Things that other adults do that annoy you

There’s just not enough space for my answer - LOL!

People using speakerphone in public
People watching videos (loudly) at a restaurant, waiting room or etc
People driving on the shoulder of the expressway when there’s a backup
People who don’t say excuse me, thank you or any other normal polite responses
People who don’t throw away their garbage

I could go on and on and on……..
Smoke around kids.
Walk in front of people, all spread out, yakking away and don’t even notice other people behind them that may want to get by. This is a big pet peeve for me at WDW. Then when you say “excuse me” they look at you like you’re the rude one. 🙄
Loud obnoxious people.
People you know who have money, and plenty of it, who whine and complain about not having any.
This would be my BIL and his wife who are basically millionaires who make more money in 3 months on their investments then my husband brings home working full time in a year.
People that write love letters to their significant other on Facebook.

Why are you posting your private anniversary thoughts for all to see? Same with multi-paragraph birthday wishes. Why can't you tell your loved one this face to face? I always assume there is something wrong in the relationship that they need the attention from others.
People that write love letters to their significant other on Facebook.

Why are you posting your private anniversary thoughts for all to see? Same with multi-paragraph birthday wishes. Why can't you tell your loved one this face to face? I always assume there is something wrong in the relationship that they need the attention from others.
From personal experience with friends, I find this is the case. My girlfriend will post a loving message about her husband on Facebook and then tell me she can’t stand him and they’ve been having marital issues for years. Every time I see these types of posts I assume there is trouble in paradise.
Noses in phones constantly. Truth telling time: I hate cellphones. I use mine only to call for rides or to communicate with my sister. What I'm talking about are people who are so engrossed in their phones that they forget to look up at actual life happening. If I had a dollar for every time I saw people on their phones in attractions at WDW instead of experiencing the attraction I'd be rich.
walk out in front of you while you are leaving the parking lot and they are leaving the door with no sidewalk ( wal mart has great wide sidewalks), it is all walked out if front of I am going to walk out if front of you.
Burn rubber to pull out in front of you on the road when no one’s behind you, then drive two miles per hour!
sorry learning not to do that....bothers me also when they pull out in front of me when no one is behind wife gets huffy when I wait to pull out...of course that all changes in two months when winter visitors return to Yuma, then it is a mad dash all the time.
Lying. I know someone that I never know if what they are telling me is the truth or not. Popping gum is another one. So glad DH doesn't chew gum.


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