrills you so here is an e-hug :)


You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I lost a woman who was like a grandmother to me in a similar accident many years ago, so I know just how you feel. :hug:
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Kevin. We will be keeping you and your family in our prayers.
Oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry.

It's so hard to lose a parent. :(

I will pray for you, your mom and your family. May God bless you with the peace and strength you'll all need to get through it.

We wanted to express our condolences to your family. I'm sorry such tragic circumstances occurred. No one should ever have to go through such shock and anguish. We lost our last parent this year with my mom's passing, so we understand that aspect of your loss. I know you will further cherish each and every day with your mother even more now and you will always celebrate the life and love that you had together with your father. Be at peace.
I am so sorry to hear this. Even though I never met you I, due to the podcast I feel like part of your very extended family. My mom died under similiar circumstances a few years thought and prayers are with you. I am so sorry that your family has to go thru this...going off to hug my kids now.
I am keeping you and yours in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through.

I am mostly a lurker, but I felt that I needed to post & say that my thoughts & prayers are with you and your family.

I am so sorry for your loss. I know by the way you spoke of him on the podcast that you were very close. You and your family will be in my prayers.
My condolences Kevin. Thanks for the advice about spending time with loved ones. My parents are getting older & I spend as much time as I can with them. May God bless & comfort you & your family.


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