"This is NOT the once in a lifetime trip I was hoping for!" - (Baby Simba - 12/18)

In December they let us in DHS 10 minutes early, and that was already a EMH morning hours day.

The pictures of Dale and Chip with all of you are great! I like that Ron asked why Dale doesn't get to be first ever! :rotfl2:

The picture of you and Otaku on ToT is hilarious. :lmao:
I got let into HS at 8:30 when I was there on my solo trip so that's probably what happened when you guys went.

PLUTO!!!!! Cute pictures with him and also Chip and Dale.

I wonder if TOT was down for a bit and that's why you waited so long without moving? Glad you got to ride it any way.

I think that picture is from behind the Photo counter after the ride?
Oh TOT how I miss thee! My DD9 will not ride it with me yet. Last April she stated that she couldn't believe people would want to ride that and I must be out of my mind! LOL I love the family photo's with the characters :)
After 51 pages, i'm in.

Great photos of your great looking family and recap. This was a fascinating read...
The pictures with Chip and Dale are adorable! Claudia looks so sweet even if she were in need of a nap.

While I do enjoy Tower of Terror now, there's no way that I could do silly poses. I still scream every time. :rotfl:
UPDATE TIME! And honestly I’ve been waiting for this update for quite some time and that’s saying something.

“The Friendship boat” huh? Yeah I have no comment on that….

God I swear the background when you were on the boat it looked like a scene from a chick flick where the dude dumps the gal and ran away to Spain or something like that I dunno.

Awww Claudia kissing you so nice, so very nice.

Okay how popular is Toy Story mania?! What can make it so popular that people pretty much make the first priority when entering the park?! It’s ridiculous I mean didn’t believe the hype but after hearing about it constantly I’m really getting suspicious about that ride!

Eerily enough Pluto was the first Disney character I ever met at a Disney park and at Euro Disney no less and at the Walt Disney Studios park just like you did with Disney Hollywood Studios and the amazing thing is that the Walt Disney studios park is the sister park to Disney Hollywood Studios. Now there’s some food for thought.

Heh Dale’s never No #1. I always thought Donald got top billing alongside Mickey for he truly deserves that honour.

Ooh hoo hooo, Mel you sly dog! Statue! Weeping angel! Wow! I never thought you’d make a Dr Who reference in this TR but here it is! I’m actually am a fan of Dr Who well at least with the recent ones up to David Tennant and haven’t seen any of the classic Doctors and have haven’t watched much of Matt Smith’s take. By the way are any of the classic Doctors any good? Should I check them out or what? Any who thanks for reference that really made my day.
The pic of Claudia kissing you is so sweet!

The ToT looks gorgeous as always.

Weeping angels... Dr. Who reference?
Keep Calm and Don't Blink!!!

I immediately got the reference. David Tennent is my favorite but Matt Smith is good too.

TOT is my favorite ride at WDW!
When DH and I got to DHS around 11am back in Sept the FP was for 7:55pm.
Got to love Dr. Who!

My husband is a huge fan. He took a picture of the statue in Italy and commented that it looked like a weeping angel. So of course I had to include it in my trip report!

Great photos!
Sorry about the delay in posting an update, guys! You'd think with it being summer vacation, I'd have more time... I've just been quite busy trying to do stuff from my gigantic to-do list, which includes making a photobook for this trip. :) I also felt not so great for a few days, and we had two more birthday parties to attend. Oh, and I had to help some friends make a schedule because they are in DISNEY RIGHT NOW!!! So jealous! pixiedust: Anyway, hopefully Peanut will nap long enough for me to do replies, and maybe even post the next update...

In December they let us in DHS 10 minutes early, and that was already a EMH morning hours day.

The pictures of Dale and Chip with all of you are great! I like that Ron asked why Dale doesn't get to be first ever! :rotfl2:

The picture of you and Otaku on ToT is hilarious. :lmao:

Normally we make it to the park early enough that we'd be ready if they let us in early. This trip, with a baby...not so much. It was already pretty good that we made it for rope drop!

I don't know where Ron gets these ideas of things to ask the characters, but Dale sure appreciated it!

By then Otaku was much more comfortable on TOT and able to do poses. So funny to see the anti-girly stuff do a princess pose. :rotfl2:

oh TOT!

Love that you can do poses. I only scream lol

Haha. Not many things scare me enough to forget to do poses. And actually, when I'm really scared I don't even scream. I'm completely silent. :rotfl:

I got let into HS at 8:30 when I was there on my solo trip so that's probably what happened when you guys went.

PLUTO!!!!! Cute pictures with him and also Chip and Dale.

I wonder if TOT was down for a bit and that's why you waited so long without moving? Glad you got to ride it any way.

I think that picture is from behind the Photo counter after the ride?

We tried so hard to get to the parks early, but with a baby that was still waking up in the middle of the night, it was not easy. Oh well, we still made the most of it.

I'm guessing that they had problems on TOT because it was just not normal for us to not be moving for so long.

If by photo counter, you mean where they have the screens with the ride photos, yes. If you mean where they have cast members and you can pick up your photo, no. :goodvibes

Cute pics! :goodvibes

Thanks! :cutie:

Oh TOT how I miss thee! My DD9 will not ride it with me yet. Last April she stated that she couldn't believe people would want to ride that and I must be out of my mind! LOL I love the family photo's with the characters :)

When Otaku was 9 we were able to drag her on many rides that she ended up loving, but there was no way in he** that she was going to attempt TOT. Even this time we had to do a lot of arm twisting, but in the end she loved it. Don't lose hope, your DD will come around eventually. ;)
After 51 pages, i'm in.

Great photos of your great looking family and recap. This was a fascinating read...

:welcome: I'm glad you are enjoying reading my TR. :cloud9:

The pictures with Chip and Dale are adorable! Claudia looks so sweet even if she were in need of a nap.

While I do enjoy Tower of Terror now, there's no way that I could do silly poses. I still scream every time. :rotfl:

Awww, thanks. She's actually a pretty good baby and not too grumpy, even when she's tired. Which has been very good lately with all the birthday parties where she had to go 6-7 hours straight with no naps!

Well, after bungee jumping and skydiving, TOT doesn't scare me much... but I absolutely love it!!!

UPDATE TIME! And honestly I’ve been waiting for this update for quite some time and that’s saying something.

“The Friendship boat” huh? Yeah I have no comment on that….

God I swear the background when you were on the boat it looked like a scene from a chick flick where the dude dumps the gal and ran away to Spain or something like that I dunno.

Awww Claudia kissing you so nice, so very nice.

Okay how popular is Toy Story mania?! What can make it so popular that people pretty much make the first priority when entering the park?! It’s ridiculous I mean didn’t believe the hype but after hearing about it constantly I’m really getting suspicious about that ride!

Eerily enough Pluto was the first Disney character I ever met at a Disney park and at Euro Disney no less and at the Walt Disney Studios park just like you did with Disney Hollywood Studios and the amazing thing is that the Walt Disney studios park is the sister park to Disney Hollywood Studios. Now there’s some food for thought.

Heh Dale’s never No #1. I always thought Donald got top billing alongside Mickey for he truly deserves that honour.

Ooh hoo hooo, Mel you sly dog! Statue! Weeping angel! Wow! I never thought you’d make a Dr Who reference in this TR but here it is! I’m actually am a fan of Dr Who well at least with the recent ones up to David Tennant and haven’t seen any of the classic Doctors and have haven’t watched much of Matt Smith’s take. By the way are any of the classic Doctors any good? Should I check them out or what? Any who thanks for reference that really made my day.

Toy Story Mania is popular because it's fun for all ages, it's like a video game, and usually people want to improve their score from the last time. It can be a bit competitive, but all in good fun. :cheer2:

Well, yes Donald is #1, but Chip seems to be #1 among him and Dale. Not fair! :rotfl:

Yup, big Doctor Who fan here. I resisted at first when Ron wanted to introduce me to it, but now I love it. I haven't see any of the classic ones either, but I love all the new ones, including the ones with Matt Smith.

The pic of Claudia kissing you is so sweet!

The ToT looks gorgeous as always.

Weeping angels... Dr. Who reference?

Thanks! She melts my heart every time she kisses me. Which is not nearly often enough! :cloud9:

Yes! Doctor Who! :thumbsup2

Keep Calm and Don't Blink!!!

I immediately got the reference. David Tennent is my favorite but Matt Smith is good too.

TOT is my favorite ride at WDW!
When DH and I got to DHS around 11am back in Sept the FP was for 7:55pm.

Blink is probably Ron's favorite Doctor Who episode. I have to admit, it was so clever. I honestly cannot tell you which doctor I prefer between Matt Smith and David Tennant. I'm gonna be so sad when Matt Smith's turn ends!

TOT is also my favorite ride. Wow, that's pretty late for FPs, especially in September!!

Got to love Dr. Who!

My husband is a huge fan. He took a picture of the statue in Italy and commented that it looked like a weeping angel. So of course I had to include it in my trip report!

Great photos!

Dr. Who is just such a smart and funny show. Love it. What's funny is that every time they show the "what's gonna happen next episode" trailers, it never looks interesting. I think they focus too much on the monsters in those little clips, while the show is so much more than that. I can't walk in front one of those statues without thinking of the weeping angels now. And yes, later in the trip I also took a picture of the one in Italy. Great minds think alike. ;)


Day 8 part 2 - The One With The Ghost

After riding Tower of Terror, we stopped on Sunset Boulevard for some photopass pics. I think we had the sun in our eyes, which would explain Peanuts hands in her face. Bad Maman for wanting the baby in the picture and holding back the sunshade.


We asked for a magic shot, and got the balloons.


We went to Starring Rolls for breakfast. I obviously got the divine Red Velvet cupcake. What do you mean, a cupcake is not breakfast food?


I also was obviously too hungry to wait for the photo before diving in. Oops. I think Ron got a croissant, and I cant remember what Otaku ate. We got lucky and found a table outside to eat. Somebody else snatched it the second we were done and got up.

We went to the Magic of Animation next. Otaku wandered around while Ron, Claudia & I waited in the (very short) line to meet Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope. Such a fun queue, with all the references to classic videogames.






Contra is my favorite joke in this line.



Claudia must have napped in the stroller at some point, because her smile was back. She loved Vanellope!



It was time to use our TSM fastpasses.


There is no height limit for TSM, so they would not give us a baby swap, even though Claudia was sleeping in the stroller. I chose to stay outside while Otaku and Ron rode. I took pictures to help pass the time.




Cant wait for that movie!



Ron got 160,000 while Otaku got 81,300 points. She was upset that her score was low (compared to her dad). We had to remind her that we had had lots of practice during our Disneymoon, and that our own score was low at first too. As long as the next time she improved her own score, then she was doing good.


It was my turn now, and I rode by myself.



Since I was alone, I got to go through the little gate on the right side and was on the ride in no time.



I got almost as good as Ron. The ghost sitting next to me managed to get 600 points, and 100% accuracy!


Up Next, Time for more rides!

Hey Mel! I am finally back ;) I have a ton to write to you about "real life stuff" and promise to message you tonight! I've been trying to catch up online & my first stop was your TR!!! Of course! :thumbsup2

I love your DHS updates!!! I admit, I'm terrified of heights so I doubt I will ever ride ToT. I love seeing people post their ToT pics though!!! I would be screaming & probably holding my hands over my eyes! :rotfl:

I can't say anything to you about your breakfast cupcake. I always have a breakfast cupcake or chocolate croissant at Disney!! I love Starring Rolls!

Did you go on the new Pirates ride at DHS ?? When I was there, the line was insanely long. Of course because of our schedule, we were at DHS on EMH evenings plus it was just crowded for Christmas. I haven't heard anything about it yet & am so curious!

I need to go catch up on a few updates! Be back soon to comment (as long as the baby stays asleep lol)
The PP pictures of you guys are great!

I :lovestruc that detailing of the signs along the line for Wreck It Ralph. That is so cool!
Ah the date's been changed which means UPDAAAAATEEEE TIMMME! And boy have you got one hell of an update so let's dive in!

Okay more pictures of you and co near Tower of Terror, another food pic and (Gasp) Wait is that? No it can't be! Surely not! IT IS! THAT BACKDROP MEANS WRECK IT RALPH AND VANELLOPE! WOOOOOH! YEAH! And if you haven't noticed before in my previous posts I'm a massive gamer and video games themselves are pretty much the bane of my entire existence! I'm having a nerdgasm from all the references to video games ranging from Sonic 2, Super Mario Bros, Punch Out, Street Fighter II, hell it even has freaking Contra and Super Smash Bros for godsakes! Though I'm not quite sure why Uncharted 2 and Halo are there but hey hell I was squeeing like mad when I saw that billboard you have no idea. And also Wreck-It-Ralph has become my fave Disney movie as of late. Why? Because it's such a tribute to us gamers nationwide and reminding me the first I ever picked up a SNES controller and playing Super Mario Bros 3 to the present day and I love it for that.


Heh heh heh sorry there I think my inner fanboy just kicked in. Anyways

I really like how Toy Story Mania is mapped out with stuff from the movies like Mr Spell hanging from a wall or the cookie jar from Toy Story 2 I have to admit the queue area is very well designed but I still don't understand why it's so popular!

Hmmm....The Legend of Jack Sparrow huh? Now where have heard that name before? That title is sharing the name of a game involving Jack Sparrow that I used to play on the PS2 that wasn't all that good...sound familar? Anyways I only wish that The Legend of Jack Sparrow, the attraction that is was there when I was at Disney World because god forbid it's much better than a bloody walkthrough attraction of Prince Caspian with a clip montage summing up the film. Look guys if I really wanted to see clips of Prince Caspian, I'd go watch clips of it on YouTube or even better watch the damn film of it which is oddly enough the one movie in the Narnia trilogy that I have never watched at all.

Oh please Mel, bring up a billboard for a movie that I haven't seen yet. Thanks. But out of Cars 2 and Brave, Monsters University looks like it's a good movie but seriously is Pixar on an unorignial streak with these movies at this moment? Certainly seems that way.

Can't really comment on Toy Story Mania that much because I never went and there's only so many times when I have to ask why it's popular so eh. But it doesn't really matter seeing as you have mentioned this ride before in your previous TR so whatever.

And no Mel, a cupcake is not breakfast food either.
Claudia looks adorable covering her face. Jonah discovered how to put his hand in his mouth last week and he just thinks it's the neatest thing ever.

Cupcakes are totally acceptable for breakfast during vacation, especially the ones at Starring Rolls.

I really like the Wreck it Ralph queue. The Contra "secret code" reminds me of the song "Anyone Else But You." It's a really cute song, it was on the Juno soundtrack.

Mr. Spell was working! I have never seen him/it working.
Oh my gosh that brought me down Video Game Memory Lane. I loved Contra! Anyways how weird is that that you went on alone and there managed to be a score on the other side. Creepy!


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