The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

That tour looks amazing! I hope you are able to take it. :)

We did and it was truly one of the most magical places I have EVER been to. Amazing! But that chapter is a ways off yet.

I don't know if it is on the way, but Carlsbad Caverns National Park has the most amazing caves I've been it. The formations are beatiful. I was there with my geology class but in 1972 and would love to find a way to get back there.

That will have to be for another trip. I did do that as a child and will always remember the "bat flight". It's SUPER out of the way and harder to make time for, but as you say VERY worth it. Someday...

If those are Asian carp, then yes, they leap out of the water when they hear the noise from the boat motors and have been known to land in boats.

We did see a few leaping fish, but none on our tour. Between the time I wrote my intros and the time we left, the water had come up quite aa bit and they were jumping less. I can say though that we did see a LOT!!! Definitely a highlight of the trip.
I have to start this with how my only 1/4 cup of coffee so far--brain read the title of your thread. I thought "starting over" "becoming a ....woman" was the story of a transgender transformation and couldn't figure out why it was on the Trip Reports forum. :crazy:


Been in a morning lack-of-coffee stupor myself and read things like that. Cracks me up every time.

I'm not all the way through this thread yet, but I had to smile reading your description of your kids. They sound so similar to our's! "all-around good “kid”, He is a hard worker, loyal beyond all reason, and genuinely polite. Unless he’s interacting with his 19-year old sister. As with all siblings, they have a love-hate relationship, but if push came to shove, he’d defend her beyond all reason. He loves to play video games (what kid doesn’t these days?), play board games when I bribe him with dinner, and cook. Yep, you read that right
My kids are 21-32, the youngest of the 4 being the only DD. Video games are big but they also like board games with the parents (shocking, I know) and my sons love to cook.... actually more than DD!

That is great, and you're right, they sound very similar! Isn't it fun to enjoy adult relationships with our "kiddos"? Just love it!

Finally, before I close for now because even on a national holiday, a mom's work is never done.... Bowling Green KY holds a special place in my heart even though I've never set foot in the state of KY! Our cat was born there. 12 years ago his little kitten life was spared TWICE there! He was found on the street living alone and a kind person dropped him off at the local animal shelter. All was OK until the shelter got too crowded and he was put on the list to be euthanized (it was obviously NOT a no-kill shelter). Another kind-heart took the initiative to call a rescue group here in New Jersey. That group made the long trip down and loaded a truck with animals who were close to being euthanized to adopt out here in NJ. We saw the little grey kittens pic online and he became ours! We named him "Derby"... he is our KY Derby!! His personality is so unique. He is fun and mischievous. Smart and loving. He's a Peter Pan cat in that he refuses to grow up! Still kittenlike at 12! When I think of how his life could have easily ended before it began and how no one would have ever gotten to know this great personality... my eyes well up with tears. So grateful to all who played a part in saving him so he could brighten our lives for all these years and hopefully many more to come.

Awww, what a fantastic story. :D Thank you for sharing such a bright and happy story; they are a bit hard to come by these days and I'd so much rather see these than the negative stuff! Derby is a perfect name for him, love it!

Can't wait to read through the rest of your journey thread!!

And now it's started! :)

pic: He believes he has the right to sit and the table with us like this and we have given up trying to tell him this isn't allowed.

Well, of course! He is king of the roost! And lovely to boot, I might add.
Enjoying it so far! We went to Crater Lake a couple years ago and stayed in the lodge a couple nights. So beautiful - mid June and we got snow. You never know what you're gonna get!
Well, darn. That's too bad. Hopefully that'll thin out as you travel.

It did; this was the worst part of the trip in terms of smoke. Other environmental stuff cropped up though which was almost equally annoying.

I bet it does. You're between "homes" right now!

But "home" now. ;)

I see what you mean, but... that's kinda a cool shot. :)
Some were better than others. True of any photography, I suppose.
Kicked Zach out of the picture, huh?

LOL! Yep!!
I see smiles. We'll see if you still have them by the end of the trip... or will you be at each other's throats!

(Actually, that'd be a funny photo op.)

And... The resemblance between you two is pretty uncanny!

It would have been, but we actually traveled pretty well together. There were a few tense moments when I think he got impatient with me over this or that, but it passed quickly and the online book kept things from escalating too much. ;)

Who knew they'd put a windmill on the side of a vertical cliff!

LOL!!! That would be quite a sight!
Okay, just kidding. I've never seen one of those in real life. :)
We saw hundreds and all of them were still so picturesque. They really are pretty cool to see!
Alright I'm here as requested! I feel a little personally invested now, and I also know how a few things turn out by now. We will be following along because we have to know you are getting there safely! Can't wait to see where you're adventures take you!

Well HI THERE!! Yes, you are about to be featured as Hostess Extraordinaire. :D Next chapter!
WE didn't even talk about San Antonio! King William is pretty with Victorian Houses. Guenther House is a must for breakfast! Long waits on the weekends. River Walk is over rated but something to do once. Most restuarants there are pretty bland because they expect you to dump a bunch of hot sauce on everything. (sorry if I offend anyone, just my PNW taste buds) For great TEx Mex, go to the Pearl and eat at LaGloria's
outside! Do NOT camp in your car in SA!!! I said it wasn't safe here - 10
times more dangerous there! Remember, we lived there for 6 years.

We did camp in our car and I'm STILL paying for it almost a week later. But that's getting ahead of myself.

Guenther House was absolutely lovely. :) Such a beautiful setting and such cool history. We got there before opening and Rope Dropped it.

Fun active thing to do - in the DAYTIME, rent a hop on hop off bicycle in the park near the Alamo, and ride the Mission Trail. There are 5 missions on the trail. Some actually have functioning churches in them still. Just be sure to STAY ON the trail - watch the signs - we ended up in a bad part of town for part of it, and we had a cop driving back and forth to be sure we were okay - kid you not! But it is a really cool activity if you like history.
Well, a bit of a spoiler, but I wrecked my SA Day a bit with some Benedryl. :( With the humidity, heat, and my drug-induced stupor, we pooped out pretty quickly. But WHOA! That's a bit scary! We did make it to one (San Juan) and spent at least an hour there wandering the grounds. That was super fun!
I was afraid that the smoke would ruin Crater Lake. :(
We went to visit our daughter who lived north of Denver and smoke from the wild fires that summer had ruined the view of the Rockies.

It did, but what can ya do? We saw some other things that made up for it and maybe one day I'll be able to have a re-do. The US never runs out of lovely and interesting places to see! I hope you also get to re-visit the Rockies and see their grandeur!
:laughing: Little typo there! You wrote 122! I'm sure you meant 72 or 82.




No. We really had a hard time that day. We'd hoped to do more hiking, but both time restraints and weather said... nope.
Sorry. I don't know that song.

This might help....

But that is definitely beautiful! Wow!

Thanks!! I hope a lot of my photos turned out!
That's where you stayed??? How cool is that?!?!?
Yep, we stayed in a BUNCH of super cool places. This was maybe the most unique.


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