The Unofficial Chatterbox Thread! Everyone is Welcome!

Morning everyone!

Thanks Bernice! Yeah I am hoping things aren't too bad this week. I went in to work yesterday and mom was stressing like crazy trying to get everything done before they left so she was def in a "mood" but I tried to get everything straightened out so it is not too bad next week. We hired a new accountant to help out but he is taking on a MUCH smaller role than our last few and pretty much expects me to do everything but I told her he NEEDS to at least either do the quarterlies or show me how to do them because I don't want to mess them up. So he will be in Monday to go over stuff with me so hopefully that will help. Then last night we went to swim and it was the first day I went since I was feeling a little better and the high school we practice at had a swim meet that ran an hour late so we just had to stand around for almost the entire time and they only got in the pool for the last 10 mins. Kind of dumb if you ask me. I don't know why they didn't just call everyone on the phone tree and say don't bother coming in but whatever.

Today Shane is working a REALLY long day and the girls and I have a girl scout meeting so hopefully that is interesting and productive and then as I mentioned he is working tomorrow and then taking them to a father daughter event tomorrow night so should be a fairly low key weekend hopefully.

Staley that is so exciting that you are getting so close to your trip. My mom is still trying to figure out what to do with her two weeks on her timeshare and we were thinking about a thanksgiving trip again but I looked airfare and about had a stroke. So that is hindering things right there LOL.

I hope you guys have a BLAST as I know you will!!

Have a good friday and great weekend everyone!!
Morning everyone!!

Finally had a moment to catch up a bit.

Thanks Cheryl for letting the Hyenas know about my newest grandson Luca. He's the best! :cloud9:

Becky is doing well, but is quite sore from her cesarean. She had Luca Monday afternoon, and was already home by Wednesday morning. Can you believe that? And.....they took out her staples yesterday already! :eek: She is in great shape, so maybe that had something to do with it. She worked out almost to the day before she had him.

Tomorrow we are celebrating 3 generations of birthdays. My Mom's 86th, my SIL's 28th, (Luca's daddy), and my grandson Rowen's, 6th. All born on April 10th. So we are also busy getting that together!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :goodvibes
Congrats again mel!! That is great news!

And I am not surprised they let her out so quick. These hospitals amaze me how quick they dc people nowadays!! I had a c-section with both girls and had Katy at 9:30 on a Friday night and was dc'd on Monday morning and had shelby 9:30 Friday morning with a scheduled C and same thing was dc'd that following monday morning.

Both times I stayed a little bit longer becuase I had a few complications but they took my staples out both times before I left the hospital and put those steri strips on.

I can def empathize with the pain. Esp on my 2nd when I had a big 16month old to deal with that I could NOT lift and then a newborn. It was a pain. It is nice that she has her dh and you to help her!!!

Have fun with your birthday parties tomorrow! That sounds like fun!! :) And Happy Birthday to them all!
Morning everyone!!

Finally had a moment to catch up a bit.

Thanks Cheryl for letting the Hyenas know about my newest grandson Luca. He's the best! :cloud9:

Becky is doing well, but is quite sore from her cesarean. She had Luca Monday afternoon, and was already home by Wednesday morning. Can you believe that? And.....they took out her staples yesterday already! :eek: She is in great shape, so maybe that had something to do with it. She worked out almost to the day before she had him.

Tomorrow we are celebrating 3 generations of birthdays. My Mom's 86th, my SIL's 28th, (Luca's daddy), and my grandson Rowen's, 6th. All born on April 10th. So we are also busy getting that together!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :goodvibes

Glad to hear that Becky is doing well. It is amazing how fast they send them home now. At one place I worked, it was 12 hours for a regular delivery and one more day tacked on for c-sections.

And have a great birthday celebration!!!

Have a good one ladies.
Morning everyone!!

Finally had a moment to catch up a bit.

Thanks Cheryl for letting the Hyenas know about my newest grandson Luca. He's the best! :cloud9:

Becky is doing well, but is quite sore from her cesarean. She had Luca Monday afternoon, and was already home by Wednesday morning. Can you believe that? And.....they took out her staples yesterday already! :eek: She is in great shape, so maybe that had something to do with it. She worked out almost to the day before she had him.

Tomorrow we are celebrating 3 generations of birthdays. My Mom's 86th, my SIL's 28th, (Luca's daddy), and my grandson Rowen's, 6th. All born on April 10th. So we are also busy getting that together!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :goodvibes

Quick discharge is the norm now, I'm sure Alison can share how soon after mastectomy surgery women are sent on their way.. with wound drains in place. :eek:

With Justin it was a little more than 24 hours and felt I still needed just a tiny bit more time, Eloy tucked us into bed and moved the TV into the bedroom. :laughing: With Noah I was raring to go home before the 24 hours was up.

Even kidney transplants (and donors) the typical stay is only three days unless there is a complication.

That's cool to have all those birthdays on the same day. :goodvibes
Justin will be 17 on Sunday. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Man... I wish they would have discharged me after 12 hours!! We had to stay... I think 36 hours after having the twins. I was ready to go that morning. However... If I had a c-section, I might have wanted to stay a bit longer.

Congrats Melody!! I love me some little babies!!:love:
Good morning everyone and happy Saturday.

Well yesterday was an interesting day to say the least. The good thing was since I worked Thurs I didn't have to work yesterday which is the day I normally work so I stayed home and got caught up in my housework. I also ran out and picked up all the party favors for Shelby's birthday as well as the wrapping paper and card. I already have her gift! (her birthday is April 27th by the way :) ) Anyway so that is almost all done. Now I just have to hand out the invites next weekend and then we are good to go!

The crazy/sad part was I got an e-mail from our girl scout leader and one of the little girls in our troop who is already mentally challenged they just found out has ALL (Leukemia). SO sad! She just went in to the hospital and is getting a port put in this weekend and is having a spinal tap done on Tuesday. I guess she is at the begining of a long 2 years of treatment. So thoughts or prayers for her or her family would be much appreciated. I believe she is only in 2nd or 3rd grade. Her name is Biannca.

Anyway our troop made her get well cards last night and we are doing race for the cure as well so it was an opportunity for them to learn about cancer and why we are helping.

It was good that they know about this stuff but still tough!

Then I was ALMOST thinking I was back to 100% with these meds and then I woke up this morning and am back to feeling crummy again. Didn't really want to put it all out there but I have been having really bad bleeding and the doc put me on progesterine which is supposed to completely stop it and then I was going to go back on my regular meds once the bleeding had completely stopped well this morning the bleeding was back and I am STILL on the progesterine till Tues! So I called the on call doc to see what I should do. I REALLY don't want to have to go to the stuipd ER but it has me kind of worried. And of course my parents are out of town and my dh is working today and I am here stuck with the kids. AND it has been almost 30 mins and the oncall doc hasn't called me back yet. UGH! So frustrating!

Anyway wish me luck! I am thinking more and more I am heading for a procedure of some sort! :(

Hope everyone has a good day and talk soon.
Morning everyone!!

Finally had a moment to catch up a bit.

Thanks Cheryl for letting the Hyenas know about my newest grandson Luca. He's the best! :cloud9:

Becky is doing well, but is quite sore from her cesarean. She had Luca Monday afternoon, and was already home by Wednesday morning. Can you believe that? And.....they took out her staples yesterday already! :eek: She is in great shape, so maybe that had something to do with it. She worked out almost to the day before she had him.

Tomorrow we are celebrating 3 generations of birthdays. My Mom's 86th, my SIL's 28th, (Luca's daddy), and my grandson Rowen's, 6th. All born on April 10th. So we are also busy getting that together!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :goodvibes

Congrats on your new grandson. Hope you get time to post a picture soon. Bet he's a cutie!

Quick discharge is the norm now, I'm sure Alison can share how soon after mastectomy surgery women are sent on their way.. with wound drains in place. :eek:

Stayed in the hospital 5 days after tram flap breast reconstruction, 3 days after my C-section, 2 days after VBAC, 1 day after appendectomy while pregnant, 10 hours for sinus surgery and 6 hours for mastectomy!:laughing:

Personally I prefer drive thru surgeries. I sleep much better at home and the sooner I get out of a disease laden hospital the better.:thumbsup2
Six hours!

They had Eloy stay over night with the last fistula placement, lots of digging around as it was a deeper artery than forearm... but lose a body part and go home in 6?? unreal!
My pretty toes now have pretty shoes to peep out at the world.
Went to payless, B1G1 1/2 off plus had a 20% off coupon, $25 total for two pairs of comfy sandals.

I tried on dozens of shoes, Eloy was voting for heels and I vetoed it for fear of falling on my head. Besides with the heels I was much taller than him, didn't want him to look any shorter. :laughing:
I keep bugging him to get his bone density checked again, I think he has lost some height. Ahh the joys of osteopenia (one step from osteoporosis) due to kidney failure and an over active parathyroid. He is suppose to get it checked yearly, but he won't take time off work :sad2: so...... maybe in the summer.

We teased Justin that we will wake him at the hour of his birth... 4:51 am (Easter Sunday, 17 years ago) . He sleeps on the lower bunk, easy access compared to Noah in the top bunk (also was 4:51 am on Fat Tuesday) :thumbsup2
Had a super long and exhausting day yesterday at DL. Took my three nephews and we did everything. Now I am paying the price.

Hope everyone's weekend is well.
Watching Ponyo, odd and really cute like the other Studio Ghibli films it has a skewed reality. Still it's very sweet and darn pretty animation to boot.
I have the Rainy Days and Mondays song running through my head. Both which are happening today. UGH! Let the work day be good at least.
Morning and happy monday all!

Bernice sounds like you had some fun shoe shopping. I have ungodly huge feet 11 EEE so I HATE shoe shopping. I can pretty much ONLY get my shoes at Payless and in that size they don't have much of a selection. So I am on of those that once I DO find a pair I wear them till they fall OFF lol. Of course I pretty much stick to my crocs (both winter and summer versions) or my uggs anyway LOL. Hope the rest of your weekend was fun!

As for me I ended up in the ER yesterday which I am kind of glad I bit the bullet because sometimes when I think you go the normal route it takes so much longer to get things figured out! I got more bloodwork done since I STILL had not heard from the labs I had taken on Tues and had an ultrasound done and found out I have a golf ball sized myoma which is basically a fibroid. But that combined with my bleeding problems and migraines means I am most likely going to end up with surgery. I am going to call my doc this morning and give them a heads up and get a referral to an OB so I can get the ball rolling.

I just hope that if and when I do need surgery it is AFTER Shelby's birthday and well before my trip to DL in June. Of course the way they usually do things it might be AFTER DL. But we shall see. I just don't want it ruining either one!!

Anyway hope everyone has a GREAT day and talk soon!
Morning ladies, and Albort if you are lurking. :goodvibes

Kelly, here's to hoping that your surgery doesn't screw up your fun plans.

Bernice, It's always fun to have pretty toes and new shoes!

Allison, You are the surgery queen. :sad2: I've only had one on my gall bladder, and that was pretty simple.

Stacie, we had rain and WIND here last night. :eek:

I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was okay. I had my sewing class and it was just an introduction on how to read patterns and such. We didn't do any actual sewing. It's just basics and she covered a lot. The class was 3 hrs long but we went a little over because she was showing us stuff in the store (what to use, what not to use). She is also big on coupons and told us how to use them, showed us a magazine called Fashion that has coupons on the back. She told us that Joann's can accept multiple coupons in one purchase as long as each coupon is different and as long as it's for regular priced items. She was awesome and provided helpful tips on how to save money and talked about the remnant fabric bins. She said that if you find a remnant fabric on sale in there, if you see that the actual fabric is on sale, it will make the cost for the remnant fabric to drop in price as well. Pretty cool.

I start my next class on Sunday, which is the extended course where we sew a tote bag and a pillow sham. I need to purchase some supplies and fabric for that course. It's a 2 part class. I'm excited about that and a little nervous. I told the instructor that I only know how to sew buttons and that I sewed on applique's and patches onto things. I don't know how to use a sewing machine and she said that if I am able to sew on an applique or patch by hand that it makes me awesome. :rotfl: She said that each stich doesn't have to be straight and that as long as it's sewed onto something, that's all that matters. :goodvibes: She was very encouraging.

I can't wait to choose the fabric. I was thinking that instead of the belt type handles she would like us to purchase for the handles on the tote bag, I would get some lanyard fabric with the Disney print on it. I SEW want to make a disney tote. :rotfl: ;) Yes, little joke there, couldn't resist. :teeth:

I survived the weekend and didn't think too much about the X. Saturday I finished sewing on a large Tinkerbell applique onto a tote bag. It took forever to sew on but the end result was worth it. I also ironed on 2 patches. Here are some pics:



The bag came with a small zip pouch, so I sewed these onto it:


Saturday afternoon I had to take one of my grandma's to a hair appointment. I brought my little sister with me and we went out to eat lunch, went to Henry's Farmer's Market (I love shopping here), went to the mall real quick to exchange something, then left to pick up my grandma. Saturday night my siblings and grandma went to dinner at Famous Dave's. The food was okay but some of the shredded pork was on the dry side, so it didn't taste that great. They are so over priced there. :faint: I think I only like their corn muffins. lol

My bro just left for H.K. on a business trip. He works for my dad's company (electronics business) and the sales mgr sent him off for 3 weeks. He told me wanted to eat In-N-Out before he left. :rotfl: I don't think he did since he has been adamantly going to the gym.

I think I did a bit better this weekend with dealing with the whole break up. I wrote in my journal, just making notes to help myself. In my session last week, she pointed out that I was not only emotionally abused by intimacy wise, I experienced some abuse and was just controlled in almost everything. She said his self confidence is low and his self esteem is low. His sports car and other material items are just a front. He pulled me down to make himself feel better. I really hope I never go through this ever again. Things could have been a lot worse- what if I had a child or had married him? That would have been SO much worse.

I still tell myself sometimes that it was smart to change my phone #. I don't think he will try to contact me again. This is just my own personal guess and feeling but I think he is pissed off and angry that he can't control me anymore, that I am more assertive and not passive like I was in the past, I fight back and just stand up for myself. This must anger him and he probably is frustrated and just has given up. I don't think he likes that I have grown so much and that he is just the same. At the same time, a small part of me feels like I want him to contact me just to prove that I was right in the fact that I am all he knows, I am a habit to him and that he can't move onto another person. I think it would be a way of just proving that despite him acting and saying things like he doesn't need me and pushing me away that in the end, he does want me. I don't know if that makes sense or if that sounds weird.

Okay, I am rambling now and I should stop. I guess it would just be a form of validation I guess? Sorry if I sound crazy ;-/

Pix.. you are doing great! :hug:

I love sewing.. I got two dresses done in one night, and I really felt like I had accomplished something!! Check out the website You can make Seriously.. they are so much easier then commercial patterns. And WAY cuter.

Today is Kaylees birthday!!!! My big girl is 5!!! I cant believe it...

On the hospital thing.. If I have another baby, I am having a home birth. I HATE being in the hospital after having a baby. It isnt comfortable.. I want to be in my own bed, at home.. with my family. not that I will have anymore kids. ;):lmao::lmao::lmao:
Oh.. and I hate shoe shopping too.. Now that I am shopping for 6, it is expensive, and makes me crazy. Not that I do a lot for the twins. They have sandals for WDW and thats it.
Pix.. you are doing great! :hug:

I love sewing.. I got two dresses done in one night, and I really felt like I had accomplished something!! Check out the website You can make Seriously.. they are so much easier then commercial patterns. And WAY cuter.

Today is Kaylees birthday!!!! My big girl is 5!!! I cant believe it...

On the hospital thing.. If I have another baby, I am having a home birth. I HATE being in the hospital after having a baby. It isnt comfortable.. I want to be in my own bed, at home.. with my family. not that I will have anymore kids. ;):lmao::lmao::lmao:

Hi Staley,

Thank you, I really am trying and I know everyone understands how hard this is for me. It's just getting over the physical presence that is hard. I don't miss the way I was treated at all. I just am trying to get over having someone that was in my life for 13 years.

I feel like a big chunk of my life was just taken from me in a sense.

On a happier note....

to Kaylee!! Yay!!!





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