Summer TR at BCV, the theme was RAIN! - Complete 1/23/16

How in the world do those turtles not get eaten by the aliigator? :faint: Ugh!

Dinner looks wonderful especially that white pizza! :cloud9:

::yes:: Yes ma'am I noticed. I am so happy for you, getting healthier.

Looks like we are at one month from tomorrow!!!! :woohoo: We need to figure out the plan. We arrive at 8:30 Friday night. Wish I could change that.
The photos with the alligator and the turtles amused me. I am glad that you still enjoyed dinner. I loved all the photos.

A great day at Epcot and the food looks good too.
The evening pics are beautiful.
I know the long halls at BCV well - last time we also had the end room and used the stairs many times near the parking lot/canal.
Waiting for more.......
What a fun afternoon and evening for you and Mom. Oh my word the neck of that turtle usung Mr Gator as a dining table for a tasty cracker! Too funny.

Oh yes the super long hallways at BCV! I was looking for the laundry once. I thought am I on the 13th floor of ToT?

That is a very good idea about bringing safe foods with you. Can't hurt to save money on food either!

That is wonderful you got Mom's request of the front row of Soarin. I think her reward for working hard at the Church conference. But mind that golf ball it's heading straight for you! I love the feeling of my legs dangling on this ride. I can't help swing them like a toddler in a highchair.

I have heard everybody rave about Karamel Kuche but like you everytime we go near it the line puts us off. Fantastic smell though!

A white pizza oh lovely. It looks yummy! Like the yeti on EE pizza all covered in snow.

How neat you saw the HS fireworks. Fantasmic maybe? The lights sure are pretty in EPCOT towards the BC. I just love this resort and the way you can access EPCOT by the river.

Perfect end to the day. That DVC bonus of renting a movie. All is complete! Looking forward to another day with you both.
How in the world do those turtles not get eaten by the aliigator? :faint: Ugh!

The alligator didn't seem to care about those turtles at all! We loved watching them. And the poor alligator missed out on many snacks because the turtles are so fast.

Dinner looks wonderful especially that white pizza! :cloud9:


::yes:: Yes ma'am I noticed. I am so happy for you, getting healthier.

Thank you so much :goodvibes It's slow going but it's going. It's exciting.

Looks like we are at one month from tomorrow!!!! :woohoo: We need to figure out the plan.

Yes, let's plan :) I'm getting excited!!!

We arrive at 8:30 Friday night. Wish I could change that.

That's ok. CA is open until midnight that night so we could possibly have a few hours of park time if you guys are up for it.
The photos with the alligator and the turtles amused me. I am glad that you still enjoyed dinner. I loved all the photos.


We loved watching the turtles and alligator, every time we passed the water we'd have to look. Dinner was still delicious. At that point I was still deciding to eat foods that would give me trouble, but I've quickly learned life is better without them and I'm finding new things.
A great day at Epcot and the food looks good too.
The evening pics are beautiful.
I know the long halls at BCV well - last time we also had the end room and used the stairs many times near the parking lot/canal.
Waiting for more.......

Those hallways seemed soooo long! Especially in the air conditioning.
What a fun afternoon and evening for you and Mom. Oh my word the neck of that turtle usung Mr Gator as a dining table for a tasty cracker! Too funny.

We loved watching the animals. I missed the cracker incident but mom very excitedly told me of the turtle climbing without fear on the alligators back!

Oh yes the super long hallways at BCV! I was looking for the laundry once. I thought am I on the 13th floor of ToT?

They just kept going on and on!

That is a very good idea about bringing safe foods with you. Can't hurt to save money on food either!

Absolutely, it saved a lot of money not going out to breakfast.

That is wonderful you got Mom's request of the front row of Soarin. I think her reward for working hard at the Church conference. But mind that golf ball it's heading straight for you! I love the feeling of my legs dangling on this ride. I can't help swing them like a toddler in a highchair.

It was a perfect first ride :)

I have heard everybody rave about Karamel Kuche but like you everytime we go near it the line puts us off. Fantastic smell though!

I'm sad we didn't stay because we never got back :( I absolutely love their caramel/marshmallow rolls.

A white pizza oh lovely. It looks yummy! Like the yeti on EE pizza all covered in snow.

Mom said it was beyond delicious! She ate the rest for breakfast at some point.

How neat you saw the HS fireworks. Fantasmic maybe? The lights sure are pretty in EPCOT towards the BC. I just love this resort and the way you can access EPCOT by the river.

I don't know if it was Fantasmic or the Frozen fireworks. I think it was the Frozen fireworks. We went and checked them out in person later on in the trip.

Perfect end to the day. That DVC bonus of renting a movie. All is complete! Looking forward to another day with you both.

You know how much I love renting movies!!!
I wanted to take a moment to post about my upcoming vacations.

In just 15 days I’ll be heading to WDW and Universal with my friend Christine. :hyper:

Dates: October 1-7.
Where: AKV Jambo House.
On October 1 we just have a standard view studio, but October 2-7 we’ll be on CL in a 1BR :cool1:

I met Christine at work, and she has not been to WDW in close to 30 years. We are also going to Universal which will be a first for both of us. And to make things even more exciting I’ll be meeting up with Corinna, dolphingirl47, as well. Christine wants to see and do everything. Well, as we all know it is impossible to see and do everything on one trip, let alone come back sane. So I’m having to pace things. Also, we’re needing to keep this very budget friendly which means we will not be going to parks every day.

As of right now Christine’s tickets are as follows:

WDW 2 days, Universal 3 days. This was mostly decided on budget. We will add a 3rd WDW day if budget allows.

I have a WDW PAP, and plan on buying Universal AP. (only $30 more than a 3 day ticket)

Here are the plans:

October 1: land at 8:45am in MCO, grab our rental car, and drive directly to Universal. Stay until they close, at 7:00pm, then head to Jambo House for the night. We’ll have been up since 3:00 that morning and we’ll be tired.
October 2: transfer to CL, eat a nice breakfast, head to Epcot, meet up with Corinna.
October 3: MK, hopefully meet up with Corinna again, have dinner in the Castle, EMHs until 1:00am.
October 4: pool day/mini golf/DTD
October 5: Universal
October 6: Universal?
October 7: If we did not go back to Universal on the 6th we’ll be going back this day to use up our ticket. Fly home at 7:15pm.

Now, as if that isn’t exciting enough, and I’m really excited about that trip, 6 days after coming back I’ll be flying out to DL!!! I did not mean for the two trips to be so close together but it just happened. October 1-7 was the best time for Christine, low crowds, good weather also factored in.

The CA trip has morphed in the last 17 months. On opening day in May 2014 I booked a 5 night Baja cruise with Jenny, rentayenta. Alison and Fran, franandaj, had booked as well and that was going to be great fun. Jenny had to drop the cruise but I had still planned to go. Until I lined up all the other vacations I had booked and realized everything was coming due at the same time. So I unfortunately had to drop the cruise too. BUT, realized I could still do DL because I had my DVC points to use. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to go.

So October 14-21 I’ll be going out to California.

I’ll still be able to see Alison and Fran on October 14 and 15, and then they go on their B2B cruises. Jenny and kids will be flying in October 16.

So my plans for that trip are:
October 14-18: Paradise Pier Standard View
October 18-19: VGC 1BR villa
October 19-21: DL Hotel pool view

I wanted to share, firstly because I’m super excited that they’re both coming up really fast, and secondly you’ll probably see us chatting a little bit on here and didn’t want you guys to be confused.

I have several other trips booked but I'll talk about those later.
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So I am a dork, we land at 6:30 pm NOT 8:30 PM. :woohoo:

Your plans look positively wonderful! I'm sad I'll miss the October meet with you, A&F. :( But I am happy my weird kids are concerned about their school work and don't want to miss a ton of days. They'll be missing a full week in late Nov/early Dec.
So I am a dork, we land at 6:30 pm NOT 8:30 PM. :woohoo:

Cool!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Did you decide to rent a car or did you need me to come get you guys?

Your plans look positively wonderful! I'm sad I'll miss the October meet with you, A&F. :( But I am happy my weird kids are concerned about their school work and don't want to miss a ton of days. They'll be missing a full week in late Nov/early Dec.

I'm so excited about everything, tons of fun will be had all over the place!

Your kids will be happy they didn't miss anymore school. I remember making up homework was a total pain. Kudos to them :)
I am going to rent a car but thank you sweet friend for offering. :flower3: Joshua is SO excited to see you too. I am sad you'll miss meeting Michael but happy you'll meet the girls and maybe Gabby's fella.

So food wise......what are we thinking? Isn't that one of the most important parts of any trip?
Mom is an event planner for our church headquarters and this trip was specifically planned for mom’s relaxation. She had a huge event in June/July in Texas. Every 5 years our church has a conference to vote on matters of importance, thousands of people from around the globe come together. Mom was in charge of all the food events. Lunch for 8,000 was a daily occurrence, plus many smaller events for special meetings. She was in Texas for 3 weeks, it was a complete success, but she needed a break.

Wow she was there for a long time! Bet she was looking forward to this break.

6:20 Soutwest flight
And at 8:30 we had arrived at MCO

I don't think you even understand how jealous I am of you to be at WDW in 2 hours! :faint:


Awesome view!

Love the room! I really want to stay here one day, but it's all about convincing DH.:rolleyes1

And looked at the alligator, he was too cool!

Um, heck no!

I love how it can look so beautiful one minute and in the next, it looks all dark and nasty. Gotta love FL weather in the Summer!

I have terrible eyesight, but did they seriously finish off two kitchen sinks?!

I have recently discovered I have a gluten intolerance.

When did you find this out? That's crazy, did you go to a doctor to find this out, or just by experimenting?

This looks amazing!

Good job ladies!

If you cancel after 11pm the night before you have to pay a $10 penalty fee per person. Um, no thanks, we’ll just go and get appetizers and probably take away most of what we order…

Now I want to know if they really do charge the penalty fee.

From the pictures in the beginning, I thought it was a really big alligator, but it's little so i'm cool with that :rotfl2:

Mom commented on the walk in that she’d love to have the first row. Well who wouldn’t love to have the first row. Well wouldn’t you know we got the first row!!! Perfect first ride of the trip. :cloud9:


I wanted the option to maybe have an offending item and suffer the consequences.


Mom started with the Tiramisu which she said was AMAZING!

I love that she starts her meal with dessert. She's done this before right?!

October 1: land at 8:45am in MCO, grab our rental car, and drive directly to Universal. Stay until they close, at 7:00pm, then head to Jambo House for the night. We’ll have been up since 3:00 that morning and we’ll be tired.
October 2: transfer to CL, eat a nice breakfast, head to Epcot, meet up with Corinna.
October 3: MK, hopefully meet up with Corinna again, have dinner in the Castle, EMHs until 1:00am.
October 4: pool day/mini golf/DTD
October 5: Universal
October 6: Universal?
October 7: If we did not go back to Universal on the 6th we’ll be going back this day to use up our ticket. Fly home at 7:15pm.

Ooh this sounds like fun!

So my plans for that trip are:
October 14-18: Paradise Pier Standard View
October 18-19: VGC 1BR villa
October 19-21: DL Hotel pool view

Can you believe there's NOTHING available the 10th through the 15th at any of the Disney hotels?? In fact, the majority of hotels are booked on that Wednesday the 14th, so we're still trying to figure out what we're doing.
Mom is an event planner for our church headquarters and this trip was specifically planned for mom’s relaxation. She had a huge event in June/July in Texas. Every 5 years our church has a conference to vote on matters of importance, thousands of people from around the globe come together. Mom was in charge of all the food events. Lunch for 8,000 was a daily occurrence, plus many smaller events for special meetings. She was in Texas for 3 weeks, it was a complete success, but she needed a break.

Wow she was there for a long time! Bet she was looking forward to this break.

6:20 Soutwest flight
And at 8:30 we had arrived at MCO

I don't think you even understand how jealous I am of you to be at WDW in 2 hours! :faint:

Awesome view!

Love the room! I really want to stay here one day, but it's all about convincing DH.:rolleyes1

And looked at the alligator, he was too cool!

Um, heck no!

I love how it can look so beautiful one minute and in the next, it looks all dark and nasty. Gotta love FL weather in the Summer!

I have terrible eyesight, but did they seriously finish off two kitchen sinks?!

I have recently discovered I have a gluten intolerance.

When did you find this out? That's crazy, did you go to a doctor to find this out, or just by experimenting?

This looks amazing!

Good job ladies!

If you cancel after 11pm the night before you have to pay a $10 penalty fee per person. Um, no thanks, we’ll just go and get appetizers and probably take away most of what we order…

Now I want to know if they really do charge the penalty fee.

From the pictures in the beginning, I thought it was a really big alligator, but it's little so i'm cool with that :rotfl2:

Mom commented on the walk in that she’d love to have the first row. Well who wouldn’t love to have the first row. Well wouldn’t you know we got the first row!!! Perfect first ride of the trip. :cloud9:


I wanted the option to maybe have an offending item and suffer the consequences.


Mom started with the Tiramisu which she said was AMAZING!

I love that she starts her meal with dessert. She's done this before right?!

October 1: land at 8:45am in MCO, grab our rental car, and drive directly to Universal. Stay until they close, at 7:00pm, then head to Jambo House for the night. We’ll have been up since 3:00 that morning and we’ll be tired.
October 2: transfer to CL, eat a nice breakfast, head to Epcot, meet up with Corinna.
October 3: MK, hopefully meet up with Corinna again, have dinner in the Castle, EMHs until 1:00am.
October 4: pool day/mini golf/DTD
October 5: Universal
October 6: Universal?
October 7: If we did not go back to Universal on the 6th we’ll be going back this day to use up our ticket. Fly home at 7:15pm.

Ooh this sounds like fun!

So my plans for that trip are:
October 14-18: Paradise Pier Standard View
October 18-19: VGC 1BR villa
October 19-21: DL Hotel pool view

Can you believe there's NOTHING available the 10th through the 15th at any of the Disney hotels?? In fact, the majority of hotels are booked on that Wednesday the 14th, so we're still trying to figure out what we're doing.
October 2: transfer to CL, eat a nice breakfast, head to Epcot, meet up with Corinna.
October 3: MK, hopefully meet up with Corinna again, have dinner in the Castle, EMHs until 1:00am.
October 4: pool day/mini golf/DTD

I very much like the sound of this. Just throwing something out there if the budget allows. There is MNSSHP on the 4th. I know that this means for you that you have to buy a separate ticket, but it would be cheaper for your friend than adding a third day and it is great fun. I have a ticket for this so we could make it a hat-trick of meets.

I am going to rent a car but thank you sweet friend for offering. :flower3: Joshua is SO excited to see you too. I am sad you'll miss meeting Michael but happy you'll meet the girls and maybe Gabby's fella.

So food wise......what are we thinking? Isn't that one of the most important parts of any trip?

You are most welcome, if you change your mind the offer is still there :)

I'm so excited to see you guys and meet the girls! I know I'll meet Michael at some point, hopefully sooner than the Avatarland trip, if that's still on.

FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD!!! I'm totally out of the loop with DL food. Had we talked about Cafe Orleans? Where do you guys, like to hit?
Wow she was there for a long time! Bet she was looking forward to this break.

She really was, I'm so glad I planned this trip. I needed it too at that point.

I don't think you even understand how jealous I am of you to be at WDW in 2 hours! :faint:

We're pretty lucky. But you can drive to DL in 2 hours right? I'd much rather drive than fly.

Awesome view!

It was!

Love the room! I really want to stay here one day, but it's all about convincing DH.:rolleyes1

Have you see the updated BWV rooms? I'm ready to stay there now.

Um, heck no!

He really was cool :teeth:

I love how it can look so beautiful one minute and in the next, it looks all dark and nasty. Gotta love FL weather in the Summer!

I hadn't been in the summer for many years. I completely forgot.

I have terrible eyesight, but did they seriously finish off two kitchen sinks?!

::yes:: yes indeed they did, I was impressed! I think 5 other tables ordered one while we were in there...

When did you find this out? That's crazy, did you go to a doctor to find this out, or just by experimenting?

Sorry if this is TMI everybody. I've had intestinal issues my entire life, I just thought they were normal. Even as a nurse I didn't think about it because it's all I've ever known. Well last year when my doctor said I had to lose weight or else he told me to cut out breads and pastas. Two of my favorite things. But I did in the purpose of weight loss. At some point I realized I wasn't having my tummy troubles anymore. Whenever I added anything with gluten the problems came back. So I experimented for months and it was always the same. Im now at the point where I'm slowly finding replacements for my favorite things, the pain/discomfort is no longer worth it.

This looks amazing!

It was! popcorn::

Good job ladies!

I'm glad I remembered an end shot.

Now I want to know if they really do charge the penalty fee.

I didn't want to find out. But I think it's ridiculous. They're going to get people to fill those tables.

From the pictures in the beginning, I thought it was a really big alligator, but it's little so i'm cool with that :rotfl2:

He was a cute little guy :)

It was too cool, especially after she said something about it.

Sadly I've found its no longer worth it, but seriously, I think I should have the choice to order something or not...

I love that she starts her meal with dessert. She's done this before right?!

Good memory! Yes, she does this from time to time. I think with this exact meal last year.

Ooh this sounds like fun!

I'm excited!

Can you believe there's NOTHING available the 10th through the 15th at any of the Disney hotels?? In fact, the majority of hotels are booked on that Wednesday the 14th, so we're still trying to figure out what we're doing.

Oh no!!! What's going on that week? It was hard to get something 6 months ago. I hope we can meet up. :)
I very much like the sound of this. Just throwing something out there if the budget allows. There is MNSSHP on the 4th. I know that this means for you that you have to buy a separate ticket, but it would be cheaper for your friend than adding a third day and it is great fun. I have a ticket for this so we could make it a hat-trick of meets.


I love this idea!!! Somebody else had suggested the party but I had only looked at the one for October 1st. That wouldn't work because of Universal. I also didn't know if Christine would want to go to MK twice. I'm going to look at prices again. I don't know if I should ask her or just book it. Hocus Pocus is my favorite Halloween movie and I've been really torn about missing the Sanderson sisters. I'll let you know what happens. :)
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Loving your upcoming plans. How fun for Christine to have that experience of Disney after 30 years absense! How perfect for her that she is lucky to go with an experienced Disney travellor like your good self. How fun to mert up with Corinna. Say Hi from me! We need to hear all about Hogwarts Express and the new additions at Harry Potter world! Pretty please...

Love AK!

DL amazeballs. Sensible to drop the cruise. Heartbreaking but like you say you don't loose out completely still get to see Jennie and family, Fran and Alison.

Looking forward to hearing all about that too.
Day 2

We had quite a lazy morning, we woke up around 9:30. Apparently both of us had woken up several times, saw the other was still asleep, and went back to sleep as well. I also had a major headache and had to take 4 advils to get rid of it. This happens every now and then.

I forgot to mention that last night when we tried to watch Rocketeer we discovered there was no DVD remote in the room… we have not had luck with the DVD players at BCV, last year we had a huge problem that took a few days to fix. We managed to get Rocketeer to play, but had such a time figuring how to get the TV to show the movie since you have to hit the input button. There was no input button on the remote we had. Finally mom thought to look on the actual TV and there was indeed some buttons hidden on the side of the TV. Very frustrating when you’re tired and wanting to unwind from a great day and can’t get the movie to play…

Our plan today was to head to Typhoon Lagoon. The weather was fabulously hot and sunny and we were excited. Mom had some almonds in the room for breakfast but I wasn’t hungry. I made us a couple honey/peanut butter sandwiches to take with us, and some cream cheese rolls I had made at home. We ended up heading out of the room at 11:35. No judgements, we don’t feel the need to rush on vacation any more.

I asked mom if we should take the ponchos but she didn’t think they were necessary. It was gorgeous out and we were going to a water park…

We dropped the movie back at the Marketplace and then headed to the bus stop. A bus was pulling in just as we walked up. Perfect bus magic!

I was a little nervous because I had bought mom a waterpark AP for this trip, she already had an existing regular AP, and it was supposedly on her MB. I had our confirmation number but forgot to bring any of our other stuff. My nervousness was unfounded because we were in without any trouble at all. Whew!

Mom stopped and took a picture for some people.

We went on a hunt for some chairs, the weather was gorgeous! We found some out of the way seats behind the pool. We ate a sandwich each before going in the lazy river.

It was so nice and hot it wasn’t even unpleasant going under the waterfalls. We went around a lap and a half and then it started raining, and I mean RAINING! We were going to stay in, we were wet anyway, but then I started getting chilly. So we got out and headed to our chairs, cutting across the wave pool. Well that water was warmer than the air so we decided to swim for a while. It was great fun with huge rain drops falling from above, and battling the big waves. But then lightning was spotted and we had to get out. We went and got our towels, the air was pretty chilly. We wandered around for a while, and I’m glad I took my camera.

It seemed that a lot of people left right away. We decided to wait a bit to see if the sun would come back out.

Mom had wanted a funnel cake but they closed the shop when it started raining. That didn’t make any sense to me, they could have made tons of money with people waiting around.


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