"SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP! It Builds Character and Strength!" A July 2011 TR-COMPLETE 4/5

Yay T-Rex! That’s John’s favorite! :thumbsup2

OMG I LOVE THAT SHIRT. I would wear that every day. I seriously need to get that in July. :goodvibes

That’s an awesome table spot! We have only ever sat in the asteroid room or whatever it’s called and the underwater part.

I love all of the dinosaurs and giant bugs at T-Rex, except for the giant praying mantis. I have an irrational fear of those things, so I can’t even stand to look at it! :scared:

It's so fun!

Hahaha you seriously should!!!

Those are fun rooms too though!

Ew. Yeah I have to agree there. :/ Ick!​

You are so right, the waffle fries there are AMAZING. Seriously, T-Rex has amazing food in general. I love it! John decided he wanted to take a break from there and eat at Rainforest Café. I love that place too, but I think I might miss T-Rex!


Lego Woody! Best Lego creation ever! :lovestruc

Haha, John totally bought The Burrow there a couple of trips ago. He still loves Legos!

Those are great souvies for the frumps! Those chocolates with all of the sayings are hilarious! :rotfl:

I love both of those! Rainforest is just classic though.


HAHAHA did he really!? That's great!

She loved it! They're too funny!​

Free souvenirs are the best! When we were on our Disneymoon in 2008 we were there during the 4th of July and we got beads like that but they were red and blue. I still have them, along with my New Year’s Eve plastic top hat I got in December! :goodvibes


Beautiful resort pictures, as always! POFQ really is gorgeous!

Haha awwww you and Mike look so sad. Those fake smiles aren’t fooling anyone! :hug:

Ugh I hate delayed flights. Especially when you’re leaving Disney. As if it’s not depressing enough already! :sad1:

I love those things! I still have my beads too!

Thanks! I LOVE that resort. :-)

We were. :/ But I wasn't too sad because I knew I would be back soon!

I know! I actually don't mind it usually because I get more time in Florida!​

That is SO FUNNY that they considered his wand a weapon. UMMM, of course it’s a weapon, TSA. It’s a WAND, duh. :rolleyes:

I’m so sad this TR is over, but I’m super excited about your next one! I can’t wait!! :banana:

I was cracking up! I was like "Mike, just stupefy him!" :laughing:

The next one will be up and running soon!​

I'm glad yall had such a great experience at Harry Potter! BUT THAT BIRD EXPERIENCE? No thanky.

Hahha those bath products are normal! At least, that's all I've had at the All Stars.

Okay um... so many questions right now. Fast passes to get in a park? Only for stuck-up resort people? And what exactly ARE stuck-up resort people? Oh... silly, silly boys.

MONORAIL. OMG. BAY LAKE TOWER. Wow. (I'm staying there this summer!!!!!!!) [Edit: I just told you that on twitter so this is a bit redundant haha.]

Ugh I was TERRIFIED. But the rest of the day was perfect!

Hmm...well maybe it's the Values that have those then? IDK.

I know! Oh newbs...how naive.

AHHHHHH THAT'S SO AWESOME! Yeah I'm still excited for you the second time around haha.​

All of your food at CA Grill looks amazing! Ugh, unfortunately though I can relate to you hearing the woman vomit, AND the one who was doing it... (and I've never been drunk or pregnant soooo hahahaha). Thankfully I've never done it at a fancy restaurant though.

I was JUST gonna say, the seashell is so Little Mermaid ish! (Obviously though, since we're both obsessed with that movie hahah).

Love the POFQ AND SSR pics! That's awesome that yall get to stay there!

OMG. Jess. MEAN! :rotfl:

It was! Oooh no fun! At least you weren't drunk haha. I'm pretty sure she probably was.

Hahaha we really are. It's the best!

Thanks! I am SO excited!

HAHAH it was terrible but funny at the same time. :P

Oh... oh no. I think I would have hurled off the edge off boat though. That song. It makes me ill. (Similar to *NSYNC.) HAHAHA I feel MIke's pain.

T-REX!!!! Love that place. Seriously though... if someone doesn't know what a waffle fry is... they haven't experienced life.

I'm sad this is over! BUT I'm very excited to read your side of things from August! YAY! :woohoo:

Hahaha I love NSYNC! Ah well. Yeah everyone was a little irritated haha.

Me too! It's awesome! Agreed...they are AMAHHHZING!

It's okay, another one is coming soon!​

Ah- so sad this trip report is done, but can't wait for your next one! Are you doing a full August trip report and then one from next month?! Either way- I can't wait to hear about your next Disney adventure!!!

I can't wait to share! Yep, that's the plan!​

Great trip report Kristen! You do a fabulous job of capturing the emotions of a Disney trip.:thumbsup2

I look forward to reading the next frump adventures!:banana:

Thank you so much!

I can't wait to share them!​

Haha, I love that you consider the bags souvenirs. I used to keep all of mine...until I moved and I had a collection of Disney bags spanning a decade that had never been used.

I really do! They're awesome! I have a HUGE collection as well haha.​

OMG! Talk about coincidence! I was driving to work the other day and I saw this on the back of the car in front of me. I had no idea these existed! They are so cool! Where did you get it? I totally want to buy one during my next trip.

Really? I love ours! It's so cute! I got mine at Island Mercantile in Animal Kingdom, but I'm pretty sure they're all over!​

Such a great trip report full of great memories! I can't wait to read the next one!

Thanks! Can't wait to share!​

LOL I wonder if Dave, Mike and Katie would be opposed to Characters in Flight...?

Thesaurus HAHAHA. That's wonderful. Puns are like my favorite thing.

The T-Rex Quesadillas are absolute perfection. The ones from Cheesecake are good... but the T-Rex ones blow them out of the water. #truestory

THOSE PRINCE CHARMING CHOCOLATES WERE SO FREAKING GOOD. Seriously they're really delicious, it's quite dangerous.

They might do it! We'll have to ask them!

Haha it was awesome!

AMEN. Cheesecake is substitution. (You just DIS hashtagged.)

Hahaha I'm so glad you enjoyed them!​

Aww leaving already!?..... jk it's been almost a year since this trip. I know it's about time to go. :laughing:

POFQ is my favorite <3


Wonderful wrap up! That sounded like a very fun trip! And I'm sure the August TR and OUR UPCOMING TRIP IN... 35(?) DAYS IS GOING TO BE WONDERFUL!

Hahaha yeah it's been going on for quite a bit!

I love it there!



I'm sorry to see your TR come to an end! I really enjoyed reading along!!!

I'm glad to hear your meal at T-Rex was good! It seems really fun in there with all of the different things to look at!

Mickey rice krispies are one of my favorite take-home Disney snacks. But they do always make you feel a bit sad you're not actually there! :laughing:

It's okay! There's another one coming soon!

I love that place! It really is loads of fun!

Me too! They're so convenient and delicious! (and bittersweet)​

I HAVE THAT SHIRT! LOL, the one at T Rex. I thought it was hilarious. I had to get it. :goodvibes Yum. T Rex looks good! I'll have to give it another try!

I love the water characters that the custodians draw! So cool.

Aww so sad when it's time to leave. You wear fake smiles and are wondering why it went so fast. It's funny because right when we get on the plane my mom and I are already planning/talking about our next trip.

Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I loved reading it and seeing the pictures. You looked like you had so much fun. Great job! :)

Hahaha do you really? That's awesome! You should definitely go back!

Me too! They're awesome!

That's what I do too! I always have to know when I'm going back next!

Thanks! I can't wait to start the next one!​

Boo it's over :sad1:
But yay for starting the next TR!!

Jess' joke was so evil...yet hilarious. Would have given me a heart attack if someone did that to me :lmao:

I love seeing all your souvenirs! I still need that travel mug in my life!

Wow your car door story sounds exactly like something that I would do. Mike sounds like he was displaying typical brother behavior with him laughing his ... off!

It's coming up soon!

Haha I agree! I basically did!

You should get it! I love mine!

Hahaha I was laughing too! It was just such a frumpy moment!​

You think they would have seen a billion HP wands by now. Really a weapon?
I am all for safety in airports but sometimes it seems like they waste their energy on insignificant things.

I was going to ask- was Dragon Challenge still dueling when you went? Or were they running them separately?

So excited for your next lot of adventures :goodvibes

I know! It's not like it's anything new! Like, HELLO? 18 drug dealers probably got past you while you were freaking out over a FAKE WAND.

Yeah it was! I heard they stopped doing that though! That's sad because the dueling ones were awesome!

Thanks! I am too! LOL.​

I turn my back for two seconds, and you go and finish your trip report?....Ok, it's been way longer than that....But there ain't no time like the present! Time to catch up while I'm still behind:


I love playing Poohsticks! It should definitely be a varsity sport - I'd be so good!


As Bugs Bunny would say, "Of course you know this means war!"....Time for sweet revenge...


Well, that was a lovely trip report. Can't wait to read your next one!

Hahaha yes it's been a month or two haha!

It really should! I am goooood at that game!

HAHAHAHA too funny.

Can't wait to start it!​

i have read all of Jess' reports and loved them so i came on over to yours and loved it too. you guys are so funny and really capture what everyone loves about disney. cant wait to read your next one! have fun on your next couple trips! your reports really keep me busy while waiting to go on mine!

Aw thanks for reading along! :goodvibes I love writing them! I'm so glad you like them! I can't wait to share it! Thanks. :-)
All caught up now!

And about to throw a DISMutiny! Seriously I'm done with this stupid submission token stuff! Can I just post a comment and be done with? GOSH! Anyways... what an amazing TR! Seriously, I enjoyed it and based on how I have so much to catch up on in terms of TRs at the moment, I read A LOT of TRs and this one was quite good. I got some notes down on your little adventures in WWoHP. Whether I go back to Florida and whether that trip is to Disney (*GASP*) or not, the plan is for a definite trip over in that direction. I really need a replacement for my beautiful HP wand. :'( I also gotta show my mother your lovely pictures of POFQ. She is one of THOSE Deluxe resort snobs and I think if I'm ever going back to Disney we must stay at a better-priced resort and POFQ seems like a nice one, no matter how beautiful SSR looks :goodvibes Well gotta make this a quick comment, people to see, places to go to (your new TR) and a whole lotta other things (homework bleh!) So tata for now! :D

Jeez I am so far behind! It is so embarrassing! School has just taken over my life!!!!! :scared1:

Anyway, first off- YAY for another trip!!! And so soon!! :woohoo: That is so exciting!

The T-Rex Cafe looks soooo good!!!! OMG those quesadillas!!!! :lovestruc I'm in love already!!

Ok, AMAZING pictures of POFQ! :thumbsup2 Those are beautiful!!! I love that resort sooooo very much! :love:

OMG I just about DIED laughing at your story of scraping the car door!! :rotfl: I would do the exact same thing!!!! And then he TSA being wary about Mike's wand???? I am just about in tears right now!!!! Maybe I'm just over tired...:rotfl: But what a cool ride in the town car! :thumbsup2

So sad it's over, but I am hopping right over onto your newest TR! :goodvibes
I loved your trip report and I cannot wait for the next one!!

I was really far behind so I just read the WWoHP part and I am so happy that I found a Disney and Harry Potter junkie like me! :laughing:
When I went to the WWoHP in November I went the day the DVD for HP7 Part 2 came out. This was unintentional and when we found out we couldn't change it because everything was already planned. So, it was SOOOOO crowded when we were there and we could hardly move around and I wasn't able to see all the small details which was a major bummer. BUT since it was the last DVD coming out the stars from the movies were there and I got to see Rupert Grint (Ron) from a distance, Evanna Lynch (Luna), andMark Williams (Mr. Weasly)!!!! It was amazing :cloud9:

Oh, and I love the cute boy count that you have at the bottom. That is defintatly something that I would do! Lol!
Catching up. Luvin all the pics and boo to trip report being over
All caught up now!

And about to throw a DISMutiny! Seriously I'm done with this stupid submission token stuff! Can I just post a comment and be done with? GOSH! Anyways... what an amazing TR! Seriously, I enjoyed it and based on how I have so much to catch up on in terms of TRs at the moment, I read A LOT of TRs and this one was quite good. I got some notes down on your little adventures in WWoHP. Whether I go back to Florida and whether that trip is to Disney (*GASP*) or not, the plan is for a definite trip over in that direction. I really need a replacement for my beautiful HP wand. :'( I also gotta show my mother your lovely pictures of POFQ. She is one of THOSE Deluxe resort snobs and I think if I'm ever going back to Disney we must stay at a better-priced resort and POFQ seems like a nice one, no matter how beautiful SSR looks :goodvibes Well gotta make this a quick comment, people to see, places to go to (your new TR) and a whole lotta other things (homework bleh!) So tata for now! :D


Well thank you for ranking my TR highly. :P LOL. You definitely need to go to WWoHP! My mom is the exact same way. POFQ definitely has a very deluxe feel! Go read my new TR!​

Awesome! Just subscribed!!!!

YAY! :yay:

Jeez I am so far behind! It is so embarrassing! School has just taken over my life!!!!! :scared1:

Anyway, first off- YAY for another trip!!! And so soon!! :woohoo: That is so exciting!

The T-Rex Cafe looks soooo good!!!! OMG those quesadillas!!!! :lovestruc I'm in love already!!

Ok, AMAZING pictures of POFQ! :thumbsup2 Those are beautiful!!! I love that resort sooooo very much! :love:

It's okay! I'm behind on new updates SO badly!

I am so excited!!! :banana:

It's fantastic!

Thank you so much! It's one of my absolute FAVORITES!​

OMG I just about DIED laughing at your story of scraping the car door!! :rotfl: I would do the exact same thing!!!! And then he TSA being wary about Mike's wand???? I am just about in tears right now!!!! Maybe I'm just over tired...:rotfl: But what a cool ride in the town car! :thumbsup2

So sad it's over, but I am hopping right over onto your newest TR! :goodvibes

Hahaha I'm such a frump. :P I thought it was really funny too. :laughing: The car ride was very stylish haha.

Yay! Hope you like it!​

I loved your trip report and I cannot wait for the next one!!

I was really far behind so I just read the WWoHP part and I am so happy that I found a Disney and Harry Potter junkie like me! :laughing:
When I went to the WWoHP in November I went the day the DVD for HP7 Part 2 came out. This was unintentional and when we found out we couldn't change it because everything was already planned. So, it was SOOOOO crowded when we were there and we could hardly move around and I wasn't able to see all the small details which was a major bummer. BUT since it was the last DVD coming out the stars from the movies were there and I got to see Rupert Grint (Ron) from a distance, Evanna Lynch (Luna), andMark Williams (Mr. Weasly)!!!! It was amazing :cloud9:

Oh, and I love the cute boy count that you have at the bottom. That is defintatly something that I would do! Lol!

Thanks so much!

I am definitely a dual-junkie! AHHHH ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? That's amazing!!!! I would have died. I love them!!

Hahaha it brightens up the update, I think. ;)

Catching up. Luvin all the pics and boo to trip report being over

Thanks! There's a new one! You should check it out. :-)
Awww, I'm so sad it's over! I know I didn't comment a lot but I really enjoyed reading! Can't wait for your next one :)
Awww, I'm so sad it's over! I know I didn't comment a lot but I really enjoyed reading! Can't wait for your next one :)

Hope you're enjoying it! :)

Boo to end of trip but luvin all your souvey's

Thanks! Hope you're reading the next one!​

Awesome TR I'll have to go find the new one! you should put links in your sig!

It's in there. It's probably just concealed underneath my tickers!​
Hi Kristen! I know im a little late to the party but I found your TR via Jess's TR who I found via Alicia's TR! I am only on chapter 38 but wanted to leave a wee message. I am loving your TR. I have lol'd a lot! :lmao:

I recieved a package this morning that I think you would like...

A monorail bracelet! :cheer2:

I got a red one for me a blue one for my sister and a yellow one for my BFF for when we go in 79 days! :cool1:

I love Aero's too! We have mint Aero's and orange Aero's over here. They are delish! :yay:

Enough rambling for just now!

Take care

Sarah :goodvibes
Hi Kristen! I know im a little late to the party but I found your TR via Jess's TR who I found via Alicia's TR! I am only on chapter 38 but wanted to leave a wee message. I am loving your TR. I have lol'd a lot! :lmao:

I recieved a package this morning that I think you would like...

A monorail bracelet! :cheer2:

I got a red one for me a blue one for my sister and a yellow one for my BFF for when we go in 79 days! :cool1:

Hi! Thanks for stopping by! :)

That's awesome! I want one of those!!!​

I love Aero's too! We have mint Aero's and orange Aero's over here. They are delish! :yay:

Enough rambling for just now!

Take care

Sarah :goodvibes

They're soooo good! You too!:goodvibes
I just read your whole TR from start to finish and I thought it was brilliant! You look like you had an amazing time and I have to say I love that you like British stuff so much! ;)
I just read your whole TR from start to finish and I thought it was brilliant! You look like you had an amazing time and I have to say I love that you like British stuff so much! ;)

Oh yay! Check out the new one!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :goodvibes I love the U.K.!! :thumbsup2


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