"This is NOT the once in a lifetime trip I was hoping for!" - (Baby Simba - 12/18)

Rope drop 4 days in a row! Impressive!! We always seem to get there about 10-15 min too late ;) also, I agree, cupcakes for breakfast.... Perfectly acceptable!!
You got to sit by yourself on toy story mania? They always find another person to put next to me :(
Fun unpdate; I got to ride TSM by myself in June...it was fun to finally beat someone. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Love the picture of Claudia with the characters...such a sweet smile.
I am impressed you got to ride with a ghost. I have always been paired up with someone, which is fine, but a ghost sounds fun....especially when he is getting points.

I think cupcakes for breaks sound wonderful and have done that on more than one occasion.
mickeystoontown said:
Wanna know how lousy I am at Toy Story Mania? Your ghost had no problems beating me. :lmao:

You are so cute! I am not good at it either...
I’m finally back! Bahah. Looks like a nice evening in MK, even if you did only stay for the fireworks! I have to agree on that tree being annoying, and the MSEP music, it’s grown on me a whole lot, the parade itself, not so much, BUT, that’s okay! Lawl. Claudia looks absolutely adorable watching Wishes!!

I GET THE REFERENCE…I think..lol. Dr Who?

Red velvet cupcakes are TOTALLY breakfast food…

Aww! Love the pic with Vanellope!

AH! That’s so weird that the ghost got points?! What?!

Hi everyone! I've been working hard this week on my Disney photobook. I'm trying to work even harder now because they came out with a 50% discount and I want to take advantage of it. It's also been hot as hell, so it's hard to get anything done. Both Quebec and Ontario were hit with crazy thunderstorms yesterday. Luckily only our internet stopped working, but most people in my city were not so lucky. A lot of people, include the other side of my street, lost power. Then a neighborhood was hit with crazy wind and there are trees everywhere. Yikes! At least that took care of the heat...

I'm too tired to do replies tonight, but I feel like it's been way too long since I last updated so here's some Disney for you.

Day 8 part 3 – The One With The Thrill Rides

After riding TSM alone and meeting back up with my gang, we saw that the Green Army Man was out wandering about, so Otaku and I jumped in to get our picture taken with him.


We got some photopass shots by the hat.



Including a magic shot with my favorite alien.


We walked on Sunset Boulevard, where Otaku pretended to be a hitchhiker on Route 66.


This is not where we were headed just yet.


We were heading here first.


Otaku and I went into the single-rider line. We had a little bit of wait before the pre-show. I took a photo of this poster because Ron and I watched that movie during our honeymoon and liked it. Happy memory.



While we were waiting Peanut was busy doing this:


While Ron took a few picture of the area.


We had a much longer wait after the pre-show.


Eventually we made it to the front of the line. I let Otaku go first, and she was put into a line with a guy, but then the guy asked to go in the line for the front row so they asked for another single-rider to join Otaku: me! Bonus, we got the very last row! Awesome!

I wanted to look asleep for the photo. However, since we were in the back it took a lot longer than usual to get to the camera and by then I had opened my eyes and started screaming.


The guy in front of Otaku had an awesome face though!


The plan had been for Ron to get his turn in the single-rider line, but the line was quite long (it had taken us close to half an hour), so we decided to come back later. Poor Ron, he had missed out on both TOT and RNR so far that day. It was about time he got on a thrill ride, so he and Otaku used the baby swap from earlier to go on TOT.


Ron was trying to keep a straight/bored face, I have no idea what pose Otaku had planned to do (if any), and that guy in front of Ron has the best face ever! Hilarious!


I snatched this photo while waiting. I don’t remember where this mural is located.


We must have gotten some TOT fastpasses at some point, because Otaku went right back on the ride, this time with me. Behold the duck face and the army salute.



We had one more babyswap pass to use, so I asked Otaku if her dad and I could go together while she watched the baby. She agreed!

I got this one photo while waiting in the short line.


For our ride photo we went for the “terrified, holding on to each other for dear life” look.



It was so great to get to ride our favorite attraction together! We got a couple of pictures of the window display as we exited the exit store. I wanted to take pictures of things we don’t always see in TRs.



Up Next, some great snacks, and one awful snack.

I LOVE all of your ToT pictures, but the one of you and Ron seriously made me :lmao:

The pictures in front of the Sorcerers Hat and the one of Otaku trying to hitchhike are great too. You guys are all so photogenic. :goodvibes
I think I'm caught up Mel. Love the ride pics-the one of you and Ron is awesome. Very nice of Okatu to keep an eye on the baby so you guys could go together.

Cute hat pictures too!
All your ride photos are fantastic. The guy in front of Otaku on RnR knows exactly where the camera is. I especially like the pic of you and Ron on ToT.
Wow you guys got some GREAT ride photos in there, definitely awesome! With the pp plus this time around I'll definitely need to think of more and more posed photos to do!!
You guys have the funniest ride pictures!! I do love the one of you and Ron :) Also, the group one you got on RnR is awesome too!! I'm hoping on our next trip to get some different pictures.... Here's to hoping, however I have an evil plan that involves renting and easy to push double stroller so that DH does most of it ;)
What a fun update. And the photopass pictures in this one are the best of the bunch thus far...Peanut is so alert and even looks as if she is looking at that evil Stitch. ;)

Ron's expression on TOT cracks me up.
Great pics! My favorite thing about the Green Army Man is that he signs his name "Green Army Man."
LOOOVVEEEEE the pic of you and Ron.. Hilarious!! Lawson will be tall enough to ride this time and I am excited! I haven't gotten to ride in probably 6-7 years. I was pregnant with Lawson one year, pregnant with Landen 2 yrs later and we just didn't do it last time! Can't wait!!
I finished my photobook! Just in time to get the 50% off... and then today I receive a new email and they are having yet another 50% off sale. :headache: Oh well, maybe I can use my free time to do other stuff, like reply to you guys? I'll do as many replies as I can before Claudia wakes up from her nap.

Hey Mel! I am finally back ;) I have a ton to write to you about "real life stuff" and promise to message you tonight! I've been trying to catch up online & my first stop was your TR!!! Of course! :thumbsup2

I love your DHS updates!!! I admit, I'm terrified of heights so I doubt I will ever ride ToT. I love seeing people post their ToT pics though!!! I would be screaming & probably holding my hands over my eyes! :rotfl:

I can't say anything to you about your breakfast cupcake. I always have a breakfast cupcake or chocolate croissant at Disney!! I love Starring Rolls!

Did you go on the new Pirates ride at DHS ?? When I was there, the line was insanely long. Of course because of our schedule, we were at DHS on EMH evenings plus it was just crowded for Christmas. I haven't heard anything about it yet & am so curious!

I need to go catch up on a few updates! Be back soon to comment (as long as the baby stays asleep lol)

So, tonight came and went 2 weeks ago, and still no message from you. You are slacking, girl! Just kidding, I'm just as bad at replying to messages. :lmao:

To be honest, you barely see how high you are on TOT. You have about 1 second to look outside at the top, and then the rest is in the dark. It's more about the feeling of going up and down really fast. I love it, especially since so may rides give me motion sickness these days, but not TOT.

No, we didn't try the new Pirate thing at DHS. I've heard it's just okay, and certainly does not warrant waiting 30 minutes for that. If we walk by one day and there is no line, maybe we'll try it.

The PP pictures of you guys are great!

I :lovestruc that detailing of the signs along the line for Wreck It Ralph. That is so cool!

The queue for the Wreck-It Ralph meet & greet is probably my favorite character queue. It's so awesome, lots to look at and so many memories!

Wanna know how lousy I am at Toy Story Mania? Your ghost had no problems beating me. :lmao:

What? Come on, you can't be that bad! :rotfl: I'm good at TSM, but I'm awful at Buzz though.

Ah the date's been changed which means UPDAAAAATEEEE TIMMME! And boy have you got one hell of an update so let's dive in!

Okay more pictures of you and co near Tower of Terror, another food pic and (Gasp) Wait is that? No it can't be! Surely not! IT IS! THAT BACKDROP MEANS WRECK IT RALPH AND VANELLOPE! WOOOOOH! YEAH! And if you haven't noticed before in my previous posts I'm a massive gamer and video games themselves are pretty much the bane of my entire existence! I'm having a nerdgasm from all the references to video games ranging from Sonic 2, Super Mario Bros, Punch Out, Street Fighter II, hell it even has freaking Contra and Super Smash Bros for godsakes! Though I'm not quite sure why Uncharted 2 and Halo are there but hey hell I was squeeing like mad when I saw that billboard you have no idea. And also Wreck-It-Ralph has become my fave Disney movie as of late. Why? Because it's such a tribute to us gamers nationwide and reminding me the first I ever picked up a SNES controller and playing Super Mario Bros 3 to the present day and I love it for that.


Heh heh heh sorry there I think my inner fanboy just kicked in. Anyways

I really like how Toy Story Mania is mapped out with stuff from the movies like Mr Spell hanging from a wall or the cookie jar from Toy Story 2 I have to admit the queue area is very well designed but I still don't understand why it's so popular!

Hmmm....The Legend of Jack Sparrow huh? Now where have heard that name before? That title is sharing the name of a game involving Jack Sparrow that I used to play on the PS2 that wasn't all that good...sound familar? Anyways I only wish that The Legend of Jack Sparrow, the attraction that is was there when I was at Disney World because god forbid it's much better than a bloody walkthrough attraction of Prince Caspian with a clip montage summing up the film. Look guys if I really wanted to see clips of Prince Caspian, I'd go watch clips of it on YouTube or even better watch the damn film of it which is oddly enough the one movie in the Narnia trilogy that I have never watched at all.

Oh please Mel, bring up a billboard for a movie that I haven't seen yet. Thanks. But out of Cars 2 and Brave, Monsters University looks like it's a good movie but seriously is Pixar on an unorignial streak with these movies at this moment? Certainly seems that way.

Can't really comment on Toy Story Mania that much because I never went and there's only so many times when I have to ask why it's popular so eh. But it doesn't really matter seeing as you have mentioned this ride before in your previous TR so whatever.

And no Mel, a cupcake is not breakfast food either.

They had both old and new video games in that line. In the movie it's the same, they have new and classic games all together. For example in the line they had a 2014 sports game and it said the arrival time was TBD (to be determined). :rotfl: I grew up with a brother, so I played/watched a lot of video games in my youth. Mostly all the Marios, but others too.

Mr Spell is up on the wall across from TSM, outside. The cookie jar is in a little store in that area as well. The other pictures are from the actual line.

Well I don't care what you say, a cupcake is breakfast food in my book. :rolleyes1

Oh my gosh that brought me down Video Game Memory Lane. I loved Contra! Anyways how weird is that that you went on alone and there managed to be a score on the other side. Creepy!

I didn't play Contra much, but I remember very well all the secret codes to many games that involved things like "lft lft up up A B A B". I remember doing such a code in Mortal Kombat to play a secret Galaga game. Fun!

Looks like the little Peanut is awake. I'll try to be back during her next nap to finish replies, or maybe tonight.
Whew, caught up again, luckily I was only two updates behind.

Of course a cupcake is breakfast while you are at Disney! After all there are no rules at all when it comes to eating while there! :thumbsup2

I loved all the pictures from the Wreck-it-Ralph line. I have yet to see that movie despite owning it on video. I really need to get it watched before I go again in October.

Isn't that little side gate awesome on TSM? I loved riding that one solo because no one is stealing your targets. :rotfl: That is really strange that you had a "ghost" with you.

I do not like the single rider line on RnRC. I've never stood in it and had it go quickly. One time I actually saw people that got in the regular line after me, get on the ride before I did! But bonus that both of you got to ride together!

The TOT ride photos are hilarious!! Not only you guys but everyone around you too! I always enjoy seeing the ride photos from TOT because of the peoples faces.


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