Surprised the kids, wife, and my readers w/ a 2 week trip to AoA!(*NEW* 11-7)

Nice with the Southwest flight maneuver. Very very smart.

Illegal picture taking. :thumbsup2 Although I would have been afraid of dropping the camera.

Kid pool tossing is an excellent sport.

I think I'm going to start singing Parker's Disney World song. It's so appropriate.
All caught up again, Dan. I can't believe how big those kiddos are getting...and they just get cuter every day.

Love how you were so smooth on your feet with covering questions by Candi (although you and Marv really need to be more careful in the future).

And Parker's questions just cracked me up. And love that he wanted to spend his money. :goodvibes
I'm so glad to finally be hearing about this trip!! I remember when you shared about Parker wanting to pay for the trip....:lovestruc about broke my heart. He has such a sweet heart.

Can't wait to hear more!! :goodvibes
Subbing - Better late than never, I guess! I enjoyed reading "Squirts, flirts..." your 2010 TR.
him singing this song as we are driving to grandparents for dinner one night about 3 weeks before go on the trip

"sometimes you just gotta, gotta go to disney world"
-our response to that was just laugh and tell him how cute that was, when asked where he heard it, he said i just made it up because i want to go to disney world.

This is so sweet and cute! :goodvibes

Next hurdle was the huge package of info that dawn sent us, including resort info, schedules i had to take all the AoA stuff out, i redid them and printed out POP info in its place...not alot of work but still sneaky sneaky.

We did talk about me sending the package and the fact that it would have AoA stuff in it, yes? I can't remember! I just want to make sure I didn't almost blow your cover. Oh, and I could have printed out Pop stuff for you - sorry about that. I just didn't think about it! :worried:

here is a disney picture for this update, last night we had the minnie head sugar cookie that we got with one of our snack credits before we left...

verdict, not worth it, very dry and no flavor, parker even made a face and didnt want to finish his part, and asked for milk.

:rotfl: So funny that he didn't like the cookie, either! My friend Anna bought a cookie off the Christmas tree at the Grand Floridian when we went in December 2008, and her little boy was 4 then and he decided he'd eat it. Well, it wasn't really made to be eaten, more of a decoration. But since he had already taken a bite, Anna told him he could eat the rest. He told her it was yucky and he didn't want it. She took a bite and spit it out! She was mad that she paid like $15 for a cookie that they couldn't even eat! :rotfl2:
All caught up! I love a surprise trip! I can't believe you also surprised all of us! Well, except Marv and Dawn, I guess.:rotfl2:

Such cute pics of the kids! I can't believe how grown up Parker is these days! Tell Candi she looks great!

there were also a few others that might have known but it involved some photopass stuff sooo:upsidedow

he looks way more grown up when we cut his hair if we let it go shabby he looks like a little toddler again.

she does look great thanks.

excited to see another trip report from you guys!!! such a fun back story:)

:welcome: thanks, hope you enjoy it.:)
We don't know when we are taking the little guy. It might be in January when I am doing the half marathon. If not then, definitely next November.
both sound like good times to take him, totally different experience at each age for him and you guys to witness it.

will you be doing a report of it?

Nice with the Southwest flight maneuver. Very very smart.
thanks, i love a good deal

the deal they were offereing last month that my BIL got was spend 1000 within the first three months of getting the card and get 50,000 points (i think that is how many it was)
he signed him and my sister up...they are hopping to get that for both of them and have enough to fly round trip from here to LA for disneyland.
Illegal picture taking. :thumbsup2 Although I would have been afraid of dropping the camera.
illegal picture taking is only illegal if you get caught;)...and okay if the guy running the zip line says "what camera, you look like you have it stored away to me":thumbsup2
Kid pool tossing is an excellent sport.
and wife approved unlike the kid tossing in the air inside the house.:confused3
I think I'm going to start singing Parker's Disney World song. It's so appropriate.
it does have a catchy ring to it.

All caught up again, Dan. I can't believe how big those kiddos are getting...and they just get cuter every day.

Love how you were so smooth on your feet with covering questions by Candi (although you and Marv really need to be more careful in the future).

And Parker's questions just cracked me up. And love that he wanted to spend his money. :goodvibes
i was born smooth kathy.:thumbsup2

he does have a good heart and is very that little guy

I'm so glad to finally be hearing about this trip!! I remember when you shared about Parker wanting to pay for the trip....:lovestruc about broke my heart. He has such a sweet heart.

Can't wait to hear more!! :goodvibes
he does, it was hard to keep it from him, but glad we did this trip.

Subbing - Better late than never, I guess! I enjoyed reading "Squirts, flirts..." your 2010 TR.
:welcome: thanks for joining in on another report...not late to the game, just started, and havent even gotten to the atual trip yet.

This is so sweet and cute! :goodvibes
We did talk about me sending the package and the fact that it would have AoA stuff in it, yes? I can't remember! I just want to make sure I didn't almost blow your cover. Oh, and I could have printed out Pop stuff for you - sorry about that. I just didn't think about it! :worried:
ohh you did dont worry, i even told you not to worry about it and send everything like you normally do...before it arrived i also told her not to open any mickey mail as there might be something secret in it...she didnt even bat an eye and said okay.

:rotfl: So funny that he didn't like the cookie, either! My friend Anna bought a cookie off the Christmas tree at the Grand Floridian when we went in December 2008, and her little boy was 4 then and he decided he'd eat it. Well, it wasn't really made to be eaten, more of a decoration. But since he had already taken a bite, Anna told him he could eat the rest. He told her it was yucky and he didn't want it. She took a bite and spit it out! She was mad that she paid like $15 for a cookie that they couldn't even eat! :rotfl2:
luckily it was just paid with a snack credit, i would have been upset even paying the 3 bucks for it.

very gross, not sure if eating it fresh right away made from the oven would have helped, the flavor was not there at was listed as a sugar cookie, but tasted more like a dried out gingerbread with very weak ginger bread flavoring.

that really stinks those cookies they got were so bad, you would think they would be awesome.
I have so enjoyed reading! We left AOA the day after you guys got there. :( We really enjoyed it!
We also have a four year old boy! They are so much fun. Can't wait to read more!
Am here :cool1:

I was in Disney the same time as you were. We even took a trip over to AOA to check it out. Looks awesome!!!

We might have crossed paths and didn't even know it :upsidedow

Off to read :coffee:
I have so enjoyed reading! We left AOA the day after you guys got there. :( We really enjoyed it!
We also have a four year old boy! They are so much fun. Can't wait to read more!
:welcome: glad you enjoyed it, it was a good resort, we had a good time...glad you liked it too.

are you going to do a report about your trip?

Am here :cool1:

I was in Disney the same time as you were. We even took a trip over to AOA to check it out. Looks awesome!!!

We might have crossed paths and didn't even know it :upsidedow

Off to read :coffee:
:welcome: glad to see one of the originals here.:thumbsup2

thats really funny, i didnt even know you were going...otherwise i would have told you were were going to be there too.

are you doing a TR about it, i always enjoyed yours in the past
:welcome: glad you enjoyed it, it was a good resort, we had a good time...glad you liked it too.

are you going to do a report about your trip?

:welcome: glad to see one of the originals here.:thumbsup2

thats really funny, i didnt even know you were going...otherwise i would have told you were were going to be there too.

are you doing a TR about it, i always enjoyed yours in the past

Thanks :goodvibes

No problem.:thumbsup2

Thank you for compliment. I have not done one in years, so maybe next year. I am pretty lazy and just post my trip pics on Facebook for now :lmao:

I can't believe how big Parker has gotten. He is so handsome

Noelle is such a cutie pie.

Good cover with Candi

How cute Parker kept asking to go to Disney. I bet it was breaking your heart not to tell him.

I can't wait to hear how their surprises went
Not sure yet! Maybe! Do you typically go every 2 years? I noticed in your signature yall go about every 2 years.. Thats about right for us too.. Looking at September 2014- It was such a nice time to go- ( Sept 14th just seems so far away) :(
Thanks :goodvibes

No problem.:thumbsup2

Thank you for compliment. I have not done one in years, so maybe next year. I am pretty lazy and just post my trip pics on Facebook for now :lmao:
they do take alot of work, but i like how it lengthens out my trip and makes the next one that much closer.:thumbsup2

can you PM me what your daily schedule was, i am curious if we did cross paths some day and not even know it.

I can't believe how big Parker has gotten. He is so handsome

Noelle is such a cutie pie.

Good cover with Candi

How cute Parker kept asking to go to Disney. I bet it was breaking your heart not to tell him.

I can't wait to hear how their surprises went
he is growing up so fast, but still has his little boy qualities that make you just want to hug the snot out of him.

it was hard not to tell him

Not sure yet! Maybe! Do you typically go every 2 years? I noticed in your signature yall go about every 2 years.. Thats about right for us too.. Looking at September 2014- It was such a nice time to go- ( Sept 14th just seems so far away) :(

TR's help the time between trips go much faster.:thumbsup2 by the time you finish the TR, you are ready to start really planning the next one.

we started out the first two years of our marriage, then switched to every 2 years, we would like to go more often, but it just sort of worked out that way the last 3 trips.

the off years let us take other week trips to other locations.

this sept. trip seemed to be the most crowded of the 3 sept trips we took.

we really enjoyed the early december trip we took, low crowds christmas stuff is up, and cooler weather 70's every day
they do take alot of work, but i like how it lengthens out my trip and makes the next one that much closer.:thumbsup2

can you PM me what your daily schedule was, i am curious if we did cross paths some day and not even know it.

he is growing up so fast, but still has his little boy qualities that make you just want to hug the snot out of him.

it was hard not to tell him

TR's help the time between trips go much faster.:thumbsup2 by the time you finish the TR, you are ready to start really planning the next one.

we started out the first two years of our marriage, then switched to every 2 years, we would like to go more often, but it just sort of worked out that way the last 3 trips.

the off years let us take other week trips to other locations.

this sept. trip seemed to be the most crowded of the 3 sept trips we took.

we really enjoyed the early december trip we took, low crowds christmas stuff is up, and cooler weather 70's every day

We have been in December before too and it is really nice. Just hard to afford trip, plus Christmas ;( I thought it was rather crowded too opposed to how I thought it would be... September is also nice because then when everyone else is going to the beach and things during the summer- you know your "after summer trip" is around the corner!
I'm here!

I knew about the trip! I feel so special LOL.

I'm going through post-Disney blues so it'll be a few days until I start my TR but I'll let you know asap! You did a great job keeping all of this a surprise. Especially with Candi trying to look up your reservation details! Can't wait to read about your trip.
We have been in December before too and it is really nice. Just hard to afford trip, plus Christmas ;( I thought it was rather crowded too opposed to how I thought it would be... September is also nice because then when everyone else is going to the beach and things during the summer- you know your "after summer trip" is around the corner!
thats true, one bad thing about it...we have already started a vacation fund for next trip, $100 bucks already...

i do like your thinking about that, having a trip when everyone else is sad there vacations are over. :thumbsup2

I'm here!

I knew about the trip! I feel so special LOL.

I'm going through post-Disney blues so it'll be a few days until I start my TR but I'll let you know asap! You did a great job keeping all of this a surprise. Especially with Candi trying to look up your reservation details! Can't wait to read about your trip.
yep you were another one of hte special few.;)

thats why i started mine right away monday, no chance to get the blues...and we were all happy to be home, had a great trip, but nothing like getting back home again when being gone thta long.
:welcome: mustard, nice to see you here. it seems like the first year has flown by, but also like it has taken a long time, which i guess is a good thing, we sure have done alot with them this last year.

he has always been that way, going after the older ladies, must take after me. :thumbsup2

Thank you! I know the girl's teenage years seem to be going very fast. The younger years leading up to "all day school" seemed to take forever! I'm glad that you all are getting out there and doing so much together :)

A ladies man learning from the master, aye? :thumbsup2

well i think the difference was like 350 for the length of the trip, minus what we paid OOP for the few table meals, it was closer to about 50 dollar difference, which sounds like a no brainer, and i almost pulled the trigger and did it.

but then i thought about the extra 9 sit down meals (if you take out the 3 we were doing no matter what) that it would add, and figured roughly 20-25 bucks in tips, and well that threw me off the upgrade for this trip. plus we were excited to try some different CS meal locations this trip we never had a chance to visit yet.

Great logic for sure, and you're right about the offerings of counter service that can easily get missed when you 'have' to use those table service credits.

I ran into the same thing the last 6 months about the resort for candi, when she was having a bad day i wanted so bad to tell her, but knew the surprise would be worth it.

we loved going in december, you will have a blast then, we found the crowds lighter then than in the fall when we go.

i will check out the PreTR thanks for the heads up.

You're right, and we're now only 2 weeks out from the start of leaving clues, so I know I can hold out.

I know we'll have a blast - I'm hopeful that this will be our best trip yet! :cool1:

Thank you very much for the helpful info you've given on my PTR, it makes all the difference hearing good info from the veterans here ::yes::

Back to your PTR -

Nice job working Southwest's credid card/points system, very cool. We did something similar back in 2008 for our WDW trip by signing up for the United Airlines CC.

Sounds like the fam did a whole bunch of stuff over that six month span, nice shot from the zip line that you did not take. Awww, I miss being able to throw the girls in the pool like that. Of course when Parker is a teen he may want to throw you!

LOL, nice song by Parker in the car! Nice job ducking the bullet with Candi on that text snafu. And lucky break that you got home before her on the day the ME tags came in! :cool1:

Can't wait to hear about the surprise and I agree with Parker, those sugar cookies stink.
they do take alot of work, but i like how it lengthens out my trip and makes the next one that much closer.:thumbsup2

can you PM me what your daily schedule was, i am curious if we did cross paths some day and not even know it.

he is growing up so fast, but still has his little boy qualities that make you just want to hug the snot out of him.

it was hard not to tell him

TR's help the time between trips go much faster.:thumbsup2 by the time you finish the TR, you are ready to start really planning the next one.

we started out the first two years of our marriage, then switched to every 2 years, we would like to go more often, but it just sort of worked out that way the last 3 trips.

the off years let us take other week trips to other locations.

this sept. trip seemed to be the most crowded of the 3 sept trips we took.

we really enjoyed the early december trip we took, low crowds christmas stuff is up, and cooler weather 70's every day

we changed up our itinerary a little, but will pull out notebook this weekend and let you know where we were

I can tell you we were at Epcot on the 3rd for 2 hours around 11:30am

Then we were at MK around 2:30 and left at 4:30 to head back to resort for dinner

will let you know rest later
Hey Dan,

I'm all caught up! Looking forward to seeing how the surprise goes. It's fun to read about someone else's surprise for a change and not have to worry about keeping the secret! :rotfl2:


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