Theater Banning Men From Two Showings of Wonder Woman

Have you watched the Red Pill documentary? I have and I dare you to watch it. The facts are there 45% of domestic violence victims are male but there is only ONE refuge in America for men. 93% work place deaths most suicides, most homeless are men. men get longer prison sentences for the same crime. you live in a country where a female student who has oral sex with an unconscious male student yet he is the one expelled. Another male student was limited in where he could go on campus because a woman said she was triggered because he looked like the man who raped her. Rob Manzanares nine years fighting to get his daughter back from a fraud adoption, Terry Achane 3 years to get his daughter back after his wife put her up for adoption. in so many ways divorce, adoption, family court men are totally screwed. The Womens march was lead by Linda Sarsour a woman who espouces sharia law and said of a woman who underwent fgm didn't deserve her ******, another speaker was Donna Hylton a woman who spent over 20 years in jail for the mutilation and murder of a man.

I have no doubt that our complex system fails myriad people in myriad ways. But for every guy fighting a fraudulent adoption, there are a thousand women living hand-to-mouth while child support goes unpaid. Domestic violence works both ways but the physical toll on women is more severe, and it is women who see their odds of ending up in poverty skyrocket after a divorce, not men. The whole vile philosophy of the group is out of touch with objective reality, rooted in the same logic that says white men are the true victims of racism in America.
I have no doubt that our complex system fails myriad people in myriad ways. But for every guy fighting a fraudulent adoption, there are a thousand women living hand-to-mouth while child support goes unpaid. Domestic violence works both ways but the physical toll on women is more severe, and it is women who see their odds of ending up in poverty skyrocket after a divorce, not men. The whole vile philosophy of the group is out of touch with objective reality, rooted in the same logic that says white men are the true victims of racism in America.

Thank you for this response. It is logical and calm and the perfect response to the post you quoted.
It was not just that only women could see it they only let women WORK there none of the male staff was allowed and that is illegal and wrong.
Men not being allowed to be employed at all by a company is illegal (which so vastly outrank wrong I'm ignoring that.)

Men not being scheduled to work one or two specific shifts by their ongoing employer? No issue whatsoever.

I have to ask, why do you detest the United States so much?
Men not being allowed to be employed at all by a company is illegal (which so vastly outrank wrong I'm ignoring that.)

Men not being scheduled to work one or two specific shifts by their ongoing employer? No issue whatsoever.

It might be problematic if it's something like the best shifts (with tips) being reserved for either men or women, but this one was mostly symbolic. They didn't shut down the entire theater to men or male workers. I'm not quite sure how they would manage for these special showings anyways since most of these places have a single kitchen.

I couldn't quite find out what time these screenings were. Were they like way after normal hours or something? Otherwise I'm not sure how they would be able to keep men out of the kitchen or otherwise working in the theater.
Men not being scheduled to work one or two specific shifts by their ongoing employer? No issue whatsoever.

I believe the tone would be very different if it was all women being banned from working a shift or two.
It might be problematic if it's something like the best shifts (with tips) being reserved for either men or women, but this one was mostly symbolic. They didn't shut down the entire theater to men or male workers. I'm not quite sure how they would manage for these special showings anyways since most of these places have a single kitchen.

I couldn't quite find out what time these screenings were. Were they like way after normal hours or something? Otherwise I'm not sure how they would be able to keep men out of the kitchen or otherwise working in the theater.

They aren't keeping men out of the kitchen haha. They are just having rhe ushers/servers be women. There will be men in the other 6 screens and probably even working the guest service desk and bar down stairs. For the Brooklyn location they are at 7:30 pm on a Monday and Thursday. I don't think anyone expects 100% only females in the building it is just that 1 theater of 7 just like it was for Black and White Logan. Only the people working customer facing for that specific showing had to follow the dress code rule not everyone on staff that night.
I believe the tone would be very different if it was all women being banned from working a shift or two.
No one has been banned from anything. This is just ridiculous. As I mentioned up thread it's a total of maybe five hours combined over two different days. No one's family is starving over this. Places like this typically don't have set shifts so it's most likely men were just scheduled for other shifts. I cannot believe how over the top people are being about this. It's a movie for crapsake.
I believe the tone would be very different if it was all women being banned from working a shift or two.

Again people are taking it way out of proportion. There are 7 screens and only a few employees out of the many work each showing. Seeing as other movies will be showing during that exact time the men who are scheduled that day will just work those shows and the women the WW show. No one will be missing a shift or pay.
I have no doubt that our complex system fails myriad people in myriad ways. But for every guy fighting a fraudulent adoption, there are a thousand women living hand-to-mouth while child support goes unpaid. Domestic violence works both ways but the physical toll on women is more severe, and it is women who see their odds of ending up in poverty skyrocket after a divorce, not men. The whole vile philosophy of the group is out of touch with objective reality, rooted in the same logic that says white men are the true victims of racism in America.

There are double standards that both genders face and we need to help each other.
How is this thread even on page 11??

The most entertaining bit to me is that this can't be the only theater in town. So the men could go see Wonder Woman at exactly the same time if they really wanted to. It's a blockbuster, right, not some kind of rare indie film.

In fact, I think women should start declaring other movie showings "ladies only". Then when protest mounts, they can graciously open the doors to men. This would solve my best friend's problem of never being able to convince her husband to see a chick flick. And it would save me from having to watch yet another Nicholas Sparks' movie.:rotfl2:
How is this thread even on page 11??

The most entertaining bit to me is that this can't be the only theater in town. So the men could go see Wonder Woman at exactly the same time if they really wanted to. It's a blockbuster, right, not some kind of rare indie film.

In fact, I think women should start declaring other movie showings "ladies only". Then when protest mounts, they can graciously open the doors to men. This would solve my best friend's problem of never being able to convince her husband to see a chick flick. And it would save me from having to watch yet another Nicholas Sparks' movie.:rotfl2:

Most people aren't bothered by this at all. It's a silly movie lol.
Most people aren't bothered by this at all. It's a silly movie lol.

Rats. I was wondering if this might break the stupid superhero movie trend and actually make this one worth seeing!

I was surprised that anyone would be upset really because I really haven't heard much hype about this one, and I suspect the people I know who are planning to go are going less for the plot and more for the amazonians...
Rats. I was wondering if this might break the stupid superhero movie trend and actually make this one worth seeing!

I was surprised that anyone would be upset really because I really haven't heard much hype about this one, and I suspect the people I know who are planning to go are going less for the plot and more for the amazonians...

It's easy to be sensitive nowadays. I can't wait until this garbage super hero movie trend is over. They are all the same lol. At least we have good Disney movies though!!
In our area, we have a great program called Girls on the Run. Predictably, there were all sorts of people whining about having a running/empowerment program for girls and nothing for boys. Lots of whining. And then a few people actually did something and filled a need that they saw: They created Hero Boys Running club just for boys. And now there are lots of schools that have both Hero Boys and Girls on the Run. Some schools have only one or the other depending on the needs and interests in their community.

Just addressing this part of your post because while it is was great they created a comparable running club for boys, personally I bet if in this day and age the "Hero Boys Running Club just for boys" had been created first, it would have had a huge backlash, the organizers would have been shamed and girls would have been let in immediately lol. It likely was only because it was created in response to the girls group that it was allowed without a huge fuss.

Also the new Aquaman is going to have to great to win me over. I like Aquaman. He doesn't look like Aquaman (my vision of Aquaman is from growing up watching Superfriends lol).

Wonder Woman, I wasn't excited about but the reviews have been really positive so I am getting optimistic about it and will see it.

I think the all-female showing is gimicky and ridiculous but oh well no harm.
Just addressing this part of your post because while it is was great they created a comparable running club for boys, personally I bet if in this day and age the "Hero Boys Running Club just for boys" had been created first, it would have had a huge backlash, the organizers would have been shamed and girls would have been let in immediately lol. It likely was only because it was created in response to the girls group that it was allowed without a huge fuss.

Also the new Aquaman is going to have to great to win me over. I like Aquaman. He doesn't look like Aquaman (my vision of Aquaman is from growing up watching Superfriends lol).

Wonder Woman, I wasn't excited about but the reviews have been really positive so I am getting optimistic about it and will see it.

I think the all-female showing is gimicky and ridiculous but oh well no harm.

It's a total gimmick. Which is why I think the dudes complaining need to stop and not worry. The entire idea is a joke.
The Red Pill community is not just pro-men. It's anti-women. They believe feminism is a terrible thing because men should be in charge. Take a look at their reddit. It's all about manipulating women into sex and leaving once men get what they want in an effort to maintain power.

No they are not anti women. What they are anti is the fact that there are over 2000 domestic abuse centres for women and 1 for men when men make up 45% of domestc abuse victims, that 93% of work place deaths are male most suicides are male, that men will serve 64% more time in jail for the same crime, that they face huge battles to be in the lives of their children. What they want is equality for both sexes which is not what the new wave of feminists want.
Rats. I was wondering if this might break the stupid superhero movie trend and actually make this one worth seeing!

I was surprised that anyone would be upset really because I really haven't heard much hype about this one, and I suspect the people I know who are planning to go are going less for the plot and more for the amazonians...

I went for the plot. I thought it was the best of the DC Universe movies to date. Of course, that's not hard...
I'm not going to watch a documentary made by misogynists. Have you seen theirReddit? Go have a look. This in no way, shape or form has anything to do with women getting their geek on for two showings. That's what? Four, maybe five hours total? That's displacing men's rights? Please.

The documentary was made by a former feminists. As for reddit look on the internet there are huge amounts of extreme rubbish from feminists calling for men to be put in camps to claims that all hetrosexual is rape.
I went for the plot. I thought it was the best of the DC Universe movies to date. Of course, that's not hard...

Marvel's Keeping up with the Kardashians would break a billion dollars today. Stick DC or Marvel in front of anything and it makes money. lol


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