The anti-dining trip report that could have been a disaster but ended up being Yacht-some!! April 2021 at The Yacht Club! Complete 11/5!

I HATE being cold!!

My mom is the same way! I couldn't put the AC colder than 72 and she was still freezing!

I noticed the tea and wondered how you'd be feeling at this point.

Definitely getting better!

I legit thought this was gone. I couldn't find it last trip and thought it went the way of the umbrella!

I'll revolt if they get rid of him…although, I don't understand the significance of the Christmas theme there. Did that Christmas shop used to be open? I honestly don't remember!
APRIL 12, 2021

Hello, all!

I am sooooo not on track for finishing this before our August trip like I had hoped!
Every time I think I'll have time to post, something else distracts me and I never seem to!
I guess I'll just keep plugging along and see how far I get!

I left off after our rainy day in DHS,
heading back to the YC where I just wanted to stay in and warm up!
But I had previously made an ADR for Beaches and Cream
and since Allie wasn't with us the first day, she really wanted to keep it.
I begrudgingly went, only after making her give me her sweatpants to stay warm,
since all I had brought were my jeans and they definitely weren't cozy enough for this day!
So I bundled up and off we went.

I sat with Allie while she ordered and ate her ice cream...



Truthfully, I have so few pictures from this night
that I might have skipped this chapter altogether had it not been for our amazing server.
He was just so super sweet and friendly and maybe the best server we ever had there.
I wish now that I had asked for his name or grabbed a picture of him
or something, so I could do a cast compliment.
He didn't even do anything extraordinary,
but I had kind of felt bad about not ordering anything
and he was so understanding and sweet about it.

Allie felt the same as me and when the bill came,
she took the pen and a napkin to write this...


We also tipped him well but even that wasn't much
since we had only ordered an ice cream.

Anyway, a cute memory and a nice way to end our soggy day 🥰

next, a WILD time (and better weather!)!

I should preface this by telling y'all that I don't obsessively check the weather
while in WDW. I figure there's almost always a chance of rain
and we always carry our ponchos with us because of this.
We do the same thing but we had SO much rain last month. There was a down pour like you all experienced almost every day and it didn't let up quick. Definitely the most rain we've ever encountered down there. We had to be really flexible with our plans but thankfully some wonderful friend of mine showed me a great trick to change Disney reservations day of :earboy2:

Afterwards, we went straight to TSL and got in line for SDD.
Wow! Great job getting on this and Mickey and Minnie. That was not our experience. We even went to Slinky first thing at opening one morning and found a 100 minute wait. We never got to ride and Casey was not happy


I've never been a huge pretzel fan,
but this tasted glorious and I ate almost half.
Now I am a pretzel fan so its always glorious but after days of not eating I'm sure it tasted like the best thing ever.

We decided to wait out the rain under our umbrella,
but since the rain was coming sideways we were still getting soaked!
Wow!!!! That is some rain

I got very emotional at the end of this and started crying.
Just watching Ava watching Elsa got me all mushy,
and I was kind of sad for her that she couldn't meet her up close
because I know she would LOVE that.
❤❤❤ Nothing better than experiencing Disney through the eyes of a kiddo. Reminds us how special it all really is

Love the title!!!

We let Allie and Ava be the pilots which was a terrible decision,
but who's going to tell a 5 year old they can't be the pilot? Not me.
So my mom and I sat behind them and held on for dear life.
:rotfl2: I can only imagine. When we went for the annual passholder preview I had such anxiety about Casey piloting and crashing a bunch of star wars super fans.
We do the same thing but we had SO much rain last month. There was a down pour like you all experienced almost every day and it didn't let up quick. Definitely the most rain we've ever encountered down there.

Ugh, I'm so sick of rain! Even here at home it has been raining every dang day!

thankfully some wonderful friend of mine showed me a great trick to change Disney reservations day of :earboy2:

Hah! That almost bit me in the butt in April…with the 60 day window, it's almost impossible to modify certain reservations because there is ZERO availability even 60 days out. We actually had a third ADR for Beaches and Cream one day and we just walked over to cancel and they didn't charge us.

We even went to Slinky first thing at opening one morning and found a 100 minute wait. We never got to ride and Casey was not happy

Whattt?? I don't blame her! Poor Casey! I wouldn't be happy to not get on SDD either.

Now I am a pretzel fan

I might be a pretzel fan now too! I'll have to let you know when we go in August if they taste as good!

Nothing better than experiencing Disney through the eyes of a kiddo. Reminds us how special it all really is

I just wrote a reply and of course it Refreshed and lost everything ugh!

I have had So many issues with the Dis lately.

We also enjoyed Mama Melrose and BC, I loved walking over to BC from the YC!
How nice of Allie to write a thank you note to the waiter!
So sweet of Andi! I want to get ice cream there every trip lol but it just doesn't always fit in. Now I want to try the new ice cream place on the Boardwalk!

We even went to Slinky first thing at opening one morning and found a 100 minute wait. We never got to ride and Casey was not happy
Whoa really?? We did Slinky first thing in June, just a couple weeks before you went, went right there without running and found a 30 minute wait that was about 21. By the time we got off it was up to 90 of course, and didn't really go down all morning, but we also got on MMRR with a 40 minute posted/35 minute wait around 1. Will be interesting to see how it is next month since June was really the first trip post-COVID that we felt crowds.
My mom is the same way! I couldn't put the AC colder than 72 and she was still freezing!

Yep, that's me. 72 or bust.

Definitely getting better!

Good, I'm glad you were on the mend and slowly starting to enjoy the trip more in that regard.

I'll revolt if they get rid of him…although, I don't understand the significance of the Christmas theme there. Did that Christmas shop used to be open? I honestly don't remember!

I honestly don't either. Maybe a Christmas shop? Who knows, I just know it's a park icon and needs to be there!

Like the umbrella. 😆
I am sooooo not on track for finishing this before our August trip like I had hoped!
Every time I think I'll have time to post, something else distracts me and I never seem to!
I guess I'll just keep plugging along and see how far I get!

The good news is that there is no time limit to finishing a report! :) You can take as long as you want and those that want to read will. :)
I begrudgingly went, only after making her give me her sweatpants to stay warm,

Oh steep price she had to pay ;)

that I might have skipped this chapter altogether had it not been for our amazing server.
He was just so super sweet and friendly and maybe the best server we ever had there.
I wish now that I had asked for his name or grabbed a picture of him
or something, so I could do a cast compliment.
I've had a few of those in my trips along the way, and just adore when they go the extra mile to fun and friendly and efficient. One was at the Boathouse a few years back.

Anyway, a cute memory and a nice way to end our soggy day 🥰

I can't think of a better way!
I just wrote a reply and of course it Refreshed and lost everything ugh!

I have been using the little disk icon and saving along the way more than usual. I have trust issues now with the DIS.
Wow, really?? That's saying something! I always feel like we're the only people who like it there, but maybe I'm getting mixed up with Tony's!
Could be. Tony's is not known for its great food.
My mom always asks for butter too :thumbsup2
I should have done that!!!
:laughing: Better pack your shovel!
I am sooooo not on track for finishing this before our August trip like I had hoped!
That's okay. We'll be here, ready to read. :)
But I had previously made an ADR for Beaches and Cream
and since Allie wasn't with us the first day, she really wanted to keep it.
No kidding! There'd have to be a very good reason for me to cancel a B&C ADR!
I begrudgingly went, only after making her give me her sweatpants to stay warm,
Huh! Poor Allie had to go with nothing on but her underwear. Surely she froze her a... um... self.
Love this photo. :goodvibes
Truthfully, I have so few pictures from this night
that I might have skipped this chapter altogether had it not been for our amazing server.
He was just so super sweet and friendly and maybe the best server we ever had there.
That's great! I love when I get a really good server. I tip accordingly.
Very nice. I'm sure that was appreciated. :)
I left off after our rainy day in DHS,
heading back to the YC where I just wanted to stay in and warm up!
But I had previously made an ADR for Beaches and Cream
and since Allie wasn't with us the first day, she really wanted to keep it.

I don't blame her. We love B&C too now. You're a good Mom for sticking it out for her.

Allie felt the same as me and when the bill came,
she took the pen and a napkin to write this...

This is sooooo nice. Most times CMs only hear the complaints. I know it means a lot to them to get a nice comment.
I just wrote a reply and of course it Refreshed and lost everything ugh!

I have had So many issues with the Dis lately.

Same! The ads are super annoying! And I think it was you having trouble changing the size of your font? The same thing happened to me…but fortunately, it came right back without me having to really do anything but, ugh! My old eyes need LARGE font!

We also enjoyed Mama Melrose and BC, I loved walking over to BC from the YC!

It's the best!

So sweet of Andi! I want to get ice cream there every trip lol but it just doesn't always fit in. Now I want to try the new ice cream place on the Boardwalk!

Lol! It took me a minute to figure out who you were talking to! But Andi is sweet too! 🥰

I love that they have an ice cream window over there too…we'll definitely hit it in August!

Will be interesting to see how it is next month since June was really the first trip post-COVID that we felt crowds.

I thought April felt crowded but with all the talk about how crowded it is now, I'm kind of getting nervous for August!
The good news is that there is no time limit to finishing a report! :) You can take as long as you want and those that want to read will. :)

I hope you still think that next June when I'm still on this trip!

Oh steep price she had to pay ;)

She wasn't happy but was desperate enough and wanted her ice cream 😆

I have been using the little disk icon and saving along the way more than usual. I have trust issues now with the DIS.

Good idea! I'm going to start doing that too!
Could be. Tony's is not known for its great food.

Aw, be nice to Tony! ::yes::

Allie and I were narrowing down our August ADRs yesterday and we had to choose between Tony's and Be Our Guest. Guess which one we BOTH chose??! :laughing: I'm sure I made someone VERY happy to snag an ADR for BOG!

Huh! Poor Allie had to go with nothing on but her underwear. Surely she froze her a... um... self.


Very nice. I'm sure that was appreciated. :)

I'm sure they don't get that too often and I certainly never thought to do it :confused3

I don't blame her. We love B&C too now. You're a good Mom for sticking it out for her.

I felt guilty for not feeling well and I wanted to make sure I didn't let it put a damper on her trip, even though I'm sure it did anyway.

This is sooooo nice. Most times CMs only hear the complaints. I know it means a lot to them to get a nice comment.

Next time I'll do a picture and post a proper cast compliment on IG :thumbsup2
Aw, be nice to Tony! ::yes::
Don't get me wrong. I like Tony's. Is it the best spaghetti I've ever had? Nope. But I like it enough to have eaten there more than once. :) And you can't beat the location.
Allie and I were narrowing down our August ADRs yesterday and we had to choose between Tony's and Be Our Guest. Guess which one we BOTH chose??! :laughing: I'm sure I made someone VERY happy to snag an ADR for BOG!
I've given up on BOG. I don't want to pay that much for lunch service when all I want is the French onion soup!
Don't get me wrong. I like Tony's. Is it the best spaghetti I've ever had? Nope. But I like it enough to have eaten there more than once. :) And you can't beat the location.

The location is the best, especially when we make our ADR to coincide with the FoF parade! If they do end up bringing it back by then, we'll be ready!

I've given up on BOG. I don't want to pay that much for lunch service when all I want is the French onion soup

Ugh, same! I calculated how much it would be for the 7 of us and it's just not worth it, especially since I don't even really like the food there! Even if we got a picture with the Beast, paying over $500 for that is pushing it.
The location is the best, especially when we make our ADR to coincide with the FoF parade! If they do end up bringing it back by then, we'll be ready!
I’ve done that. We weren’t out on the veranda, but we did have a view. :)
Ugh, same! I calculated how much it would be for the 7 of us and it's just not worth it, especially since I don't even really like the food there! Even if we got a picture with the Beast, paying over $500 for that is pushing it.
:scared: Nope!
I hope you still think that next June when I'm still on this trip!

Well, yes!! Of course! :goodvibes:
Ugh, same! I calculated how much it would be for the 7 of us and it's just not worth it, especially since I don't even really like the food there! Even if we got a picture with the Beast, paying over $500 for that is pushing it.

Oh my gosh!! NO way! Holy cow!
Good morning, everyone!

We leave in less than two weeks for our next trip and I haven't done a thing to get ready! I definitely need to start packing but I work the next two days and then Wednesday morning, Allie and I head to New Jersey for her last dance comp :sad1: Actually, on that front, she got some exciting news. She tried out for, and made the dance team at Quinnipiac so she will still be dancing in college! She's very happy about that, and I hope to go watch her perform/compete sometimes! There's even a rumor that they are in a comp in WDW in January so this may just be the push I needed to finally get to see the F-ARTS!

In less exciting news, my mom is really stressing about going to WDW in two weeks. She's very (understandably) nervous because Ava is too young to be vaccinated, even though the rest of us are. She's seriously considering not coming and I'm really bummed about that, though I completely understand. The reports of crowds has me slightly on edge too but with two more trips this year, we'll make the best of it.

Anyway, this also brings up a problem that I had not foreseen. When I made ADRs for this trip, half are under her name…I made her an MDE account and almost all but a couple are split since I couldn't get anything for 7 people. I pretty much made all of our ADRs for 4/4 (Allie was considering bringing a friend and I figured we could always downsize if needed), so now if we all still go, it'll be 5 of us. I don't know if I should keep all the reservations in my mom's name and explain when we check-in that we only have 5, or do I cancel all the reservations in her name, keep the ones I have for 4 and hope they take all 5 of us?? Ughhh…add this to things I never knew I needed to worry about when planning a trip :confused3 What would you all do??

Back to April...

APRIL 12, 2021

We were up early and dressed in our finest animal prints, and at the bus stop by 6:58 am...


7:58 am…we're in the park and after a quick pic in front of the TOL,

we headed off on a Safari.

I honestly don't recall now why we didn't fo straight to FoP,
but my guess is that we were too far behind the crowd
and figured with everyone else headed there,
we'd get a couple more rides done first.

I don't remember much about the safari, so I guess it was fine.
The plastic sheets really impeded the views and made it hard to get pics.
Does anyone know if they are still there?

Afterwards, we walked towards Everest ,
where I always try to line up these pictures just so...


Ava decided she wanted her pic separately,
so we got a little off center :love:


And then someone finally got one of me, obviously way off :laughing:

With my stomach being what it was, I didn't ride EE this time like I normally do.
I waited in line with Allie but then she went by herself.

When she was done, we headed over to Pandora.

That's next!

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