~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

D- Good to hear you had a good day yesterday! From your little tidbit about V's theme for her new bag, I have a guess as to what it might be, but I won't say, just in case I am right...

I enjoy your Halloween outfit! I like the simple outfit with the accessories to show the theme. It is subtle, but still very fun! Although, I have to say, I did love your Donald capri's from a few years ago and a skirt? I think- I remember those from the sewing forum- those were fun outfits!

Allison looks like she is really in her element there! Hopefully, having a task will keep her from being homesick. And how awesome to have family pictures taken by her. That will make them even more special for B&M and their kids.

V seems to be having a ball! Summer will be over before she knows it!

What a great feeling to have met your budget goals! Yay!! Everything else is just icing on the Disney cake, Lol! I am sure you will find something fun to splurge on...or you should anyway!

We did not make it out to the market this weekend. Boo. DH was not feeling well when he returned from his work trip so we have been mostly at home this weekend. I have made great strides in unpacking and we even hung up a few pictures. We are getting there-very slowly-but surely, Lol.

Have a great Sunday!
I love your Halloween ensemble. The necklace really pulls all the colors together nicely. :)

It is nice to see a picture of Allison in her surroundings. You can get a feel for what things are like for her there. :)

Victoria looks like she is having fun. Is this the first time she has stayed with her relatives without Allison being with her?

I really want to do a Mr./Mrs. Potato head theme...
I would think that the monochromatic color of the bodies would make this a tricky design. But it would be adorable if you could do it. :)

I was totally shocked to find out, as of right now, I am DONE! Which means - I am free to be creative and work on our own stuff for this trip... And since V actually enjoys carrying my bags - I am having a blast making things for her too.
It sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun getting ready for the "last planned trip to Disney". Are you sure you can't swing another one next year? ;)
I thought my manager loved Chipotle but you win!! I just made Doritos Taco Salad, love this stuff so much! Have you ever tried it?!

Sounds like you're having a lovely weekend and yay for being in point with your budget/income! It's nice to breathe a little and not stress right up until the end.

Enjoy your evening!
Some nods like a great weekends.
Very exciting they you have your trip completely budget / saved for.

Girls loved the new room. As of now they are going to be share. Which is good since we don't have to redo the other room.
When you get an empty nest you can start to do things you always wanted to but which wasn't possible because of the kids. I'm sure you will come up with something fun to spend your time on.

I'm glad to hear you had a great day yesterday.

How great that you have time to make yourself some bags. I'm sure you will come up with a great theme for your bag because you always come up with great themes for every bag you make

I'm glad to see Allison had a photo shoot yesterday with the kids. Hopefully she didn't feel to homesick while she was busy taking photos.

Looks like V is having a great time with family. It's great that she has the opportunity to visit family.

Now that you have the money you need for your trip budget you can start saving for souvenir money.

I hope you have a great day today and I can't wait to see more of your bags.

Hahaha... I know, but the sad part is - in life - all I really wanted to do was to be a Mom... All of the other stuff wasn't quite as important to me. You are right - I need to find other stuff to occupy my time... I see lots of sewing and decorating in my future. LOL

Thanks! I am working on one now... I am not sure how much I am going to like it? We'll see? :scratchin

I think Allison is doing much better with homesickness now... her schedule is completely jam packed for the remainder of her trip, so there is just no time for her to be sad or to miss home.

V is having a lot of fun... It sounds like she won't be home until Wednesday now, at the earliest. ::yes::

That's the thing... The numbers I figured also include a substantial amount for souvenirs... Which I never have. I am really totally done with paying for this trip. :woohoo: There is nothing else I need... It's so nice to have that relief! ::yes::

Thanks - I hope you had a nice weekend! :lovestruc I will have several bags to show once all of my interior fabrics arrive. :scratchin

D- Good to hear you had a good day yesterday! From your little tidbit about V's theme for her new bag, I have a guess as to what it might be, but I won't say, just in case I am right...

I enjoy your Halloween outfit! I like the simple outfit with the accessories to show the theme. It is subtle, but still very fun! Although, I have to say, I did love your Donald capri's from a few years ago and a skirt? I think- I remember those from the sewing forum- those were fun outfits!

Allison looks like she is really in her element there! Hopefully, having a task will keep her from being homesick. And how awesome to have family pictures taken by her. That will make them even more special for B&M and their kids.

V seems to be having a ball! Summer will be over before she knows it!

What a great feeling to have met your budget goals! Yay!! Everything else is just icing on the Disney cake, Lol! I am sure you will find something fun to splurge on...or you should anyway!

We did not make it out to the market this weekend. Boo. DH was not feeling well when he returned from his work trip so we have been mostly at home this weekend. I have made great strides in unpacking and we even hung up a few pictures. We are getting there-very slowly-but surely, Lol.

Have a great Sunday!

Hehehehe... I am curious what you think it is??? :scratchin

Those were some fun outfits too! But I had to tone it back... Several trips ago - I think it was the trip that I wore those outfits, not necessarily those outfits that got me this comment - but someone called me "obnoxious" at the FQ bus stop - loud enough so many others heard him, and turned to stare/point at me, I was so embarassed... I decided then, that I needed to tone it down a little bit. I follow a basic "theme" now, where I try to be a little more boring with my clothing choices - solids, stripes and the occasional dot... I find this makes my awesome accessories stand out more too - then I go all out with my accessories. In the end, I love the look I've evolved to... I think it gives me a nice semi-subtle Disney look. LOL But still allows me to have fun. ::yes::

Yes - I agree - I don't think that Allison was very happy with how they turned out... She is very picky about her work. I am pretty sure she won't be able to edit them until she comes home - as all of her software is on the computer she forgot in France and all of her back-ups are here at home... So, it may take her a while to decide if anything can be done with them or not.

Yes - she is having a lot of fun... We all love seeing family, and spending this time with them is good for both of the girls. ::yes::

Hahaha... It's a great feeling to have this trip paid for - something I've never experienced before. LOL At least not this early in the game. ::yes::

It's nice to hear that your unpacking is going well - even if you didn't get out to the market... Hopefully it's feeling a little more like home with all of your belongings there with you. :lovestruc

Thanks - I hope you have a great day too! :lovestruc

I love your Halloween ensemble. The necklace really pulls all the colors together nicely.

It is nice to see a picture of Allison in her surroundings. You can get a feel for what things are like for her there.

Victoria looks like she is having fun. Is this the first time she has stayed with her relatives without Allison being with her?

I would think that the monochromatic color of the bodies would make this a tricky design. But it would be adorable if you could do it.

It sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun getting ready for the "last planned trip to Disney". Are you sure you can't swing another one next year?

Thanks! I am very happy with it... Like I said - I do wish the shirt was longer... But oh well - it could be worse. LOL

Yes - it is fun to see her just doing what she loves... And enjoying doing it. :lovestruc

Um... I want to say yes, but I am pretty sure she has been there many times with out Allison. Typically, when the girls do this - they just go out there and they are each free to roam from relative to relative - usually they don't choose the same ones. So, they are there together, but not really, if that makes sense? LOL Josh thinks this is somewhat odd... but really - my family is very large - and considering they all live with in a 10 mile radius of each other, including my large foster-family... The girls just go and have a good time, and who ever wants to see them and spend time with them can do so - typically, the girls have multiple offers of homes to stay in, and they often have to turn many people down. I guess maybe it is a little strange? LOL Just sending my girls off on their own... My family truly does have an open door policy though... :lovestruc And typically - this is the girls' time of year to really keep their connection with our family, since we don't get to see them often anymore. I my memory serves, I do believe this is the 10th or 11 year they've done this, but I think this is only the 3rd year without me? It's the same week every summer, because of our town festival, so a lot of my extended family gathers during this time. More info than you ever wanted right? LOL

I am trying to do it - LOL... We'll see how it turns out? :scratchin Either I will love it or hate it. :lovestruc

I am sure I will be able to do a small trip next year... Some how, some way... :scratchin I just need to figure it out... ::yes::

I thought my manager loved Chipotle but you win!! I just made Doritos Taco Salad, love this stuff so much! Have you ever tried it?!

Sounds like you're having a lovely weekend and yay for being in point with your budget/income! It's nice to breathe a little and not stress right up until the end.

Enjoy your evening!

Hahaha... Yes - I have a Chipotle problem for sure. I have a hard time not eating there, because my bowl is only 435 calories - I can't hardly eat anywhere else for that. LOL I think I've tried that??? Just a regular taco salad with Doritos right?? Or is that the one with western dressing too? I know there are a few variations out there. LOL

Thanks! It's so nice to have that off of my shoulders... Usually - when I stayed on site, I always had my trip paid off at 45 days, but I'd be working like crazy to get the other stuff paid for after... OOP food, tips, baggage, souvenirs.... I'd literally be working like crazy up to the days prior to leaving - it was very stressful, but fun. Now I find, that we still have several weeks before we leave and the only thing for me to do to prepare is to make stuff for ourselves... This is very strange for me. It's almost too much - LOL... I am left with endless possibilities and I am having a hard time deciding. LOL

Thank you - I hope you enjoyed your weekend as well? :)

Some nods like a great weekends.
Very exciting they you have your trip completely budget / saved for.

Girls loved the new room. As of now they are going to be share. Which is good since we don't have to redo the other room.

Spell check must have got that first sentence... I can't quite figure it out. LOL

I agree - it's such a relief to have it totally done, including souvenir budget $$... It's a great feeling! :woohoo:

Awesome!!! I am so glad that they love it... Oooh and they are going to share for a while... That should be interesting? Do you have plans to redo the other room eventually? I just love the color of this one - such a great room!


I had a nice day yesterday...

I started off my day with a run... It was a good run, although I had to tape my knee before I went out... It's starting to bug me again. Grrrr... Believe it - some how I aggrivated it at the movie the other night, I had my one foot up on the arm rest of the chair in front of me (it was a nearly empty theater), and something about that - not sure if my leg was twisted funny or what? But my knee is now being annoying. So, it's taped for now, and that seems to be helping.


Then I came home, had some breakfast, boiled eggs for the week... Yesterday was my 30 days consecutively of signing in to MFP and journaling... I can honestly say that I've journaled 97% of that time, which is pretty good for me these days. I dug out my favorite Silver shorts yesterday... I was surprised when they still fit me - but they are NOT flattering at all... I guess that is why I am struggling so much - I can wear all of my same clothes, but my body composition - any that I may have had - has really nose dived. So, I wore those shorts yesterday - just as a reminder to me, that I want them to fit me properly again. I think it was a good reality check... They are going back into my rotation. ::yes::

Then I went to work on a custom bag for myself. I am soooo undecided here... I went upstairs with one idea in my head, cut out that bag and it just wasn't speaking to me... So, I cut out another bag... Still not speaking to me... Then I cut out a 3rd bag - and this one is sorta speaking to me, so I went with it... I was getting tired of cutting out bags. LOL The good thing is that I now have 2 more bags cut out and ready to go - when/if I get the ambition to do them. LOL I know I talked about this yesterday - but I do feel like I want to retire my Duck Butt bag - but it's such a classic, and one that I love to carry - I just love the size of the UPB... So, I am kind of stuck there. Then I definitely want to retire my Minnie bag - I just don't like that there are no appliques on it - it's a fun bag, but I dunno - I am ready to be done with it. So, I am thinking a cute Minnie/Mickey combo bag would be fun to have... And then there are other bags I want to do for myself too... So many of them, that it's really hard to choose - it's almost an overwhelming task. :scratchin So, we will see what I am in the mood for in the coming weeks... Maybe all of the above, or maybe none of the above? LOL

The girls have been busy... V has been recuperating from her weekend of town festival craziness... Tonight, she goes to spend a few days with her grandparents, my foster-parents...


Allison is having the time of her life.. She was at De Efteling yesterday... Essentially - the Dutch Disney... It is rumored to be one of the parks that Walt visited and emulated his Disneyland park after... When we visited this park back in 2011 - I could definitely see why Disney pulled many aspects from this park for his own... It's a great park! And beautifully done. :lovestruc https://www.efteling.com/en Allison has been anxiously awaiting this day for years - I am so happy that she was able to experience it again.



Today... Well, I will be working out here shortly. I am also hoping to go for a walk or run this evening after dinner.

I've also decided, I need to work on this office of mine... I still have boxes in here from the remodel... I am committed to working on this humongous task for a few minutes per day... I need to make room so that I can get back to my 30 day shred rotation... I may not do it all the time - but I need to have the option, and right now I don't, because I don't have the space in here. It's just a matter of organizing, but I've been putting it off for too long - and now I have the time... I have no more excuses. LOL

Then I will be working upstairs for the remainder of the day. ::yes:: So, not too much exciting. LOL

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! Sending pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

The girls just go and have a good time, and who ever wants to see them and spend time with them can do so - typically, the girls have multiple offers of homes to stay in, and they often have to turn many people down. I guess maybe it is a little strange? LOL Just sending my girls off on their own... My family truly does have an open door policy though... :lovestruc And typically - this is the girls' time of year to really keep their connection with our family, since we don't get to see them often anymore.
That is a wonderful family tradition. I wish I had grown up with something like that. I have 23 cousins who are scattered around the country and I haven't seen some of them in a very long time.

Yes - I agree - I don't think that Allison was very happy with how they turned out... She is very picky about her work. I am pretty sure she won't be able to edit them until she comes home - as all of her software is on the computer she forgot in France and all of her back-ups are here at home... So, it may take her a while to decide if anything can be done with them or not.
I couldn't help but see your comment about Allison forgetting her computer in France. Is she going to get it back again?

I had my one foot up on the arm rest of the chair in front of me (it was a nearly empty theater), and something about that - not sure if my leg was twisted funny or what? But my knee is now being annoying. So, it's taped for now, and that seems to be helping.
That's too bad about your knee. They are so very touchy. You might have hyper extended it by putting it on the arm rest - ouch. :(

Allison is having the time of her life.. She was at De Efteling yesterday... Essentially - the Dutch Disney...
She looks very excited. :) I've never heard of this park. I think I'll do a little Googling. ;)
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I'm so sorry to hear your knee is still bothering you. I cross my fingers it will get well soon :hug:

I'm sure you will find a theme for your own bag. I can't wait to see it :)

I'm so glad to hear the girls are having fun where they are.

Allison is having the time of her life.. She was at De Efteling yesterday... Essentially - the Dutch Disney... It is rumored to be one of the parks that Walt visited and emulated his Disneyland park after... When we visited this park back in 2011 - I could definitely see why Disney pulled many aspects from this park for his own... It's a great park! And beautifully done. :lovestruc
I had to read these lines a few times before I think I figured out what's wrong. I think you mean Walt visited the park in 1911 because 2011 is impossible :)

Putting stuff away and organizing is a huge task. So I can understand why you have been putting it off. It sounds like it's time to get it done though so you can do your 30 day shred rotation when you like to.

Ulf is in Sweden this week to teach Tai Chi. It's not that easy for me to get out doing stuff when he is gone because I still have my old car. We were in St.Petersburg with another geocaching couple earlier this summer and the woman asked me yesterday if I wanted to come with her for some geocaching tomorrow. Her husband is at work Offshore so she's home alone too :) So tomorrow we are driving to find some caches near the road because both of us has mobility difficulties. I'm really looking forward to this.

On Saturday I'm holding an geocaching event at a pizza restaurant for local geocachers and other geocachers that are in Tromsø. So far 15 people has announced that they will attend.
Just wanted to share this because it's cute, and Jethro reminds me of the pics of your dogs you post.

Annie Bean goes to doggie daycare on days we are at work and the kids are not home, but since Andy is home most days until boot camp, she's getting an extended summer break, and hanging out with him. However, we've been taking her at least once a month to see her friends. Well, for the past year or so, she's had this boyfriend, Jethro, who is a golden retriever. They LOVE each other, and are basically attached at the hip. Daycare posted this on their Facebook page Friday....


It made me smile, so thought I'd share :)
So glad you can relax with your working. Fantastic you have everything paid off!
Cant wait to see what you make for yourself.
loving all the Allison Pictures. Glad she is getting some photography done. Zen
V- and all the FUN!! YAY and yes very tired indeed! I would be too.

Have a great week!
Well, Friday was crazy here. Marissa got contacted by scammers that threatened to have her arrested if she didn't comply with their demands. She was scared because they said it had to do with her student loan and they knew her name and the amount of her student loan. They told her she couldn't hang up her phone to call me or the would arrest her. Thankfully, she did get ahold of me (before she got into the cab they had called for her to take her to wherever). I told her to go inside a store and wait for me. They called her back just as I got there. I grabbed the phone and might have said some bleeping words and for some reason they hung up on me and didn't want to talk to me, but they had been harassing her for 2 hours! I was so mad. I took her to the police station and she was told it was a scam. That the police were not going to arrest her and that she was lucky. They had several students that had actually sent several thousand dollars. They were wanting $2000 from Marissa. Seriously doubting she can handle herself in a foreign country when she can't seem to handle herself in the same town. Anyway, she commented on a gray hair yesterday and I informed her that it was her fault and that she put it there. She said she thought it was a scam, but that they knew her full name and the loan amount really threw her.
That's great that your Chipotle is under 500 calories! The Doritos salad I make is with ground turkey and then topped with light French. But like you said, there really are a million variations.

Sorry your knee is being annoying. Hope it feels better soon.

Sounds like V and A are both having a nice time in their own worlds! Very cool about the amusement park.

I'm getting pretty irritated here waiting on my company to release the discount that would include Swan/Dolphin. I love planning and this is really putting a damper on my plans! Over the weekend I worked on our Los Angeles/DL plans for December. I keep going back to DL Hotel because it's my absolute favorite hotel on earth but it's SOOOO expensive. So for now I will keep my reservation at The Residence Inn which just opened this month and has the option of a DL view and they have a rooftop pool! Not that we will probably be swimming much in December but I love rooftop pools!!

Now for my February trip, I'm up in the air. Definitely staying onsite and thinking I need to take advantage of being able to book a standard room for just me and the boys because on this trip it will just be the 3 of us in the room as opposed to my mom staying with us on the last 2 trips. She will be there in Feb but she will be at my bother's house. But then again maybe this is the time to book a 2 bedroom because it's a shorter trip and I know in June for my 40th, we will likely be offsite unless I score a killer deal onsite.

Wow, ok, just went on and on! Thanks for reading!!
Hahaha... I know, but the sad part is - in life - all I really wanted to do was to be a Mom... All of the other stuff wasn't quite as important to me. You are right - I need to find other stuff to occupy my time... I see lots of sewing and decorating in my future. LOL

Thanks! I am working on one now... I am not sure how much I am going to like it? We'll see? :scratchin

I think Allison is doing much better with homesickness now... her schedule is completely jam packed for the remainder of her trip, so there is just no time for her to be sad or to miss home.

V is having a lot of fun... It sounds like she won't be home until Wednesday now, at the earliest. ::yes::

That's the thing... The numbers I figured also include a substantial amount for souvenirs... Which I never have. I am really totally done with paying for this trip. :woohoo: There is nothing else I need... It's so nice to have that relief! ::yes::

Thanks - I hope you had a nice weekend! :lovestruc I will have several bags to show once all of my interior fabrics arrive. :scratchin

Hehehehe... I am curious what you think it is??? :scratchin

Those were some fun outfits too! But I had to tone it back... Several trips ago - I think it was the trip that I wore those outfits, not necessarily those outfits that got me this comment - but someone called me "obnoxious" at the FQ bus stop - loud enough so many others heard him, and turned to stare/point at me, I was so embarassed... I decided then, that I needed to tone it down a little bit. I follow a basic "theme" now, where I try to be a little more boring with my clothing choices - solids, stripes and the occasional dot... I find this makes my awesome accessories stand out more too - then I go all out with my accessories. In the end, I love the look I've evolved to... I think it gives me a nice semi-subtle Disney look. LOL But still allows me to have fun. ::yes::

Yes - I agree - I don't think that Allison was very happy with how they turned out... She is very picky about her work. I am pretty sure she won't be able to edit them until she comes home - as all of her software is on the computer she forgot in France and all of her back-ups are here at home... So, it may take her a while to decide if anything can be done with them or not.

Yes - she is having a lot of fun... We all love seeing family, and spending this time with them is good for both of the girls. ::yes::

Hahaha... It's a great feeling to have this trip paid for - something I've never experienced before. LOL At least not this early in the game. ::yes::

It's nice to hear that your unpacking is going well - even if you didn't get out to the market... Hopefully it's feeling a little more like home with all of your belongings there with you. :lovestruc

Thanks - I hope you have a great day too! :lovestruc

Thanks! I am very happy with it... Like I said - I do wish the shirt was longer... But oh well - it could be worse. LOL

Yes - it is fun to see her just doing what she loves... And enjoying doing it. :lovestruc

Um... I want to say yes, but I am pretty sure she has been there many times with out Allison. Typically, when the girls do this - they just go out there and they are each free to roam from relative to relative - usually they don't choose the same ones. So, they are there together, but not really, if that makes sense? LOL Josh thinks this is somewhat odd... but really - my family is very large - and considering they all live with in a 10 mile radius of each other, including my large foster-family... The girls just go and have a good time, and who ever wants to see them and spend time with them can do so - typically, the girls have multiple offers of homes to stay in, and they often have to turn many people down. I guess maybe it is a little strange? LOL Just sending my girls off on their own... My family truly does have an open door policy though... :lovestruc And typically - this is the girls' time of year to really keep their connection with our family, since we don't get to see them often anymore. I my memory serves, I do believe this is the 10th or 11 year they've done this, but I think this is only the 3rd year without me? It's the same week every summer, because of our town festival, so a lot of my extended family gathers during this time. More info than you ever wanted right? LOL

I am trying to do it - LOL... We'll see how it turns out? :scratchin Either I will love it or hate it. :lovestruc

I am sure I will be able to do a small trip next year... Some how, some way... :scratchin I just need to figure it out... ::yes::

Hahaha... Yes - I have a Chipotle problem for sure. I have a hard time not eating there, because my bowl is only 435 calories - I can't hardly eat anywhere else for that. LOL I think I've tried that??? Just a regular taco salad with Doritos right?? Or is that the one with western dressing too? I know there are a few variations out there. LOL

Thanks! It's so nice to have that off of my shoulders... Usually - when I stayed on site, I always had my trip paid off at 45 days, but I'd be working like crazy to get the other stuff paid for after... OOP food, tips, baggage, souvenirs.... I'd literally be working like crazy up to the days prior to leaving - it was very stressful, but fun. Now I find, that we still have several weeks before we leave and the only thing for me to do to prepare is to make stuff for ourselves... This is very strange for me. It's almost too much - LOL... I am left with endless possibilities and I am having a hard time deciding. LOL

Thank you - I hope you enjoyed your weekend as well? :)

Spell check must have got that first sentence... I can't quite figure it out. LOL

I agree - it's such a relief to have it totally done, including souvenir budget $$... It's a great feeling! :woohoo:

Awesome!!! I am so glad that they love it... Oooh and they are going to share for a while... That should be interesting? Do you have plans to redo the other room eventually? I just love the color of this one - such a great room!


I had a nice day yesterday...

I started off my day with a run... It was a good run, although I had to tape my knee before I went out... It's starting to bug me again. Grrrr... Believe it - some how I aggrivated it at the movie the other night, I had my one foot up on the arm rest of the chair in front of me (it was a nearly empty theater), and something about that - not sure if my leg was twisted funny or what? But my knee is now being annoying. So, it's taped for now, and that seems to be helping.


Then I came home, had some breakfast, boiled eggs for the week... Yesterday was my 30 days consecutively of signing in to MFP and journaling... I can honestly say that I've journaled 97% of that time, which is pretty good for me these days. I dug out my favorite Silver shorts yesterday... I was surprised when they still fit me - but they are NOT flattering at all... I guess that is why I am struggling so much - I can wear all of my same clothes, but my body composition - any that I may have had - has really nose dived. So, I wore those shorts yesterday - just as a reminder to me, that I want them to fit me properly again. I think it was a good reality check... They are going back into my rotation. ::yes::

Then I went to work on a custom bag for myself. I am soooo undecided here... I went upstairs with one idea in my head, cut out that bag and it just wasn't speaking to me... So, I cut out another bag... Still not speaking to me... Then I cut out a 3rd bag - and this one is sorta speaking to me, so I went with it... I was getting tired of cutting out bags. LOL The good thing is that I now have 2 more bags cut out and ready to go - when/if I get the ambition to do them. LOL I know I talked about this yesterday - but I do feel like I want to retire my Duck Butt bag - but it's such a classic, and one that I love to carry - I just love the size of the UPB... So, I am kind of stuck there. Then I definitely want to retire my Minnie bag - I just don't like that there are no appliques on it - it's a fun bag, but I dunno - I am ready to be done with it. So, I am thinking a cute Minnie/Mickey combo bag would be fun to have... And then there are other bags I want to do for myself too... So many of them, that it's really hard to choose - it's almost an overwhelming task. :scratchin So, we will see what I am in the mood for in the coming weeks... Maybe all of the above, or maybe none of the above? LOL

The girls have been busy... V has been recuperating from her weekend of town festival craziness... Tonight, she goes to spend a few days with her grandparents, my foster-parents...


Allison is having the time of her life.. She was at De Efteling yesterday... Essentially - the Dutch Disney... It is rumored to be one of the parks that Walt visited and emulated his Disneyland park after... When we visited this park back in 2011 - I could definitely see why Disney pulled many aspects from this park for his own... It's a great park! And beautifully done. :lovestruc https://www.efteling.com/en Allison has been anxiously awaiting this day for years - I am so happy that she was able to experience it again.



Today... Well, I will be working out here shortly. I am also hoping to go for a walk or run this evening after dinner.

I've also decided, I need to work on this office of mine... I still have boxes in here from the remodel... I am committed to working on this humongous task for a few minutes per day... I need to make room so that I can get back to my 30 day shred rotation... I may not do it all the time - but I need to have the option, and right now I don't, because I don't have the space in here. It's just a matter of organizing, but I've been putting it off for too long - and now I have the time... I have no more excuses. LOL

Then I will be working upstairs for the remainder of the day. ::yes:: So, not too much exciting. LOL

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! Sending pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

Cleaning up the office space got me thinking about me cleaning up my hobby room. And also the room where we put everything we don't know where else to put it in the house. I can spend hours cleaning that room and it doesn't even look like I made a dent in it.
Your girls look like they are having so much fun!

I love your MNSSHP outfit, super cute! Cannot wait to see all the bags you create !

Great job on sticking it out with MyFitnessPal, it will pay off even though it's a pain!
Oh, I forgot to add how awesome that you are so on point with your budget that will make the planning of the trip and the trip itself so much more enjoyable! :cheer2:
Ok, first of all, I just want to say that pulling quotes on a tablet is a pain in the bones, so if this post turns out wonky, I apologize in advance, Lol!
Hehehehe... I am curious what you think it is??? :scratchin

I will pm you with my guess, so I don't ruin it if I am right. Or maybe I will just have to wait like everyone else, lol!

Those were some fun outfits too! But I had to tone it back... Several trips ago - I think it was the trip that I wore those outfits, not necessarily those outfits that got me this comment - but someone called me "obnoxious" at the FQ bus stop - loud enough so many others heard him, and turned to stare/point at me, I was so embarassed... I decided then, that I needed to tone it down a little bit. I follow a basic "theme" now, where I try to be a little more boring with my clothing choices - solids, stripes

What a goober! Who does that?! Anyway, I like your evolved style as well-subtle but fun!

I started off my day with a run... It was a good run, although I had to tape my knee before I went out... I

Yay for getting in a run, but boo for your knee bothering you. Do you use kinetic tape? I used to be a runner (once upon a time) but my DH signed us all up for a 5K this last May- he practically had to drag DD and I across the finish line. I ran some/walked some, but my knees and hips hurt for days after that. I wonder if taping would help? I've never tried it.

Then I came home, had some breakfast, boiled eggs for the week... Yesterday was my 30 days consecutively of signing in to MFP and journaling... I can honestly say that I've journaled 97% of that time
Way to go with journaling! I always find that hard to do as well. I feel like it's akin to writing down my sins (when I eat badly) and then have them staring back at me. But I guess that is the point and how it keeps you accountable.

Then I went to work on a custom bag for myself. I am soooo undecided here... I went upstairs with one idea in my head, cut out that bag and it just wasn't speaking to me... So, I cut out another bag... Still not speaking to me... Then I cut out a 3rd bag - and this one is sorta speaking to me, so I went with it... I was getting tired of cutting out bags. LOL The good thing is that I now have 2 more bags cut out and ready to go - when/if I get the ambition to do them. LOL I know I talked about this yesterday - but I do feel like I want to retire my Duck Butt bag - but it's such a classic, and one that I love to carry - I just love the size of the UPB... So, I am kind of stuck there. Then I definitely want to retire my Minnie bag - I just don't like that there are no appliques on it - it's a fun bag, but I dunno - I am ready to be done with it. So, I am thinking a cute Minnie/Mickey combo bag would be fun to have... And then there are other bags I want to do for myself too... So many of them, that it's really hard to choose - it's almost an overwhelming task. :scratchin So, we will see what I am in the mood for in the coming weeks... Maybe all of the above, or maybe none of the above? LOL

Nothing wrong with extra bags! I just have to tell you when I read the phrase "Duck butt bag" I kept thinking of the mole in Zootopia saying "Skunk butt rug" :laughing:

The girls have been busy... V has been recuperating from her weekend of town festival craziness... Tonight, she goes to spend a few days with her grandparents, my foster-parents...
She must be having a great time!

Allison is having the time of her life.. She was at De Efteling yesterday... Essentially - the Dutch Disney... It is rumored to be one of the parks that Walt visited and emulated his Disneyland park after... When we visited this park back in 2011 - I could definitely see why Disney pulled many aspects from this park for his own... It's a great park! And beautifully done. :lovestruc https://www.efteling.com/en Allison has been anxiously awaiting this day for years - I am so happy that she was able to experience it again.

So I clicked on the link (thanks for that!) and watched the little intro video on the website- it looks fun! It looks kind of like a cross between Disneyland and Harry Potter. A little scary but whimsical at the same time!

I've also decided, I need to work on this office of mine... I still have boxes in here from the remodel... I am committed to working on this humongous task for a few minutes per day... I need to make room so that I can get back to my 30 day shred rotation... I may not do it all the time - but I need to have the option, and right now I don't, because I don't have the space in here. It's just a matter of organizing, but I've been putting it off for too long - and now I have the time... I have no more ex

Good luck! Hopefully you can get it organized the way you want. It is always good to have options.

We are having a lazy day today. It is actually raining here- which it has not done since we arrived (we just missed "rainy season" apparently). I hoped it would cool things down, but i think it is only making it more humid. To add to that, baby girl had to get a couple of shots at the Dr yesterday, so she is being very lethargic and clingy. I like the cuddles, but I hope she is back to her silly self by tomorrow.

I hope you have a great Tuesday!
That is a wonderful family tradition. I wish I had grown up with something like that. I have 23 cousins who are scattered around the country and I haven't seen some of them in a very long time.

I couldn't help but see your comment about Allison forgetting her computer in France. Is she going to get it back again?

That's too bad about your knee. They are so very touchy. You might have hyper extended it by putting it on the arm rest - ouch. :(

She looks very excited. :) I've never heard of this park. I think I'll do a little Googling. ;)

It is fun... It wasn't meant to be a family tradition - but it sure worked out that way. LOL It's something that both girls look forward to at the end of summer.

Yes - she will get it back again, along with her one set of glasses, but not until Oct or Nov... We have to wait for Jan and Macheld to go to their France house for vacation at the end of summer, and then we have to wait for them to bring it the next time they come to the US... At least she left it at the house there, and not at a random hotel somewhere. ::yes::

Yes - that is entirely possible... I am a little frustrated with myself. It's nothing major - but I honestly don't think it ever healed totally from when I injured it this spring - as I would often get twinges of pain still... So, it's taped, and I am working around it.

It's an amazing park - I honestly think I enjoyed it just as much or more than I enjoy Disney... It is THAT good - but like someone below said - in a more magical/semi-creepy way... The Dutch don't embellish much - so the fairy tales are brought to life exactly as they were originally written - which if you read some of the originals, those fairy tales can be a little gruesome. ::yes:: But a beautifully done park, and if you ever get to that area of the world - I highly recommend a day or two there. :)

I'm so sorry to hear your knee is still bothering you. I cross my fingers it will get well soon :hug:

I'm sure you will find a theme for your own bag. I can't wait to see it

I'm so glad to hear the girls are having fun where they are.

I had to read these lines a few times before I think I figured out what's wrong. I think you mean Walt visited the park in 1911 because 2011 is impossible :)

Putting stuff away and organizing is a huge task. So I can understand why you have been putting it off. It sounds like it's time to get it done though so you can do your 30 day shred rotation when you like to.

Ulf is in Sweden this week to teach Tai Chi. It's not that easy for me to get out doing stuff when he is gone because I still have my old car. We were in St.Petersburg with another geocaching couple earlier this summer and the woman asked me yesterday if I wanted to come with her for some geocaching tomorrow. Her husband is at work Offshore so she's home alone too :) So tomorrow we are driving to find some caches near the road because both of us has mobility difficulties. I'm really looking forward to this.

On Saturday I'm holding an geocaching event at a pizza restaurant for local geocachers and other geocachers that are in Tromsø. So far 15 people has announced that they will attend.

Thank you... I hope it's just acting up and nothing major. Sadly - I fear that it didn't heal properly this spring when I'd injured it originally, as I was still having the occasional pain from it... I'll see how it goes over the next week or so. I might finally just break down and go to the Dr.

Hehehe... I am working on it a little bit...

Nope... Walt visited this park at some point before/during the process of building Disneyland, but I don't know which year it was, or if it's just a rumor and it never really happened? Having been to both parks - I can SEE where Walt definitely could have pulled many elements from De Efteling for his parks... As for the 2011 part - that is when WE visited The Netherlands and went to De Efteling the first time. :thumbsup2

Yup - I worked on it yesterday, I am pretty proud of myself for getting it nearly done... It's going to be a huge turning point in my recent work out life. LOL

This sounds like so much fun - what a great opportunity for both of you to get out! I hope you enjoyed your day today and you were able to find lots of caches!

Oooh - exciting!!! This sounds like so much fun! Is this an annual event, or will it be maybe?

Just wanted to share this because it's cute, and Jethro reminds me of the pics of your dogs you post.

Annie Bean goes to doggie daycare on days we are at work and the kids are not home, but since Andy is home most days until boot camp, she's getting an extended summer break, and hanging out with him. However, we've been taking her at least once a month to see her friends. Well, for the past year or so, she's had this boyfriend, Jethro, who is a golden retriever. They LOVE each other, and are basically attached at the hip. Daycare posted this on their Facebook page Friday....

View attachment 187892

It made me smile, so thought I'd share :)

Awww... This is soooo adorable!!!! Jethro looks a lot like MM... Thanks so much for sharing, made my day! :lovestruc

So glad you can relax with your working. Fantastic you have everything paid off!
Cant wait to see what you make for yourself.
loving all the Allison Pictures. Glad she is getting some photography done. Zen
V- and all the FUN!! YAY and yes very tired indeed! I would be too.

Have a great week!

It is such a relief! I've never had this happen before - I keep going back to my numbers to double (triple.. quadruple) check them, because I continue to get the feeling that I am missing something... but I can't find it. So, hopefully I am not. LOL

Me too... LOL - sometimes it's as much of a surprise for me as it is for all of you! LOL

Yes - she is doing some... Quite a bit actually... I just don't think she will post anything until after she comes home, as she doesn't have the software to do any editing.

V is having a great time too... She is off to Gma and Gpa's now, and having a blast there too.

Thanks - same to you!!! :hug:

Well, Friday was crazy here. Marissa got contacted by scammers that threatened to have her arrested if she didn't comply with their demands. She was scared because they said it had to do with her student loan and they knew her name and the amount of her student loan. They told her she couldn't hang up her phone to call me or the would arrest her. Thankfully, she did get ahold of me (before she got into the cab they had called for her to take her to wherever). I told her to go inside a store and wait for me. They called her back just as I got there. I grabbed the phone and might have said some bleeping words and for some reason they hung up on me and didn't want to talk to me, but they had been harassing her for 2 hours! I was so mad. I took her to the police station and she was told it was a scam. That the police were not going to arrest her and that she was lucky. They had several students that had actually sent several thousand dollars. They were wanting $2000 from Marissa. Seriously doubting she can handle herself in a foreign country when she can't seem to handle herself in the same town. Anyway, she commented on a gray hair yesterday and I informed her that it was her fault and that she put it there. She said she thought it was a scam, but that they knew her full name and the loan amount really threw her.

Oh. My. Gosh!!! How absolutely scary for her - and for you!!! She is so lucky that she was able to contact you - Lord only knows what could have happened otherwise. So, glad you were able to step in and be her voice of reason - quite literally. Terrible, terrible world we live in right now, and people need to find better things to do with their time. I am so relieved for you (and Marissa) that everything turned out OK in the end and you also reported it to the police... Sending both of you big hugs!

That's great that your Chipotle is under 500 calories! The Doritos salad I make is with ground turkey and then topped with light French. But like you said, there really are a million variations.

Sorry your knee is being annoying. Hope it feels better soon.

Sounds like V and A are both having a nice time in their own worlds! Very cool about the amusement park.

I'm getting pretty irritated here waiting on my company to release the discount that would include Swan/Dolphin. I love planning and this is really putting a damper on my plans! Over the weekend I worked on our Los Angeles/DL plans for December. I keep going back to DL Hotel because it's my absolute favorite hotel on earth but it's SOOOO expensive. So for now I will keep my reservation at The Residence Inn which just opened this month and has the option of a DL view and they have a rooftop pool! Not that we will probably be swimming much in December but I love rooftop pools!!

Now for my February trip, I'm up in the air. Definitely staying onsite and thinking I need to take advantage of being able to book a standard room for just me and the boys because on this trip it will just be the 3 of us in the room as opposed to my mom staying with us on the last 2 trips. She will be there in Feb but she will be at my bother's house. But then again maybe this is the time to book a 2 bedroom because it's a shorter trip and I know in June for my 40th, we will likely be offsite unless I score a killer deal onsite.

Wow, ok, just went on and on! Thanks for reading!!

Yes, I love my Chipotle bowls... my favorite meal ever! LOL I do love those taco salads too! Delicious! I have stuff here right now to make tacos - I need to get on that before it all goes bad... Maybe tonight for dinner? :scratchin

Thank you - I am taking it a little easy, but not much. LOL It mostly only hurts when I step wrong... but with all of these baby gates all over my house for the dogs - hopping over those all day long isn't exactly keeping the pain at bay. LOL Olympic baby gate hurdling going on in my house right now. :lmao:

They are both having a great time... Allison is still struggling with being home sick though - so that's hard on all of us...

I hope everything works out in your favor for your DL trip... Fingers crossed for you. If not - it does sound like you have a great back up plan though - so it will still be a great trip. :lovestruc

I'd be struggling with a standard room too... Boy - I'd sure want to take advantage of the savings, but having the ability to cook too is a huge bonus... I wish I had some good advice for you. I know - Suzi and I stayed in a 1br villa last Nov... And I don't think we touched the stove once the entire time - except to set our refillable mugs on it. LOL So... I am pretty useless in that dept. - I don't like to cook on vacation. :scratchin I am sure, whatever you decide, will be great!

Cleaning up the office space got me thinking about me cleaning up my hobby room. And also the room where we put everything we don't know where else to put it in the house. I can spend hours cleaning that room and it doesn't even look like I made a dent in it.

Hahaha... Yup - that's my office... The room we put everything that doesn't have a place... We can close the door and hide the disorganization from the world... :scratchin

Your girls look like they are having so much fun!

I love your MNSSHP outfit, super cute! Cannot wait to see all the bags you create !

Great job on sticking it out with MyFitnessPal, it will pay off even though it's a pain!

Yes they both are. Allison is still having a very hard time with home sickness, and that is really hard on all of us, but otherwise - they are both having a great time.

Thanks! Me too - as I said above, many times the bags I make for myself are just as much a surprise to me as they are to all of you. LOL Most times, I just create as I go.

Thanks - I am finally, finally starting to see a little progress... Which really helps to motivate me. It is a pain, but hopefully it keeps me on track. ::yes::

Oh, I forgot to add how awesome that you are so on point with your budget that will make the planning of the trip and the trip itself so much more enjoyable! :cheer2:

Thanks!!! Like I told Mo above - I keep going back to my budget, because I feel like I am missing something... but I cannot find any errors and I've checked it over many times.... Hopefully nothing turns up and I am good to go... After all - I did post it here, and you all would have told me if I'd forgotten anything, right? :scratchin

Ok, first of all, I just want to say that pulling quotes on a tablet is a pain in the bones, so if this post turns out wonky, I apologize in advance, Lol!

I will pm you with my guess, so I don't ruin it if I am right. Or maybe I will just have to wait like everyone else, lol!

What a goober! Who does that?! Anyway, I like your evolved style as well-subtle but fun!

Yay for getting in a run, but boo for your knee bothering you. Do you use kinetic tape? I used to be a runner (once upon a time) but my DH signed us all up for a 5K this last May- he practically had to drag DD and I across the finish line. I ran some/walked some, but my knees and hips hurt for days after that. I wonder if taping would help? I've never tried it.

Way to go with journaling! I always find that hard to do as well. I feel like it's akin to writing down my sins (when I eat badly) and then have them staring back at me. But I guess that is the point and how it keeps you accountable.

Nothing wrong with extra bags! I just have to tell you when I read the phrase "Duck butt bag" I kept thinking of the mole in Zootopia saying "Skunk butt rug" :laughing:

She must be having a great time!

So I clicked on the link (thanks for that!) and watched the little intro video on the website- it looks fun! It looks kind of like a cross between Disneyland and Harry Potter. A little scary but whimsical at the same time!

Good luck! Hopefully you can get it organized the way you want. It is always good to have options.

We are having a lazy day today. It is actually raining here- which it has not done since we arrived (we just missed "rainy season" apparently). I hoped it would cool things down, but i think it is only making it more humid. To add to that, baby girl had to get a couple of shots at the Dr yesterday, so she is being very lethargic and clingy. I like the cuddles, but I hope she is back to her silly self by tomorrow.

I hope you have a great Tuesday!

Hahaha... I feel your pain!!! That's why I stopped posting from the lake or when I am traveling - it's just too hard to multi-quote from my mobile devices. ::yes:: Kudos for you! :woohoo:

Got your PM and responded. ;)

Yah - that random guy really caused me to re-evaluate how I dress in WDW... but I am sorta happy that he did, because I do love how my outfits have evolved too... And I am always on the look out for new things - even if they are the same colors. LOL

I use KT tape - so yes, I think it's kinetic? I love it! Best invention ever! If you think about it - the way you apply it mimics the ligaments and tendons inside your leg - so it's like giving them extra support from the outside... Makes perfect sense to me. ::yes:: Typically - my tapings last about 4-5 days before they need to be changed - the tape is so expensive that I like to make it last as long as possible... but totally worth it, IMO - I purchased this roll over a year ago, and I am still using it. Granted, I took a long break from running, so no real reason to use it for a while there... I am glad I do have it on hand for times like these though.

Exactly... Hahaha... Which is why I try not to eat badly. LOL I don't enjoy writing down the bad stuff.

Hahha... I have not seen that movie, but i do love my Duck Butt Bag. ::yes:: I also have a Duck Butt Backpack - which I have yet to carry in the parks... I should have carried it back in January, when it was so cold, but otherwise, it's just too hot - and I am really more comfortable carrying a cross-body bag anyways. ::yes::

Both girls are having a great time... But Allison is still struggling hard with home sickness... This has really taken all of us off-guard, as it was something we really weren't expecting from her... From V (when the time comes), yes, but not from Allison... So, we are now a bit worried about this long of a trip for V, and if we should shorten it up a little bit? :scratchin We'll talk it over a lot over the next 6 months, and also talk it over with Allison when she comes home - because her opinion in this will be very valuable... Despite their differences - no one knows V as well as us and Allison. ::yes::

Yes - exactly - perfect description... A cross between HP and Disney... It is a bit frightful - but in a fairy tale way... It really is a cool park and one I hope to visit again in my lifetime. :lovestruc

Well, my only goal yesterday was to clean 2 square feet per day until it was clean... Organization wasn't even on my radar. LOL I am happy with how far I got on it though. ::yes::

Lazy days are great!!! Hopefully dd is back to her normal self soon... I always loved the cuddliness of after-shot day... but it was always so hard too... :hug:

And hopefully the rain makes it cooler instead of hotter... but i know that feeling - here, it makes it cooler, in FL - it makes it hotter... That was always so shocking to me. LOL

I hope your Tuesday was great, as well. :lovestruc


OK... So, yesterday was Monday and I did not work out! :eek: Terrible, I know... I have a pretty hard, non-negotiable rule - never skip a Monday work out. But I did - for the first time in years.

Literally - my office was trashed and I couldn't stand to work out in it another day. My goal, yesterday morning, was to just clean a 2 square foot space... Ahhh - but once I started, I couldn't stop. By lunch time, not only did I have all 12 square feet of office cleaned, but I had shredded all of the mail I had boxed up to be shredded (don't you HATE that?) and I had my entire desk cleaned off and organized. That was a HUGE feat unto itself... It always amazes me - I put off tasks like this FOREVER - because I am just so overwhelmed, but in all reality - it doesn't take me that long to make it right. I still have the entire credenza to organize - which is where I (hap-hazardly) stacked all of Josh's cords/computer stuff/CDs - anything computer related... and I still have bills to open and file... But everything is contained and I can work out properly. It's so nice to walk in here and see all of this space!

Oh and my kitchen is now fully unpacked too... I took all of the boxes out of here yesterday and stacked them on my counters.... There was no way I was going to bed with stuff on the counters... So - that is taken care of now too. It's such a relief to have this done!

After lunch - I went upstairs and worked on V's surprise bag... I am so happy to have that done before she comes home! :woohoo: So, here it is for you all... Lilo and Stich... :lovestruc I am sure, those of you who have been following my TRs for a while, you can see where this bag resembles the relationship between my girls a little bit...



Once I was done with V's bag - I unpacked the kitchen - which I already told you all about. By the time Josh came home from work, there was NO evidence of the fact that I'd cleaned out the entire office... As a matter of fact - he didn't even notice that I'd done it at all, until I prompted him to investigate as he was going up to bed. Not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing? LOL

I rested the entire night... A picture of V from Gma and Gpa's house... They have baby kitties in the barn right now - so she is in heaven. :lovestruc


Today - I have a lot going on...

I will be heavy lifting... In my office... With room to spare!!! :woohoo: My knee is still taped, and I will be very cautious of that, and my back - as that is finally feeling better too.

Then I will be working...

I have to take a bit of an early lunch today...

As I have a VERY overdue hair appointment this afternoon... Another reason I haven't showed many pictures of myself lately - the gray is REAL people. LOL My hair is getting pretty long at the moment - and overly annoying... It is very possible that I will chop it off to shoulder length again... I kind of enjoyed it at the length. We'll see... :scratchin I may wait to do the chopping until right before our trip?

And then I will come home and relax. :lovestruc And enjoy my non-gray hair. ::yes::

I hope you all have an amazing day!!! Sending pixie dust out to all! :lovestruc

I ADORE the stitch bag and YES it defines your girls to a T!
So,, why does the black cat look evil?
OMG I love V's surprise bag! I love Lilo and Stitch, it's fabulous! Way to go on making all that head way in your office it's so tedious to go through things and cleaning it makes a workout video look exciting, lol.

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