Talking about budget buster! Gasoline...

Then they were short-sighted. Gas has been fairly high (with the threat that it could go higher) for many, many years. Oil will run out, eventually. Period. Especially now that China and India want more of a share of it.

I am sure the guy made all those 10 kids after the early 1980s or they would all be on their own by now. Gas was high, in todays dollars, 30 years ago. That is why we has so many compact cars even when the average family size was larger. Remember the Yugo!?

I remember those days and the Carter years of gas rationing.

Since I never forgot I never bought a gas guzzler. I am not worried when the gas goes up. I try to conserve put I do not have to make the choice of filling my tank so I can drive to the store where I have no money left for food or money for food but no gas to pick it up.

For those who forget history they will repeat it.
That's insane. Here in PA we only pay property tax on homes. We pay registration $36 each year for each car. New cars here have to be inspected too.
New cars have to be inspected, but they are done before you purchase them. The inspection generally gets a new sticker for the month you purchase. What the poster was saying was saying I think is that even if a car was inspected last month, if you purchased it this month, you have to have it inspected again as a new owner. New cars from PA don't actually go through an inspection. They just get a sticker good for 12 months because they are brand new and have never been driven (much.)
Here in Maine we pay excise tax every year. The 1st time on a new car is on the sticker price NOT what you paid for it. Tax is figured at roughly 3% of that price, plus $35 reg. plate and 12.50 per year for inspection, very year the rate decreases. Maine is quickly taking over Mass. for high taxes. It maybe Vacationland but its getting rather expensive to live here year round.
Then they were short-sighted. Gas has been fairly high (with the threat that it could go higher) for many, many years. Oil will run out, eventually. Period. Especially now that China and India want more of a share of it.

I wouldn't say it has been high for many, many years. I'm only 31 and when I started driving gas prices occasionally dipped below $1/gal. It was half of today's prices only 4 years ago, and I think the average American is pretty unaware of peak oil theories/predictions even now.

And again, all the woulda-coulda-shouldas in the world don't make a lick of difference in terms of the reality that we NEED truck drivers to bring goods to our stores, or that builders can't haul materials/tools in a Prius, or that there is simply no way for most low-wage service workers to live near their workplaces, or that practically every bit of food grown since the mid-60s has been bathed in petrochemicals. Sure, the suburban soccer mom with two kids can trade in her Hummer for a Prius, but that's only one very, very, very small facet of the issue.
$4.10:scared1: Filled up the van with $75 gas and it wasn't full - just stopped bc that's all the machine would do!
Our local Kroger gas station must get notified about new prices at the end of the shift so they lag the other gas stations. When we see a big jump at the Race Trac we head over to Kroger and fill up. We saw a 10-cent jump one day so we filled up all 3 cars. So not only do we beat the increases we can get 3 to 10 cents per gallon discount on top of the savings by using our Kroger card.
Anyone else remember the old gas pumps with the mechanical pricing? They used to only have two "digits" (for up to 99.9 cents). Then I noticed ones that had the $ digit covered with a plate. I said, hmmm... I'm guessing they're expecting the gas to go over $1. Now look where we are...


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