The Empty Nesters Magical Mystery Tour *1/28* Link to New Girl's TR p141

Happy New Year Mary Ellen!

Same to you Mark!

I think I'm all caught up. I'm glad you started to feel better after the gate incident. And you really got some spectacular photos at AK and Epcot, strong margarita or no.


Yay for being caught up.

I guess all I needed was some food to fix me right up.

Like I said - strongest rita ever! :rotfl2:

Hi Mry Ellen

Rosie - Where the HECK have you been? I miss you girl!

Excellent pictures as always, Mary Ellen! :thumbsup2

Thank you! :good vibes

I especially love all the shots on Expedition Everest, your GREAT pictures of the lion, and your nighttime shots around Epcot. All beautiful!

Thanks! I really liked my EE pictures. I think they turned out really good this time. So good that I didn't even bother taking any EE pics on my last trip. I figured I had already maxed out.

Gosh darn it, I'M GOING TO LA CAVA DURING MY NEXT VACATION. It's going near the top of my "must-do new experiences" list. ;)

You totally need to check it out. It is seriously the BEST! For anyone who even remotely likes margaritas it is a MUST do!

I'm glad that you recovered from the bar to the chest. I understand why they charge to keep people from pulling a no-show, but after you went through the effort to show up and explain yourself, I'm kind of surprised that they weren't willing to waive the fee and let you out of it. At least not without sending you to get checked out first... :sad2: At least it seems like the manager treated you well, so I guess that isn't all so bad.

Oh, I totally think the manager would have waived the fee. He was more than accommodating and really did want me to get checked out by the medics. He made sure to tell me that it was at no cost to me. So they way he handled the situation was great. I think that since we were already there, we just (or I) decided we might as well eat there. I kept thinking how much Denny loved it there, so I really didn't want to cancel.

Your afternoon/evening looks like fun too! I want to stay at Beach Club sometime just because I want to have Stormalong Bay at my disposal. That cougar story was hilarious.

SAB is really cool and the location of the resort can't be beat. I can't wait to stay there again in February!

She was totally a cougar. I can still picture her now and it makes me chuckle. :rotfl:

So... was the margarita stronger than the drink that was in your mug? :rolleyes1

:rotfl2::lmao::rotfl: MUCH stronger. Can't remember what exactly was in my mug (possibly some leftover wine I was trying to finish), but it could not compare to the alcohol content in that rita. :faint:
I read your update a couple of days ago, but every time I tried to respond, I got a long-running script error. Not sure if it is an issue with my computer or the DIS, but so far so good this morning.

That's weird about the character lunch at TH. The only time I ate lunch there was in 2008, and there were characters at breakfast, but not lunch. Then they had the Finding Nemo package for awhile- dine for lunch at a certain time and you got reserved seating for FN. Anyway, it has been a while because we are major Boma fans and dine there when we are in the area.

Really pretty pictures of the spoonbills and I absolutely love the pictures of the black swans, especially the ones with the water droplets. Great capture- you can almost see the movement in the pictures.

YAY!!! On to BCV!!!

First- a request- do you know the room number you had? Was it a villa? I have "view threads" for each of the resorts, BC/YC/BCV and if you don't mind, I would like to add your view pix to the BCV one.

I don't get over to the YC side of SAB much and I didn't even know there were loungers with umbrellas over there. And it looked like there were actually empty chairs.

I guess everyone was too busy hogging the tubes to grab a seat.


Wow, what gorgeous early evening shots of EPCOT. I can't believe how quickly it went from a beautiful evening to pouring rain. UGH!

Great pictures from the American Adventure show. We went in July 2013. I thought the boys would really like it because they are into history, but I think they found it a bit hokey. Kids! :sad2:

Too funny about the strong margarita! Glad you were able to soldier on and drink it though.

Buzzed or no- your Illuminations pictures are way better than anything I have ever taken! I love that viewpoint from Germany. Must remember that. The pictures you have of the burning barge are spectacular!!!

So here's a question- do they cancel Illuminations for weather? I'm trying to think if I have ever been there and heard cancellation or delay announcements. We were told by a CM (not a bus driver) that Wishes is never cancelled when we were at the Wishes dessert party during a downpour. In either case, if there is a lightning storm in the area, I'm sure Disney does not want to encourage people to be outside in the open.

I went to nursing school right out of high school and I remember thinking it would be terrible if I didn't pass, but I was always afraid of making a mistake and causing harm. And I still am. When I stay overnight in the ICU and manage those patients overnight I still get butterflies in my stomach because I constantly fear making a bad judgment call.

I totally understand that! Not passing is one thing and certainly not the end of the world. Hurting someone because you "didn't see it coming" or like you say, making a bad judgement call would be devastating. :(

Think I understand the philosophy of the instructors. When I first started in nursing you always respected the instructors and even when you didn't like test questions, you accepted the answer and tried to learn from the way the question was asked so you could apply that critical thinking to future questions. When students are too aggressive and fight too much about the type of questions that have been asked FOR YEARS, its got to be frustrating for the instructors and program directors. Plus, its potentially a sign that the individual is going to have difficulty working in a team situation. So I get IT!

That I can totally respect. I think coming in with an "I want to learn" attitude is a much better approach!

Thanks! The jalapeño rita is really good. That and the cucumber are my favorite. Usually the drink is just the right amount of strong. This time - WOOOOOOOO!

So, it was a good night. ;)

Auto. I always use auto unless I am inside in the dark (like HM dark). I really need to upgrade my camera because my auto focus can definitely lag.

I just wish I had time to do any photography at all right now. :sad2:
I am so behind on all of the TR's I follow, I have been so busy with work, I have gotten called out in the middle of the night a couple times recently too.

Nice update, so glad you started feeling better after getting hit with that gate, I can imagine it was scary. Nice pics of the pool and your room, I would love to stay there someday, such a beautiful resort.
I had no idea Tusker was a character lunch. I've only eaten there once and's a buffet. Not that there was anything wrong with it but it didn't wow me either. Then again it takes a lot for any buffet to wow me.

The first time we ate there was about 5 years ago. We were on the deluxe dining plan and, well, you know - we had to eat all TS. Denny loved it. It was a serious surprise hit of the trip. He mentioned how much he liked it for several trips after, so I figure, why not? But this time it just wasn't as good. So boo!

I totally agree on Disney desserts. As you know I'm not much of a dessert person anyway but they are generally bland and tasteless (or sometimes downright bad!) and full of calories. No thanks, I'll take that rita for dessert instead. :lmao:

:rotfl2: Agreed. I much rather drink my dessert than eat it!

Speaking of, that happened to us once at the Ditch. The first time we ever went there. When the CM, as he was pouring goes "you wanted them strong right?" and did a whole extra float of tequila. Yowza!

Oh wow! I didn't even notice how our drinks were made. I just know it was seriously strong. So strong that it wasn't even enjoyable at first, but that changed quickly enough. :rotfl2:

I can't believe Denny has never stayed at BCV! So, what did he think?

He really liked it. He still hasn't stayed at BLT either, but I honestly don't think he would like it there, so I've never even tried to book a stay there for the two of us. I guess I should, but I don't see the point.

Besides the fact that there was a cougar floating around.



:lmao: Denny didn't even see the cougar. Too bad! :rotfl:

Accomplishing one New Years goal and getting caught up on TR's. I pretty much stopped reading them all in November. My dad was diagnosed with cancer and I just couldn't handle happy for awhile.

Glad you are back and reading. So sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he is doing OK right now. Getting a diagnosis like that is extremely stressful. Thinking and praying for you, your dad, and the rest of your family.

I'm not sure where I left off so read the last trip up to date.

I give you props for trying to catch up again. Sometimes if I get too far behind, I just give up, so you are doing much better than I! ::yes::

I don't do Rock N Roller coaster, not a huge fan of coasters anyway.

I love coasters, but they don't always love me if I sit too far back. I need to be right up front! :)

I love Sci Fi and I agree it is very much like my memories of them. I really miss the drive ins

Those movie clips took me right back. I totally remember all those little snippets. I have no desire to sit in a car and watch movies these days, but they were certainly fun at the time.

I have decided one day I am going to DHS just to get pics of the Street Performers. One of the best memories I have of a trip with my DGS was with them. He talked about it for months afterwards.

It is fun to go to a park with a picture goal in mind. I do that a lot as well. The street performers are so awesome and the picture opportunities are limitless.

The Tarpon Springs part of the trip looked like so much fun. I spent time in St. Petersburg many years ago and don't have fond memories of it. The city was nice but some things happened while there that ruined it for me.

Ouch - Sorry to hear that. It must have been pretty bad to have such bad memories of it. We never got a chance to visit St. Pete's. I would like to if we go back to the area. They have some interesting segway tours that I would like to do.

Tarpon Springs reminded me of the movie Beyond the Twelve Mile Reef. It was about sponge divers and starred a very YOUNG Robert Wagner.

Cool! I have never seen that movie. Sounds like its worth looking up!

The kayaking looked like a lot of fun especially seeing the manatees but doubt I would ever do it. My brother has tried to get me to go out on the Delaware with him, he actually was a kayaking instructor for a few years, but not going to happen. I can't swim and I'm not really a water person.

I would honestly be a lot more afraid to kayak on the Delaware than with the manatees. It was seriously very shallow for most of the trip. The manatees were obviously in deeper water, but we were so close to the shore and it was so calm that it wasn't a bit scary.

The Skyway Bridge is terrifying. Really high and so low in spots it looks like the Bay will come right over the edge. I was on it years ago and couldn't wait to get off. My SIL is from St. Pete and had to cross it in a hurricane. :crazy2:

I can't imagine crossing it in a hurricane. That must have been insane. Hard to believe it wasn't completely shut down. In fact, I wonder how many times they actually have to shut it down.

Love the Eagles nest pics. We have one here in Philly not far from my house but it really is hard to get good shots of them because the area is roped off and protected. I'll have to head down again next month and hope the babies are visible.

Really? Where is it? I am curious. I absolutely LOVED seeing the babies and would love to be able to see more locally. Very cool!

Shell Beach looks like a collector's heaven. My DGD just started collecting shells and she would love it there. All we can find down the Jersey shore are clam and mussel shells.

I know! :rotfl2:Same at the Delaware beaches. Boring!

Sorry to hear you got hit with the gate but your pics on the safari were awesome, especially the lions and cheetahs. Glad you weren't injured too badly.

The hit in the chest just shook me up a bit, but I was fine. I was thrilled with how active the big cats were that day. Total score!

OK tipsy and amazing pics of Illuminations. Maybe I need to start drinking before taking pictures. You make me feel like a really bad amateur.

:rotfl2: Yes - tipsy can be very freeing. :rotfl2: Actually, I really need to take a tripod on one of these trips. I just hate packing it. And I hate carrying it around.

I am now caught up.

Yay! Like I said - strong work!
I read your update a couple of days ago, but every time I tried to respond, I got a long-running script error. Not sure if it is an issue with my computer or the DIS, but so far so good this morning.

Ugh - I had an issue with the DIS last night. I kept getting redirected to some other website. It was so annoying and wouldn't stop. I tried all kind of fixes. Finally it went away on its own.

That's weird about the character lunch at TH. The only time I ate lunch there was in 2008, and there were characters at breakfast, but not lunch. Then they had the Finding Nemo package for awhile- dine for lunch at a certain time and you got reserved seating for FN. Anyway, it has been a while because we are major Boma fans and dine there when we are in the area.

I love Boma, too! The first time we ate at TH we thought it was fairly similar to Boma and Denny loved it. That was 5 years ago. So going back was more for him then me. I just didn't love it, but there is a lot of Disney food I just don't love anymore.

Really pretty pictures of the spoonbills and I absolutely love the pictures of the black swans, especially the ones with the water droplets. Great capture- you can almost see the movement in the pictures.

Thanks! I really enjoyed watching all this wildlife on this trip. The black Swans were fascinating. I never really paid much attention to them before.

YAY!!! On to BCV!!!

First- a request- do you know the room number you had? Was it a villa? I have "view threads" for each of the resorts, BC/YC/BCV and if you don't mind, I would like to add your view pix to the BCV one.

OMG - Dee - I have no idea. I know I was on the top floor and we were very close to the elevator. If you showed me a map I might be able to pick out the room. I often take pictures of the room number, but I never did that this time. It was a nice location and a lovely view.

I don't get over to the YC side of SAB much and I didn't even know there were loungers with umbrellas over there. And it looked like there were actually empty chairs.

I enjoyed sitting over there. I will probably head there again next trip. It just seemed a little bit more spread out and quiet.

I guess everyone was too busy hogging the tubes to grab a seat.


And there was THAT! :lmao:

Wow, what gorgeous early evening shots of EPCOT. I can't believe how quickly it went from a beautiful evening to pouring rain. UGH!

It was a little disappointing to be holed up inside for awhile thanks to the rain. I mean rain happens, but we didn't have much time left in the world and didn't want to waste it inside.

Great pictures from the American Adventure show. We went in July 2013. I thought the boys would really like it because they are into history, but I think they found it a bit hokey. Kids! :sad2:

I guess if you are a true history expert it probably does seem hokey, but I love it. It's right on my level! ::yes::

Too funny about the strong margarita! Glad you were able to soldier on and drink it though.

And soldier on I did. I wasn't about to waste a $15 drink, so I held my nose and sipped it down. :rotfl2:

Buzzed or no- your Illuminations pictures are way better than anything I have ever taken! I love that viewpoint from Germany. Must remember that. The pictures you have of the burning barge are spectacular!!!

Thank you! I really loved that location. I have never taken pictures from there before, but that won't be the last time. It was a nice perspective and it was fun to be so close to all the buildings lit up.

So here's a question- do they cancel Illuminations for weather? I'm trying to think if I have ever been there and heard cancellation or delay announcements. We were told by a CM (not a bus driver) that Wishes is never cancelled when we were at the Wishes dessert party during a downpour. In either case, if there is a lightning storm in the area, I'm sure Disney does not want to encourage people to be outside in the open.


I was there one June where it was pouring most of the evening and I recall that Illuminations still went on. So I would think that the weather has to be extremely bad to cancel. That was my second time watching in the rain.
I totally understand that! Not passing is one thing and certainly not the end of the world. Hurting someone because you "didn't see it coming" or like you say, making a bad judgement call would be devastating. :(

Very devastating. Keeping that fear healthy, but not overpowering helps me make sound judgements and get help when I'm over my head.

That I can totally respect. I think coming in with an "I want to learn" attitude is a much better approach!

Having the "I want to learn" attitude works much better on many levels. Instructors will definitely gravitate to students who have that attitude. Students do themselves NO favors by not acting in this manner. Actually, being neutral is OK too. But combative is BAD. Get over it!

So, it was a good night. ;)

YUP! ::yes::::yes::::yes::

I just wish I had time to do any photography at all right now. :sad2:

That's the frustrating thing about school. Your creative juices have to go on the back burner for awhile.

I am so behind on all of the TR's I follow, I have been so busy with work, I have gotten called out in the middle of the night a couple times recently too.

I know the feeling of getting behind. Sometimes work and the holidays just makes it impossible to keep caught up. Ugh to going out in the middle of the night. I know its your job, but still....

Nice update, so glad you started feeling better after getting hit with that gate, I can imagine it was scary. Nice pics of the pool and your room, I would love to stay there someday, such a beautiful resort.

Thanks. And, yes, I felt much better after eating but I was a little scared when it first happened.

BCV is a great resort. So glad we got a chance to stay there. The location can't be beat!
Butterflies, Cloudy Skies, and …Cranes?

I’m trying to get this TR all wrapped folks. Just two more updates to go! Then its on to the girls trip and the 25th anniversary trip.

In other news - looks like we will be changing our June trip to mid-late August. Both Brian and Nick are trying to get internships and virtually every internship starts the first week of June, but most of them end by August. So August it is. I am just a few days away from the 7 month mark so I’m hoping I can still get BWV standard view, but if I can’t I may “splurge” on pool/garden view.

We shall see.

So on to this update.

Last day. But you know me. I always book an evening flight to get the most out of the day. I’m pretty sure I went for a run around the Boardwalk. I have no pictures to prove it, but considering I didn’t run the previous morning I could put money on the fact that I went this morning.

Then we had to pack up and take everything out to the car. Yup - that was getting old. *sigh*

Somehow we still managed to walk into Epcot right around park opening.

I obviously didn’t take my first picture until we got to England

The plan was to walk through Epcot and catch the monorail over to the MK for a couple FP’s and a DIS meet.

They were still putting the finishing touches on Flower & Garden and today was the official opening day.

Since this TR is shockingly low on pictures of me, I decided it would be a good idea to get one in Canada while the crowds were low.

The topiaries were super cute!

I could feel the excitement of the first day of F&G. It was a nice warm day and a perfect day to start the festival,

We stopped at the first garden we saw.

We grabbed one of these little beauties and were actually the very first people to get their passports stamped in the first garden.

I felt so special. I’m sure Denny could have cared less.

Look at the right of this photo. Is that guy fishing?

Of course not silly! He is watering the plants!

The gardens were as festive as ever!

We found Tink near the entrance to the Butterfly House.

We went inside the tent and tried to get a stamp. Thats when we found out the forgot a place for the stamp. Whaaaaaaat? So we got our stamp on the cover. That didn’t work well. It just smeared! Boo!

Because it was still cool, the butterflies were staying pretty quiet.

He (or she) is a little blurry, but this butterfly reminds me of ITTBAB.

Continued In Next Post
This guy is trying to hide

I really like these glass flowers. They were really pretty.

The last time I was in the butterfly house it was the middle of May and it felt like a gazillion degrees in there. This was so much nicer.

To tell you the truth, I was enjoying the first day of F&G so much that I didn’t want to leave.

But there was no way that was going to happen because I had a very important DIS lunch date.

We may have decided to blow off our first MK FP. I can’t remember. But we took time to see some of the other sights.

It was fun to see this topiary without a bunch of people around

We went into the Tow Mater garden

How super cute for kids

Yo Buzz!

We passed through another garden area

before heading here

The only reason we even stopped was because there was NO ONE in line and we had decided to cut through Innoventions on our way out of the park.

I find this girl far too animated.

and he is just a tad serious!

SOAT really woke me up. I think Denny put a few extra flips in it or something, but I was screaming like a baby about half way in. Wow - when I got off of there I had more adrenaline surging than after an extra larger cup of strong coffee.

I was more than ready to take on the rest of the day.

We saw these ladies on the way out. I want this job. Pick me Please!

Goofy looks like he is going to take Daisy out with that net

Continued In Next Post
There are no more pictures as we hopped the monorail and headed to the MK. We decided to take the ferry across and were afforded with a good view of the progress on the Poly DVC villas.

Work was going strong

Our ferry awaits

From the ferry. That is one HUGE crane!

Once inside I got my traditional balloon picture.

When we got up to castle we noticed that all the water had been drained. It looked very un-magical.

And check out all the cranes!

Talk about a major rehab!

I love the details in this picture

We passed through the castle.

Our first stop in the MK was Peter Pan. I rarely visit this attraction, but I decided a FP+ might be fun. I wanted to try to take some pics.

Pictures in here are super tough. My iso only goes to 1600 and I had to put my lens in manual focus. The results still weren’t that great.

Not even sure what this is.

Continued In Next Post


Almost a good picture!

I like this one!

After our ride on PeterPan I decided to visit the Tangled bathrooms just because I could!

We really DO meet KATMARK in the next update! Finally!
Holy Smokedogs, another LONG and picture-filled update! I've only gotten to go to F&G once, but it was so, SO beautiful and sense-filled. The butterflies were also a favorite with everyone.

I remember standing in the castle taking a gazillion photos of the mosaic as well. It's a fun place to find endless detail.

I hear that the Tangled bathrooms are quite something to behold. Guess I'll put that on the list as a must-see attraction. :rotfl:

I"m guessing the Poly Villas will be done when I get there, so those will have to be on my list as well. :)
Mary Ellen, beautiful pictures of all the topiaries and all of the flowers. I keep saying Flower & Garden is my favorite time to go; then we fall in love with Food & Wine; and we love the Christmas decorations and Osborne Lights. I think I should just live there and then they can all be my favorites all of the time. :lmao::lmao:

Great pictures of the butterfly garden and that one certainly does look like It's Tough to be a Bug!

I have seen some pictures of the Polynesian Villas...they look really pretty. I've also seen the cost. :eek: Maybe in my second lifetime.

Great balloon picture as always.

Weren't the cranes just awful at that time? And no water in the moats. It was so depressing (kind of like all the walls at the Animal Kingdom in September).

I love your pictures as you walk through the castle of the tiles...very pretty.

We rarely do Peter Pan unless it's first thing in the morning. And I is very hard to get pictures in there.

Love the Tangled bathroom very pretty.

We do? Are you sure? I look forward to the next update.
We were in WDW the third week of March and really enjoyed the Flower & Garden Show. I thought the children's play area was wonderful and something they should leave up year round. Kids need an area to play.

I hope you are able to get your BWV for August. We took our kids in August once. Our son was in college at that point and I knew it would be the last time that just the five of us would be together in Disney. All trips after that either had just our daughters or included significant others and extended family. Eventually it became "everyone pays for their own trip". ;) So, yes, the August trip was memorable, It was also very hot and rainy.
Beautiful pictures! I've only seen the tail-end of the Flower and Garden festival, and it was still gorgeous.
I’m trying to get this TR all wrapped folks. Just two more updates to go! Then its on to the girls trip and the 25th anniversary trip.

In other news - looks like we will be changing our June trip to mid-late August. Both Brian and Nick are trying to get internships and virtually every internship starts the first week of June, but most of them end by August. So August it is. I am just a few days away from the 7 month mark so I’m hoping I can still get BWV standard view, but if I can’t I may “splurge” on pool/garden view.

We shall see.

YAY for the girls trip, it will be lovely to read about spring again. I'm excited to have a TR that will be back in the WDW forum, DL just doesn't get the same activity level.

BOO for August trips though. Mixed blessing. Great that both want to work, just boo for August. Good luck on the standard view.

I really like these glass flowers. They were really pretty.

The last time I was in the butterfly house it was the middle of May and it felt like a gazillion degrees in there. This was so much nicer.

To tell you the truth, I was enjoying the first day of F&G so much that I didn’t want to leave.

I loved those flowers, can't believe how expensive they are though! It WAS a gazilion degrees in there in May.

before heading here

The only reason we even stopped was because there was NO ONE in line and we had decided to cut through Innoventions on our way out of the park.

SOAT really woke me up. I think Denny put a few extra flips in it or something, but I was screaming like a baby about half way in. Wow - when I got off of there I had more adrenaline surging than after an extra larger cup of strong coffee.

I STILL have not done this! Must fix in Feb. Must!

I was more than ready to take on the rest of the day.

We saw these ladies on the way out. I want this job. Pick me Please!

Perfect retirement plan I think!

After our ride on PeterPan I decided to visit the Tangled bathrooms just because I could!


So pretty but it is really still just a bathroom. Sigh.

YAY for KatMark!

So on the splurge topic.....

Food and Wine
Wine and Dine half
Poly Studio?

food for thought :goodvibes
Last day. But you know me. I always book an evening flight to get the most out of the day.

Veteran move. :thumbsup2

Then we had to pack up and take everything out to the car. Yup - that was getting old. *sigh*

It's not even enjoyable when you're leaving to go on vacation.

Of course not silly! He is watering the plants!

The gardens were as festive as ever!

I wish they'd keep those flowers around all year. It looks amazing.

SOAT really woke me up. I think Denny put a few extra flips in it or something, but I was screaming like a baby about half way in. Wow - when I got off of there I had more adrenaline surging than after an extra larger cup of strong coffee.

Denny's feeling a little sadistic, I guess.

When we got up to castle we noticed that all the water had been drained. It looked very un-magical.

:sad1: It does hurt the view, doesn't it?

I love the details in this picture

Me too! :thumbsup2

After our ride on PeterPan I decided to visit the Tangled bathrooms just because I could!

Nice photos there too!

We really DO meet KATMARK in the next update! Finally!

Pictures or it didn't happen!
Yes, good call getting a picture in Canada Mary Ellen. Very good choice. :thumbsup2

Flower and Garden is so impressive. I haven't seen it for a few years now and I really miss it. And really, who says Florida doesn't have seasons? Flower and Garden, Food and Wine, Christmas, etc. There are loads of seasons. :goodvibes

Oh wow, that is a lot of cranes. And drained waterways. This would not be a great time for a first Disney trip, that's for sure.
How neat that you were there for the official opening of the Flower & Garden Festival. I love love love how colorful and bright everything is during the festival and wish that they would extend it by a week or more so that we could see it again.


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