This is Us- Season six

I am not looking forward to next weeks episode. Randall is a lot to take.

I think a lot of people feel that way about Randall, and I do understand that, but I love Randall. I find him to be captivating, funny and interesting. I also LOVE the people surrounding him. Deja has always been one of my favorites on the show, as has Beth. I also loved William, he was probably my all time favorite. So I am really looking forward to Randalls story.
I think a lot of people feel that way about Randall, and I do understand that, but I love Randall. I find him to be captivating, funny and interesting. I also LOVE the people surrounding him. Deja has always been one of my favorites on the show, as has Beth. I also loved William, he was probably my all time favorite. So I am really looking forward to Randalls story.
I like Randall also. I just think Sterling is such a good actor that he takes us on that journey with him. It always leaves me mentally exhausted.
1) I stand by my prior statement that Toby and Kate should've moved halfway between the two cities.

It's 350 miles between San Francisco and LA. Living between them would have meant they were each commuting 350 miles a day round trip for their jobs. There is no way that would work; they would each be on the road almost 5 hours a day.
As to the "team thing," maybe it is because I have not liked the way that the writers have been writing Toby for the last two years. He does not seem to be the same man he was, independent of his weight. His behaviors seemed too abrupt a change, and they made me dislike him. I would never want to be married to the New Toby.

Now, Randall is a different story! I would fight Beth for him, but I would lose because I am not as all-out wonderful as she is! 🙂
I'm going to say something and everyone is going to get mad at me. I have to say it anyway. Kate is morbidly obese. Making it up a hill one time does not change that fact. If she is really going to go it alone and care for these kids properly, her health has to be addressed honestly. She will be their primary caregiver going forward and needs to live to see them graduate college. She needs to bring he weight down to a healthy range.

I'm not just pointing fingers. I'm 20 pounds overweight and was huffing and puffing on some of those big hills in San Francisco. Taking care of two small children is a lot to bear physically. This is Us is supposed to look like real life but they refuse to truly address the fact that her health is questionable. I just think Kate's storylines are always so far-fetched.
I'm going to say something and everyone is going to get mad at me. I have to say it anyway. Kate is morbidly obese. Making it up a hill one time does not change that fact. If she is really going to go it alone and care for these kids properly, her health has to be addressed honestly. She will be their primary caregiver going forward and needs to live to see them graduate college. She needs to bring he weight down to a healthy range.

I'm not just pointing fingers. I'm 20 pounds overweight and was huffing and puffing on some of those big hills in San Francisco. Taking care of two small children is a lot to bear physically. This is Us is supposed to look like real life but they refuse to truly address the fact that her health is questionable. I just think Kate's storylines are always so far-fetched.

Body size does not equal health. You can be obese and still be healthy (besides my ms, I am healthy). You can also be skinny and be very unhealthy (like Madison when we first met her).
I'm going to say something and everyone is going to get mad at me. I have to say it anyway. Kate is morbidly obese. Making it up a hill one time does not change that fact. If she is really going to go it alone and care for these kids properly, her health has to be addressed honestly. She will be their primary caregiver going forward and needs to live to see them graduate college. She needs to bring he weight down to a healthy range.

I'm not just pointing fingers. I'm 20 pounds overweight and was huffing and puffing on some of those big hills in San Francisco. Taking care of two small children is a lot to bear physically. This is Us is supposed to look like real life but they refuse to truly address the fact that her health is questionable. I just think Kate's storylines are always so far-fetched.
I think what you're missing is the mental component. For MANY ppl. most of what they can or can't do is all in their head. Her making it up a "hill" (physical and mental) that she for years has avoided because she's afraid she's not good enough put her in a totally different, healthier, more independent, capable mindset...which often times is the key to changing everything.

I do agree with those surprised she'd have the spin-off she is my least favorite outof the 3.
Body size does not equal health. You can be obese and still be healthy (besides my ms, I am healthy). You can also be skinny and be very unhealthy (like Madison when we first met her).
I totally understand. I was in the Madison category when I was a young person. I made extremely unhealthy choices and could have really hurt myself. But, I changed everything about my eating habits to be here for my kid the minute I found out I was pregnant.

Someone I love dearly is morbidly obese and a mom and I think that is why the Kate story is bothering me. My loved one called me a couple of days ago crying because her three kids are now morbidly obese and she feels like she failed them. Sometimes that is the reality. Parents want to break the cycle for our kids. I think that is what Toby was trying to do when we got a glimpse of it on the Thanksgiving episode.

Anyone who says they haven't struggled with weight at some point in their lives is not being truthful. It's so hard and a really touchy subject. I know.
I'm going to say something and everyone is going to get mad at me. I have to say it anyway. Kate is morbidly obese. Making it up a hill one time does not change that fact. If she is really going to go it alone and care for these kids properly, her health has to be addressed honestly. She will be their primary caregiver going forward and needs to live to see them graduate college. She needs to bring he weight down to a healthy range.

I'm not just pointing fingers. I'm 20 pounds overweight and was huffing and puffing on some of those big hills in San Francisco. Taking care of two small children is a lot to bear physically. This is Us is supposed to look like real life but they refuse to truly address the fact that her health is questionable. I just think Kate's storylines are always so far-fetched.

I thought at one point there were rumors that Chrissy Metz was under contract to lose a lot of weight for Kate's storyline, but apparently that never developed.
I think they do touch on Kate's weight. I think the show does point out that her weight is an issue. I also heard the actress was suppose to lose weight for the show. I'm wondering if she is wearing padding and then we will have a 10 year flash forward where she will be lighter, although maybe still overweight. Hopefully for the actress' own health, she has lost weight and she is in fact wearing padding.
I am not mad at you, but your post did make sense of something that had puzzled me. You have seemed to have an aversion toward the character, and I suspected it was something personal.

I think that Kate has been wonderfully played by the little girl, the older teen, and the 40 year old woman. We humans are complex and not always strong and don't always do the things that are best for us. That is real life. Far from perfect. Just another reason I love this show, along with the great acting.

As for Toby, my complaint is with the writers because I don't buy the hard shift in his character that has been coming for some time. Just wasn't believable to me. Kate's vulnerabilities and defenses, on the other hand, do seem very believable. I think that the show's storyline/casting is asking us to confront some fat bigotry we as audience members may be harboring, too. Even viewers who have struggled with weight themselves, maybe especially viewers who have struggled with their own weight issues.
I don’t think that Kate did the exact same thing as Toby by inquiring about that job without his input. He made the complete decision without any input from her. She is just starting a ball rolling. He had just given her an ultimatum of move to San Francisco as the only was this will work. She proved to herself that she can rely on herself in tough times and made the call. This doesn’t mean that she isn’t going to discuss the possibilities with him. She hasn’t actually accepted the job yet. Even if she had, though, it was in direct response to the ultimatum that Toby had laid down. She made the choice that she was given.

It seems that on comments I’ve read on Facebook that people think they need to be either Team Kate or Team Toby. I think that it is a sad situation where they have both grown and are both finding happiness but is no longer with each other. I also get the feeling that people think Kate hasn’t grown because she hasn’t lost weight missing all the growth in confidence that they have shown in the character. Yes, she looks the same and is living in the same place, but she’s anything but stagnant. I don’t see her as miserable and unhappy either.
And she has definitely grown in the relationship with her mom. That was huge!
I am not mad at you, but your post did make sense of something that had puzzled me. You have seemed to have an aversion toward the character, and I suspected it was something personal.

I think that Kate has been wonderfully played by the little girl, the older teen, and the 40 year old woman. We humans are complex and not always strong and don't always do the things that are best for us. That is real life. Far from perfect. Just another reason I love this show, along with the great acting.

As for Toby, my complaint is with the writers because I don't buy the hard shift in his character that has been coming for some time. Just wasn't believable to me. Kate's vulnerabilities and defenses, on the other hand, do seem very believable. I think that the show's storyline/casting is asking us to confront some fat bigotry we as audience members may be harboring, too. Even viewers who have struggled with weight themselves, maybe especially viewers who have struggled with their own weight issues.
Yes, I guess I do have an aversion to Kate but more for her Eeyore personality than because of her weight. I just want to scream "snap out of it" to her all the time and maybe with this episode she is snapping out of it.
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