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It's only...
5 days away!
And I just had to count on my hand.
Poor Billy!
I have a math test on Friday..
I think that's it.
And possibly a quiz on the nitrogen cycle thingy.
You could make your schedule just like mine!
Because you know you wanna be in art and advanced french xD
Lol english = boring.
We just read A Sound of Thunder by Ray Bradbury.
Yeah it really was.

So did he get shot or was the sound of thunder a dinosaur?
I hate endings that make you guess.

We just read A Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe the other day.
The sound of thunder was the gun shot and the dinosaur.

We read Tell Tale Heart in 8th Grade. XD I love Poe's work.
It was a good story, I guess.
I had to do a piece of writing on it and got a superior =)

We then read Annabel Lee and the beginning of the Fall of the House of Usher.
It was a good story, I guess.
I had to do a piece of writing on it and got a superior =)

We then read Annabel Lee and the beginning of the Fall of the House of Usher.
I've never read those last two stories...

Right now we're reading about the Vietnam War. Last week we read about the Holocaust.
Annabel Lee is a poem. You should read it. It's short, easy to understand and quite... lovely?

Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

I'm reading Atonement right now, I'm on part two. I think I'm either going to pick a book from my teachers selection next, or I'm going to read a Mary Higgins Clark book. My friend was talking about one about this guy who kills these girls and then dances with their dead bodies (yes creepy!) but it sounds interseting.
Dances...with dead..bodies? How would you do that? Wouldn't the lifeless corpse just fall over? Hmmm.

I'm rereading Harry Potter. =O
ahaha I have no idea. It's called Loves Music, Loves To Dance or something like that. It must be good because he spent all of math talking about it.

All of them?

I have to do a book talk and I don't have any books I like to do it on. Catcher In The Rye has no plot and had nothing that drug me into reading it. Atonement is boring as hell, and I only read it because I've seen the movie. And The Notebook was disappointing.
Hmm, I may have to check that out.

I started with GoF, because the first three are slow. I finished GoF on Saturday, and now I'm reading OotP.

Good luck with the book talk...It should be interesting, at least.
Have you guys tried that new Genius thing on iTunes??


I'm pretty much addicted to it right now.
I'm clicking like every song I've got and seeing what it thinks would go well with it.
And it's so right! XD
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