Things that other adults do that annoy you

Interrupt someone when they are talking. This always happens at work and it makes my skin crawl. I just want to tell the person to stop talking and wait their turn!!!!

Call their husband and kids while they are at work and then talk to them on speaker phone. Go in another room if you want to talk to them, I don't really care to hear what they are doing for the day or what time the kids woke up.
Let me go in traffic when it's actually their turn. (I know they're trying to be nice, but I'd rather they be predictable. - It's safer.)
My friend calls these "niceholes." A nicehole is someone who thinks they are doing something nice, but they actually cause you frustration or more work. Like someone who comes over and insists on helping you put away dishes. If you refuse you look like a jerk. If you let them help, they put everything in the wrong place or it takes twice as long because they constantly ask where everything goes.

Another example is someone who holds the door for you, but you are actually too far away to get there and have to run to catch up. It would have been better to just let you get the door. :)
Not using turn signals.
Also: Phone conversations IN THE BATHROOM. Ladies, why?! Why can't you pause the conversation long enough to do your business and then call them back??? This one drives me the most bonkers.
Omg! In the bathroom! “He said -FLUSH- I told him -FLUSH....” I’m dying lol I bet whoever is on the other line is just dumbfounded.
People who have to congregate right in the middle of a high-traffic aisle at the grocery store. I secretly want to sneak frozen shrimp in their cart so it'll thaw and smell by the time they finally move. That or adult diapers- there's your unexpected item in the bagging area!
Or at a theme park. Your group of 10 is standing in front of the exit. Why not move to the side to look at your phones or the map?
People who don’t put their shopping carts back (in a corral or the store). I hate when people leave them at their parking spot, on a curb, etc. If you were able to shop at the store than you can put your cart where it belongs.
leaving the fridge door open while they pour their milk, slice their banana, get a spoon and.....then put milk back into the open door fridge......
People who have to congregate right in the middle of a high-traffic aisle at the grocery store. I secretly want to sneak frozen shrimp in their cart so it'll thaw and smell by the time they finally move. That or adult diapers- there's your unexpected item in the bagging area!

Related: People who congregate at doors.
There’s just not enough space for my answer - LOL!

People using speakerphone in public
People watching videos (loudly) at a restaurant, waiting room or etc
People driving on the shoulder of the expressway when there’s a backup
People who don’t say excuse me, thank you or any other normal polite responses
People who don’t throw away their garbage

I could go on and on and on……..
All of these!!!
Men who don't take off their hats in a restaurant.
I think this is something of a bygone era. It's not taught anymore, and most of the dads now were never taught it either. My dad was born in 1939, so he always took his hat off inside. But most people my age (42) that I have asked about it have never even heard that this was a thing. My husband was never taught this.

adults who allow children to be on phone/iPad at a restaurant and never communicate with the child and allow the child to use said device at full volume.
I agree with the volume. However, I will never, ever judge a parent for letting their kid use a tablet/phone in a restaurant. You have no idea what the reason is behind it. Is the kid neuro divergent? Are there some sort of issues/disabilities you know nothing about? Maybe they ARE just ignoring them for that hour, and thats ok too. Even parents are entitled to an hour every now and then of adult conversation. We do not have to engage with our kids every second of every day.
I have more:

People that allow their dogs off the leash in public places.

People that put their dogs on chairs at outdoor venues/restaurants. People that put their dogs in shopping carts. People that bring their non-service dogs onto public transportation/airplanes.
Lol, you are a cat person right? 😉

My pet peeve is judging other parents for parenting choices that are not safety related. I will judge the heck out of you for not having your kid in the proper car seat, or actual abuse/neglect. But things like electronic use or clothes or whatever, no.
Lol, you are a cat person right? 😉

:rotfl2:NO! (sorry cat lovers)

I am a dog person. But I have now seen two small dogs be mauled due to horrible dog owners allowing their dogs off their leash. And it is so rude and unsanitary to allow dogs in public chairs/grocery carts.

And I agree with you on the electronics use. My SIL can't believe people allow kids to have ipads in restaurants. As long as they have headphones on, I say GO FOR IT! Enjoy a quiet meal and let your kids be entertained. Everybody wins.
However, I will never, ever judge a parent for letting their kid use a tablet/phone in a restaurant. You have no idea what the reason is behind it. Is the kid neuro divergent? Are there some sort of issues/disabilities you know nothing about? Maybe they ARE just ignoring them for that hour, and thats ok too. Even parents are entitled to an hour every now and then of adult conversation. We do not have to engage with our kids every second of every day.

Or did they just spend 5 hours in the car trying to get to their destination? Maybe they are sick of their kids:flower1: Hey, it happens.
I have to say that recently I have noticed that Facebook has turned into a disaster for me. The people I'm "friends" with are constantly posting about dead relatives. Its to the point where its a constant thing. I think Facebook has in a way turned into a grief counselor for them.
I have to say that recently I have noticed that Facebook has turned into a disaster for me. The people I'm "friends" with are constantly posting about dead relatives. Its to the point where its a constant thing. I think Facebook has in a way turned into a grief counselor for them.
Happy 118th Birthday in heaven, Grammy! You died before I was born, I never knew you. But hoping to gather some "likes" :crazy2:
Here's the thing most people don't realize about small children using devices - study after study has shown that too much "screen time" leads to arrested brain development and addiction. Yep kids become addicted to using devices hour after hour. And yes I get that there are non-typical kids that really, really NEED to use said devices some even to communicate. But it's still sad as heck to see an entire family with their noses in devices.


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