the NEW amazingly epic random thread!!!

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I know, from a long time ago...

I'm the same way..
Except I love my friends and love being their shoulder to cry on.
But I don't really like being close to people, I'm to afraid of them hurting me and hurting them back.
I stopped saying I love you to my dad when I was in elementary school, I know thats bad..but yeah, we dont talk/see each other anyway.

Ever since I was little though, I've had a horrible time opening up to people and showing affection. I hate it.

I don't say I love you to my step-father (I also don't like calling him step-dad or dad). We fight mostly when we talk and things about him just make me cringe, so it would be weird. He talks to me like I'm stupid and instead of asking me to move while I'm doing something he just stares at me like "OMGMOVEALREADY." and like I'm stupid. Uhm. I can understand what "watch out" or "move" means. You don't have to stand there staring at me. Yeah, this sounds bad too, but it's true. I will probably never feel comfortable or want to tell him I love you. Plus him and my mom have fought so much when I was little, I've been put off by them a lot.

I only say it to my dad because he says it first and I don't want to make him mad. The only people I really feel comfortable saying I love you to is my baby cousins...but when they get older I probably won't anymore.
so.. there's noone here. again.
i kinda like it sometimes when i'm here on my own.
i can make stupid comments and usually no one reads them.
Killer in the Backseat - Urban Legend

The "Killer in the Backseat" story plays on our fears that danger is right under our noses and we are not aware of it. This story was conceived in the late 1960's and has been circulated ever since. Some more recent versions of this story involved gang members out on initiation night, others involve modern gas stations. The story here is in a more traditional form and goes something like this...

On a moonless, foggy night, my friend was sleepy and having trouble driving on the road due to a recent rain. She was getting frustrated because she was running low on gas and there was no sign of civilization anywhere. Not knowing where the next town was, she was ready to pull over and get some sleep when she noticed a tiny, rundown gas station.

She pulled in and asked for the attendant to fill up her tank. She noticed he was acting very odd -- and somewhat irritated. He finally proceeded to fuel her car and then told her to open up the hood because "something didn't sound right."

Reluctant and afraid of the odd-acting attendant, she didn't want to be stranded later on down the road, so she got out. When she neared the front of the car, the attendant grabbed her and said she would have to step inside. With his hand over her mouth silencing her, he dragged her into the station.

Very afraid, she struggled, and the attendant let her go and blocked the door. He then said "There is a man crouched down in the backseat of your car and I didn't want him to know that I'd seen him."

After calling the police, my friend then learned that the stranger in her backseat was a serial killer who stowed away in her back seat, planning to make her his next victim.
Killer in the Backseat - Urban Legend

The "Killer in the Backseat" story plays on our fears that danger is right under our noses and we are not aware of it. This story was conceived in the late 1960's and has been circulated ever since. Some more recent versions of this story involved gang members out on initiation night, others involve modern gas stations. The story here is in a more traditional form and goes something like this...

On a moonless, foggy night, my friend was sleepy and having trouble driving on the road due to a recent rain. She was getting frustrated because she was running low on gas and there was no sign of civilization anywhere. Not knowing where the next town was, she was ready to pull over and get some sleep when she noticed a tiny, rundown gas station.

She pulled in and asked for the attendant to fill up her tank. She noticed he was acting very odd -- and somewhat irritated. He finally proceeded to fuel her car and then told her to open up the hood because "something didn't sound right."

Reluctant and afraid of the odd-acting attendant, she didn't want to be stranded later on down the road, so she got out. When she neared the front of the car, the attendant grabbed her and said she would have to step inside. With his hand over her mouth silencing her, he dragged her into the station.

Very afraid, she struggled, and the attendant let her go and blocked the door. He then said "There is a man crouched down in the backseat of your car and I didn't want him to know that I'd seen him."

After calling the police, my friend then learned that the stranger in her backseat was a serial killer who stowed away in her back seat, planning to make her his next victim.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

I just uninstalled Sims 2 off my laptop since I don't play it anymore, and my computer's been going slow lately, so I cleared some space off.
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