Tylers MAW trip Oct 6-12

My second Mickey tie dye shirt. The Mickey came out much better and there is a lot of color on this one but it's not as vibrant. Think I need to get some more tie dye!:yay:


Today I have to call Ty's wish people and talk to them about his wish party pixiedust: . I think we will do it Sept. 26. DH and i have been talking and we've decided to make it a surprise party. He'll LOVE it! I can't wait to see his face!:laughing:
WOOT WOOT!!!! Ty's wish party is Thursday September 30 party: ! So so excited! We are going to keep it a surprise. He's gonna flip! 2 weeks, 5 days... :dancer:
Great job on the tie dye Mickey shirts! I tried making those once! Never again! Yours turned out much better than mine!

We are a little more than two weeks away from Ty's trip and we've hit a bump in the road. My little one, AJ, is sick :sick: . He's got a horrible barking cough and is having some trouble getting a good breath in. So, off to the ER. He has epilepsy and fevers bring on seizures too :sad2: . I know he'll be fine but I'm worried about Ty getting whatever AJ has. It would mean a hospital stay for him and we would probably have to postpone his trip. Send us good vibes so we can get our family healthy enough to visit!
AJ has the croup and a middle ear infection. He's doing pretty well right now, playing and happy although he has coughing "attacks" and is drooling a lot. I'm keeping a close eye on him right now. I'm practically having Tyler bathe in sanitizer...I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be good for him to get. How do I keep them apart? He's been out of the house for most of the day with DH but exposure has already happened :sad2: . We'll get through this. His ANC last appt was 1900 so they upped his home chemo a bit to drag it down. I don't want to have to put him back in the hospital and if he gets croup we will be there for at least 72 hours...ugh.

So if we can keep everyone healthy around here, we will be leaving in just over two weeks! Wow! It's coming up so fast!

Thanks tiny treasures for the prayers! :banana:
AJ has the croup and a middle ear infection. He's doing pretty well right now, playing and happy although he has coughing "attacks" and is drooling a lot. I'm keeping a close eye on him right now. I'm practically having Tyler bathe in sanitizer...I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be good for him to get. How do I keep them apart? He's been out of the house for most of the day with DH but exposure has already happened :sad2: . We'll get through this. His ANC last appt was 1900 so they upped his home chemo a bit to drag it down. I don't want to have to put him back in the hospital and if he gets croup we will be there for at least 72 hours...ugh.

So if we can keep everyone healthy around here, we will be leaving in just over two weeks! Wow! It's coming up so fast!

Thanks tiny treasures for the prayers! :banana:

Here's some healthy vibes:goodvibes. Sorry to hear AJ is sick.
As our trip date is closing in, our little AJ is still sick :sick: . His cough is sounding so bad...not really "croupy" anymore but almost like he's got a lot of phlegm he can't get out. Tyler is still relatively healthy although he was complaining of a stuffy nose and is voice sounds a little horse tonight :guilty: . I've decided to take the baby back to the doctor tomorrow and make sure his croup hasn't turned into pneumonia. On the bright side, this round of illness has only caused one seizure and it was very minor..I don't even think I mentioned it to DH. So, I'm just waiting for the "ball to drop"...hopefully AJ will get better soon and Tyler will steer away from this junk! Just 14 days to get our little family healthy :scared: !
:goodvibes Healthy vibes your way. You will arrive at the tail end of our wish trip. I'm also waiting for the ball to drop w/ someone getting sick right before the trip, esp. DD. She also has ALL. UHHH the worries never end.

Like your Mickey shirts! Happy planning and packing:cheer2:
:goodvibes Healthy vibes your way. You will arrive at the tail end of our wish trip. I'm also waiting for the ball to drop w/ someone getting sick right before the trip, esp. DD. She also has ALL. UHHH the worries never end.

Like your Mickey shirts! Happy planning and packing:cheer2:

Thank you so much! So far, today has been a much better day with AJ. He seems to be on the upward climb of this cough stuff, I even canceled his appointment! Yay!!! :yay: Anyways, Ty should be home from school soon and we shall see how he's feeling.

We've gone to Disneyland just about every 6 months since Ty was 2. We had his second birthday there. This years been funky..we haven't been since Aug 2009 and Ty is feeling the "disney itch". Every year we talk about DW and how we would love to take the kids there but money has always been an issue with this. We can definitely do DL on a budget since we drive...use hotwire...get our tickets through AAA. The reason we've never done DW before is because airline tickets put a huge damper on funds. We've done DL for 3 days, driving and staying off site for about $900, gas and food included. This trip that Ty's been given is such a once in a lifetime blessing. He's been watching ride videos on youtube and helping make our plan of action. Every night he pulls one of his paper chains off his wall. He's too excited! :banana: So, if he does get sick and we have to postpone his trip, he will be crushed. So, the vibes are working! So far so good.

There is another special reason this trip will mean so much to him. The night we took Ty to the ER and got the ALL diagnosis, my MIL was in the ER too for breathing problems. We had all spent a very special Saturday together (2 days prior to our lives being turned upside down) touring museums in Sacramento. Everything seemed to be okay except for the fact that Ty kept having stomach cramps and was unusually tired. So, for both Ty and MIL to land in the ER on the same night was bizarre. My poor DH was running back and forth between rooms the whole night and when he broke the news to his mom, she panicked. His sister had Lymphoma as a child so she's already been down this road. Anyways, we got transported to a larger hospital in Sac and she stayed behind in our little hospital up here. In the ER, her oxygen level was low but everything else was clear. The next day DH was on the phone with her nurse and he found out that her lung had collapsed and she had pneumonia in the other lung. They decided to sedate her so she could heal without her body fighting it. Long story short, she went to sleep and never woke up. They tried for 3 weeks to repair the damage but in the end, someone needed her in Heaven. This was a huge blow to Ty, he was very close to his GM. We had done DL with her several times and DS was always the focus of our trips. Our last trip was with her and in our hearts, Ty's GM will be with him this time too. She is his guardian angel :littleangel: , we are sure of that! I've been reminiscing a lot today about her. She was a wonderful lady that is missed so so much.

Sorry for that, just felt like I needed to give credit to one of the greatest ladies I've ever known. She is the reason why Ty is doing so great in treatment and maybe she'll help Ty stay healthy so he can go on his very special trip.

Thank you Grandma Sharon. We miss you everyday. :lovestruc
Wow, thanks for sharing that. You have been through so much in the past year. You sound like a very strong lady! I pray God will keep your whole family healthy and that you will have an incredible trip!
Wow, thanks for sharing that. You have been through so much in the past year. You sound like a very strong lady! I pray God will keep your whole family healthy and that you will have an incredible trip!

Thank you! Welcome to my PTR!

We're still healthy around here! Yay! :banana: I have a touch of a sore throat and a sinus problem but I can handle it. All that matters is that my babes stay good! 11 days and counting down! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Hiya sending healthy vibes your way ! here to follow along so sorry i am late joining in on party. I love the pics of your kiddos and wow wow wow on those tie dyes... No way i could have figured that out :)
8 more days! We are so close :goodvibes !!!! I can't believe that it's gone by so quickly! Now laundry, house cleaning, packing lists, settling things with the house/dog sitter, planning, shopping and getting ready for the wish party :scared1: . Geesh! So busy around here! I still have my sore throat and my fingers are still crossed that Ty wont get this crud. That would really stink!!! Hope everyone is having a happy Monday! :thumbsup2
I forgot to add in my last post, we received the lanyards and disney trading pins we ordered off ebay. I'm so glad I ordered them instead of purchasing them in park...20 trading pins for $14 free shipping and lanyards at $4 each. I wasn't sure how much Tyler would like them but wow :woohoo: he loved them!! I'm still interested to see him trading them....he might not "get it" but any social interaction is good! I know I've already said this but We only have 8 days left!!!!! He needs this vacation so badly (and we do too :rotfl:)
Yea! Single digits! Great idea on ordering the pins. I tossed that idea out to my kids (about pin trading) and they weren't too excited. I may just order them anyway. I bet they'll be excited when they see them. Do you remember what seller you used? Healthy vibes coming your way!!! Your trip is going to be amazing!
Yea! Single digits! Great idea on ordering the pins. I tossed that idea out to my kids (about pin trading) and they weren't too excited. I may just order them anyway. I bet they'll be excited when they see them. Do you remember what seller you used? Healthy vibes coming your way!!! Your trip is going to be amazing!

Mickey Reeds, I sent you a PM because I wasn't sure about posting the seller's name on the thread :)
Usually Ty wouldn't care at all about pins but when he got them, I let him pick out which ones he wanted to wear on his lanyard...now I can barely get it off of him!!! They're really nice pins too and I think it's a good way for him to communicate with the CM's. ;);) We are entering the final week before we go. We all need this vacation so bad. It makes me sad that it's going to be over soon :eek: then we will be back into the same old routine. LOL :laughing: Guess it will give me an excuse to plan our Disneyland trip for April :thumbsup2
Just 7 days left!!! :dance3:
What a journey your family has been on ~ :hug:

I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time in Orlando ~ we were there during you same dates last year. I can't wait to read all about it when you return.

Safe travels :wizard:


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