Stroller rules to be enforced

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Probably. I have seen a security CM whip out a tape measure, recently, at the security checkpoint at Disneyalnd to measure, I think, a cooler. They do carry them.
Thanks for the reply! since I wasn’t commenting about the appropriate age for a child to be in a stroller, I wasn’t sure if anyone would actually read or reply to my post on this thread.
Strollers are designed and intended for use by any child that doesn’t exceed the limits of said stroller. It’s that simple.

Manufacturers upped the weight limits because of the obesity epidemic in this country, where a 50 pound 3 year old is, sadly, not uncommon.

That is the ONLY reason. Just because a skinny kid weighs under the upper limit doesn't mean the stroller is still appropriate.
Manufacturers upped the weight limits because of the obesity epidemic in this country, where a 50 pound 3 year old is, sadly, not uncommon.

That is the ONLY reason. Just because a skinny kid weighs under the upper limit doesn't mean the stroller is still appropriate.

We all get to decide for our own family what is appropriate or not. You don't get to make that choice for anyone but your own family.
I started reading this thread and thought hmm that keenz might be great for my trip since I have a 6 4 and 1yr old. Then I saw they were $400.
Nope the heck out of Amazon.
In fairness to Amazon, that's the MSRP. Maybe even n the manufacturer's required retail price.
I don’t mind them enforcing the rule, however there are PLENTY ECV’s that are larger than strollers. The ones that Disney rents out are ginormous. They cannot be easily moved by a cast member when parked
Even the ECVs rented by Disney fit within both the current and upcoming footprints.
But why are “wagons” that are pushed inherently bad?
They are wagons. Wagons are banned. It is more efficient, and less confusing or controversial to ban all of something than just some versions of the something.

ECVs are prohibited in, among other locations, the ToT queue because, I've been told, the lanes are too narrow to navigate.

Once I didn't know about the ban, and went all the way through the FP queue with no incidents. A number of years later, after not seeing the preshow since the above visit, I had the opportunity to demonstrate this in the company of a manager.
We all get to decide for our own family what is appropriate or not. You don't get to make that choice for anyone but your own family.

Yes, I'm well aware. I post on the DIS. I'm pretty sure that is part of the terms of service here...

I was just responding to the idea that the weight limits are intended to also be age limits by the manufacturer. They are not.
Yes, I'm well aware. I post on the DIS. I'm pretty sure that is part of the terms of service here...

I was just responding to the idea that the weight limits are intended to also be age limits by the manufacturer. They are not.

That we agree on.
It's common knowledge to people who bought strollers a long time ago. Heck, even back in 2004, when my son was born, it was hard to find a stroller with a 50lb limit. Most were 40lb or less.

But anyway, here is an article that talks about it:

What is common knowledge? You are claiming strollers are not designed for kids above an arbitrary age even when they fit. There’s no defined age, it’s dependant on everyone’s situation. Even in this thread, people can’t agree where that defined age is.

Not to mention we are talking about stroller use at WDW for children who are almost always not riding in strollers at home. I’m not concerned that stroller use at WDW does anything positive or negative for those children in the long run.
Did you read what I wrote? No one needs to justify anything to you.

What your opinion is on what age someone puts a child in a stroller doesn’t matter to another parent. Stay out of their business

Not when their decision is negatively affecting other guests. Just like when parents hoisting a kid up on their shoulders during fireworks and blocking other people's views.

Since when did being a parent give you carte blanche to do whatever you want no matter how it affects the people around you?

Doubling and tripling down, I see! Anyway, I don't even know where you'd even begin in constructing the argument that putting a 7-year-old in a stroller is selfish, of all words.

It's not up to anyone here to convince you that X age is appropriate for stroller use, just like it's not up to you to make the counter-argument. Disney allows certain types strollers within certain size guidelines, and that's really as far as anyone can tell anyone else what they "should" do with their kids and strollers.

It's selfish because they're adding to the congestion inside the parks unnecessarily and putting their darling child's happiness over common sense, courtesy and respect for others.
The AAP recommends a lot of things parents don’t follow to the letter. Screen time anyone?

Sharing articles of recommendations against *overuse* discussing things like stroller use during errands says nothing about who strollers are intended for by the manufacturers or use during out of the ordinary situations, like WDW.
Perhaps people who hate strollers so much shouldn't go to Disney. It's poor, selfish planning going to a place that caters to kids and expect to not see strollers.

I don't think anyone doesn't expect to see any strollers at all but It's also selfish and rude of adults to be pushing the largest stroller they can find leaving less space for anyone else when they have a child who is 9 or 10 clearly more than capable of walking to inconvenience others taking up more space than you need to be using knowing space is limited or these people trying to use it to push people out of parade or firework spots if I have had this spot for over an hour it gives you no right whatsoever to come up 5 minutes before trying to shove people out of the away with your stroller .Having children doesn't give you any special privileges to any spot You can pick them up or put them on your shoulders if they can't see or get their sooner and save your spot like other people do .I get sick of people thinking because they choice to have a child they should get special privileges over others as if nobody else in the world matters .It's a ridiculous way of thinking Disney is for anyone who pays to get inside not just people with kids in strollers .
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Thanks, we have the non-GT one, which I think is a tad wider (30"). I wasn't sure which way I should measure.
Outside of wheel to outside of wheel. If one axle is wider than the other, that set.
Looks like Keenz amended its Facebook post. Disney is back to being the happiest place on earth. They took out the "used to be".

"it will be affecting all our Keenz Families but most importantly our little Disney goer’s that love their stroller-wagon and the comfort it gives them at what is considered the “The Happiest Place on Earth”."
Walt Disney World was never The Happiest Place on Earth. That's DisneyLand. WDW is The Most Magical Place on Earth.

I can understand individuals not using the right information, but businesses? Shake on Keenz!
Can someone please explain how Disney could manage or fix the walkways to make this all better? I know they are widening the walkway behind/next to the castle at wdw but for the most part the walkways are what they are.
It has something to do with doorway widths and the ADA.

Disney obviously identified they have a problem that needs to be addressed. They are not going to ignore it because some people might already own a stroller that doesn't fit. Maybe they could have given a bit more notice like 6 months instead of 6 weeks. My guess is they want this in place well before SWGE opens so that the kinks of enforcing it are worked out in advance of the crazy Star Wars crowds that are coming.
The change goes into effect the same day at all parks, and just a month before the opening of SW:GE.
So the users of the keenz were never going against the park rules at the time since clearly they didn’t fit the common definition of a wagon and the rules at the time stated “or pulled by a human, including a wagon”. And even though the manufacturer uses both stroller and wagon in the name of the product it does not make it either of those things. (Which I find it funny people can figure out it doesn’t meet the common definition of stroller but can’t figure out that it doesn’t meet the definition of a wagon, hence why it is a hybrid of the two).

When it walks like a duck wagon and quacks like a duck wagon - it's a wagon. You could call it a watermelon but it would still be a wagon.

Wagons are prohibited.
The prohibition is about to be enforced.
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