Tuesday Show Returns October 3

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Just watched the show: good job, guys!
Keep your focus on Disney world. The parks, the resorts. Dining, shows. attractions, special events and etc. Give us your honest take on things, tell us what you think we will enjoy, what to avoid and why.
FYI, Eric and Tom at WDW News are now doing a great job being grumpy and snarky in case anyone wants that itch scratched.
I'm going to try my best to be diplomatic without offending or attacking anyone. I do understand everyone's point of view and expectations. Believe me, we've had a ton of conversations regarding this. Our personal emotional responses, in addition to addressing the situation and feelings of others, would require at least 30 minutes each. Do we really want our first show to reflect on a past like that? Again, when the time is right, we'll talk. This show will not be about our past. I'm sorry to disappoint, but you will not get a show about past situations. Call it what you will.
Let me start by saying this. From this outsider's perspective, I believe you to be a stand-up guy who I highly doubt has much to answer for in this whole mess. I also understand the difficulty in trying to carve out a path forward under such circumstances.

However, with all due respect, you seem to be missing the point. No one wants the show to be about the past. But there are most certainly people still with the company who were pretty significantly implicated in some of the goings on. It would also be foolish to assume we know even 1/10 of the truth in that regard. What's more these things are never about one person. They are about the culture and system they build and that does not go quietly into the night just because that person is removed.

So, while limiting what can be said due to legal issues is understandable and unavoidable, there need to be clear, specific discussions about what is being done to ensure such things do not happen again.

I get it. We are not privy to the details of what all of you have been through and are still going through. But we have all seen situations like this in the past, and I am sure you would agree, only a fool would accept the "can't talk about it, have to move forward" explanation and assume all has been handled.

Dealing with this is not about the past, it is 100% about the future.

All that said, it's your "show" to run now and I am sure there are many fans who are willing to get back on the bandwagon no questions asked. Such is the way of the world these days.

I just won't be one of them. I fully understand that will not cause anyone at the Dis to lose a second of sleep. But at the same time, I will also not lose a second wondering what exactly I am supporting.
Let me start by saying this. From this outsider's perspective, I believe you to be a stand-up guy who I highly doubt has much to answer for in this whole mess. I also understand the difficulty in trying to carve out a path forward under such circumstances.

However, with all due respect, you seem to be missing the point. No one wants the show to be about the past. But there are most certainly people still with the company who were pretty significantly implicated in some of the goings on. It would also be foolish to assume we know even 1/10 of the truth in that regard. What's more these things are never about one person. They are about the culture and system they build and that does not go quietly into the night just because that person is removed.

So, while limiting what can be said due to legal issues is understandable and unavoidable, there need to be clear, specific discussions about what is being done to ensure such things do not happen again.

I get it. We are not privy to the details of what all of you have been through and are still going through. But we have all seen situations like this in the past, and I am sure you would agree, only a fool would accept the "can't talk about it, have to move forward" explanation and assume all has been handled.

Dealing with this is not about the past, it is 100% about the future.

All that said, it's your "show" to run now and I am sure there are many fans who are willing to get back on the bandwagon no questions asked. Such is the way of the world these days.

I just won't be one of them. I fully understand that will not cause anyone at the Dis to lose a second of sleep. But at the same time, I will also not lose a second wondering what exactly I am supporting.
I agree with Raidermatt. Once PW is confirmed to not be profiting from this, I’ll go back to fully supporting the channel. This issue is way too big to simply ignore and am very interested in how the enabling environment has changed
I agree with Raidermatt. Once PW is confirmed to not be profiting from this, I’ll go back to fully supporting the channel. This issue is way too big to simply ignore and am very interested in how the enabling environment has changed
He is currently in the process of divesting his shares as an owner. As an employee, he left the company. He does not profit from our DIS ventures or the travel agency
Good Job on Ep#2 Craig ! Maybe you could throw in a bit about Universal , Surely you have to wonder how DW is going to answer Epic Universe in the coming year. I see an all out theme park War in Orlando between the 2. Should benefit us all and your ratings.
He is currently in the process of divesting his shares as an owner. As an employee, he left the company. He does not profit from our DIS ventures or the travel agency
I just started listening again (DCL and DVC show). Thanks for sharing this. I admit I haven't been listening the past few months because I was so turned off by the SA allegations and I didn't want anything I did to support PW financially. I realize now there are many wonderful people behind the Dis and it seems unfortunate to shut out their voices and talents! I love the DCL and DVC shows and I'm happy they are back in my ears!
I just started listening again (DCL and DVC show). Thanks for sharing this. I admit I haven't been listening the past few months because I was so turned off by the SA allegations and I didn't want anything I did to support PW financially. I realize now there are many wonderful people behind the Dis and it seems unfortunate to shut out their voices and talents! I love the DCL and DVC shows and I'm happy they are back in my ears!
Well, technically, the DVC Show is not owned by anyone associated with Dreams Unlimited anymore, nor is the DVC Fan Facebook page associated with anything DIS either. Paul & Amy are running with that, with the support of The World of DVC exclusively. Doubt you'll be seeing either of them on any DIS content anytime soon, although Paul HAS been seen on several episodes of another WDW news provider.

The DCL show is still under the Dreams umbrella.
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