Theater Banning Men From Two Showings of Wonder Woman

Deadpool has been sitting on my DVR, unwatched, for more than 6 months. Y'all have rekindled my interest in watching it. Thank you!

I had it sitting on my DVR, but it was DISH on demand and it was going to expire so I watched it. I made sure that my six year old didn't see any of it. I did enjoy some of the little details like the People cover with Ryan Reynolds.
What was bugging you? And how does this info change anything that has been discussed about Girl Guides in this thread?

Google family guy Aquaman.

There was discussion of "Scouts" in New Zealand and Canada vs Girl Guides, and which organizations were co-ed and which ones weren't, and what the mission of each was. I was pointing out that the Girl Scouts in the US is the same over-arching organization as Girl Guides in Canada and New Zealand, so the co-ed Scouts in Canada aren't the same organization as the single-sex Scouts in the US.
Canadian (and Australian and NZ and British) Girl Guides and US Girl Scouts are all part of the worldwide girl scouts and girl guides movement that share a mission:
To enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world

It doesn't really change anything in the thread, just clarifies what seemed to be confusion over what the various organizations are.
I don't think it's illegal. They aren't a business that is strictly prohibiting men for all of their business. They are essentially having a "ladies night" and I think that's been done many places for many years. Granted, the words "men are banned" aren't used, but I think most men tend to know they should stay away on "ladies night."

I don't see anything wrong with this for a temporary showing of a movie. I think it's kind of silly, but whatever.

It was not just that only women could see it they only let women WORK there none of the male staff was allowed and that is illegal and wrong. To be told you can't earn your wage for a day because of your sex? Mind you calling them hysterical is wrong when they tried to show the Red Pill women got it banned. I know different cinema but just shows how much sexism is allowed against men.
It was not just that only women could see it they only let women WORK there none of the male staff was allowed and that is illegal and wrong. To be told you can't earn your wage for a day because of your sex? Mind you calling them hysterical is wrong when they tried to show the Red Pill women got it banned. I know different cinema but just shows how much sexism is allowed against men.

It's ONE showing on one day (with a second now planned), and with regards to the male staff, they're not losing a day's wage. It's simply a scheduling matter - who gets assigned to which showing, who works where in the theatre, and who gets their day off. Same as when you have to schedule around vacations, various religious holidays, etc.

It's also apparently not illegal, since the first screening was successful and a second is now planned.

And I'm appalled anyone would make a "documentary" defending Red Pill. I've seen entirely too much vicious ugliness online from people who proudly wear that label to want to hear anything from its defenders. The Red Pill community is revolting (and InCel is worse), and I want nothing to do with any of them.
It's ONE showing on one day (with a second now planned), and with regards to the male staff, they're not losing a day's wage. It's simply a scheduling matter - who gets assigned to which showing, who works where in the theatre, and who gets their day off. Same as when you have to schedule around vacations, various religious holidays, etc.

It's also apparently not illegal, since the first screening was successful and a second is now planned.

And I'm appalled anyone would make a "documentary" defending Red Pill. I've seen entirely too much vicious ugliness online from people who proudly wear that label to want to hear anything from its defenders. The Red Pill community is revolting (and InCel is worse), and I want nothing to do with any of them. Crow. :scared1: This is what's being used as an example of why it's wrong to have two women only showings? Really? I am just...holy crap. Literally speechless here.
The fact that this is an issue is ridiculous. This should be a non-issue.

It's 2 movie viewings. They're not banning men from being in their establishment overall and there are plenty of other viewings for men/boys to go to. So, there is no legal issue here.

I hope people who are upset about it go and see the movie. Plenty of girl power moments that people should see, plus moments that will show us how far we've come as a society in regards to equality.

I was happy to see the movie with my husband but definitely cheered and nudged him during certain parts. Hope y'all enjoy it, too!
It was not just that only women could see it they only let women WORK there none of the male staff was allowed and that is illegal and wrong. To be told you can't earn your wage for a day because of your sex? Mind you calling them hysterical is wrong when they tried to show the Red Pill women got it banned. I know different cinema but just shows how much sexism is allowed against men.

Um there are 6 other theaters at the Drafthouse I visit that is doing this. It will be as simple as assigning men who would have been working that day to those theaters and the women to the 1 theater running the WW special. No man will be losing wages over the 2 showings at our location. Since it is 1 showing on 2 different days again it will be very easy to have the guys work theaters 1-6 and then girls work theater 7 for the special showing and everyone on payroll gets their normal hours. I do believe the laws might be different in this situation anyways because it is a fundraiser special showing not a normal showing.

Also choosing not to show a specific movie due to the content is very different then having 2 showings for women only of a mass produced film.

For anyone who cares any one can rent out the Alamo Draft House screens and show a movie with whatever attendance rules they want so if you want to have a men's only party showing a macho movie go right ahead.
Last edited: Crow. :scared1: This is what's being used as an example of why it's wrong to have two women only showings? Really? I am just...holy crap. Literally speechless here.
Have you watched the Red Pill documentary? I have and I dare you to watch it. The facts are there 45% of domestic violence victims are male but there is only ONE refuge in America for men. 93% work place deaths most suicides, most homeless are men. men get longer prison sentences for the same crime. you live in a country where a female student who has oral sex with an unconscious male student yet he is the one expelled. Another male student was limited in where he could go on campus because a woman said she was triggered because he looked like the man who raped her. Rob Manzanares nine years fighting to get his daughter back from a fraud adoption, Terry Achane 3 years to get his daughter back after his wife put her up for adoption. in so many ways divorce, adoption, family court men are totally screwed. The Womens march was lead by Linda Sarsour a woman who espouces sharia law and said of a woman who underwent fgm didn't deserve her ******, another speaker was Donna Hylton a woman who spent over 20 years in jail for the mutilation and murder of a man.
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Have you watched the Red Pill documentary? I have and I dare you to watch it. The facts are there 45% of domestic violence victims are male but there is only ONE refuge in America for men. 93% work place deaths most suicides, most homeless are men. men get longer prison sentences for the same crime. you live in a country where a female student who has oral sex with an unconscious male student yet he is the one expelled. Another male student was limited in where he could go on campus because a woman said she was triggered because he looked like the man who raped her. Rob Manzanares nine years fighting to get his daughter back from a fraud adoption, Terry Achane 3 years to get his daughter back after his wife put her up for adoption. in so many ways divorce, adoption, family court men are totally screwed. The Womens march was lead by Linda Sarsour a woman who espouces sharia law and said of a woman who underwent fgm didn't deserve her ******, another speaker was Donna Hylton a woman who spent over 20 years in jail for the mutilation and murder of a man.

Maybe you should double dog dare her to watch it or just go straight to the triple dog dare.
Have you watched the Red Pill documentary? I have and I dare you to watch it. The facts are there 45% of domestic violence victims are male but there is only ONE refuge in America for men. 93% work place deaths most suicides, most homeless are men. men get longer prison sentences for the same crime. you live in a country where a female student who has oral sex with an unconscious male student yet he is the one expelled. Another male student was limited in where he could go on campus because a woman said she was triggered because he looked like the man who raped her. Rob Manzanares nine years fighting to get his daughter back from a fraud adoption, Terry Achane 3 years to get his daughter back after his wife put her up for adoption. in so many ways divorce, adoption, family court men are totally screwed. The Womens march was lead by Linda Sarsour a woman who espouces sharia law and said of a woman who underwent fgm didn't deserve her ******, another speaker was Donna Hylton a woman who spent over 20 years in jail for the mutilation and murder of a man.
I'm not going to watch a documentary made by misogynists. Have you seen theirReddit? Go have a look. This in no way, shape or form has anything to do with women getting their geek on for two showings. That's what? Four, maybe five hours total? That's displacing men's rights? Please.
Mind you calling them hysterical is wrong when they tried to show the Red Pill women got it banned.

I see two things wrong with this sentence. Mostly, Dendy made a business decision to cancel the showing of Red Pill. It didn't get "banned" from Australia. Dendy didn't like the pushback they were getting, unlike Alamo Drafthouse. Maybe Dendy should have stood up for itself it felt like if it was such an important film. Of course, Dendy may be trying to distance itself from the "men's rights" community due to the fact that they already have the bad press associated with being owned by the company owned by known misogynist and antisemite Mel Gibson.
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