The not so live version of dining w/ Disers, in Castles & on Safari! The Wrap! 2/26

Oops, I fell behind but I'm all caught up now! Tusker House is an ADR that we too have cancelled a bunch of times because scheduling doesn't work. We finally made it there a couple of trips ago and I agree with you about the huge selection! Yum!

Glad you had a good experience at San Angel. And I'm slightly (insanely) jealous that you got a water table:rotfl:.

Your YSH review has me drooling. I want and onion popover and I want it now!!!

Looking forward to more.:goodvibes
Brenda, Awesome, Awesome and again Awesome review of Yachtsman. I have only been there one time and that was back in 2009. I had an ADR at Yachtsman for our trip in December but changed it to the Flying Fish instead. I have never tried Flying Fish and hope I did not make a mistake. You can bet when we go back to WDW in June 2014, Yachtsman will not be passed over again... Oh, did I say, Awesome review. ;)

HI Bob! Sorry I missed your comment. Simultaneous comment/responses going on.

I actually bowed out of dining at FF on our arrival night in December since we had an 8:45pm reservation and I think I'll be beat. I look forward to seeing how you like it though since its the only Signature that we have not tried.


I'm so jealous you guys had such a great experience at YSH! Ricardo sounds like such an awesome server! I really wish we had better service and we're excited to go back, because the food really is fantastic!

Hi Kylie! I read your review and was sad that your server was so bad. Go back and ask for Ricardo. It will be an entirely different experience. :)

I just ate at YS last Friday after reading your reviews! The food was fantastic although my server was rather wasn't Ricardo though!

Jill in CO

Hi Jill! What's with servers being less than stellar at the Signatures? Seriously, Disney should have their A team for these places. I hope you at least liked your food.

Loving your reviews. We're trying to decide whether we can make it to WDW early next year, and you're helping me decide where we would eat :lmao:

Hi there Bec!! I'm glad that you are here and reading along! I'm glad this may be some help in making your plans. The Disers really influence me for our choices as well. In fact, every place that we have ever booked was because of a DR on these boards.

Thanks again for joining in and letting me know that you are here! I hope that trip comes together next year. :)

Oops, I fell behind but I'm all caught up now! Tusker House is an ADR that we too have cancelled a bunch of times because scheduling doesn't work. We finally made it there a couple of trips ago and I agree with you about the huge selection! Yum!

Glad you had a good experience at San Angel. And I'm slightly (insanely) jealous that you got a water table:rotfl:.

Your YSH review has me drooling. I want and onion popover and I want it now!!!

Looking forward to more.:goodvibes

Hi there! Glad you're caught up. :goodvibes With a place like TH there's so many choices its hard to decide! It's like 4 plates isn't enough.

I came to SAI expecting to have a non-water table so that was a nice surprise since we didn't ask for that. I think it may have influenced my favorable impression of this place. ;)

Those onion rolls are simply amazing!
Day 6: Wed. August 21, 2013 - Club Level Breakfast at Yacht Club's Regatta Club Lounge

This was our first morning to avail ourselves of the club level breakfast offerings at YC's lounge. We had intended to eat breakfast at Fresh Mediterranean Market at the Dolphin hotel; however, we were not up to an 8am reservation, so I cancelled that and we opted to just eat at the CL lounge.

We didn’t make it to the lounge until 9:30am which happened to be the time that all the other late arrivals decided to rise and shine. Although it was crowded we were able to get a table by the windows.

Breakfast choices:

Bagels and croissants:

Oatmeal pot - I know, it would have been better to open it up and show the oatmeal:

Dry cereal choices:

Bran muffins:


Yogurt in the fridge:



Fresh fruit – apples & bananas:

There was also fresh melon for which I don't see a photo although you can see it in the background of the oatmeal photo.

In case anyone wanted to know what we had….

Our breakfast choices:

I had a raisin bagel, hard-boiled egg, and cherry Danish – all very good. Em had a bagel and banana – nothing exciting but perfect nonetheless.



Lounge photo:




Next Up: 50's Prime Time Cafe

Loving your dining report. We are staying CL at the yachtsman on our next trip so thanks for the review of the breakfast options.
Looks like the same delicious spread we had at the BC last month.

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Looks like a really nice spread. Sometimes nothing exciting IS perfect ;) I love the look and idea of the CL lounges, some day I need to stay CL somewhere.

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I just read your dining reviews start to finish....what a great way to spend my afternoon! Now I have to get busy and get dinner made!
Good thing I have dinner cooking on the stove since I'm now hungry looking at all of your breakfast options.
Jeez, apparently I'm a few restaurants behind. :rotfl2:

I haven't actually eaten at San Angel Inn in about 6 years or so. Not because of any negative things, just hasn't hit the list again.

Em's tacos do look really good. Love the plentiful avocado. Your tostados look really good too.

How nice of you to have friends all over WDW and servers that you get to know. ;) I love it.

Haha, you sure that it was the spoon that wouldn't allow the Grand Marnier marshmallow to budge? :lmao:

You can join me for dessert at any time if you won't arm wrestle for chocolate. Because I will shove for chocolate. :rotfl2:

You totally should have opened the oatmeal pot and been like "ta da! Unlike any oatmeal you've ever seen before." Haha!
Yummy!! I love laid back breakfasts. My favorite is just sitting on a bench in the hub of mk, munching on pumpkin bread. Sooooo relaxing!

I can't wait to hear about 50s! It's one of my favorites.
Loving your dining report. We are staying CL at the yachtsman on our next trip so thanks for the review of the breakfast options.

Thank you wmoon! Now I don't feel so bad including the CL offerings in my reviews even if we didn't really eat much!

I'm glad you are reading along.

Looks like the same delicious spread we had at the BC last month.

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Hi Lori! I imagine they are nearly identical! All good stuff for sure!

Just caught up reading all your reviews. Loving it so far. Thanks for sharing...

Thank you very much and thanks for reading along! :)

Looks like a really nice spread. Sometimes nothing exciting IS perfect ;) I love the look and idea of the CL lounges, some day I need to stay CL somewhere.

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Hey Wendy! Well then I'm glad this didn't bore you to tears. ;)

I agree! It's a nice option.

I just read your dining reviews start to finish....what a great way to spend my afternoon! Now I have to get busy and get dinner made!

Hi there Queen! Glad you popped over to read! You would think I would draw inspiration for cooking for my family from our Disney dining experiences but if hot buttered noodles with hot dogs are in the realm of Disney dining then I'd have this dialed in!

Good thing I have dinner cooking on the stove since I'm now hungry looking at all of your breakfast options.

At least you are cooking Kathy! I'm sure Mark appreciates that! Michael, he's not so lucky since he had an option of left over pizza from CPK or making a sandwich! :laughing:

Jeez, apparently I'm a few restaurants behind. :rotfl2:

I haven't actually eaten at San Angel Inn in about 6 years or so. Not because of any negative things, just hasn't hit the list again.

Em's tacos do look really good. Love the plentiful avocado. Your tostados look really good too.

How nice of you to have friends all over WDW and servers that you get to know. ;) I love it.

Haha, you sure that it was the spoon that wouldn't allow the Grand Marnier marshmallow to budge? :lmao:

You can join me for dessert at any time if you won't arm wrestle for chocolate. Because I will shove for chocolate. :rotfl2:

You totally should have opened the oatmeal pot and been like "ta da! Unlike any oatmeal you've ever seen before." Haha!

Hey Dani! No worries, glad you are caught up.

SAI was surprisingly good. And I didn't even have a margarita to skew my opinion!

I wouldn't say I have friends all over, just a few that I can bribe to spend time with me.

I'm telling the truth with the marshmallow! I'm completely innocent I tell you. If I was serious about hogging it I would have declared it off limits since Em's under 21 and she can't have anything with Grand Marnier in it.

I warn you that I WILL arm wrestle for bread pudding and cream cheese wontons. Ok, now where are we having lunch?

I'll redeem my update then at your prompting... "Ta Da! Unlike any oatmeal you've ever seen before!"


Yummy!! I love laid back breakfasts. My favorite is just sitting on a bench in the hub of mk, munching on pumpkin bread. Sooooo relaxing!

I can't wait to hear about 50s! It's one of my favorites.

Hi Jennifer! Where do you get pumpkin bread? MSB now known as Starbucks??

I like your plan!

Stay tuned.... 50's PT coming up shortly.
Day 6: Wed. August 21, 2013  50s PT Café Lunch


Good thing we were in the mood for some comfort food with a side of sarcasm because we were having lunch at 50s PT Café. We had a 12:30pm reservation which we expected to be peak lunch crowds but when we arrived the check in line was out the door. The Cast Member was asking only one person from each party to check in and the rest could wait in the lobby.


Once we were checked in (darn, our favorite waiter, Cooper, wasnt working) we didnt have long to wait for our table. The gal hollered for the Brenda party, its time to eat!


We were seated at one of the TV tables with Donna as our server. We really liked Donna despite being antic-light she was very friendly and at the end of the meal we found that we had an interesting connection&..
I set the table without being told and I barely put my elbows on the table so we were off to a great start!







Without looking at the menu we knew what we wanted  the kids chicken meal which consists of 2 small pieces of chicken (leg and a thigh) and a scoop of mashed potatoes, no gravy. We also ordered a side of green beans since we needed some veggies to justify dessert right?

Kid's Fried Chicken meal ($4.49)

Side of Green Beans ($3.99)


This was perfect in every way from the portion size to the perfectly battered and fried chicken to the savory mashed potatoes. The green beans were garlicky and had a lone baby carrot snuck in there for a splash of color. Not that I expect cooked to order green beans but I would love to get a batch that has not sat around long enough to make them limp and lifeless. I prefer them with a little more al dente texture.

We didnt need the choo-choo or airplane treatment since I pretty much hogged all the veggies and cleaned the plate. I definitely earned dessert at that point. We decided to split a hot fudge sundae. By splitting that actually means that I ate everything but the ice-cream. The fudgy whip cream was so good. Now some of you observant people are thinking, hey, she doesnt like chocolate right? And heres where I share that Ive gradually become tolerant of a few chocolate things  hot fudge being one of them as long as it is not alone. In this case fudge topped with whip cream was just perfect.

Hot Fudge Sundae ($5.49)



Why is the fudge all gone??

Hey, where did the view finders go? They had them, then they didnt, then they had them last February, and now they didnt this trip. I may not order dessert every time but I want to play with the view finders to see the pretty dessert photos!! For those not familiar, they have the dessert menu on view finders. Very fun indeed!!

Using TiW, the bill was almost a joke  it was less than $20 with dessert and 18% automatic gratuity. Crazy huh? (I just noticed that we were not charged for our drinks. I didnt see that before.)



I wrote in my trip notes that this meal redeemed my decision to keep this in our dining line up since most meals here have been forgettable and certainly are not enjoyed for the exciting cuisine. However, this was perfect and the break from the heat was most welcome.

We were chatting with Donna when we were ready to leave and she was telling us crazy guest stories. For example... the woman who demanded her discount with an expired TiW card. Sorry lady no can do. Then Donna mentioned that she had worked at Hollywood Brown Derby. I asked if she knew the waiter we had from our disastrous dinner last summer. She said she trained with him&. Ohhhhh. Too bad he wasnt as nice as her. For reference, here's a link to the infamous HBD dining review from last summer. And since this was the longest HBD dining review ever, here's part two where the drama really escalated. (And no, I never mentioned the name of the server since everyone can have a bad day and I don't want to say this was characteristic of his service. It just happened to be our experience. )


Next Up: Monsieur Paul

But Wait... Bonus content for CL Evening Appetizers first

You are so smart ordering kids meals at 50s PT! I should remember that little trick. Do they ever give you a hard time about it?

The fried chicken there looks really good. I'm debating whether or not I should make a reservation for the February trip.

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I love 50s! Kids meal, what a great idea. I'm always on the dining plan so I always have the adult portion and it's just 4x too much food for me! (Then I get nervous that I'm going to get in trouble for not eating it all! ) This is one restaurant I'm going to miss this trip!

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I am so glad that you had a kid's meal of fried chicken at PT. This is one of those restaurants that I keep making and then cancelling ADR's for. I want fried chicken but I don't want to be yelled at. I never eat everything on my plate. :rolleyes1 Now I think I will keep my March ADR. :)
Oh the agony and horror of that HBD dining experience from the summer of 2012 :eek: I was not reading your reports back then so this was a brand new read for me this morning. As much as I adored Remy when he appeared at Chef's De France I would not like to encounter one of his non-domesticated relatives running loose in a dining establishment.
Hmmm, I might have to put YSH on my list.

MMMM, Love 50's PTC.

Funny she trained the person at HBD.
I love the pictures of you and Em at 50's Prime Time.

I have to say that although we did not like our meal there in 2012 at all, we do love the whole theme of the restaurant.

And I am opposite of you. Keep the whipped cream and I'll eat all the chocolate. Love hot fudge sundaes.
Joining along! Yum! those green beans look really really good! I never knew veggies could look quite so appetizing!


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