The What's On Your Mind Thread Goes Within Simba's Pride

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That should be me,
Holding' your hand,
That should be me
Making you laugh,

That should be me,
This is so sad,
That should be me,
That should be me,

That should be me,
Feeling your kiss,
That should be me,
Buying you gifts,

This is so wrong,
I can't go on,
Till you believe that,
That should be me
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Go on my laptop

What is your favorite cereal?
Frosted flakes

Would you rather marry a millionaire that is unfaithful or middle class worker that only has eyes for you?
Middle class worker that only has eyes for me :-)

Would you rather have a job that requires strength of the body or the mind?

How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Haven't had it...

If you were the opposite sex for a day, what would be the first thing you’d do?
Join a baseball team!

What is the scariest thing that has ever happened in your life (that you can share)?
Hmm... when my cousin got shot in Afghanistan. I really thought I was going to lose him. I cried for a long time. My mom told me he wasn't going to die, but he may have to get his leg amputated. That didn't make me feel any better.

Would you ever consider plastic surgery?
Gosh, no.

What skill do you feel is stronger: your math skills or your english skills?

Are you following the Presidential race?
LAWLS. No. But everyone knows Obama isn't gonna have a second term in office.

Do you consider yourself more of a liberal or a conservative?
No idea.

If you could spend a day in another person’s body, living their life; who would it be and why?
Justin Bieber. Because... I want to know what he goes through every day. Or Kenny Hamilton, for obvious reasons.

If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?

Who is the one person who can always make you laugh?
In real life: Olivia.
In not-real life(?) : Chaz Somers.

If you and a member of the opposite sex were the last people on earth, but they looked like Cruella Deville and Mister Ed had a baby, would you procreate? (Just to populate the earth)?

What are you passionate about?
Baseball. Justin Bieber. Writing.

Do you believe in abortion?
Absolutly and completely NOT. Abortion is KILLING a HUMAN BEING. What if your parents decided to get an abortion when they were pregnant with you. You wouldn't be here right now. 30 babies die everyday just in my area alone because of Abortion. #Pro-Life.

Imagine you’re an inmate waiting on death row:

What would you request for your last meal?

Steak. Potatoes.

What is the one trait that is mandatory in a potential partner?
Got to be funny.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Married. A teacher. With kids. Living a NORMAL life. And still supporting Justin Bieber :-)
I made a list of everyone I love that I don't know personally in alphabetical order.

-Alfredo Flores
-Asher Roth
-Carin Morris
-Chaz Somers
-Dan Kanter
-Jaden Smith
-Jaxon Bieber
-Jazmyn Bieber
-Jeremy Bieber
-Jon Chu
-Justin Bieber
-Kenny Hamilton
-Mama Jan
-Pattie Mallette
-Ryan Butler
-Ryan Good
-Scooter Braun
-Sean Kingston
-Willow Smith

they're all related to Justin in some way shape or form
-Alfredo Flores
Justin's good friend. They hang out a lot. Alfredo was the first of the crew to discover tumblr. He's a director.
-Jaden Smith
Will Smith's son. The star of Karate Kid. Duet'd Never Say Never with Justin. He's like a brother to Justin. And I love him bunches :-)
-Jaxon Bieber & -Jazmyn Bieber
Justin's step brother and step sister. They're the cutest things ever and they both mean a lot to Justin. <3
-Jon Chu
The director of Justin Bieber: Never Say Never 3D! :D He is a fabulous director and made that movie that changed so many people's lives... including mine.
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