~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

I know I can't believe we are so close to October myself...I'm still in shock that it's September as I feel like I blinked and August was here and gone! We LOVE Halloween in Disney. DH and I have done it more without the kids than with them though. We just missed some stuff our last trip for Halloween due to the rain...TONS of evening rainstorms in late Sept for that trip...and not being able to see the evening parade was such a bummer for us...which is funny as DH LOATHES parades but this one is so great. Anyway with APs we'll still have to pay for the party tickets, but at least we can spend some other time there as well and maybe by then there will be some Avatar stuff open too!

Thanks for the ideas on eating. I had been doing fasting...but I haven't been able to get back into that yet either. I definitely agree a reset is in order so hopefully I make a decision on one and stick to it soon. It would be nice to drop a little more weight before Thanksgiving and I've all but dropped out of MFP again which was definitely helpful and kept me on track.

Enjoy your time with Allison! Sounds like you are having fun!

I know - I was looking at the calendar yesterday and I was thinking about how there's only 2 weeks left in Sept... Then I flipped over the calendar to look and THERE's our trip! :woohoo: It's so exciting! I was so consumed with Allison's coming home countdown - I overlooked a little bit, our trip countdown and how little time we had in between the two. V and I are very excited!

I agree - the MNSSHP parade is by far the best parade ever! I've already told V that we will be doing it twice on our HP night.

I had a rough Whole30 day yesterday - I tried hard, but a few non-compliant things slipped in. I am trying hard not to be hard on myself over it, as I do need to do a decent reintegration before our trip... I just don't want to allow myself to go nuts - as that's not good either. I am trying to go somewhere in between. I hope you are able to find some sort of reset that works well for you!

Thanks - we didn't spend much time together yesterday - I think she is getting sick of me? LOL

I'm glad Allison is starting to feel better and getting settled back to home life.

Your trip is getting closer and closer, how exciting!! You're so organized! Now you just need to reclaim your luggage. :rolleyes1

You are doing so GREAT on W30 - I know it's not always easy to see our progress as we are on these forever healthy and activity journeys but we need to keep the faith that we are going in the right direction and know that every step we take is leading us down this beautiful path.

Speaking of all this...my WW leader announced last night that due to low member numbers our Tuesday night class will be closing after next week. Ugh. Such a freaking bummer. Part of my success this time around on WW is due to this group of ladies and my leader. At least there are a few of us moving over to the Thursday night meetings but it's just not the same. Ahhh well, must continue moving forward and keep my eye on my goals.

Hey! Maybe you should consider this class again for winter...I mean it's not everyday you learn to knit mermaid tails!:ssst:
Happy Wednesday! :love:

Yes - she is now back to eating full meals and not feeling ill. Which is good. I am still waiting to see if it hits us at all - I don't think it will, I still think it's food related.

Hahaha... I really need to get on her to unpack. LOL She was talking about it yesterday - so that's a step in the right direction. If I don't see any progress by the weekend - I will crack the whip. LOL I need my luggage! ::yes::

Eeek - my W30 didn't go so well yesterday... If I was doing the program properly, I should have started over yesterday and the day before... There is just no way I can though - with my trip looming. I'll just keep starting over every day and doing my best now. It won't be long and I will have to start eating some of these off limit foods - as I know I will be eating them in WDW, and I don't want any issues there. So, for right now - I guess I am doing 95% Paleo, LOL, shooting for 100% though. Does that make sense? And no sacking - that seems to be my downfall - if I can take all of my snacks out - I actually do really well. Darn snacks! :scratchin

I am so bummed for you about your leader - I know what a great affect they can have on a person and their success. I hope that the switch to your Thursday group will be a good one for you - and who knows - maybe it will renew your energy in the program?

Hahaha... Shhhhh now... You'll give away our surprise MNSSHP costumes. ::yes::

I would have LOVED to have you as a neighbor! Who knows where you guys would move to?!?
Yes i am overly excited to get out of dodge.

It is. Thankfully.. You go two miles west and fuggedaboudit....

You do but at least this time around you know what to expect. AND you will have allison to help you since she did it!
or my house. since you never came...
Love ya..

Mean it...


I know - I just think the thought of Chicago is so unrealistic for us... I cannot imagine us living anywhere but here - except for FL. LOL And he would be so unhappy there. So, I guess I'll have to deal with MN winters for the rest of my life?

True... I am hoping for a road trip - I'd love to see you all!

Love ya - miss ya!

Glad you have your daughter back home again! You look happy to be together again. When one of my boys left home, it was always a terrible adjustment for me. But then another adjustment when they came back :goodvibes It's definitely a process.

Excited for your TR! I've never been in the Fall but I'm thinking I need to make that happen next year. I'll be interested to see how the crowds are for you. Good job on being so disciplined on your eating - glad you're seeing results!

Yes - I missed her so much! But you are right - it's a huge adjustment both ways. LOL It's awesome having her here though and having the family together again. Even if it only means that I can sleep well during the night.

Thanks - I am so excited to write it. At this point in time, it looks like it will be my last one for a while - unless I decide to go again, either with the girls or with friends... :scratchin I don't know that I could go a full year with out a Disney trip to plan?

Thanks - the last couple of days have not gone well, not horrible, but just not the 110% expected in the W30 program... I need to be careful with the all or nothing mentality, because I tend to be a perfectionist - and if I am not 100%, I tend to nose dive completely. So, now I am trying to aim for a 90% Whole30 - I need to start working some of these foods back into my diet anyways - or I'll be in serious trouble in WDW. I am definitely seeing results though - I've been wearing my smallest denim capris - they are a smidge tight on me, but if I can just be good over the next couple of weeks - I should be golden when we go on our trip. LOL I plan to try on my white capris today - that will be a true guage to my size right now... Wish me luck. LOL

It's nice to have some lazy weeks at work a few times a year.

What is Allison doing this year?

I'm glad you are getting your car back so the logistics during your days get easier to handle.

I haven't heard anything about my car yet :( I really want it before winter comes so I can get used to the car on dry roads instead of having to drive it on snow and ice right away.

Autumn is here. Just from one day to the next all the leafs on the trees turned yellow. And now the leafs has started to fall off the trees as well.

Yes it is. LOL

Allison doesn't know what she is doing. Right now, she is booked solid with a wedding to photograph and several senoir picture sessions - every weekend of her's is booked through the end of October - so that's good. I know she is planning to go back to work in a few weeks - just for 1 or 2 days a week, to keep herself busy through the fall. She is planning to start college after Christmas - I think.... Not sure on the exact dates of this - but she does need a couple of weeks to adjust - so we are not pushing the issue just yet.

Yes - we have our car back, so we are back to 4 vehicles now... Which is nice. At least we all can be somewhere different if we need to. ::yes::

Bummer that you haven't heard about your car yet - hopefully soon - I know you are getting anxious to get used to it before winter - I totally understand that.

I can't believe that your trees turned and leaves started falling all in one day! Our corn is just now getting dry - harvest is very close right now.

Yay for Allison making it home safely but boo for being sick :( I can't even imagine how horrible that must have been.

I really need to do this. I asked DH if he could tell any difference in me yet and of course he couldn't but he also sees me every day. I'm seeing the numbers on the scale go down but unfortunately I'm not seeing in outward difference, including the way my clothes fit.

I've started to do this too. Plus with the new shirts we bought, I don't want them ruined before we can even get to WDW. I need to clean our luggage off before we can start packing since our kitty decided it's his favorite place to perch now.

Yes - it's so nice to have her home again and not have to worry about her around the world.... It's very strange for me not to have that worry in the back of my mind. Yesterday was her first day really feeling better - which is good. And I think her sleep schedule has finally shifted too... She is going to bed earlier and earlier and getting up right around the time she normally does - she's never really been a late sleeper.

It's so hard when you don't see that physical change... Keep at it - it's bound to show up and show up in a dramatic way. :hug:

Yes! I love packing!!! I hope to get started on it better this weekend. Even if I don't get my suitcase back from Allison - I still have one other luggage piece I am planning to bring on this trip - so I can get to work on packing that one, at least. V and I both have the intention of getting a couple of good souvies this time. ::yes:: We will need the extra space.

How great that Allison is home but yikes about being so sick.:crazy2: Poor kid! Wonderful that you were able to get ahead last week to have time to spend with her this week.

It's great that Victoria is enjoying her senior year. Wish I could say the same for Lizzy. She just wants to be done. She's taking AP Physics which is a lot of work but she actually says its her favorite class. We need to buy something for senior pics too. I was going to try to do them myself but I think I'm going to have a coworker do it. She does an awesome job, is very reasonable, and I think Lizzy might work better with her. Lizzy's class is so small that they only do 2 kids per yearbook page so the picture better be good.:D

I got an email from the school yesterday that the busses might be delayed due to a fire on the street right behind us-our closest neighbor is addressed that street. I called home to find out what was going on-it was the house across the street from our neighbor. A complete loss. The only one home was the family dog who did not survive. The Grandma, her son, DIL and 2 young boys were all safe but just so sad!!! The Grandma who we've known for 30+ years is 89. She must be devastated. The poor kids-went to school and come home to nothing. It's been so dry here I'm surprised the fire didn't spread. Fortunately they have friends who are in Germany til February so they have a place to stay for a while but reconstruction is going to be a long hall.

Yes - it was a terrible flight for her... I don't wish it on anyone. The crew took such good care of her though. It's been nice to be able to spend time with her - I agree - but I think she is sick of me now, so I am going back to work today. LOL

It's a nice change to have V finally enjoy school... It sounds like Lizzy has a hard year ahead of her... I think your kids have more of a science backbone and mine are more on the artistic side - so it only makes sense that Lizzy's classes are much harder. She will do great things one day though with that talent - I am envious of it! Wish her the best from me - I have faith in her!

I hope her pictures go well - she is a beautiful girl, so I have no doubt they will be great. :lovestruc

Oh no - that is terrible. Thankfully all are OK, but terribly sad about their dog... Dogs are like family, so I can only imagine the grief and sadness they are feeling. I hope they are able to rebuild soon.

Thanks for checking in - it's good seeing you! I can't believe it's almost been a year since I last saw you - time flies! Any trips on the horizon?


I worked out yesterday morning... Level 2 of 30DS - it's always a good/hard work out for me. My Whole30 didn't go well at all yesterday... I had a few bites of Allison's peanut butter/jelly toast... And then I had a few bites of rice for dinner. Not terrible for any normal person's standards - but it would be cause for a full restart on the W30. Sadly - due to my trip, I just don't have the time to do a restart. I'll continue over the next few days/weeks to be as W30 as possible, but I am not sure if I will even try to be 100%, as I do need to do some sort of reintegration before Disney, or my stomach will be a mess down there. I am thinking - I will aim for about 95% over the next week or so, and then gradually drop it down to eventually hit about 80% before I go. I made it 14 days on W30 though, which is a pretty good reset, and hopefully it's what i needed to get my brain in the right way of thinking again.

Then Allison and I ran to get dog food and pick up the car... That was a $300 bill I didn't want to pay. Oh well - I need my car to be safe for Allison to drive - small price to pay for that. ::yes::

Allison wanted to come home and rest, so she stayed here while I took V out shopping for her last senior picture outfit. We didn't find an outfit - but we did find 2 cute shirts - she can just wear bottoms that she already has with them.

Then I came home... Allison prepped all of the veggies for steak fajitas for dinner last night - then I fried everything up when I got home... It was a delicious dinner with plenty of leftovers for me over the next few days. ::yes::

We all went to bed early because we were so tired.

Today - it's a heavy lifting day for me... Then I plan to work all day. I'll pick V up from school and take her to work, as there is no time for her to ride the bus home and then go.

I hope you all are having a wonderful day!!! Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Sounds like a good idea to adjust your food so your stomach doesn't get a total shock when going to Disney.

It's important to have the car in good condition so it's safe to drive even if it's not fun paying for it.

Today NAV called and asked if I wanted to try my new car again before I get it home. I said I would like to test the floor that they made higher on the drivers side so I can reach the pedals. It's better to test it all now so they can fix the floor if needed before I get my car. Otherwise I will have to deliver the car back to the garage when I figure out the floor isn't high enough and then I'm without a car for who knows for how long. I asked if I had to bring my electrical wheelchair. I really don't want to because it's a pain in the a** to order a taxi and go in the taxi. We agreed that the electrical chair isn't needed since that part of the car seemed OK the last time I tested it. So on Tuesday next week I will test my car again and hopefully the floor is in a good hight so I can get my car home soon.

I month ago I ordered a new laptop. I got it home earlier this week. A part of the story is that first they offered me a laptop with 128GB SSD. I asked if it was possible to get one with 256GB SSD. They said yes and agreed on sending me a laptop with 256GB SSD Yesterday I had time to take a first look at it and install the programs I want on it. After a lot of work I discovered that there wasn't as much SSD on the machine as I ordered. So I contacted the person I ordered it from. I was expecting them to argue about it and saying I was wrong. But to my surprise they said that I was right and they would install the right SSD for me without it costing me anything. That's how it should be ::yes::
I know - I just think the thought of Chicago is so unrealistic for us... I cannot imagine us living anywhere but here - except for FL. LOL And he would be so unhappy there. So, I guess I'll have to deal with MN winters for the rest of my life?
Chicago is a very expensive place to live. And we have terrible winters with our lake effect snow and damp cold. Minnesota sounds kind of nice to me. ;)

I know - I was looking at the calendar yesterday and I was thinking about how there's only 2 weeks left in Sept... Then I flipped over the calendar to look and THERE's our trip! :woohoo: It's so exciting! I was so consumed with Allison's coming home countdown - I overlooked a little bit, our trip countdown and how little time we had in between the two. V and I are very excited!
Our trip is only two weeks and two days away and I'm started to get that excited, "this is getting real", feeling about it. :)

I bet Victoria is getting very excited to finally have her turn at Disney. ::yes::

We've gone to Disney now with all three kids separately, and even though they all experienced Disney the same way as kids, they each have a different style now that they are adults. And they have to adept to spouses, too. One of the three kids is the easiest to travel with because she just goes with the flow. The other two are more of the park commando type, which is the way we used to be when they were kids. So we get Disney three ways when we are with them. :)
As always, here and lurking Dorine! You would not believe how excited I am for your trip! I get to live vicariously through you. I was reading an article about DL and their Fall decorations. I love DL, and would love to see it around that time. Maybe one day.

So glad to hear Allison is feeling better and the jet lag wasn't too terrible. I loved the picture of you two together! Sounds like she has a busy few weeks. I cannot wait to see her Senior pictures of V.

When Tyler moved home from College after being gone for 5 years, it was quite an adjustment, but then not so much as he was either at work or with his girlfriend now wife. We rarely saw him. So when he moved away after 2 years home, it wasn't quite so hard. Hard, yes, but manageable. You will have an adjustment when V leaves but I think by then you will be more mentally prepared.

Don't be so hard on yourself on your Whole 30 D - its a hard program and you did a terrific re-set. You are in a mindset now where you can enjoy Disney food but not go overboard.

Cannot wait to see your Disney outfits D - re-claim your luggage and get to packing! We are over halfway done with September!

As always, hugs and prayers.
Sounds like a good idea to adjust your food so your stomach doesn't get a total shock when going to Disney.

It's important to have the car in good condition so it's safe to drive even if it's not fun paying for it.

Today NAV called and asked if I wanted to try my new car again before I get it home. I said I would like to test the floor that they made higher on the drivers side so I can reach the pedals. It's better to test it all now so they can fix the floor if needed before I get my car. Otherwise I will have to deliver the car back to the garage when I figure out the floor isn't high enough and then I'm without a car for who knows for how long. I asked if I had to bring my electrical wheelchair. I really don't want to because it's a pain in the a** to order a taxi and go in the taxi. We agreed that the electrical chair isn't needed since that part of the car seemed OK the last time I tested it. So on Tuesday next week I will test my car again and hopefully the floor is in a good hight so I can get my car home soon.

I month ago I ordered a new laptop. I got it home earlier this week. A part of the story is that first they offered me a laptop with 128GB SSD. I asked if it was possible to get one with 256GB SSD. They said yes and agreed on sending me a laptop with 256GB SSD Yesterday I had time to take a first look at it and install the programs I want on it. After a lot of work I discovered that there wasn't as much SSD on the machine as I ordered. So I contacted the person I ordered it from. I was expecting them to argue about it and saying I was wrong. But to my surprise they said that I was right and they would install the right SSD for me without it costing me anything. That's how it should be ::yes::

Yes - I've really been struggling with when and how much to adjust my food... I am really trying hard to be strict for a little while longer, I think. :scratchin

Yes - it is, for sure!

Yay!!! I am glad you've heard from NAV - hopefully you can take your car home soon.

And I am glad to hear that your laptop is being adjusted properly - it's always so frustrating when something is delivered wrong from what you ordered.

Chicago is a very expensive place to live. And we have terrible winters with our lake effect snow and damp cold. Minnesota sounds kind of nice to me. ;)

Our trip is only two weeks and two days away and I'm started to get that excited, "this is getting real", feeling about it. :)

I bet Victoria is getting very excited to finally have her turn at Disney. ::yes::

We've gone to Disney now with all three kids separately, and even though they all experienced Disney the same way as kids, they each have a different style now that they are adults. And they have to adept to spouses, too. One of the three kids is the easiest to travel with because she just goes with the flow. The other two are more of the park commando type, which is the way we used to be when they were kids. So we get Disney three ways when we are with them. :)

Yes - I am sorry Sue, but I have no desire to live in Chicago... I am kind of a small town girl and Chicago is a little too foreign for me. ::yes::

Yay!!! I am excited for you!!! It's going to be a lot of fun!

She is getting very excited - we talk about it almost non stop now!

I can only imagine - I know it will be different between both of my girls too... Although - I am hoping that my afternoon nap will still take place. ::yes::

As always, here and lurking Dorine! You would not believe how excited I am for your trip! I get to live vicariously through you. I was reading an article about DL and their Fall decorations. I love DL, and would love to see it around that time. Maybe one day.

So glad to hear Allison is feeling better and the jet lag wasn't too terrible. I loved the picture of you two together! Sounds like she has a busy few weeks. I cannot wait to see her Senior pictures of V.

When Tyler moved home from College after being gone for 5 years, it was quite an adjustment, but then not so much as he was either at work or with his girlfriend now wife. We rarely saw him. So when he moved away after 2 years home, it wasn't quite so hard. Hard, yes, but manageable. You will have an adjustment when V leaves but I think by then you will be more mentally prepared.

Don't be so hard on yourself on your Whole 30 D - its a hard program and you did a terrific re-set. You are in a mindset now where you can enjoy Disney food but not go overboard.

Cannot wait to see your Disney outfits D - re-claim your luggage and get to packing! We are over halfway done with September!

As always, hugs and prayers.

I am very excited too - more and more as the days go on! I cannot wait to spend this time with V!

Yes - Allison is quite busy over the next few weeks. She went into work the other day and is trying to figure out when she wants to go back to work and how often - between working and trying to figure out when she is going to start college, she is a little unsure of what her work schedule should be.

I can understand that. I know anything will be easier for me than Europe, I think. No matter where she goes - at least (I think) she will be close enough to be able to come home when she wants to... That was the hardest part about Europe, she was a bit stuck there. ::yes::

I am quite disappointed in myself with the Whole30 - and that is one thing that i really don't like about it. I have a perfectionist personality anyways... and if I don't do it (or anything) perfectly - then it feels like failure to me. I really have to try hard to get past that within myself in many areas of my life - not just this... So, not being able to complete the entire 30 days is really hard for me. I will just keep plugging along and hopefully I can manage a few extra days of compliance over the next few weeks. ::yes::

Hehehe... I have pictures to post below - I started packing yesterday! :woohoo:

Thank you Carol - same to you! :hug:


So - yesterday - I did my heavy lifting, it went well and I was done a little earlier than I had planned...

I decided it was time to start...


I really love this time in trip planning - this is the best part... When it gets so close that you can taste it... Packing... Sorting... Getting ready... I love it all!

I still haven't reclaimed my big luggage from Allison - since we are flying SW this time, we get 2 checked bags free... Rather than trying to fit into one this trip, I've decided to bring our extra piece... It's a bit smaller than mine, but it will be nice to have an extra suitcase with. This is the suitcase I decided to start packing yesterday...

Along with packing - I had to go through my toiletries to see if there was anything I needed to refill...

I also decided to charge all of my portable chargers...


And to get my dish soap sponges for my coffee mug ready to go...


My journal is packed...


I do have a few things I need to buy yet... I need more of my shampoo and conditioner to refill my travel bottles (I have a certain kind and scent that I only use in WDW)... I also need to get a bottle of liquid hand soap. I think that's all this time? :scratchin I've added both to my shopping list the next time I find myself at Target. ::yes::

After I organized all of my packing - I went to work and worked for the remainder of the day. I had a great day at work and I made a lot of good progress. ::yes::

I picked V up from school - brought her home and Allison took her to work. It's so nice to have Allison home and be able to do some of the V driving for us.

V finished one of her big art projects for her honors art class... I think it's adorable... This is just one piece to one large project - but i love it!


We had a nice roast with potatoes and carrots for dinner last night.

Then Allison and I sat here and she showed me all of the pictures and video she took in Europe... So, last night, I got to go to the south of France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Paris, Rome and Italy... It was a lovely trip and it only took me about 2 hours. :lmao:

Both of us went to pick V up from work - it was raining pretty heavily here and the drive wasn't feeling very safe - it was very dark and hard to see... But we made it there and back safely. I am not looking forward to doing this drive in the winter time - as it's usually worse to the south of us.

Today... I will work out this morning, then I am planning to work all day. I have nothing else on my schedule.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

I still haven't reclaimed my big luggage from Allison - since we are flying SW this time, we get 2 checked bags free... Rather than trying to fit into one this trip, I've decided to bring our extra piece... It's a bit smaller than mine, but it will be nice to have an extra suitcase with. This is the suitcase I decided to start packing yesterday...
I would just take everything out of her suitcase and make a big pile for her to put away if I really wanted that suitcase. I think it is written in the Mom rules that I can do that. ;)

You are much too nice. This is Disney packing that we are talking about. ::yes::
I am in LOVE with Stitch!!! LOVE LOVE Love!!

I am so happy your packing! it's getting so so close!
Your trip is getting so near. I can't believe you have start packing :)

V is really good at painting and drawing. I hope you will be able to show her whole project. The one peace looks great.
I would just take everything out of her suitcase and make a big pile for her to put away if I really wanted that suitcase. I think it is written in the Mom rules that I can do that. ;)

You are much too nice. This is Disney packing that we are talking about. ::yes::

Hahaha... I am trying very hard to be patient. She wasn't feeling well for the first week - and now this weekend she is photographing her first real wedding (she's shadowed weddings before, but never been the main photographer) - this is a huge deal for her, and something she's been stressed about for months, because she didn't get a lot of time in between Europe and the wedding to sit with the bride... Once this wedding is over though - I'll give her a day or two to recover, then my luggage is mine. LOL I will march in there and claim it. ::yes::

Even if I give her another week to settle - I still have ample time to pack - so I will remain patient a little longer. ::yes::

I am in LOVE with Stitch!!! LOVE LOVE Love!!

I am so happy your packing! it's getting so so close!

I am really proud of her for that one - and he is HUGE - I am not sure if you can see it in the picture, but she is actually standing on a chair to get him all the way in the frame... I hope she brings him home to display him here - he is really cute!

I am very excited to spend this time with V... It's going to be a good trip.

Your trip is getting so near. I can't believe you have start packing :)

V is really good at painting and drawing. I hope you will be able to show her whole project. The one peace looks great.

I am getting so excited - so is V... We cannot wait to spend Halloween in WDW - it is our absolute favorite time to be there. I am not sure if it's just because it's nostalgic for us? Since that was the time of year in which we took our first 2 trips - but it will be even more bittersweet due to that, I think.

Thanks - I plan to, once she finishes... I have no idea what the other pieces are to it - only that this is only a portion. ::yes::


I had a really nice day yesterday... I worked out in the morning - Level 3 of my 30DS.

I worked upstairs for several hours - almost completing last week's custom order... Then I started on this coming week's. A friend of mine is going to WDW right after us - and I've decided to try to fit her in my schedule... So, I've been working hard to get ahead, so I can send her off with a little treat. :lovestruc It's not often I have the ability to do this - but I love it when I can get it to work out.

I picked V up from school yesterday and dropped her at her bff's for the night.

And then, last night, karma struck... I love karma - a lot. And this Karma is Disney related...

Disney rant!!! Ever since my 180 days - I've been searching for a PPO CP breakfast at MK for V and I... This is tradition for us - Crystal Palace before the park opens on our last day. At 180, I was able to get a breakfast at 8:50, with a park opening at 9am. 8:50 would work, but I was still searching for earlier. I've been searching, searching, searching... Every. Single. Day. Multiple times per day - pretty much every time I picked up my phone - so, probably at least 10x. It was getting more and more frequent as our trip becomes closer and closer.

Several weeks ago, on one of the private Oct groups on FB, someone mentioned how they were holding several PPO MK CP ADRS... I am a very even keeled person - but this just boils my blood... I called her out on it - nicely - told her it was wrong and she should just choose one and let the rest go (I have no idea how a person can hold so many anyways? I thought the website didn't allow for that?) as so many other families are searching hard for these reservations that she has multiples of... This person continued to justify her actions - and others backed her up. I guess this is an *OK* thing to do now? I still think it's crap. So, I backed down and let it go - irritably so.

Then, last night - everything blew up in the group... Disney changed their hours across the board in October - almost every 9am opening is now 8am. So, all of the PPO breakfasts that these people were holding were now not only not PPO - but they were during prime park time.

Karma... That's all I have to say.

Now, my ADR dillema.... What would you do. Our MK day now has an 8am opening... We have a CP breakfast at 8:50... And a LTT late lunch scheduled for 2:30... My 8:50am breakfast isn't looking too bad now. LOL I am leaning towards keeping it and not changing a thing - otherwise it throws off our ability to be able to eat at LTT... Since this is our ONLY full MK day - and we have to have a CP breakfast and an LTT lunch on our trips - squishing them into one day becomes difficult... I always try for the earliest/latest I can get. What would you do? My options - Keep my ADRs as they are? Leave CP (as CP is more of a must do than LTT) and ditch LTT totally. Try for a later CP and again, ditch LTT? :scratchin I am kind of leaning towards keeping everything as is... Even though - 2 sit down meals that close together are going to be rough.

In other exciting Disney news... Guess who tried on her white capris yesterday? Meeeeeee.... And guess what - I was able to get them on! The last time I tried them was shortly after our January trip and those buggers wouldn't go on. Granted - they are NOT pretty right now, and I am not sure they are public worthy, but at least I can get them on, there is hope! :woohoo: And, for the life of me - I cannot find that shirt... I am not sure where I put it or if one of the girls took it (as they often do with my clothes - grrrrr....)


So, today... I have Disney dreams dancing in my head. :lovestruc AK is open until 8:30 most nights of our trip - and it's our dream to ride it in the dark... Hoping to make it back there a few times to give it a shot. V also announced that she wants acrylic nails for this trip - which those of you who read Allison's grad trip TR - know why this makes me so skittish. At least I am experienced. ::yes::

I am working all weekend - trying to work ahead, as I mentioned above. Enjoying my coffee now, and even though I don't work out on weekends - I may try to go for a walk later, if it's nice. I honestly have not even looked at the weather forecast.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend! :lovestruc Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :hug:

Love karma! It does seem greedy to hog multiple ADR's and I also don't know how it's possible? I'm interested how she justified it? I think I would keep your ADR's as is. If you don't snack in between the 2 meals, maybe you'll be able to work up an appetite for LTT. If there's an earlier time for CP, I think I would consider it if your daughter doesn't mind an early wake up call. Yay for the white capris - keep up the good work and they'll be good for your trip! Good motivation!
How nice of you to try and make some time to make a bag for a friend :)

How odd that Disney allows people to reserve several ADRS for the same place. Disney should do something about it so more people will be able to book the popular places.
Sorry I can't be of any help with your ADR dilemma.

YAY for the white capris. You are doing a great job :hug:

Earlier today Ulf and I went to find a geocache with our geocaching friends that we went to St.Petersburg with earlier this summer. It's always fun to go geocaching with several people. The plan was to get a geocache that you either have to swim to get to or use a boat. Our friends has a little inflatable boat. We took the boat the 164 ft over to this little island where the cache was located. Found the cache and took the boat back. It went very well. Tomorrow Ulf and I are planning on finding another cache that is down by the ocean. You have to find the cache during low tide. From the logs of earlier finders they have been able to get the cache without getting wet when they went to find the cache at the right time. Ulf and I have found out when it's low tide tomorrow so we hopefully can find the cache without getting wet.

The time is really going slow now. I can't wait until Tuesday when I'm going to test my new car again. I'm crossing my fingers that everything is good now so I can get my car soon.
I'm glad Allison arrived home safely. I'm sure you can sleep better at night.

Yay for your trip quickly approaching! About this time of year is when I usually start planning next year's Disney trip but, sadly, we decided to for-go our Disney trip and venture to Boston and Maine next summer. I love Boston and Maine, but it isn't Disney. Thankfully, we have a Disney cruise booked for next October but no parks.

I'd keep your CP and LTT ADRs as you currently have them. I think you lucked out with the 8:50 ADR at CP with the earlier opening time now.
I totally agree with you on people hogging ADR's. I can understand having a couple at different parks if you haven't decided on where you'll be, but some people only think of themselves. We don't do many ourselves, but Crystal Palace is a must do for breakfast. Last year we were there for 3 weeks, and the last week was spring break for my grandkids. We were able to get done eating and make it to 7DMT before it opened. It was so crazy busy after 2 not so busy weeks. We got so much done before the crowds got so bad. I think I would keep your plans as they are. If you avoid snacks I think you will be hungry for LTT.

Our first trip was in October over MEA to avoid the kids missing too much school. We absolutely loved it and the weather was perfect. We also went a few years ago in Oct. We had planned on going that same week as it was for our anniversary, until we saw the airfare was so much more. So we went the next week and saved over $300. I also loved MNSSHP more than MVMCP. I think our favorite was the Pirate and Princess Party we went to when the grandkids were younger. Maybe because it wasn't so busy as the parties seem now, and they had games the kids loved. I would do any of them again though if we go at that time.

I felt so bad for Allison being sick on the plane. I can't even imagine that. What a horrible time for her. Did any of your relatives over there come down with anything?

It sounds like a good day for a walk. Enjoy it!
Woohoo for the karma and white capris!!!!

I'm with you. I don't know why people hoard reservations they know they aren't using. 1) what's the point? Mad with Disney power?? 2) I'm too forgetful to remember to cancel them within 24 hours, and 3) I'm too cheap to pay penalty
Home from my work trip and caught up! V's art project is lovely -- she really is so talented. Good luck to Allison today as she photographs the wedding! I'm sure she'll do a lovely job. I just found a fabulous airfare to to Salt Lake for the end of this month so I'll be flying out to Utah for a few quick days to do some wedding planning with Alyssa....and that will include meeting with the photographer that did our nephew's wedding this summer, and the photographer that did my college roommate's daughter's wedding last month. Andrew (Alyssa's boyfriend/fiance) has a sister-in-law who is a photographer and she has done all of the other family weddings and Alyssa wants to ask her to do it...so we will probably go that route but I will still need an photographer for engagement pictures since Andrew's sister-in-law lives out of state...although it's possible that Andrew and Alyssa could go to Nevada on a weekend and have her do their engagement pictures. Who knows!! So much to think about and plan!!!

I'm excited that you were able to get into your white capris! Yea!!! I did a grocery trip and some planning today for our Whole 30 -- hoping to start next week. I've been going through the recipes that we tend to use a lot and several of them will be compliant if I swap out a couple of minor things, so that's good. I found an eggless breakfast hash recipe on the Whole 30 website that I'm going to try this weekend. Breakfast is going to be the hardest part for us since none of us are big breakfast eaters, and I really can't stand eggs (unless it's a fried egg white). So I'm looking for eggless breakfast recipes.

How do you prep your coffee mug sponges for your trip?
Even with a bit of a detour, sounds like you are doing quite well with your eating. My downfall is absolutely snacking as well! It's a daily struggle to keep it in check and I imagine it will always be that way.

I knew you were going as mermaids!! :rolleyes1

Yay for packing! Exciting!!

V's artwork is just awesome. Love it!

Yes, karma indeed to the ADR hogs. I say leave your plans as they are for CP and LTT but no snacking in between!

Congrats on fitting into your capris again! Coninue on, one day at a time, it's all we can do.

Happy Weekend! :love:
Love karma! It does seem greedy to hog multiple ADR's and I also don't know how it's possible? I'm interested how she justified it? I think I would keep your ADR's as is. If you don't snack in between the 2 meals, maybe you'll be able to work up an appetite for LTT. If there's an earlier time for CP, I think I would consider it if your daughter doesn't mind an early wake up call. Yay for the white capris - keep up the good work and they'll be good for your trip! Good motivation!

I honestly have no idea how it's possible? I just like karma a lot right now. :lovestruc The entire post is gone - I searched for it last night - but essentially this person said that "disney makes" people do it, because they change the hours at the last minute. :scratchin

Yes - I am still searching for an earlier CP, just because it will get us into the park earlier... but I certainly won't be as heartbroken if I don't get it now - what we have is pretty close to perfect. ::yes:: I am mostly worried that this is our very LAST park day and we will be Disney fooded out by this point - I am seriously debating on getting rid of LTT all together. I'll talk to V today to see what she thinks... I wish they had Freedom Pasta for dinner. ::yes::

Thanks - I am back on day 2 of being w30 compliant - so, yah - a few bumps in the road... And I am pressing on. I am getting close - my body comp still isn't what is was last year, but hopefully I can deal with that if my size is close. ::yes:: Thank you for the vote of confidence. :lovestruc

How nice of you to try and make some time to make a bag for a friend

How odd that Disney allows people to reserve several ADRS for the same place. Disney should do something about it so more people will be able to book the popular places.
Sorry I can't be of any help with your ADR dilemma.

YAY for the white capris. You are doing a great job

Earlier today Ulf and I went to find a geocache with our geocaching friends that we went to St.Petersburg with earlier this summer. It's always fun to go geocaching with several people. The plan was to get a geocache that you either have to swim to get to or use a boat. Our friends has a little inflatable boat. We took the boat the 164 ft over to this little island where the cache was located. Found the cache and took the boat back. It went very well. Tomorrow Ulf and I are planning on finding another cache that is down by the ocean. You have to find the cache during low tide. From the logs of earlier finders they have been able to get the cache without getting wet when they went to find the cache at the right time. Ulf and I have found out when it's low tide tomorrow so we hopefully can find the cache without getting wet.

The time is really going slow now. I can't wait until Tuesday when I'm going to test my new car again. I'm crossing my fingers that everything is good now so I can get my car soon.

Thanks - I try to do fun things when I can, sadly my schedule is usually so jam packed that I don't have time. I am happy I can try to do something this time around.

I don't understand how they do it? I am thinking maybe 2 MDE accounts or something? I am really not sure? I just know it's dishonest and mean.

Have fun today!!! I hope you were able to get the cache without getting wet. ::yes::

Yay for Tuesday - I hope it all goes well and you can take your new car home soon. :lovestruc

I'm glad Allison arrived home safely. I'm sure you can sleep better at night.

Yay for your trip quickly approaching! About this time of year is when I usually start planning next year's Disney trip but, sadly, we decided to for-go our Disney trip and venture to Boston and Maine next summer. I love Boston and Maine, but it isn't Disney. Thankfully, we have a Disney cruise booked for next October but no parks.

I'd keep your CP and LTT ADRs as you currently have them. I think you lucked out with the 8:50 ADR at CP with the earlier opening time now.

Thanks - yes, I am sleeping much better at night now.

Such a bummer about next year's trip, but I do love Maine - it's a gorgeous state. I hope to go back again one day. Agreed that it isn't Disney... Still beautiful though. I hope you enjoy planning that trip.

I've always wanted to do a Disney cruise.

I think so too - however - I am not sure if we will try to do a ride before we eat - or still just try to check in early... It's not as if this is our first time - so we don't need to do everything. We'll see how that morning goes, I guess. :scratchin

I totally agree with you on people hogging ADR's. I can understand having a couple at different parks if you haven't decided on where you'll be, but some people only think of themselves. We don't do many ourselves, but Crystal Palace is a must do for breakfast. Last year we were there for 3 weeks, and the last week was spring break for my grandkids. We were able to get done eating and make it to 7DMT before it opened. It was so crazy busy after 2 not so busy weeks. We got so much done before the crowds got so bad. I think I would keep your plans as they are. If you avoid snacks I think you will be hungry for LTT.

Our first trip was in October over MEA to avoid the kids missing too much school. We absolutely loved it and the weather was perfect. We also went a few years ago in Oct. We had planned on going that same week as it was for our anniversary, until we saw the airfare was so much more. So we went the next week and saved over $300. I also loved MNSSHP more than MVMCP. I think our favorite was the Pirate and Princess Party we went to when the grandkids were younger. Maybe because it wasn't so busy as the parties seem now, and they had games the kids loved. I would do any of them again though if we go at that time.

I felt so bad for Allison being sick on the plane. I can't even imagine that. What a horrible time for her. Did any of your relatives over there come down with anything?

It sounds like a good day for a walk. Enjoy it!

Yes - from what this person was saying - they had several for the same restaurant at different times & days... Like I said - I don't know how they are allowed to do it? At the same time - I understand why people are upset... Disney does force our hand to make the good reservations at 180 days - then after all plans are made - they change park hours several months later... So, I get it - that upsets me too. CP is our must do - PPO on our last day... It's a bummer that there is no PPO during our trip, but I am just going to shrug my shoulders and let it go... We will still get to eat there - we will still have a good time, we'll just have to do really well at going against the crowds. ::yes::

I just love October in Disney - We haven't been in Oct since 2008, but the weather was near perfect and the crowds were good - I've heard that the crowds are much more now - but it can't be much worse than any other time we've been there... We'll still have fun and we won't freeze to death like we did in Jan. :lmao:

It was a terrible travel day for her - yes, everyone over there ended up getting it, except for Thomas. So, it could have been something they ate or it could have been some sort of 24 hour flu? We still aren't sure? I am still leaning towards something they ate though.

Hehehe... It was a nice day... I opted for a nap over a walk though. LOL Shame on me... Maybe this morning?

Woohoo for the karma and white capris!!!!

I'm with you. I don't know why people hoard reservations they know they aren't using. 1) what's the point? Mad with Disney power?? 2) I'm too forgetful to remember to cancel them within 24 hours, and 3) I'm too cheap to pay penalty

Thanks... I am super excited about the white capris - I am soooooo close! It's so hard though - even though I am nearing my smallest again - I still don't see it... Grrrr.. I wish my brain would stop messing with how I see myself. ::yes::

Something like that? I am not really sure. It's annoying and frustrating. There's still not enough to go around - but it just makes planning harder on everyone else. Hahaha... I am the same way! :thumbsup2

Home from my work trip and caught up! V's art project is lovely -- she really is so talented. Good luck to Allison today as she photographs the wedding! I'm sure she'll do a lovely job. I just found a fabulous airfare to to Salt Lake for the end of this month so I'll be flying out to Utah for a few quick days to do some wedding planning with Alyssa....and that will include meeting with the photographer that did our nephew's wedding this summer, and the photographer that did my college roommate's daughter's wedding last month. Andrew (Alyssa's boyfriend/fiance) has a sister-in-law who is a photographer and she has done all of the other family weddings and Alyssa wants to ask her to do it...so we will probably go that route but I will still need an photographer for engagement pictures since Andrew's sister-in-law lives out of state...although it's possible that Andrew and Alyssa could go to Nevada on a weekend and have her do their engagement pictures. Who knows!! So much to think about and plan!!!

I'm excited that you were able to get into your white capris! Yea!!! I did a grocery trip and some planning today for our Whole 30 -- hoping to start next week. I've been going through the recipes that we tend to use a lot and several of them will be compliant if I swap out a couple of minor things, so that's good. I found an eggless breakfast hash recipe on the Whole 30 website that I'm going to try this weekend. Breakfast is going to be the hardest part for us since none of us are big breakfast eaters, and I really can't stand eggs (unless it's a fried egg white). So I'm looking for eggless breakfast recipes.

How do you prep your coffee mug sponges for your trip?


Oooh - that's exciting! I hope it all works out! I am not looking forward to wedding planning... That's gonna be worse than Disney planning. LOL Important deadlines and endless $$ LOL. I am sure it will all be gorgeous though! :lovestruc

I was pretty happy about that - it definitely put a spring in my step and upped my motivation. :woohoo: That's so exciting - you will have a great W30 because you've planned for it. It's amazing how easy it is to have compliant meals - a lot of my meals are close too, with just a few modifications. ::yes:: Good luck with the eggs portion though - I eat a lot of eggs all the time, but especially during W30s. You'll do great!

I just cut them up into smaller chunks, get them wet, then squirt some dish soap on to each one... Let them dry out and shrivel up - then put them in a baggie... When I need to use them, I get them wet and they are all soapy... I use them a couple times and then toss them. They work out really well for me. ::yes:: It's nice to have clean mugs in Wdw. ::yes::

Even with a bit of a detour, sounds like you are doing quite well with your eating. My downfall is absolutely snacking as well! It's a daily struggle to keep it in check and I imagine it will always be that way.

I knew you were going as mermaids!! :rolleyes1

Yay for packing! Exciting!!

V's artwork is just awesome. Love it!

Yes, karma indeed to the ADR hogs. I say leave your plans as they are for CP and LTT but no snacking in between!

Congrats on fitting into your capris again! Coninue on, one day at a time, it's all we can do.

Happy Weekend! :love:

Thanks - I am back at it - it was a little detour, but it could have been worse. Yesterday was my day 2 of 100% compliancy again. Trying on those capris was just the motivation I needed to push myself... I have just enough time to put them into my outfit rotation if I work hard. ::yes::

Hehehe... Yes, yes we are... :scratchin

I love packing - it's the best part! :woohoo:

Thank you - I am so proud of her!

I am thinking so too... We may try to check into CP early though - just so we can get out early. As I don't think we have enough time to do any rides really before our ADR time... Maybe PoTC since it's right there? That's an idea... :scratchin Not sure I'd be able to snack in between CP and LTT, LOL...

Thanks!!! I hope you're having a great weekend too! :)


I had a very nice day yesterday...

Allison left early to shoot the wedding... I love these pants on her!!! I am jealous and want a pair for myself!


And then I worked all day... I made a lot of progress upstairs... I am almost done with this week's order - which is nice. Sadly - I am waiting on 1 item for last week's order to arrive - but it's the very last thing I need to add - so it's OK, it's not holding me up or anything. This week's order, I am waiting on interior fabric - I ordered it 2 weeks ago, and it FINALLY shipped on Friday - which I am not happy about... So, I will do everything I can do until I need that. Then I will start on next week's order... Yup - you heard me right, by tomorrow, I hope to be starting a week ahead of myself... :woohoo: That NEVER happens! It would be sooo nice to be that far ahead of myself before we even leave on our trip!

I even quit a little early and took a nap... I didn't sleep well though. I should have used the time to go for a walk - but I haven't napped all week (I haven't walked all week either - LOL)... Oh well.

I was completely W30 compliant yesterday (and the day before) - which is good. I am still hoping to have a few more good days under my belt before I start adding other foods in.

Then I sat on FB all night... Someone had a question in one of my decor groups - so I took a picture of my full kitchen... I don't think I've ever posted the whole thing in one picture here before? I still really love it a lot. And we still get so many compliments on it from everyone that comes through our door... I used to look at other's homes - and wish we could afford something more modern and - you know - upscale... and now I've found that I love my kitchen so much, a person just cannot find character like this in the upscale ones, so they don't even appeal to me anymore. It's a strange feeling, after 10 years here, to finally love what I've always had.


As a side note, for the moment, it seems that the China cabinet is staying. :scratchin The family member we offered it to, doesn't want it... And Josh keeps "forgetting" to talk to his dad about the next step - if he wants us to offer it to someone else, or - I'd be totally willing to paint this one if I got his blessing... ::yes:: So, for the moment - it's staying... And I don't think it looks terrible as it is either. :lovestruc

Today.... I really think I am going to go for a walk...

Then I will come home and work for a while...

Then I will be lazy again. ::yes::

I hope you all have a great day!!! Sending Pixie Dust out to all! :lovestruc

How great that you are starting one week ahead of yourself in the sewing room.

Your kitchen looks great.

Ulf and I didn't go geocaching today. The plan is to do the low tide cache tomorrow.
Hi D!

I think you should consider replacing the hardware on the china cabinet to match the rest of your kitchen. So many kitchens today mix woods and wood/paint, and otherwise the style is not too far off from what you've done to the rest of the room.


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