The year of living Disney - Autumn and deluxe dining TR**NEW TR LINK UP 1/16**

You just can't say "movin' on up" without getting that song stuck in your head :laughing:

It's a rule.
A completely unavoidable rule.

I wouldn't say "issues" so much as often needing two modes of transport which kind of got to be a pain in the patoot

Yeah, I can see how that'd get old pretty quick.

You got me right in the feels. :hug: Thanks for that

Your welcome. Meant it too.

That's exactly what he said!

And he's exactly right!

It was wonderful! Bob is not a fan of lobster (he's a weird one) so I had nobody trying to steal it from me, yea!

I have the same thing.
Except if Ruby tried to eat lobster, it might kill her.

She really doesn't try to take my lobster.

:rotfl: I read that in my best golf commentator voice


:rotfl2: I think it would be more like "oh man! We got the dang room with crazy shower lady"

You could stand in the shower running your hands down the glass door. That'd creep 'em out.
Day 2 part 2

MK time, Dinner at the Beach Club,
and We're not gonna make it!
After getting settled into our room it was finally time to get busy! No, not that kind of busy you guys....sheesh :sad2: . It was time to go to Magic Kingdom! MK is our favorite park at DW, we just love everything about it.

First up was 7DMT, followed by a pixie dust fueled flight over London and then Splash Mountain, which has always been at the top of my "love it" list


Then we took a turn with the Happy Haunts and then just kind of wandered for a bit, mostly in an effort to dry our our bums from Splash.

We were able to catch just the end of the parade just in time to see..

Oopsy! I accidentally pressed "post" before I finished this chapter. I went back in to finish it but unfortunately it didn't save my changes



I'll get back to writing and should have the finished chapter by the end of the day, sorry guys!

Continuing from before...

We caught the end of the parade just in time to see this!!!!

And this!

Ok, not quite as epic as I made it sound, but still cool nonetheless.

We had an ADR at Cape May cafe at 5:30 so it was getting to be about the time we needed to head that direction. Out to the busses we go! We waited about 10 minutes for the YC/BC bus and were soon on our way.

Bob was really excited because he loves a buffet. I go because it makes him happy. Buffets kind of creep me out a little, but not enough to stop me from eating! We checked in a few minutes late because we decided to get off at the YC bus stop ( which was first) and walk over, it's such a short distance between the two resorts.

Cape May Cafe was fine, unfortunately the crab legs were way overcooked and in my opinion if I'm going to have to work that hard to crack open shells and such the meat needs to come out in big hunks like lobster does. The rest of the food was decent, buffet type food. Our server brought us out some cute chocolates for our anniversary, which was really nice.


We were pretty stuffed by that point so we were only able to take a bite out of each one to try them. We didn't want to look ungrateful and not eat them, they each had a different flavor, and they were very pretty!

It was getting close to 7:15 when we finished dinner and I had scored a Fantasmic FP+ earlier in the day so we needed to bounce on out to make our way to HS for the show.

We decided to catch the boat and Bob was sure that the boat went straight to HS from the YC Dock instead of making the resort rounds first. Well as our luck would have it it didn't and we were going to do all the resorts first, then head to HS so we made the executive decision to get out and walk once we got over to the Boardwalk.

I was sure I could easily find the walking path to HS from there since I had done it back in June.....but we got turned around and lost about 15 minutes looking for the path. Finally success!!! We kicked it into high gear and did our best impression of speed walking to HS in order to make our FP window.

Low and behold about halfway into our race walk here comes the boat we were on earlier and passed us up.:sail: At this point I had to stop because I was laughing so hard. If only we had just stayed on the ding dang boat. Oh well, we were able to walk off dinner and it was a nice night to boot.

We finally made it into HS and Beelined it to Fantasmic and of course the FP tap styles were covered up but we were able to find decent seats about 5 minutes before the show started.

Neither of us had ever seen Fantasmic before and I was really surprised at how scary some of the parts were! Does anyone else think this or am I just a wimp?

Soon it was time to go and head back in for the night. It was a very full first day and we were some tired puppies. Sorry I don't have any fantastic Fantasmic photos for y'all, I didn't take even one. Bad Kelly.

My favorite part of this day - lei's at the Polynesian!
Miles walked this day - 7.5

Up next... It's a 2 signature kind of day!

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After getting settled into our room it was finally time to get busy!

All right!!!!

No, not that kind of busy you guys....sheesh :sad2: .

Oh. Bummer.

It was time to go to Magic Kingdom!

Wait.... That's what I thought you meant in the first place!
What did you mean????


MK is our favorite park at DW

Really? You may be the only ones.



Great pic!

Then we took a turn with the Happy Haunts

I should hope so!

and then just kind of wandered for a bit, mostly in an effort to dry our our bums from Splash.


We were able to catch just the end of the parade just in time to see

to see... to see....

TO SEE WHAT?!?!?!?!?
TO SEE WHAT?!?!?!?!?

The curiosity:laughing: is killing me!

So, so sorry guys! I accidentally pressed the post reply button instead of the upload file button in the middle of writing and it published my post without it being finished. It just happened to leave off at a really suspenseful part!!

Wha wha.... No I didn't see Brad Pitt or anything terribly exciting like that ...

Crap. :rolleyes1
I am enjoying your trip report so far. I am leaving in less than two weeks and staying for two nights in a poly villa, so it was nice to see the pictures of your room. We are getting in early, so I prioritized early check in over room location, but I am kind of second guessing that. I really want a second or third floor room not facing a parking lot, and I am afraid that is what I am boxing myself into.
I am enjoying your trip report so far. I am leaving in less than two weeks and staying for two nights in a poly villa, so it was nice to see the pictures of your room. We are getting in early, so I prioritized early check in over room location, but I am kind of second guessing that. I really want a second or third floor room not facing a parking lot, and I am afraid that is what I am boxing myself into.

That's so exciting! Honestly we didn't spend much time at all on the balcony, I don't think my husband was out there at all. We even commented that the parking lot view wouldn't have been so bad if we had gotten that, at least you get to see the monorail going by!

I think you'll love it no matter where you get placed. The villas are so nice and spacious. Enjoy your trip and thank you so much for reading along! :flower3:
by the end of the day, sorry guys!

Continuing from before...

We caught the end of the parade just in time to see this!!!!


Buffets kind of creep me out a little, but not enough to stop me from eating!
I'm the same! I don't let myself think about it too much though or else I wouldn't be able to enjoy the food.

Such a neat touch.

Low and behold about halfway into our race walk here comes the boat we were on earlier and passed us up.
Oh no! :headache::laughing:

Neither of us had ever seen Fantasmic before and I was really surprised at how scary some of the parts were!
I agree - it's pretty dark in parts. ::yes::

Miles walked this day - 7.5
And about half of those were around the Boardwalk :rolleyes::teeth:
So, so sorry guys! I accidentally pressed the post reply button instead of the upload file button in the middle of writing and it published my post without it being finished. It just happened to leave off at a really suspenseful part!!

I had a feeling that that's what happened.

Wha wha.... No I didn't see Brad Pitt or anything terribly exciting like that ...

Crap. :rolleyes1

Too bad. I hear he's single.

Will read the rest of the update a little later.
I'm the same! I don't let myself think about it too much though or else I wouldn't be able to enjoy the food.

Isn't that weird? :laughing: I could really creep myself out if I thought about it

And about half of those were around the Boardwalk :rolleyes::teeth:

:rotfl: You're probably right!

Too bad. I hear he's single.

Eh, not my type anyway

Subbing in now to read all about your adventures! :) It'll take me a bit to catch up, but I'm here.

Yea! :cool1: :welcome: Liesa! I'm so glad you're back! I hope you had a glorious trip!
So I'd love to have you join me as I re-live our latest adventure with the deluxe dining plan, an awesome tour, MNSSHP and a surprise ending.

YAY!! Loads to look forward to, I"m sure!

But we have to go into work for a couple of hours first.

But, at the very least, I'm sure it kept your minds off of having to wait!

thankfully my son was dropping us off so we didn't have to pay for parking for a week, cha ching!

Cha ching is right! Parking is expeeeeeensive!

It was smooth sailing up to the airport and security was quick and painless ( thank you TSA pre check!) and we were at our gate 2 hours ahead of time. This is where the great wait begins. We grabbed a little snack knowing it would be late before we ate again and waited. And waited. Finally it's time to start pre-boarding anyone needing extra assistance. We usually fly Southwest when we can so we stood in line, had a great boarding position, A 24 and 25 I think, so all was well. Well as luck would have it we had a very large number of elderly people going back to their mothership in Florida on our flight so it took some time, and for some reason each elderly person had a posse of about 5 so they all got to board with their respective senior citizen and let me tell you they don't move fast. 30 minutes later it was our turn to board and by the time we got on the plane the whole front half was already taken with snail group A. :sad2: Ok, no problem, available seats near the back, at least I'm on the plane!

What with all the "special" classes of boarding now, NO ONE and EVERYONE really seems special at all. After the 4 zillion perks of this and that are called, the whole plane is boarded.

plus it's small which makes getting around very easy.

I love that. And this will certainly come up in my TR as well.

By the time we got to to our room it was already 10:30pm and we were starving!
WOW! That must've put you at The Springs VERY late! I"m surprised they were still serving anything that late, but glad you got some dinner.

so we decided to go into Raglan Road and see what the deelio was there.

I"m so glad you tried it! That'll be my first dining review.

which I think is really beautiful at night

I couldn't agree more. Very, very lovely.

I think I'm going to have to go to Disney for more than 3 days.


We made a quick stop at the Grand to drop the posh folks off and were shortly on our way to our home for the next 7 nights. Check in was wonderful, we got a really nice CM who noticed I had made a room request for Tokelau, third floor and she called up someone, I think it was a housekeeping manager to see what they had available close to that request, and as luck would have it they did! It wasn't ready yet so we said no worries! She then went over some stuff with us about our DP and whatnot and then came around the counter with a clear box with real flower lies and handed one to Bob and had him place it around my neck and made him give me a kiss and say "I love you, Aloha" and that folks is when the tears started. What a sap I am. And of course Bob's all "there's no crying at the Polynesian!" But it was so sweet! Here I am crying in front of a stranger trying not to look like a complete goober and then she has me do the same "lei ceremony" for Bob. :sad: I was a hot mess.

How magical! :) Very sweet moment to treasure!

Buffets kind of creep me out a little,

They don't creep my out, but I just don't go to them because we would NEVER get our money's worth. We did do Boma, but that is probably the last buffet we'll ever do.

Does anyone else think this or am I just a wimp?

NO, it is creepy and scary. IMHO, pretty dark for little ones. :(
I don't ever feel like I could walk away having said "I could leave now and be happy" until about Day 6. That would be the bare minimum to me.

I love when a woman talks about going bare.
Not into the extremely hot stud muffin type

Nah. I don't like my men to be prettier than me.

Cha ching is right! Parking is expeeeeeensive!

IKR!? ( see what I did there) :laughing:

I love that. And this will certainly come up in my TR as well.

Ohhhh, the plot thickens!

WOW! That must've put you at The Springs VERY late! I"m surprised they were still serving anything that late, but glad you got some dinner.

It was close to 11:00. Thank goodness for late light menu!

How magical! :) Very sweet moment to treasure!


I don't ever feel like I could walk away having said "I could leave now and be happy" until about Day 6. That would be the bare min

I think 5 days is a pretty good number for me. I have not yet mastered the art of a "rest day" on vacation.

I love when a woman talks about going bare.

Spicing things up on the 'ol trip report! :banana: Notice the dancing banana is sans clothing....

You are naughty. Kelly, control your readers. LOL!

A little naughty is ok in my book!:thumbsup2


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