~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

I'm here! How did I miss you started a new Pre Trip Report? And...your in Minnesota. Just a short drive away from us. My DD's/DS's have an addiction with MOA. They want to stop at every visit lol=) A graduation trip sounds like so much fun. I just started my pre trip report today for 2016, so I will be able to watch yours unfold before we even go! Can't wait to keep reading more! Last summer our "Big" vacation was to Big Turtle Lake in Arcadia!
Glad you got in a good lift, but sorry you got pains and couldn't wiek. Mark worked yesterday from 6 am to 1045 am. Then we had just finished up the dinner dishes and he was called in because two people didn't show up. He worked until they closed at 11.

Safe travels today and a lovely visit with your dad are prayed for you and Allison.

Geez... I hate shifts like that! Hopefully they were appreciative.

Thank you Kathy... We did have a nice (long) trip. :)

Have a safe trip to your dad.

Thank you! We did. :lovestruc

I really enjoyed stalking stuff on Facebook last night! Came very close to joining in but since I don't have a concrete trip planned till 2017 I really didn't need to. Maybe next time. Glad that all worked out for you.

Have a great day with your dad!

Hahaha... I love how cryptic you are. :lovestruc I am sure you will have a trip long before 2017 though. :scratchin

Thank you - we did. :)

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well for a brief spell. I'm glad it passed! Have a great visit with your daddy!

Me too... It was awful. We had a great trip though - it was nice to see him and spend the day with him. :lovestruc

Safe travels today!!! Say Hi to your Dad!!!

I hope you enjoy your day!!!

Thank you - I did! He says hello to everyone here. ::yes::

Safe travels today!!! Tell your dad hello and enjoy your visit

Thanks Lynee - I did pass along hellos from everyone here... He loves hearing that so many people think of him! :lovestruc

Hope you had a good visit with your Dad. How did Allison do with the driving??

Panera.......YUMMMMM! One of my favorites. Their soups are amazing. And their Greek salad, and yum!

Don't forget, you will have a MagicBand from our November trip too.....maybe you can buy the girls a cool special addition MB as a souvenir??

We had a very nice visit with my dad. Allison did great!

Maybe I'll try that next time? If there is a next time... I really need to clamp down on my eating - I've been eating a few things lately that aren't very good for me. Sigh.

Oooh - excellent idea! That would be so cute - I love those!

Joining in! :

Welcome! I am super happy to have you here and following along! :thumbsup2

I'm here! How did I miss you started a new Pre Trip Report? And...your in Minnesota. Just a short drive away from us. My DD's/DS's have an addiction with MOA. They want to stop at every visit lol=) A graduation trip sounds like so much fun. I just started my pre trip report today for 2016, so I will be able to watch yours unfold before we even go! Can't wait to keep reading more! Last summer our "Big" vacation was to Big Turtle Lake in Arcadia!

Hi Amber! So we live close? We love the MOA too... We go quite often... It's about a 45 min drive for us - which is about the same for any mall, so we tend to go there a lot. ::yes:: It's just easier because every store we need it there - at other malls - sometimes not all the stores we want to shop at are there.

I am very excited you started a PTR for your trip - they are so fun to do... And they really bring the trip to life. As much as I love doing TRs - I prefer to do PTRs, they are just so much more exciting. :thumbsup2

I'm here and subbing in! Loving your report so far!

Welcome! It's great to have you here and following! Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know you are here! :lovestruc


I wish I could tell you all that yesterday was an exciting day... but it really wasn't... 8 hours in a car is less than fun, IMO.

Allison drove the entire time... She started at 8:30am and didn't stop until about 5pm... That's a LOT of driving. Since we started outside the south metro - she drove all the way through the metro on the interstate, then all the way to my dad's. Then while we were there - she chauffered us around town (a town that happens to be one of the worst in the nation to drive in), and back to my dad's. On the way home, she experienced her very first "rush hour" with lots of stop n' go + accordian type driving... She really enjoyed it and she was able to knock 560 minutes off of her driving requirement... If I were to guess - she has about 12 hours to go before she has enough drive time in to take her behind the wheel... but she still needs quite a bit of night time driving - I think another 8 hours? So, we really need to work on that. But all in all - she did great!

As for me... Well, the same thing happened to me yesterday morning that happened the day before. :( I am not sure what is going on? Both Allison and I had the same exact breakfast before we left, we were driving in the south metro and UGH - all of a sudden I had severe stomach pain... It was so bad! I held out until we could get to a place where she could get on and off the interstate easily and I made her pull off. It was awful guys! I don't want to go into detail because it's gross... but after we stopped - I think I ran a fever for about 20 minutes (just like the day before), I didn't have a thermometer with me, but I had the chills. And then I was perfectly fine. It's the most bizarre thing ever. I am going to have the exact same breakfast again today... I am certain it's a "me" thing and not a food poisoning thing - because Alli was perfectly fine. :confused: If this continues, I may need to see the Dr?

So, we had a good trip to my Dad's... As soon as we arrived - we whisked him away in his chariot... We went out for lunch first, because he was hungry, and by the time we got there, it would be lunch time (or darn near) anyways. He took us out to eat at Red Lobster (but he didn't use the gift cards he received from our friends here... I think he is saving those for something special?) It was a very nice lunch. Then we took him out to do a bit of shopping he needed to do. Finally - we went recliner shopping... Which was much easier than I thought it would be... We decided to purchase it from a medical supply store - one that he has used for decades... It always amazes me when I take him somewhere - EVERYONE knows him... I don't think of him as a social person - but everyone knows him by name all the time. Which is cool. Anyways... It took us 30 minutes from walking in the door, and we were walking out with a brand new lift recliner... and the best part... They were able to deliver it and set it up yesterday! So, before Allison and I left for home - he already had his new chair in his apartment. :woohoo: How awesome is that? And to top it off - since his darn Dr wouldn't give him a prescription for one, he had to pay cash for it, and since he paid cash - they gave him a discount... So that was really nice. ::yes:: He was a happy man for sure!

While the guy from the medical supply place was there, he brought his tools up to work on my Dad's scooter for him. My dad wants to buy a new scooter, but what he doesn't understand is that he has the "Cadillac of scooters" right now - and even though it's a few years old - he'd never be able to afford one that nice again, I don't think? So, he's better off just doing some maintenance on it, than buying a whole new scooter. IMO. Allison and I had to leave before the guy was done working on his scooter - so I have no idea what he all did, but hopefully he was able to get it fixed, or at least order parts for it to get fixed. I'll be calling my dad today to see what the verdict is. ::yes::

My apologies for not having any pictures to share... I was planning to take some, but we were just so busy that I forgot.

Allison and I had a safe trip home and a nice time together. It was good chatting and by the end, we had nothing left to talk about. LOL

Today... I'll be lifting this morning.

Then I will be in my sewing room all day, appliqueing like crazy!

At some point, I need to organize some business stuff from the other night. I have most of it done, so it should only take me a little while to finish up.

I think Gus is coming tonight to hang out with Allison.

And that's about all... Just a nice day at home. ::yes::

I hope you all have a great day! Prayers and good thoughts to all of you! :grouphug:

Oooh - I forgot... I do have one picture to post from yesterday... A new puppy picture. I am pretty sure the darker one is one of the female puppies, and I am not sure which one the lighter one is? But they are so cute anyways. They still don't have their eyes open, but soon.


It sounds similar to whatever it is that I have that the GI team can't figure out. Only, mine hits me in the dead of night. I am not sure about your experience, but I wake up and not sure which end needs to the toilet first.... queasy and cramping... and I mean, PAINFUL cramping. It hits me periodically in the middle of the night, regardless of my diet (so it's not food poisoning or some type of allergy). Whatever it is, I hope it clears up fast or a doctor can cure you! Sounds like a miserable thing to experience. :hug:

On another note, I'm glad you had a nice visit and A had a great driving experience!
That is so weird about you getting sick. :confused3 I hope it was just a fluke and doesn't happen again.

Hey, I just remembered that I did a pretty extensive write-up on Universal for my brother and sister-in-law when they went last year. I'm pretty sure I can find those e-mails to forward to you if you would like them. I basically described each ride/show to them and gave my opinion if we rode or saw it. I also did some reviews of the restaurants we ate at. I would have to update a tiny bit to include the new stuff from the last trip but it shouldn't take me long. Just let me know if you want them. I'm off now to do another update on that TR. I've been updating it on Monday and Thursday.

Oh, and thanks for the puppy fix today, they are so darn cute! :dog: :love:
Puppies are so cute!

I'm wondering what you ate for breakfast yesterday? I know that since I did the whole30, i have certain foods that my body doesn't like anymore. I want to do another whole30 including the reintroduction phase to figure out how i should be eating from now on. Just need to figure out a good 30 days to squeeze it in that I have time for the reintroduction.
FIRST! PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!! gah they are just adorable!!! But i don't think i can go through all that again with my females.. to hard for me. BUT they are the sweetest little love bugs ever!
Awesome job for Allison! that's a TON of driving :crazy2: glad you were comfortable enough to sit back and allow her to drive!

Yay for Dad time! glad you were able to get a chair and with a discount!
Sorry your having tummy troubles..
Oh my...those puppies are stinkin' cute. I want one now!!!! Good for Allison on the driving; now that the weather is better it will be a good time for her to get in her night time driving.

Do you have your gallbladder? Mark had those issues before he had his gallbladder taken out. I certainly wouldn't wait long on going to see the doctor.

It happened again today with Mark. He was supposed to work from 6 a.m. to 2:30. They are sending him home at 11:00 a.m. and then he will go back from 6 to 11 tonight. He doesn't mind...we're five minutes from the store and it's money in the Disney fund. :)
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Ugh, I was hoping your "tummy troubles" were over! I am seeing my DR this afternoon to try to get rid of this cough I have had for over a month.
Glad Allison got lots of driving in. Do they have to have a certain amount of interstate driving and a certain amount of rural driving?? I didn't do any interstate driving when I had my permit (kinda hard around here, the closest highway is an hour away), but it may have changed by now.
Good for Allison on all that driving.

When Marissa was having the stomach pains, it was an inflamed intestine. They put her on what I call a "white" diet for a couple of weeks. White bread, white pasta, white rice. No bran whatsoever. No veggies. Nothing that would be hard to digest. The DR said he knew it went against everything we are told.

Hope you get some answers soon.
I'm all caught up and only six pages in! Looking forward to reading along while you plan, D. :)
:thumbsup2For Allison on her driving!! I need to get my daughter back on the road again. She took a break for a few months with her busy schedule with Marching band.

Hope you figure out what's making you sick and that you feel better. Sometimes it can be something simple to figure out, sometimes not.

Glad you had a nice visit!

Puppy pictures!!!!!!! :lovestruc
I can't believe I missed the start of your PTR! I got caught up, and it sounds like you guys have been pretty busy!!

Glad that your dad got a new recliner! That's awesome! :dogdance:

That's great that Allison was able to drive on the interstate in a busy city - once you get used to driving in a big city, your prepared for any city! I wouldn't call our city big by any means, but we've started having some crazy drivers... I've been cut-off so many times in the last two weeks it's not even funny. In just a single trip driving down one of the main highways, at least 3 different cars cut me off and just about caused an accident. :scared: And I was going the speed limit (if not a couple over the speed limit...:rolleyes1). It makes me wonder what could be so important that it's necessary for people to risk the lives of other drivers just so that they can get to their destination a little quicker? :rolleyes2 Okay, rant over... ;)

Can't wait to see all of your and your daughters plans unfold! You have some wonderful trips coming up!

Oh, I almost forgot to ask you! What ever happened about the good news about your husband that you were talking about in your TR? I think you might have said it was work related? Maybe not? :scratchin Anyway, hopefully everything worked out and it turned out to be good news!
Love the puppy pictures! Hopefully you are feeling better. We have a terrible GI bug that is doing the same thing to everyone in my town. Some people feel bad for days, others a few hours. I'm sooooo ready for summer!!
I'm sorry to hear about your stomach trouble. I hope it goes away. Great driving practice. That's one of the ways I got experience. Road trips are good for that. Love the puppy pictures. That's great about recliner. Very good way to run a business.

I do have a pre trip report. I just put the link in. No clue how to label the links on the new system for the website yet.
It sounds similar to whatever it is that I have that the GI team can't figure out. Only, mine hits me in the dead of night. I am not sure about your experience, but I wake up and not sure which end needs to the toilet first.... queasy and cramping... and I mean, PAINFUL cramping. It hits me periodically in the middle of the night, regardless of my diet (so it's not food poisoning or some type of allergy). Whatever it is, I hope it clears up fast or a doctor can cure you! Sounds like a miserable thing to experience.

On another note, I'm glad you had a nice visit and A had a great driving experience!

Actually LIddy, this is almost exactly what's happening. But yesterday - I ate the exact same thing (leftover meatloaf, broccoli slaw and onions fried in butter, and 2 eggs over easy on top) and nothing - nada - zip... :confused3 I just don't get it? Maybe I had a bug? I just don't know?

We did and she did... You won't be far behind me with driving. ;)

That is so weird about you getting sick. hope it was just a fluke and doesn't happen again.

Hey, I just remembered that I did a pretty extensive write-up on Universal for my brother and sister-in-law when they went last year. I'm pretty sure I can find those e-mails to forward to you if you would like them. I basically described each ride/show to them and gave my opinion if we rode or saw it. I also did some reviews of the restaurants we ate at. I would have to update a tiny bit to include the new stuff from the last trip but it shouldn't take me long. Just let me know if you want them. I'm off now to do another update on that TR. I've been updating it on Monday and Thursday.

Oh, and thanks for the puppy fix today, they are so darn cute!

Thank you - I hope so too!

Thanks for sending that - I did recieve it, but I haven't had a chance to look at it...

You are very welcome... I have another one to post today... Swoon...

Puppies are so cute!

I'm wondering what you ate for breakfast yesterday? I know that since I did the whole30, i have certain foods that my body doesn't like anymore. I want to do another whole30 including the reintroduction phase to figure out how i should be eating from now on. Just need to figure out a good 30 days to squeeze it in that I have time for the reintroduction.

I know - it's getting harder and harder to resist not driving out to meet them. Just a couple more weeks, then we get to pick ours out.

It's the same thing I've been having forever - the only variation this time around is the meat... I am having Josh's meatloaf with it instead of sausage... So - Meatloaf, broccoli slaw and onions fried in butter and 2 eggs over-easy on top. :confused3 I am just not sure what would be causing this... I had no problems at all yesterday. So, I am not sure if I had a bug or what?

FIRST! PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!! gah they are just adorable!!! But i don't think i can go through all that again with my females.. to hard for me. BUT they are the sweetest little love bugs ever!
Awesome job for Allison! that's a TON of driving glad you were comfortable enough to sit back and allow her to drive!

Yay for Dad time! glad you were able to get a chair and with a discount!
Sorry your having tummy troubles..

I know - those puppies are getting cuter and cuter by the day... Just wait until you see today's photo... Eeeep!

It is a ton of driving - but she did great! I am very proud of her!

Yes, it was great to see him! He looks so good!

Oh my...those puppies are stinkin' cute. I want one now!!!! Good for Allison on the driving; now that the weather is better it will be a good time for her to get in her night time driving.

Do you have your gallbladder? Mark had those issues before he had his gallbladder taken out. I certainly wouldn't wait long on going to see the doctor.

It happened again today with Mark. He was supposed to work from 6 a.m. to 2:30. They are sending him home at 11:00 a.m. and then he will go back from 6 to 11 tonight. He doesn't mind...we're five minutes from the store and it's money in the Disney fund.

I know - it's so hard to watch them grow up on FB - I just want to go cuddle them!

Yes, we need to take her out - as the days are getting longer - it's harder and harder for us to stay awake later to get her driving in. LOL

I had my gallbladder taken out in 2013... So, it's not my gallbladder - but it was definitely pain like that. Yesterday, I had the exact same breakfast and nothing. I just don't get it.

Hey - extra Disney $$ is always a good thing! :woohoo:

Ugh, I was hoping your "tummy troubles" were over! I am seeing my DR this afternoon to try to get rid of this cough I have had for over a month.
Glad Allison got lots of driving in. Do they have to have a certain amount of interstate driving and a certain amount of rural driving?? I didn't do any interstate driving when I had my permit (kinda hard around here, the closest highway is an hour away), but it may have changed by now.

Me too... I hope the meds make you feel better! :hug:

No, just a certain amount of day time and night time driving. I think we've been giving her a pretty good mix of the other types. ::yes::

Good for Allison on all that driving.

When Marissa was having the stomach pains, it was an inflamed intestine. They put her on what I call a "white" diet for a couple of weeks. White bread, white pasta, white rice. No bran whatsoever. No veggies. Nothing that would be hard to digest. The DR said he knew it went against everything we are told.

Hope you get some answers soon.

Yes - that does go against everything we are told. And it helped her?

Thanks Shannon! :hug:

I'm all caught up and only six pages in! Looking forward to reading along while you plan, D.

Yay!! :woohoo: Thanks for taking the time to catch up! I am very excited to plan these trips!

For Allison on her driving!! I need to get my daughter back on the road again. She took a break for a few months with her busy schedule with Marching band.

Hope you figure out what's making you sick and that you feel better. Sometimes it can be something simple to figure out, sometimes not.

Glad you had a nice visit!

Puppy pictures!!!!!!!

Yes... I've found - even after a few days of not driving - Alli is a bit rough. So, definitely get her out there again. :)

I am not sure? I didn't have any problems yesterday mornnig at all -and I ate the exact same breakfast... So maybe it was a bug? It was just weird.

I have another cute one to post today! :woohoo:

I can't believe I missed the start of your PTR! I got caught up, and it sounds like you guys have been pretty busy!!

Glad that your dad got a new recliner! That's awesome!

That's great that Allison was able to drive on the interstate in a busy city - once you get used to driving in a big city, your prepared for any city! I wouldn't call our city big by any means, but we've started having some crazy drivers... I've been cut-off so many times in the last two weeks it's not even funny. In just a single trip driving down one of the main highways, at least 3 different cars cut me off and just about caused an accident. And I was going the speed limit (if not a couple over the speed limit...:rolleyes1). It makes me wonder what could be so important that it's necessary for people to risk the lives of other drivers just so that they can get to their destination a little quicker? Okay, rant over...

Can't wait to see all of your and your daughters plans unfold! You have some wonderful trips coming up!

Oh, I almost forgot to ask you! What ever happened about the good news about your husband that you were talking about in your TR? I think you might have said it was work related? Maybe not? :scratchin Anyway, hopefully everything worked out and it turned out to be good news!

Welcome back!!! It's great to see you!

I know... It's really scary to drive sometimes! I wish I had a sign to put on the back of my car that says "Permitted driver - please be nice." LOL Because some of those trucks get right up on her, and it makes her pretty nervous... People are so mean sometimes!

Sigh... I haven't mentioned anything about that. We just found out ourselves... Josh interviewed for a huge promotion, sadly he didn't get it. The whole thing was an awful experience - most of which we found out afterwards - and I am not sure he would even take the job now if it was offered to him. It was really bad, and sadly he no longer trusts his upper management... What they did to him (and the others who interviewed) was unethical and crappy <---- for lack of not being able to swear on The Dis. Needless to say, he is on a serious hunt for a new job... He still has his job - but morally - he just can't work for people who could treat others in that way. I wish I could say more. ::yes:: :)

Love the puppy pictures! Hopefully you are feeling better. We have a terrible GI bug that is doing the same thing to everyone in my town. Some people feel bad for days, others a few hours. I'm sooooo ready for summer!!

I know - aren't they adorable??? I wish we lived closer to them, I just want to go cuddle all of them!

Oooh - see, I was wondering if maybe I had a bug? It was just so unusual for me.

I agree - I am so ready for summer... but I am sick of shaving already... LOL

I'm sorry to hear about your stomach trouble. I hope it goes away. Great driving practice. That's one of the ways I got experience. Road trips are good for that. Love the puppy pictures. That's great about recliner. Very good way to run a business.

I do have a pre trip report. I just put the link in. No clue how to label the links on the new system for the website yet.

Thanks! Hoepfully I am over whatever it was... Yes - it was fun taking her out and letting her drive everywhere.

Just wait until I post today's puppy picture... They are soooo cute!

Oooh - thanks for letting me know... I will try to stop by this weekend! :lovestruc


So... No stomach issues at all yesterday. Weird. Same exact breakfast and nothing? I just don't get it. :confused3 I plan to have the same thing this morning - so we'll test it out again.

I worked all day in my sewing room yesterday - this week's applique is pretty difficult... Victoria loves it though - and that says something, it's not easy to get her seal of approval (I think I've told you this before) - she can look at any applique and find any flaw - LOL Sometimes it annoys me, because she will see things I didn't see. :scratchin I hope to finish this applique today though. I won't finish the bag - I'll have to do that tomorrow, but I love it so far!

Today... Well, Allison and Gus went to look at colleges. Sigh. 3 hours away. Gus is planning to move in June... And Allison is looking for fall 2016. They have been very excited about this day for quite some time... And I will be a nervous wreck waiting for news of their safe travels. ::yes::

I will be working out shortly...

Then I will be appliqueing until lunch.

Then I need to get ready for work at Target... I took Allison's shift for tonight, so she could go with Gus today. I've worked at Target for almost 9 years and I've never worked past 4 pm - so this should be interesting for me. ::yes::

I do have one adorable puppy picture for you all today... Seriously - could they get any cuter? This one is one of the two males... I just want to go cuddle them!


I hope you all have a great weekend! Prayers and good thoughts go out to all of you! :grouphug:

Glad you felt better yesterday!

You are very welcome for the e-mails. Just let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help out!

I think that's the best puppy photo yet! :lovestruc :dog2:
Oh my gosh....I just want to kiss his little nose!! When do you get to pick THE ONE you want? When my cousin sells her puppies the people go and pick the exact one very very early on. Then they put a little ribbon around the neck as a "collar" to tell them apart and who goes to who. I can't wait until you know yours instead of just "one of the males"!

Hope you are smiling today.....I know it's been a rough spell lately :hug:
Happy First Day of Spring :flower1: In case you haven't heard~ we are getting about 5 inches of snow here this afternoon. :(
Glad you are feeling better!!! That puppy picture is the best. I could just squeeze him.
Sorry to hear about Josh. I find it upsetting in our society how people treat each other or be misleading. Pixie Dust for better things to come for him.
Hope Alli and Gus enjoy the college visit.

Have a great weekend!!!


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