Take the 2 year old they said...It'll be fun they said...They were right!


DIS Veteran
Feb 25, 2013
Hi everyone! This is my first TR on the boards. I'm very excited (and a little nervous) about it and hope that you will enjoy hearing about the ups and downs of the BEST vacation of my life! Before I start the story, let's go through that necessary "get to know you" stage where I'll tell you a little about my family, how we ended up at Disney World, and myself.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Day 1 - The Drive and Arrival
Chapter 2 - Day 1 - An Evening at EPCOT
Chapter 3 - Day 2 - Early Morning at the Crystal Palace
Chapter 4 - Day 2 - A Magic Kingdom Morning
Chapter 5 - Day 2 - A WET Evening at Hollywood Studios
Chapter 6 - Day 3 - Elephants, Hippos, and Goats...OH MY!
Chapter 6 - Day 3 - Elephants, Hippos, and Goats...OH MY! Part Deux
Chapter 7 - Day 3 - What were we thinking?!
Chapter 8 - Day 3 - Father & Son Pirate Adventure
Chapter 9 - Day 3 - The Night I Cried at Pecos Bill!
Chapter 10 - Day 4 - Toys, Toys and More Toys!
Chapter 11 - Day 4 - Did someone say SUSHI?!
Chapter 12 - Day 5 - To Pee or Not to Pee?
Chapter 13 - Day 5 - The Running of the Rush's
Chapter 14 - Day 5 - This is it...do you feel it?!
Chapter 14 - Day 5 - This is it...do you feel it?! Part Deux
Chapter 15 - Day 6 - A Very Merry Birthday!
Chapter 15 - Day 6 - A Very Merry Birthday! Part Duex
Chapter 16 - Day 6 - A Magically Clear Afternoon
Chapter 17 - Day 6 - The Night My "Wishes" Came True
Chapter 18 - Day 7 - A Fossil Hunting We Go!
Chapter 19 - Day 7 - Shall We Dance?

My Family and I

My DH and I

About Me
My name is Ashley. I am a 30 year old high school social studies teacher, living in Concord, NC, who loves ALL things Disney. I inherited my love of Disney from my mother who also frequents the boards as "themommy." (Hi Mom! :wave2:) I've been to WDW at total of 16 times and have been at least once a year since I graduated high school in 2002. As a teacher I can't really afford expensive yearly trips but I have scored myself the coveted position of head chaperone for our high school's senior class trip. This allows me to get my fix from year to year. :banana: In a nutshell, I'm usually pretty happy - I love my family, my job, and my life!

My Husband
My DH is Lucas. He is 34 years old and this was his third trip to WDW. Both other times he went was with me. This was by far the most magical of his trips though. He even stated when this trip was over that he finally "felt the magic" although he'll never admit it.

My Sons
The loves of my life, my sons, were both on this trip as well. The trip was originally meant to be a 5th birthday present for my oldest son, Brody. We had intended to leave my youngest, Jackson, who will be 2 next week, with my mother. As the trip got closer though, the guilt got larger. Many people suggested that we bring both boys. After much deliberation, we finally decided to bring them both along.

My boys can sometimes seems very alike but for the most part they are definitely two separate kids. Brody (DS5) is very shy and reserved, much like his dad, whereas Jackson (DS2) is more outgoing and rambunctious. I hope you'll enjoy hearing more about their experiences on our trip!



How We Got to Disney
This WDW trip was a LONG time coming! Before my DH and I ever got married, I told him that one of my dreams was to take our children for their 5th birthdays to WDW. With that said, the actually planning for the trip started in September of 2013 when we booked our trip. My intention was to stay at a moderate resort but then I was faced with a trip dilemma - stay moderate and pay for food OOP or stay value and get the QS Dining Plan. I opted for the DP because the thought of having guilt free food seemed much better than a larger room and a pool with a slide. We decided on the QS plan because DS5 doesn't eat a lot or well. He is REALLY picky! Most sit down dining areas didn't have much on the menu for him, whereas every QS had the holy PB&J :worship:! I also didn't want to plan my day around ADRs.
We opted for a stay at All Star Sports, thinking the boys would like it best and made our reservations. We were right, they loved it. More about the resort later though. :)

The Big Top Reveal
We wanted the trip to be a surprise for DS5, but were also aware of the fact that he isn't very spontaneous and likes to know plans ahead of time. He is very schedule conscious (like both his parents). We decided that we would surprise him two weeks in advance at his birthday party. His actually birthday wasn't until the trip so we told him we were going to have his party a little early.

He wanted a Dumbo themed party. (This is where I should thank Netflix for introducing my children into Disney classics! popcorn::)

We decorated the house appropriately...

Did the singing of the birthday song and blowing of the candle...

And then heard a knock at the door, only to find a large package on the doorstep.

When the box was opened, a ton of balloons flew up into the air...

to reveal a sign saying that we were going to WDW!

All in all, the party was a huge success and now we needed to get ready to go!

Over the next two weeks, we decorated our Magic Bands, bought all the necessary supplies, and packed our stuff up.

Our Magic Bands

Our Packing Pile

I hope that's enough to draw you in and have you tag along on our journey! I plan to update the TR regularly.

Up Next: Checking in and an evening at EPCOT!
I saw your post on Facebook, and I'm joining in.

Your boys are both adorable. I love the reveal.
:wave2:Hi Ashley! Here you go spreading Disney magic again! pixiedust: You are going to do a great job with this TR and I can't wait to see how it all goes! Waiting patiently....popcorn::
Beautiful Family! I look forward to reading about your trip and the magic you enjoyed with your little ones.
I love your reveal. So cute! The party looks great.
We went in 2010 for my oldest daughters 5th birthday and we are going later this year for our youngest daughters 5th birthday. Such a fun time!
How did you decorate your magic bands? They look great!
I saw your post on Facebook, and I'm joining in.

Your boys are both adorable. I love the reveal.

Thanks for joining in KatMark! I think they are adorable too, but I'm a little partial. ;) The reveal took a long time to plan and get just right but it was so worth it. To be honest, I was just happy to be able to talk about the trip openly in front of him instead of doing it secretly. He knew we were going to go "one day" but knew that we had to wait our turn while other kids enjoyed WDW. He was really great about it all!

Following along, cant wait to read more! popcorn::

Thanks for following! Glad to have you!

:wave2:Hi Ashley! Here you go spreading Disney magic again! pixiedust: You are going to do a great job with this TR and I can't wait to see how it all goes! Waiting patiently....popcorn::

Hi mom! Glad you found it ok!

Beautiful Family! I look forward to reading about your trip and the magic you enjoyed with your little ones.

Thanks so much for subbing! We did have some great magic. It wasn't 100% magic the whole time but for every tantrum there were a million great moments!

Following along! Loved the reveal!:goodvibes

Thanks so much! It was a really fun reveal. He's very shy, even in front of friends and family, so it was a lot to take in at first but once everyone left he couldn't stop talking about how excited he was.

Following! :)

Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for following along. Hope you enjoy it.

I love your reveal. So cute! The party looks great.
We went in 2010 for my oldest daughters 5th birthday and we are going later this year for our youngest daughters 5th birthday. Such a fun time!
How did you decorate your magic bands? They look great!

Thanks so much! I stole the idea from a gender reveal party. :ssst: Isn't 5 years great! I really think it's the perfect age. Everything is so amazing to them. I'm jealous you get to take girls. I'd so love to get into the princesses but alas it was not in the cards for me. We aren't having any more (too scared of 3 boys!) so I'm hoping for granddaughters in the VERY FAR future. The first time I watched a vacation planning video, after I found out that my youngest was a boy, I cried my eyes out when they talked about all the fun you can have with your "little princess." Gotta love those crazy pregnancy hormones. I wouldn't trade my two boys for anything though. At least we didn't have to use a FP for Anna and Elsa!

:cool1:Can't wait to hear more!

Thanks for joining in! Hope you enjoy it!

Subbing in! Your boys are adorable!

Thank so much! I think they are too!

Cute! Cute! Cute! Write on ...

Happy to have you join! Stay tuned for more soon!
We left at 5:30 am on Saturday and were excited to embark on our 10 hour drive. We decided to stop at a Cracker Barrel for lunch so the boys could stretch their legs. It was crazy and had a 20 minute wait but it was still DELICIOUS!

Crazy Cracker Barrel pic! Gotta love the typical teen in the background on his phone!

"If you take a nap, we'll take a shortcut!" Worked like a charm!

Unfortunately, we decided to arrive into Orlando at the same time as everyone else on a Saturday afternoon and on top of that it started to rain. :( We weren't going to let the traffic and rain get us down though. After all, in a few short hours we had FPs for Soarin'! As the traffic jam continued and the FP time came closer we thought about calling off EPCOT until our last day but as we arrived the rain slowed so we decided EPCOT was still on!

We finally arrived at 3:50 and our first FP was for 5:30...no problem, right?!

We arrived and checked in to All Star Sports. I've stayed at this resort before but never with kids. I was worried that we would be cramped and regret the value resort but I never did, not even for a second. Moderate would have been nice, but I was very pleased with our stay at the hotel. I had requested a room in the football section and that's what we got! Second floor of football #7 facing the quiet, never-played-on playground. It was great! Sandwiched between both pools and close to the lobby/food court and parking lot! Perfect!!! Here are some pics from the resort, albeit taken on a different day with no rain. :)

Our building! We faced those trees on the right.

Check-in for us was SUPER easy. I did it online ahead of time. Within minutes we had our room assignment and everything was ready to go. Our stroller that we rented from Kingdom Strollers (GREAT company BTW) was waiting for us so we picked it up. This was one of the best decisions we made for the trip. We have a sit and stand stroller but the citi-mini double was far better!

The boys of course wanted to go to the pool as soon as they saw it but the lingering rain made it easy to talk them out of it. We threw all of the stuff in the room, decided to unpack later, and left for the bus stop!

UP NEXT: Our first park! An evening at EPCOT!
joining! Sounds like a great trip and glad you husband "felt the magic" :goodvibes

That was a great reveal! - and looks like you did a great job with the party (decorations, cupcakes, etc.)

We went last fall with a nearly 5 and nearly 2 year old and are going next with a fully 5 year old (going on 12) and a very much 2 year old (plus a 1 month old :rotfl:) ... obviously every family is different but we've never regretting taking our kids when young
Just before I went to do responses on my own TR, I scanned for updates on my other threads and found you did an update. :)

Love the pic of you and DS with your crazy faces at Cracker Barrell.

Nice job on getting the boys to take a nap. :thumbsup2

BOO to the rain, but yay for it stopping and your plans still a go for Epcot.

Enjoyed the pics of All Star Sports (haven't been there since we stayed for two nights in 2000 before moving over to the Coronado).
I love the silly pic at the Cracker Barrell! :goodvibes
Rain in Florida in the summer? Who knew! :confused3 :rotfl2:
Subbing! We have two girls (5 & 2) and an infant son and we have a trip to WDW scheduled for October. Can't wait to read how your boys love Disney!
I love your reveal. So cute! The party looks great.
We went in 2010 for my oldest daughters 5th birthday and we are going later this year for our youngest daughters 5th birthday. Such a fun time!
How did you decorate your magic bands? They look great!

I realized that when I replied to you earlier I didn't answer your question about the Magic Bands. Sorry. :) All of the boys' bands were done with temporary tattoos. I did a layer of fingernail polish base coat, then applied the tattoos that I bought at Party City, and then another layer of base coat. The base coat is a lot more flexible and less likely to crack. It's also better to apply everything while the band is hooked and not flat. For mine, I used white fingernail polish and a toothpick to paint the Mickey ears on and I covered it in base coat as well. It was really fun making them!

joining! Sounds like a great trip and glad you husband "felt the magic" :goodvibes

That was a great reveal! - and looks like you did a great job with the party (decorations, cupcakes, etc.)

We went last fall with a nearly 5 and nearly 2 year old and are going next with a fully 5 year old (going on 12) and a very much 2 year old (plus a 1 month old :rotfl:) ... obviously every family is different but we've never regretting taking our kids when young

Thanks for joining in! I'm really happy that DH felt the magic too! He's nowhere close to my level but I think I'll get him completely on my side one day. If I had my way I'd go every year but DH feels that once every 3 is enough.

The birthday party was such a hit! I have to give props to Pinterest for most of the ideas. I don't know how I ever lived without that website!

I'm sure you guys will have a great time next time you go. I'll never second guess little ones again. It's really something special.

Just before I went to do responses on my own TR, I scanned for updates on my other threads and found you did an update. :)

Love the pic of you and DS with your crazy faces at Cracker Barrell.

Nice job on getting the boys to take a nap. :thumbsup2

BOO to the rain, but yay for it stopping and your plans still a go for Epcot.

Enjoyed the pics of All Star Sports (haven't been there since we stayed for two nights in 2000 before moving over to the Coronado).

What is the name of your TR? I'd love to follow!

My boys are amazing nappers! They get up at the crack of dawn but they will still take 2-3 hour naps. It worked out great for RD in the mornings! DS5 kept asking if we were there yet and I told him that we'd get there faster if he slept. He was out pretty quick after that.

I've never stayed at Coronado. The only moderate I've stayed at if POR, which I loved. I look forward to learning more about Coronado from your TR.

Subbing! We have two girls (5 & 2) and an infant son and we have a trip to WDW scheduled for October. Can't wait to read how your boys love Disney!

Thanks for following along! That's so great that you are going in October. That's when we want to do our next trip in three years. I really want the Food and Wine Festival, free dining, and the MNSSHP, not to mention lower crowds and temperatures. I just have to be sure that the school doesn't mind me missing the days. Fingers crossed. I hope your trip is as amazing as ours. Is this your first time taking them?
I've got a little girl who will be 22 months for our trip in March, so I'll be reading along to see how everything goes!

I can't wait until she's old enough to do a reveal trip :goodvibes I love how the gift of balloons was from Mickey.

"If you take a nap, we'll take a shortcut!" Worked like a charm!

That's awesome! I'll have to remember that one :rotfl:


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