TV in kids room?

We never really thought much about it, but the kids never had TV's in their rooms.

There are places in the house they can go to watch TV, family room, den, etc, either by themselves or with us or with friends.

So many people now just have the TV on all the time. It's just routine background noise. For us, we just don't see a need for it in their rooms.
I don't have a tv in my bedroom and wouldn't fathom letting DD14 have one. I don't understand the purpose honestly. FAMILY ROOM for a tv. I like to know what she is watching and can't understand the purpose of a tv in the bedroom. a few years ago at a sleepover DD was up ALL NIGHT b/c someone left a tv on and she couldn't sleep with the noise and distraction. :rotfl:
We've always had TV's in all the bedrooms and the living room. I never found the TV's in their bedrooms as taking away from family time. Sometimes I encouraged them to go and watch something away from the main TV. Families don't have to be together all the time. It's ok to watch separately. Not everyone has the same TV interests and I don't think kids or parents should be forced to watch the same shows. My DD14 is usually downstairs with me most of the day. But when she is up in her room, she rarely watches TV during the day. I usually hear her music. She likes it at nighttime to unwind. I guess with TV my feelings are like candy, you can restrict but when kids then get access some tend to go all crazy. But when it's not treated as a big deal and not the forbidden fruit kids tend to not give it a second thought.

As far as violent video games. My now DS22 only had access to sports games for his Xbox growing up. That's all I would buy him. It wasn't until he had his own job in his late teens years that he bought the more mature games.
I don't have a tv in my bedroom and wouldn't fathom letting DD14 have one. I don't understand the purpose honestly. FAMILY ROOM for a tv. I like to know what she is watching and can't understand the purpose of a tv in the bedroom. a few years ago at a sleepover DD was up ALL NIGHT b/c someone left a tv on and she couldn't sleep with the noise and distraction. :rotfl:

The purpose is for enjoyment, just like your TV in the family room.

Am I really the only person on this board that lets their kids watch tv in their rooms whenever they want to? I can't possibly be! Obviously, I don't let them watch it past their bedtime for school nights (9:30pm), but any other time is fine. It would never cross my mind to hover over them to make sure they are not watching something inappropriate. I know what they like to watch, and they know what is appropriate and what isn't. Their doors are always open by choice, so it isn't like they are trying to get away with anything. :rotfl:

ETA: thanks for posting, ZoeBell! I was starting to feel like the only person on "Bedroom TV Island" :rotfl2:
The purpose is for enjoyment, just like your TV in the family room.

Am I really the only person on this board that lets their kids watch tv in their rooms whenever they want to? I can't possibly be! Obviously, I don't let them watch it past their bedtime for school nights (9:30pm), but any other time is fine. It would never cross my mind to hover over them to make sure they are not watching something inappropriate. I know what they like to watch, and they know what is appropriate and what isn't. Their doors are always open by choice, so it isn't like they are trying to get away with anything. :rotfl:

I can see both sides. My dd14 just got a tv for her room on her 14th bday. Mostly because I don't want her and ds5&3 arguing over the playroom tv, as they don't watch the same things. It is also great when she has friends over and they are in there where I don't have to hear them...or their movie.

Ds5&3 won't be getting a tv in their rooms until they are much older, probably teens, b/c I just do not see a need for them to sit in their rooms watching tv. They should be running around outside, playing with friends, building Legos, etc. if they want to watch tv they can use the one on the back porch, playroom, living room, master bedroom, or garage. I don't want them turning into DH who has to have a tv on any time he is home just for the noise. So their rooms are their quiet areas.

Neither is wrong, just what works best for each family.
The purpose is for enjoyment, just like your TV in the family room.

Am I really the only person on this board that lets their kids watch tv in their rooms whenever they want to? I can't possibly be! Obviously, I don't let them watch it past their bedtime for school nights (9:30pm), but any other time is fine. It would never cross my mind to hover over them to make sure they are not watching something inappropriate. I know what they like to watch, and they know what is appropriate and what isn't. Their doors are always open by choice, so it isn't like they are trying to get away with anything. :rotfl:

ETA: thanks for posting, ZoeBell! I was starting to feel like the only person on "Bedroom TV Island" :rotfl2:

I got your back!!
The only thing I'd catch dd14 watching would be SayYesToTheDress or NCIS. Both of which we watch together in the living room.

I have 3kids, ds22,dd20,dd14.. All happy, healthy and growing up as beautiful people. And they all had access to TV's in their bedrooms.
We have only one TV and it's in the living room. We hardly see our 12 and 14 year old as it is. When home, they hole up in their rooms on the phone, playing their DS or whatever they do in there. :rolleyes2 At least I know I'll see them when something is on TV they want to see or they decide to play on the Wii.
My husband let the kids have tvs in their room for getting on the A honor roll in middle school.

I really wish he hadn't made that deal without talking to me. Because I wouldn't have done it. I hate the TVs in their rooms. We don't see the kids, we have a harder time tracking what they are watching and doing.
I got your back!!
The only thing I'd catch dd14 watching would be SayYesToTheDress or NCIS. Both of which we watch together in the living room.

I have 3kids, ds22,dd20,dd14.. All happy, healthy and growing up as beautiful people. And they all had access to TV's in their bedrooms.


I had a TV in my room growing up, and so did DH. I think we turned out okay. :rotfl2: I WANT my kids to spend time in their rooms playing. They have thousands of dollar's worth of toys in their rooms. They'd better be playing with them. :rotfl:
smitch425 said:
The purpose is for enjoyment, just like your TV in the family room.

Am I really the only person on this board that lets their kids watch tv in their rooms whenever they want to? I can't possibly be! Obviously, I don't let them watch it past their bedtime for school nights (9:30pm), but any other time is fine. It would never cross my mind to hover over them to make sure they are not watching something inappropriate. I know what they like to watch, and they know what is appropriate and what isn't. Their doors are always open by choice, so it isn't like they are trying to get away with anything. :rotfl:

ETA: thanks for posting, ZoeBell! I was starting to feel like the only person on "Bedroom TV Island" :rotfl2:

Add me to your group smitch! You are not alone. Lol
Both of my kids have had TV's in their room for years. They are 20 & 17yrs old now. We have taught them right from wrong, good morals, and what we approve of and what is unacceptable. They have computers and iPads and same values/ morals go for them. I feel that if I couldn't trust them to make good decisions about a TV program then I was doing something wrong as a parent. I mean really, I am not always going to be there to control everything they do so they need to learn how to make the correct choices as they grow up. I respect them enough to give them that ability and they respect me enough to adhere to the morals we have instilled in them.
We have never had an issue with it.
Dd20 is on deans all A honor roll at a university as a junior. And ds17 is a junior in highschool and is in the gifted program. They have turned out healthy and well adjusted. Even with an Xbox, rated m games, TV and computers. :)

BTW..just wanted to add. We also did alot as a family. We had family game night about twice a week, went to the park, zoo, road trips, played wii as a family (bowling which I love!) and things like that. My kids have more memories as little ones playing family game night than they do watching tv shows. Although they do comment on watching Barney and Blues Clues as a kid and how the cartoons have changed over the years. lol
Just remember that they do grow up! My kids now go on school trips where they are in hotel rooms without adults in their to supervise them so they can potentially watch ANYTHING they want and no one would know. I can't keep these type things from them forever so my only option is teaching them good morals and hope they are listening!!
Nope! No TV in their bedrooms and no plans of ever letting them have one! We have a TV in OUR bedroom and I wish we didn't! That was more DH's idea then mine!

We have a TV in the living room and a very old TV in the downstairs den that doesn't work very well. I'm wanting to move our bedroom TV to the den if I can just talk DH into it!

Anyway, my kids are 9, 7, 5, and almost 2. They have radio/CD players in their rooms and listen to their CD's or the Christian station on the radio. They fall asleep with it on and I'm okay with that.

They earn TV time once their homework/chores are all done. We have pizza/movie nights every Friday. Today, we're feeling under the weather, so we've watched more TV today then usual. They are good about NOT watching "contraband" tv shows and movies. They love the food network and Disney Jr. We have a TON of DVD's and they watch certain cartoons on Netflix. :happytv:

I think if they had a TV in their room then that is all they'd do is watch it. We used to have a portable TV that picked up a few local digital channels that we'd let them watch in their room if they were sick in bed. I actually considered putting a small TV/DVD player (no cable) in their room but the stipulation was that they'd have to MAJORLY downsize their toys. They said they'd rather keep their toys then have the TV! :)
The purpose is for enjoyment, just like your TV in the family room.

Am I really the only person on this board that lets their kids watch tv in their rooms whenever they want to? I can't possibly be! Obviously, I don't let them watch it past their bedtime for school nights (9:30pm), but any other time is fine. It would never cross my mind to hover over them to make sure they are not watching something inappropriate. I know what they like to watch, and they know what is appropriate and what isn't. Their doors are always open by choice, so it isn't like they are trying to get away with anything. :rotfl:

ETA: thanks for posting, ZoeBell! I was starting to feel like the only person on "Bedroom TV Island" :rotfl2:

No, you're not alone. We have more TV's in our house than people. :thumbsup2 We even have one that goes outside in the summer!

My kids have always had a TV in their room. I didn't want to spend all my time watching Sponge Bob or Disney shows, so I put a TV in their room. As they got older the TV became more about video games and less about shows or movies. I certainly didn't want to listen to that all day either! We have a smaller home and do not have a family room. We have the main TV in the living room. We do watch some shows or movies together. But all 4 of us have different TV tastes for the most part. I don't want to spend all my time watching what my husband watches either, so I have a TV in MY room too. :lmao:

Previously my kids had just the basic cable stations in their room. They pretty much only switched between disney, nick or cartoon network. Now we have Uverse and they have full access to all stations. We can set a password to limit ratings, but haven't had to do it. They don't "sneak" in anything they shouldn't watch and they know the TV goes off at a certain time. They do like to chill out at bedtime with a show or movie and fall asleep just fine every night.

My kids also shared a room for 13 years. This spring we moved and now they have their own rooms. I think it's been good for my boys to have their own space. We do plenty of family things, but being together 24/7 isn't necessary to me. I like my own space to do my thing and I think my kids deserve that too. They can spend as much time (or not) in their rooms at they want. They are good students, play sports and have other activities. I don't think in room TV has ruined any of us.

None of my kids (16,13 and 8) have TV's in their room now and I don't ever see a point where it will happen. I believe that when kids have TVs in their rooms, they spend less time with their families and more time watching TV. Kids that watch more TV tend to be less active and more sedentary and that is something that we want to promote in our house. Plus it makes it harder to monitor what they do watch when they are by themselves in their room. IMHO.
Our kids (12 & 10) do not have a tv in their rooms, and they won't until they are 18 and buy it themselves. We have a big tv in the family room they can watch or use for games, as long as no one is watching something. They can watch the tv in our room if they want, and they can stream Netflix on the computer or my ipad if they ask first. They don't watch a lot of tv anyway.
What is your goal? I think bedroom TVs encourage kids to spend more time alone in their rooms, rather than together with family, make it harder to monitor what they watch, interfere with sleep and serve as a distraction to things that kids are supposed to be doing in the bedrooms--like getting ready for school or cleaning the room or maybe homework. Also it seems to me that kids watch more tv if the tv is in a bedroom--and what kid needs to watch more tv?

What benefits do people see to TVs in kids' rooms?

I agree with this. :thumbsup2 My kids have a loft area with a computer, TV and gaming equipment. I feel they do not need it in there rooms too. Plus, during the teen years, they really do not need another reason to be in their rooms. ;)
Our kids do not have TVs in their rooms and I don't plan to allow them any time soon. We have a playroom for the kids, though, and there's a TV in there that they watch whenever they want, and the Wii is attached to it. I like it being in a public area of the house, where I can pop in and see what's on and make sure it's nothing objectionable. They have pretty free reign of that TV, so I see no need for them to have them in their rooms. Now, they do both have iPod Touches, so they can stream some shows on them, but not too many (as I refuse to provide my Comcast user name and pw for the live shows).

I'm against young kids having them in their rooms to go to sleep at night. I think being able to lay down and go to sleep by yourself, in the dark and in the quiet, is something they should be able to do.
Nope. No t.v. or computer in room until they go off to college. Besides not being frugal I think it lessons family time and leads to over-watching t.v.
My son (11) has a tv with a built in DVD player in his room. No cable so that means no tv channels. He is allowed to watch a movie in the evenings. If its a crummy day out he can watch a movie during the day while I get stuff done. I homeschool so sometimes that's how I get my break without him underfoot.


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